Could you give me some specific details about the route (exercises, rep scheme, progression?) How long do you spend in the gym per day on average! Thanks for the reply.
45-60 minutes each session.
Each new exercise is 5 sets using a pyramid - up weight every set, drop reps (we really don't drop, we just go until we can't do another but the math usually works out). I complete 3-4 different exercises - so 15-20 sets. Usually leg days require more work.
The very first set is always 10. If i can do 11 with perfect form, i go up in weight. 10 is the barrier i chose with perfect form.
Rep scheme:
10, 8, 6, 4, 4
Some weeks I change it up and go:
10, 8, 6, 6, 6
10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Depending on how much weight I add to each set.
Rest period:
60-120 seconds, timed, no exceptions. The higher the reps/lower the weight, the shorter the wait.
Squats are always my starter, no exceptions. I'm the most ready for these and they require the most work. Add whatever accessories you like. Squats I regularly progress starting at 10 reps for my first set and each week add weight to set 1 until i get down to 5x5, then repeat.
Always start with either incline bench or flat bench for 3 weeks straight, then switch the starting compound. Accessory exercises are at your discretion. Flys, cable crossover, db press, decline press, dips, etc. On incline i rotate my starting angle between 15 and 30 degrees, no more, no less.
I throw in deads here at the start. Always. Then I move to pendlay (over or underhand) and then accessories like t-bar, lat pulldowns, weighted pullups, etc.
I rotate OHP and Arnold Press, 3 week rotation for exercise 1. Side lateral raises (seated, no exceptions unless I am using a heavier weight for cheaters). Any other accessory.
Rotate between barbell curl and spider curl, 3 week rotation for exercise 1. 5x5 Squats, 2 more accessory bicep exercises. Single leg calf-raises.
I rotate between weighted dips, rope pushdowns and negative db skull crushers, every 3. Any other accessory.
For ab days:
Dragon Flags (fucking hard), hanging leg/knee raises, V-pass (dunno what you call it but I pass an inflatable between my legs and arms every rep). dragon walkers, planks, oblique twists, etc. I pick 4 different exercises and roll with them at random. My favorites are flags, hanging raises and v-pass thing i don't know what it's called.