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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Neo Member
Hey there FitGAF! Just had my account activated (which I'd completely forgotten about), so I figured this was as good a place as any to make introductions.

Sorry if this is a disruption to the thread, but I thought I'd see if there were any other Kinesiologists that follow this topic; even if there aren't, it's always nice to share resources among interested people :)

EDIT: Of course this is at the top of a new page..


I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!


Nelo Ice

So got stopped by gym employee while doing good mornings. Granted I always end up slamming them on the bar since that's how I learned to do them from one of Omar Isufs vids. Ok maybe he didn't slam but I guess I just need to tap the bars on the power rack lol. Of course 1st time anyone's complained about me doing them that way in 7 months.

Edit: Also is there another accessory I should be doing on squat day instead of good mornings?. I'm on 5/3/1 BBB.
I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!

Nice work dude, arms looking big. Going for the same goals atm. What program are doing, what are your lifts now?
I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!

Sean your looking awesome bro. Amazing progress your unrecognizable from when you first started


I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!
Looking great. I like you with hair, starting to look like a model.
"Check out this science backed research I found on blogspot and ignore decades worth of proven techniques and studies!"

They clicked the link while researching Paleo and Raw Diets, where the scientific foundation is flawed anecdotes.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!

Nelo Ice

So aside from the basic SS routine from the OP, what other exercises should I be telling people to do?. I've managed to convince 3 ppl to get on SS and I'm training them all at once lol. They keep asking me what to do besides the main compounds. Like what should I tell them to do to build up to pull ups?. I tried negatives or assisted but the girls aren't keen on them. Then instead of power cleans I've just told people to do Kroc rows. Since I'm not sure myself if I ever do cleans right or an alt exercise like BB rows.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Preach to me FitGaf. I'm in love with cookies and cream ON whey but want to venture out. What's your favorite ON flavor?


I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!

Our Sean's all grown up!

Looking incredible brother
Preach to me FitGaf. I'm in love with cookies and cream ON whey but want to venture out. What's your favorite ON flavor?

Does it have to be ON? Cinnamon Roll Myofusion is the greatest protein powder I have ever consummed.
Edit: Also is there another accessory I should be doing on squat day instead of good mornings?. I'm on 5/3/1 BBB.

Nah, you do your five sets of accessory squats (or deadlifts), and one other accessory on BBB. Good mornings are fine, I did hanging leg raises when I did some BBB.


Had no energy today. Did some decent work, but it was at a snail pace.

But today, the most embarrassing thing in my at this gym happened to me.

I walk into the locker room and I went to the corner locker with my green lock attached to it.

After several failed attempts, I couldn't open the lock. I assumed the gear mechanism must have jammed or something. I get the folks at the gym to try to clip the lock.

The lock is pretty sturdy and it wouldn't completely break. However, the door on the locker broke. When I opened the locker, noticed it wasn't my stuff.

I look across the room and there was my actual green lock on another corner.

I'm a moron. Luckily, I know the guy whose locker was broken by us. I apologized to him.

Now, I really feel like an old bastard.

Nelo Ice

Nah, you do your five sets of accessory squats (or deadlifts), and one other accessory on BBB. Good mornings are fine, I did hanging leg raises when I did some BBB.

K awesome was wondering in case I get another complaint about the bar to switch it. And yeah doing hanging leg raises on deadlift day since I'm usually too wiped to do anything else.
I'm enjoying chasing a mixed asthetics/strength goal right now. I've never had much definition before and it's kind of cool seeing some things show. I'm hoping by July/August I'll have an end product I'm really proud of. Growing my hair out too, so it's like a whole new Sean!

Trying to me more like your hero aka me.

Haha jk bro. Looking forward to the changes ahead!


Any disavantage to spanning my cheat "day" overnight, as in Friday's dinner through Saturday's lunch? I got some badass cake and wine sitting in front of me...

Was thinking maybe it's better to give myself Friday night's fast before breaking into cheat mode.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm not a huge cinnamon roll fan. Don't shoot...

How good is cookies and cream? To me strawberry is the best but I only tasted chocolate,strawberry and vanilla.
One scoop and one cup of milk is shockingly good. Especially when you are on a low sugar diet.


I've been doing Starting Strength using the app and just had my first missed sets. On Nov 16 I started and was doing 85 lb squats. Yesterday I was up to 195lbs (my body weight). First set was fine, second set only got two reps, and third set got three. I think I'm eating and sleeping enough but did take a week and a half off while I was traveling over the holidays. This was my second workout after the break, first was on Tuesday and went well. Should I attempt 195 again tomorrow or what? Thanks.

Also I realize that I'm going to need all new pants and jeans soon, my legs don't fit into the ones I have anymore.

According to the website, you keep trying until you fail out 3 days in a row. After that, you deload by 10% and resume with the normal week-to-week weight increases. If you're using the app, I think it will do all the necessary calculations for you.


Apparently my mom (53y) decided to join a gym. Don't know what kind of a gym it is but I'm guessing it's not bursting with free weights and barbells.

I'm guessing I should give her some sort of a program so she doesn't just end up doing whatever. I'm thinking it should mainly consist of dumbbell and kettlebell lifts first at least since I think they should be available.

Was thinking about the basic SS template but with higher rep range (8-10) for starters. Then maybe something else later when she understands the lifts better.


Nice work dude, arms looking big. Going for the same goals atm. What program are doing, what are your lifts now?

Sean your looking awesome bro. Amazing progress your unrecognizable from when you first started

Looking great. I like you with hair, starting to look like a model

Our Sean's all grown up!

Looking incredible brother

Thanks fit bros! I have a trip to New Orleans planned in July (or maybe August) for my buddy's bachelor party. Newest plan is to look as good as possible for that.


Didn't know so many of you used protein powder. I just eat plenty of chicken.
I gave them up too. Especially on a cut, it's such a waste when food can actually full you up. Shakes do nothing for me other than offer convenience, which isn't worth it to me.
I've posted this a million times, but the only way I drink coffee now is with protein powder as a creamer. it's also the equivalent of a preworkout for me.

So yeah, I definitely use a protein powder, but only for that. So I can live off one tub for a few months.


I'm in Barcelona for three days to scout out a job and hopefully sign the employment contract and all I can say is forgive me padre because I can't not eat all this amazing food despite needing to cut.

And on protein powder, I like it while cutting because it can be used to sweeten shakes; even some vile stuff becomes perfectly drinkable with 30g of the stuff.


I have a couple tubs of protein that expired around mid 2015. Think they're still good to consume?

Sean you're looking jacked.


3x5 @ 240 squats wrecked me. I need to get myself mentally prepared for Monday because 245 sounds scary right now. I'll get to do weighted chin ups for the first time, though and I'm excited about that.

The Enchanter

Neo Member
Wow, gym was packed yesterday, at like 2pm on a Thursday and all the PTs were flat out with new sign ons. So the fitness new years resolutions thing is, well a thing.

Hope people keep up with it.


99 percent won't.

Shit, most people who post in this thread quit.

I mean, I get it. I've been there most of my life. It's not until the last 2 years that the switch flipped and I just kept going without ever looking back. And really, even though I was being persistent, I didn't know what I was doing when it came to nutrition. I have high hopes for this year to be dangerous, especially coming into it lifting much more and running much farther and faster >)

On that note, I know most will think it's pointless/a joke, but I always participate in the bodybuilding.com challenge around this time. I've never even held hopes of winning, but when you do this with a bunch of friends and you can all see your progress pics, the pressure gets turned up!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Pretty good workout today. Been following 5/3/1 on the Multiyear app and now I need to sit down and actually read the book.

Squats - 205lbsx5, 230x3, 265x1
Good mornings - 145lbs 2x8 (PR), 1x5, 2x2
Front squats - 135lbs 3x10

10 reps just plain sucks
Yo wtf. Lost 2 lbs this week out of nowhere. First major setback. I had a great week in the gym, too. Plenty of upping the weight the past few weeks so I'm shocked, I say!

Time to take a week off and let the body rest, been a while since I've taken a week to myself.
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