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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brian Burke punched my mom
I'll always remember today as the day when I ate more than MTP...

2am - Angus bacon and cheese, 2 bacon mcdoubles, large fry, milk ~2400cal
12pm - 3cups oats, 1L milk, 2 bananas, brown sugar ~1800cal
8pm - 6 hotdogs, milk, OJ ~2200cal

...my legs are feeling huge.


2am - Angus bacon and cheese, 2 bacon mcdoubles, large fry, milk ~2400cal
12pm - 3cups oats, 1L milk, 2 bananas, brown sugar ~1800cal
8pm - 6 hotdogs, milk, OJ ~2200cal

...my legs are feeling huge.

What the hell were you doing eating that much McDonald's at 2am?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ugh. Had a pretty shitty day at the gym. Normally I go on weekends since I have the whole day to myself, but I couldn't go yesterday cause I was hanging out with a friend, so I had to make up that workout today along with Sunday's workout. I started off with deadlifts (at 235 lbs., new record) but was only able to do 2 1/2 reps. I then attempted to do bench press, but my elbow joints were hurting, so I couldn't do much besides a warmup.

Hey guys n gals. Been a stupid long time since I posted in any of these threads. Used to be heavy into fitness/lifting/martial arts a while back (my whole damn life) until getting diagnosed with bad things. Mentally broke me down. Anyhow, I'm still broke from a medical standpoint (type 1, Hashimotos, cancer (2014)) but I've had enough of doing nothing so I am getting back into the swing slowly. Currently 6'3" and 203lbs, so I'm pretty much a stick figure in my eyes.

I hope to be contributing to the thread with discussion and just wanted to introduce myself.

Everyone starts (or restarts) somewhere my good man. I stopped for 10 years and I didn't even have any excuse more than being busy.

They say it's never too late. :)


Everyone starts (or restarts) somewhere my good man. I stopped for 10 years and I didn't even have any excuse more than being busy.

They say it's never too late. :)

Yeah. I mean look at Pyscho. Ever since he he's been in at FitGaf, he's never left.

Seriously, the guy practically never leaves his keyboard. I'm starting to believe that he's got one attached to his bike.
Part of the reason I need to stay on top of my fitness is spending anywhere up to 16 hours a day in front of a computer. :(

I'm not sure if I've posted from the turbo trainer or not... quite possibly. :D


Part of the reason I need to stay on top of my fitness is spending anywhere up to 16 hours a day in front of a computer. :(

I'm not sure if I've posted from the turbo trainer or not... quite possibly. :D

Yeah having an inactive job definitely helps motivate you.

Our one buddy works by a shipping dock in Philly, constantly moving heavy shit around. He barely touches the gym, is pretty ripped and when he does go to the gym he can lift really heavy without much consistency.

I on the other hand sit back and take data on a clipboard.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Not sure if this was posted here already but there was a post on Reddit fitness that really resonated with me. It's great what working out can do for your mental state as well as your physical state.


Part of the reason I need to stay on top of my fitness is spending anywhere up to 16 hours a day in front of a computer. :(

I'm not sure if I've posted from the turbo trainer or not... quite possibly. :D

Fellow desk jockey! 8-10 hours of work at a desk then home to more computer games (because it's NeoGAF and I need my vidya games). I can only imagine what would start happening to my body if stopped going to gym and kept the same lifestyle.
Not sure if this was posted here already but there was a post on Reddit fitness that really resonated with me. It's great what working out can do for your mental state as well as your physical state.


Of course, the problem with that is the flip side if you get injured. Twice in my life it's looked like mountain biking could be taken away from me and I fell into a deep depression. God knows how I'd handle it if it ever actually happened.

Edit - Just reading the "how to get bulky thread". I wonder how many people actually realise that not everyone can get bulky, no matter how much they eat. Well, unless they consider fat bulky I guess. I know some guys who couldn't even manage it on steroids. They got bigger, no doubt, but they were never bulky.


Not sure if this was posted here already but there was a post on Reddit fitness that really resonated with me. It's great what working out can do for your mental state as well as your physical state.


Fellow desk jockey! 8-10 hours of work at a desk then home to more computer games (because it's NeoGAF and I need my vidya games). I can only imagine what would start happening to my body if stopped going to gym and kept the same lifestyle.

I responded to an /r/Fitness thread asking "why you work out" with the answer 'Endorphins' and that had a bunch of positive feedback. Aesthetic goals are mostly useless to me beyond face gains as I would have to get skin removed to look normal, much less half as decent as some folks on here. Strength improvements are concomitant to the process, I feel like I am already as strong as I practically need to be. So you are pretty much left with maintaining a healthy level of bf and actually doing it for enjoyment.

I feel that everyone has some activity(or lack thereof) they choose to blow off steam, decompress, relax. There are usually side effects to any of them.

I don't get much enjoyment from doing gaming anymore as I spend 10 hours in front of computers at work so yeah exercise is pretty much what I have to look forward to everyday.

Its probably good to have a backup plan. I can go back to devouring books if I ever catch myself stuck in a bed/chair due to injury/illness.


Yeah having an inactive job definitely helps motivate you.

Our one buddy works by a shipping dock in Philly, constantly moving heavy shit around. He barely touches the gym, it's pretty ripped and when he does go he can lift really heavy without much consistency.

I on the other hand sit back and take data on a clipboard.

You need to ditch the clipboard and get a tablet.

By tablet, I mean a stone tablet.

ACE 1991

Just had my first quest bar, noticed today that my gym sells them. Holy shit, cookies and creme is amazing. I wish they weren't so damn expensive :(
Made some chicken pot pie (no crust, so really just the insides of the pot pie) this weekend and it was fantastic. Only issue was that it was more of a soup than a gravy but it is still great. I loved the taste and have lunch for the rest of the week.

Dropping fat so we still good. Thinking about focusing more on trying to build a peak on my bicep. Drop the weight and focus on the squeeze. Speaking of dropping weight, I became pretty annoyed with my form on squats. I was doing 4 plates but my depth just wasn't there. Felt awkward and just didn't like it. So I am going back to 315 and doing 4 sets of 8-10 and really getting the form. Next week I will go to 325. Then 335, etc. Check the ego at the door and get back to basics.


Going to Boise for Intern Week so free food and hotel. Gonna be fun.

Based on the rate my rotator cuff is recovering and feeling, I should be able to press and bench in two weeks. Just in time with the start of my bulk.


Had a surprise anniversary party for family last night, food choices weren't as keto friendly as i hoped. I made due, but i weigh'd in at 234.4 yesterday morning to 237.6 today. Actually, i just realized while typing this, i forgot my creatine again yesterday damnit. Maybe that was it. Oh well, back to the grind.


OK FastGAF. I'm doing it.

I'm 16 hours into a fast and going for 21-22. I ran 6 miles this morning and I'm feeling good. I have plenty of coffee and 2 gallons of water at the ready.

Let's do it!


Why does he wear the mask!?
19 hour fast atm, probably break it in an hour. Next to no food in this house though :( Need to do some shopping

ACE 1991

So what are your go-to bulking meals/foods? Looking for some new healthy yet calorie-dense meals that are easy to prepare and track on MFP.
Pleasant surprise... I randomly decided to measure my waist (I don't really do measurements as they're not really relevant to why I work out) and my waist is down to 31". That's heading back towards what it was when I was working out in my 20s, which is something.

I'm now quite interested in what it'll be at the end of this cut. I wouldn't argue with seeing sub 30", even if it's just 29.95". :D


This is why I love this community. My wife and I really appreciate all the kind words. I think for the first time since I've known her she feels comfortable in her skin :). It's really good to see her not be so down on herself.

It's honestly probably the most impressive thing I've ever seen in this thread. That takes tons of work.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Summer cuts?



So after a week of interruptions (my mom had surgery last week so the rest of my week ended up being go to work > go home and make her and my dad dinner and take care of her > go home to bed), tonight I start again on Starting Strength lol. Since it's technically week 2, I will do B tonight and try to learn how to do the power clean, with just the bar most likely.

Down 15lbs since May 12, so...getting better. More more more though, probably another 20lbs, to get to my goal.

Sadetar: sorry I didn't reply to you <3 Vanished to take care of my mom. Haha. Finally day 2 tonight.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So after a week of interruptions (my mom had surgery last week so the rest of my week ended up being go to work > go home and make her and my dad dinner and take care of her > go home to bed), tonight I start again on Starting Strength lol. Since it's technically week 2, I will do B tonight and try to learn how to do the power clean, with just the bar most likely.

Down 15lbs since May 12, so...getting better. More more more though, probably another 20lbs, to get to my goal.

Sadetar: sorry I didn't reply to you <3 Vanished to take care of my mom. Haha. Finally day 2 tonight.

How'd you do it? In the past you said you couldn't lose weight eating 1000 calories a day?
Last pic I saw you definitely didn't have 15lbs to lose, let alone another 20lbs on top.

Did you put on a massive amount of weight or something?


Well, was bound to happen. First time in 2015 I missed a rep. Got to my last set on squats for 6th 5s week, 5x320, got 4 of them but the last one was a grinder. Was going to attempt the 5th one but spirituality inside I knew it would not happen, then out of nowhere, my music started skipping which is impossible, and I just took that as a sign to rack it.

I only got 5.5 hours of sleep last night, yesterday was on my feet all night, blah blah. Have a ton of excuses, but end result I'm still very happy with. I'll just keep going and see what happens. Hit every single rep on my accessories tho lol.
Well, was bound to happen. First time in 2015 I missed a rep. Got to my last set on squats for 6th 5s week, 5x320, got 4 of them but the last one was a grinder. Was going to attempt the 5th one but spirituality inside I knew it would not happen, then out of nowhere, my music started skipping which is impossible, and I just took that as a sign to rack it.

I only got 5.5 hours of sleep last night, yesterday was on my feet all night, blah blah. Have a ton of excuses, but end result I'm still very happy with. I'll just keep going and see what happens. Hit every single rep on my accessories tho lol.

You and I are about dead on for squats. I go for 5 @ 325 next week. You'll get it the next go around.
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