Hello FitGaf!
This is my first post here and I am a complete fitness noob so please bear with me... I've been reading a bit of the thread including the OP in search for tips but figured I might as well post since I'm a member anyway.
So, as a kind of new years resolution, I decided that I would finally get fit, after /years of wanting to but never really trying to. I'm a college student and my life is not very "active" think that I normally walk about 40 minutes everyday, and that's about it for my "normal" exercise outside of some longer walks that I've done in the past (like last year I walk 550km in 20 days).
So I just started to run every morning about half an hour and doing some 50 push ups and sit-ups, nothing too intense, but enough to get me tired since my condition is pretty terrible. Then again, when I used to do some sports I was always the "runs fast, jumps high, jumps far guy that will loose to everyone in an endurance test".
I'm 24 years old, I'm 1,80m and 70kg.
I guess I'm not "fat", but I'm getting a bit of belly showing that gets me unconfortable, I don't necessarily want to get really buffed up or super strong too, but some definition would help with my self esteem, as well as just increasing my fitness and health in general.
So fitgaf, any tips? At times when I read though this thread it seems that everyone is talking in some kind of fitness code that I can't decipher, and talking about exercises that I don't have any idea what they are (maybe because I'm not a native english speaker).
This is my first post here and I am a complete fitness noob so please bear with me... I've been reading a bit of the thread including the OP in search for tips but figured I might as well post since I'm a member anyway.
So, as a kind of new years resolution, I decided that I would finally get fit, after /years of wanting to but never really trying to. I'm a college student and my life is not very "active" think that I normally walk about 40 minutes everyday, and that's about it for my "normal" exercise outside of some longer walks that I've done in the past (like last year I walk 550km in 20 days).
So I just started to run every morning about half an hour and doing some 50 push ups and sit-ups, nothing too intense, but enough to get me tired since my condition is pretty terrible. Then again, when I used to do some sports I was always the "runs fast, jumps high, jumps far guy that will loose to everyone in an endurance test".
I'm 24 years old, I'm 1,80m and 70kg.
I guess I'm not "fat", but I'm getting a bit of belly showing that gets me unconfortable, I don't necessarily want to get really buffed up or super strong too, but some definition would help with my self esteem, as well as just increasing my fitness and health in general.
So fitgaf, any tips? At times when I read though this thread it seems that everyone is talking in some kind of fitness code that I can't decipher, and talking about exercises that I don't have any idea what they are (maybe because I'm not a native english speaker).