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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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These will never cease to provide endless entertainment for me.

Worked out with the old man this morning. Can't believe how good this guy looks.

71 Fellas 71 - Holy crap he is even older than I thought. Thank goodness for my wife.


Still can't out bench him.
Did 315 - 5 times 0_o
No one is offering him any kind of timeline or specific advice. I'm suggesting eating 250-500 calories a day over maintenance so he gains .5-1lb a week. In my opinion that would keep the body fat he gains at a minimum and as long as he's lifting, he will get stronger and put on muscle. I'm not telling him to eat at a deficit or anything. I think you are misunderstanding my point. Having said that, there ARE two kinds of people that CAN build muscle at a caloric deficit--newbies and steroid users. So if he is in that first camp, maybe the lean gains "myth" might not be a out of the question for him.
Noobs and gear freaks were already mentioned and prior, you said he would gain without getting extra fat. You called this "smart bulking".

Routines and diets are already outlined with many more links in the OP. Why would we need to copy/paste a "timeline" when general info has already been posted? If he has something specific to ask - then he can ask. I'm not going to just start spouting changes to proven routines and diets out of nowhere as it serves no purpose if he has none of those questions.

So, again, outside of the OP's routines and diet suggestions - how about you add a breakdown of your "smart bulk" plan? The floor is still yours and this post doesn't outline your method (opinion, in your own words).


68 Fellas 68

Still can't out bench him.
Did 315 - 5 times 0_o

I put up 315 twice and 325 once yesterday, the latter a personal one-rep best, on decline no less... and I walked around that weight floor like I was 30 feet tall after those two sets. I'm 29.

Fuck. I hope to grow up to be that guy.


These will never cease to provide endless entertainment for me.

Worked out with the old man this morning. Can't believe how good this guy looks.

71 Fellas 71 - Holy crap he is even older than I thought. Thank goodness for my wife.
"Go on with your bad self." -Mrs. mkenyon

Nelo Ice

So what should I tell people to do instead of power cleans and bent over rows for SS. Looking at the OP again and I need to make some mods for the people I'm helping do SS. I don't feel comfortable training people in them since I haven't really done cleans and for rows I still have no idea if I'm doing them right when I try them lol.

But yeah need some help since I have 3 of my family looking to me and telling them what to do and how to do it when we're at the gym haha. Though I keep telling them my goal is to get you going to the gym without depending on me being there.


So what should I tell people to do instead of power cleans and bent over rows for SS. Looking at the OP again and I need to make some mods for the people I'm helping do SS. I don't feel comfortable training people in them since I haven't really done cleans and for rows I still have no idea if I'm doing them right when I try them lol.

But yeah need some help since I have 3 of my family looking to me and telling them what to do and how to do it when we're at the gym haha. Though I keep telling them my goal is to get you going to the gym without depending on me being there.
Pendlays for rows. You can't do em wrong.
I put up 315 twice and 325 once yesterday, the latter a personal one-rep best, on decline no less... and I walked around that weight floor like I was 30 feet tall after those two sets. I'm 29.

Fuck. I hope to grow up to be that guy.

I feel you bro. I was feeling pretty good about doing 270 on incline three times and he sits down and just starts repping them out. Old ass highlander.


Squats were like butter today. Overhead press less so; my form was all over the place so I marked that lift as a failure for now. Deadlifted 215 lbs successfully for the first time. My face was totally red on rep 5. How fun. >.>

Squats: 230 lbs, 5x5
Overhead Press: 85 lbs, 4x5
Deadlift: 215 lbs, 1x5
Current weight: 163.8 lbs

Huh, I guess I'm jelly of a 71 year old man today. That chest definition though... incredible. o_O
Did you try wide grip? What about increasing reps? Negatives or paused reps?

If you have proper form and put an emphasis on squeezing the weight up with your chest (rotate the upper arm inward using your pecs, they aren't a push muscle) vs pushing up with your arms - you will activate it no problem. You shouldn't feel it in your shoulders above parallel.

Another tip if you are having trouble with activation is squeezing the bar together (similar to a cable crossover) as you push upwards as if trying to collapse the bar.

Do not flare your elbows out - keep them at 30-45 degrees downward. Your elbows at the bottom of the press should be below your nipple line.

Shoulders properly squeezed and seated on the bench
30-45 degrees arm angle downwards
Squeeze with the chest, don't push with your arms
Squeeze the bar together on your way up to get a fee for activation
Concentrate with your mind on activating your chest
When you do your warm up sets focus on activating the pecs as you push up. Keep a tight grip on the bar and think about moving your elbows up instead of the bar. Keep that feeling in your head.

Make sure your grip is wide enough. As the bar touches your chest your wrists and forearms should be straight up and down.

Accessory dips so your triceps aren't limiting how much you can lock out.

You have to activate your muscle right from the first set with barbell and make sure your not overloading your shoulders.

Try going for a 30 rep count for your first set. You'll flush your chest with blood and get the muscle fibers all activated for heavier weight

Thanks guys. Tried all these (wide grips, lowering the bar to below nips, bending it to a horse-shoe, squeezing shoulders, keeping elbows in, arching back etc) and watched some good YT videos too but I still feel it intensely in my shoulders/delts. Even on an incline.

Maybe it's an imbalance or injury? If not, then definitely something in my form. I'll get a trainer to look at it at some point and just do dumbbell presses in the meanwhile. I love cable/machine flyes though. I really feel the chest then.
Thanks guys. Tried all these (wide grips, lowering the bar to below nips, bending it to a horse-shoe, squeezing shoulders, keeping elbows in, arching back etc) and watched some good YT videos too but I still feel it intensely in my shoulders/delts. Even on an incline.

Maybe it's an imbalance or injury? If not, then definitely something in my form. I'll get a trainer to look at it at some point and just do dumbbell presses in the meanwhile. I love cable/machine flyes though. I really feel the chest then.
Can you post up a quick video of you putting up just the bar and then with weight? I'd like to see how you get into position, seat your shoulders, etc.

Could be some imbalance somewhere or muscle memory from improper form kicking in or just flat out weight too heavy so you lose form and arms/shoulders take over.

I had issues early on due to a bad right shoulder where my left shoulder would overcompensate and get out of whack. Took it down several pounds and just worked on form for several weeks until I retrained my muscles. Bench is a very complicated lift. Many of us struggle to get proper with it early on.


That broscience video was terrific. Loved the portable bed.

Had an amazing weekend with my girl. We stayed at Seal Beach for the weekend, got almost 30k steps in that weekend and ate well. Things came up so I couldn't propose sadly, but soon it'll be done.

Onwards to the gym, fresh new 5s week and kicked ass. Squats are feeling so good, and still breaking in my new gym shorts, so was able to go deeper then ever now. Hit 240x5, 270x5 and 310x5. Ended with 240x10. Hit every rep no issues. Feeling so good to be back lifting heavy.

Sadly they're remodeling my apartment, so I'm going to be staying with my brother for a week, which means I'll be off of my game for over a week as the transition happens. Could be worse.


Broscience pointed out before that all powerlifters are Asian.

Never really noticed it but now the only place I see those of Asian heritage is by a squat rack or deadlift area.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
12x 2.5kg, 4 x 1.5kg, bars weigh... I think 1kg.

As you may be able to tell, I am very new at this

That's not enough to get you anywhere, but something is better than nothing. Squat whatever you can clean, probably all of it.

First priority should be fixing whatever in your life is preventing access to barbells.
That broscience video was terrific. Loved the portable bed.

Had an amazing weekend with my girl. We stayed at Seal Beach for the weekend, got almost 30k steps in that weekend and ate well. Things came up so I couldn't propose sadly, but soon it'll be done.

Onwards to the gym, fresh new 5s week and kicked ass. Squats are feeling so good, and still breaking in my new gym shorts, so was able to go deeper then ever now. Hit 240x5, 270x5 and 310x5. Ended with 240x10. Hit every rep no issues. Feeling so good to be back lifting heavy.

Sadly they're remodeling my apartment, so I'm going to be staying with my brother for a week, which means I'll be off of my game for over a week as the transition happens. Could be worse.

Bro you were going to propose! Thats awesome man, great news can't wait to hear about you sealing the deal.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
working on it

Good stuff. I'll look forward to your progress then.

I had some fun on bench today. Got stuck under the bar going for a third rep and didn't hurt myself. Starting to think my wrist and shoulder might heal from the reduced lifting frequency.

Bench press - 160 lbs 1x5, 180 1x3, 200 1x2
Incline paused db bench - 40s 3x10
Bent over db rows - 70s 3x10

Deadlift and power cleans again tomorrow.


I was watching this Alan Thrall video

And it got me wondering if the bar ever tangles in his hair while he squats. Any long-haired people here, how do you squat?

I usually have my hair up in a ponytail, but sometimes (like this morning) I forgot my hair band and squatted with my hair down. It's not a problem, since the bar isn't rolling around such that the hair gets tangled. If I notice the bar rotating significantly while squatting, I'll post a form video ASAP. :p


I had some sugar free candy that I later found out was made with malitol. Rip my bathroom.

I'm honestly thinking about switching to PSMF for a while, the concept is really interesting and I could easily swing it. Has anyone done it? I need to read more about it and how long I can go.

Bro you were going to propose! Thats awesome man, great news can't wait to hear about you sealing the deal.

Yes sir. I'm so in love with her. I literally went from swearing off of dating again to finding my exact match. We're both obsessed with each other, incredible communication and both of us are extremely attracted to each other. Anything that ever comes up, we can sit down and talk through because we know how much we mean to each other. It's unbelievable to have found each other.

I hope everyone here can find the same or better for themselves. Truly a game changer.


does any one use an app to log their workouts? what's the best option for iOS? looking at Strong, seems decent. Tried Fitocracy but doesn't really show me my progress like I want it to.


does any one use an app to log their workouts? what's the best option for iOS? looking at Strong, seems decent. Tried Fitocracy but doesn't really show me my progress like I want it to.
Either JEFIT or Progression. I used the former for a few years and played around with the latter a bit. I would like to use Progression but my years of data is on JEFIT and the only way for me to transfer it is to log every single session again.

Give them both a try and see which one you like.


Doesn't Cooter use fitocracy?

I use a mixture of Stronglifts, Progression, Fitbit, and myfitnesspal.

I was in the early fitocracy beta but i remember it being shit on android.
Google Sheets here.


Also, doc called last night. We yapped about insulin pumps and said I'm good to go! I just need to schedule a few classes and maybe - maaaaybe an overnight hospital stay for my first day so they can monitor me. I'm super stoked! Not for the potential overnight but fuck yes soon I won't be stabbing myself several times a day. I'll be able to micromanage my insulin and blood glucose waaaaaaay better.

One step closer to becoming Darth Vader! First good news of 2016.


Google Sheets here.


Also, doc called last night. We yapped about insulin pumps and said I'm good to go! I just need to schedule a few classes and maybe - maaaaybe an overnight hospital stay for my first day so they can monitor me. I'm super stoked! Not for the potential overnight but fuck yes soon I won't be stabbing myself several times a day. I'll be able to micromanage my insulin and blood glucose waaaaaaay better.

One step closer to becoming Darth Vader! First good news of 2016.

Nice dude! That's going to be a huge weight lifted (pun certainly intended)


So I was squatting today and when I was in the hole I had a sharp pain on the right side, where the leg meets the torso. It shot through my quad and it felt like a burning sensation. Never felt that before.

I was able to complete my sets after resting for a while, but that was the weirdest thing.

Any idea what that could have been?


So I was squatting today and when I was in the hole I had a sharp pain on the right side, where the leg meets the torso. It shot through my quad and it felt like a burning sensation. Never felt that before.

I was able to complete my sets after resting for a while, but that was the weirdest thing.

Any idea what that could have been?

Could have been a muscle that wasn't warmed up or a slight nerve pinch. Important thing is how it feels later tonight / tomorrow. Do you do warmup sets?


Could have been a muscle that wasn't warmed up or a slight nerve pinch. Important thing is how it feels later tonight / tomorrow. Do you do warmup sets?

Yeah I do warmup sets. I only started 5x5 maybe 2 months ago. Empty bar 2x5, 90 1x5, then 135 1x5. Rest 3 minutes, working set was 160 today. It happend on my second set.


Yeah I do warmup sets. I only started 5x5 maybe 2 months ago. Empty bar 2x5, 90 1x5, then 135 1x5. Rest 3 minutes, working set was 160 today. It happend on my second set.

See how you feel tomorrow. It definitely could have been a form thing but if it's the only time it happened it's hard to tell. If you're up for posting a video I'll check it out the next time you squat.


So I was squatting today and when I was in the hole I had a sharp pain on the right side, where the leg meets the torso. It shot through my quad and it felt like a burning sensation. Never felt that before.

I was able to complete my sets after resting for a while, but that was the weirdest thing.

Any idea what that could have been?

Sounds like the hip abductor. There are some simple stretches that you try to help with warming up the area. You can also use a foam roller in that area too.


A little over a week after new year, there is a significant increase in the frequency of quarter reps, kipping pull-ups, and post-DB curl Instagram poses.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Doesn't Cooter use fitocracy?

I use a mixture of Stronglifts, Progression, Fitbit, and myfitnesspal.

I was in the early fitocracy beta but i remember it being shit on android.
I do not. Everything I need is in this small meathead brain of mine.


Enter gym. Strap 90 lbs to waist. Do 50 pull ups. Shed 90 lbs weights. Do 100 muscle ups. Leave gym. Eat horse.
Yes, but the last two steps are important. You MUST leave the gym prior to eating your horse. Most gyms have a zero tolerance policy.


Hey, so I broke my arm in September and I'm just getting the habit of going back to the gym. I been taking it easy the last 3 weeks but I think I'm ready to slowly get back into the groove of things.

Just really looking for supplementary exercises with dumbbells/ machines I can do on each day of my splits. Preferable with a strong focus on chest. Just doing various curls and chest presses atm. Would 4 days of supplementary stuff be too much? Should I have a set I do on upper body day and do treadmill and lower? Thanks.


Brian Burke punched my mom
New squat cycle starting with light volume 315 5x10 beltlesss highbar and I didn't take very long breaks between sets, 2-3mins, legs are jello already :(
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