Dude rolls his lower back in that moving picture. Its most definitely a ham exercise when that is the only thing you engage unlike that clip.This one then: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Hamstrings/BBStraightLegDeadlift.html
(Edit - Ironically also considered a hamstring exercise.)
Who's (probably) getting snowed in this weekend?
Moving deadlifts to Friday to avoid missing them on Saturday.
Saturday I'll get a fun shovel workout
Snow thrower is one of the best investments you can ever make. I would have died last winter.
Its very very very easy to mess these up and injure your back. Seen a few folk fuck their shit up because they don't understand how to hinge at the hip and only the hip. Good exercise for hams, though, IMO.
Okay, Drago. You keep using your machines. I'll let brawn, sweat and blood fuel MY fucking montage, thank you very much
.You can deadlift snow
You just have to believe.
Good spotting technique. Wonder why they don't implement that at meets?
I always do my squats holding onto a B cup. You must be doing something wrong.what the hell is this
Well that answered the questions. They definitely updated the recipes.
Hmmm. They took me a while to get comfy with heavier weights, tbh. An issue with heaver weights that you must "hang" is probably a slight lurch in the shoulders. Keeping your upper body pin straight and shoulders from rolling is key to not letting the rest of your body go out of whack.I only do Romanian, but I've never really been able to get the form to be 100%. I can do high reps at lowish weight and I feel it quite well in my hamstrings, but as soon as I up the weight I stop feeling the tension (I assume because my form goes). Frustrating.
I was going to mock one up when I read his post. Brother from another mother! We are best friends now!
I like to get stronger, so I do them standing. If I ever feel like not getting stronger, I'll switch to seated.
There are literally zero ways doing them seated is better than doing them standing. Unless you count being able to put a few extra lbs on the bar as something, which you shouldn't.
I feel like the same people that do seated OHP see it as an accessory to the all important bench. These folks typically do quarter squats with three plates once a week too. And curls are their second most important compound lift after BP.
I can't tell if these are jokes or not.
It's not a joke. "Do you do seated OHP or standing OHP" is like asking if you do OHP or do push presses.
When I said I do it standing because I want to get stronger, it's not because seated doesn't work muscles. It just doesn't work as many muscles as it could, and on top of that, the deltoids and triceps and biceps work harder in a standing OHP. So why do it seated? You get stronger doing them standing. The only possible reason I could think of is because you've got an injury somewhere below your sternum and sitting means you won't aggravate it.
Bottom line is that the answer to seated or standing OHP is omg why are you asking this question.
what the hell is this
So, ya'll about that seated OHP or standing OHP?
He dropped that thing right? I don't see how he could drop the weight to the ground without breaking something.
Who's (probably) getting snowed in this weekend?
Moving deadlifts to Friday to avoid missing them on Saturday.
Saturday I'll get a fun shovel workout
All that titty support and she still couldn't get below parallel.
Bro same. I have everything I need to make some boozy egg nog. Its going to be a good time. Hopefully I don't shovel my neighbors house on accident like last year.
They're doing it wrong- but don't be that guy.
No one wants unsolicited gym advice.
They're doing it wrong- but don't be that guy.
No one wants unsolicited gym advice.
Lol I have a couple bottles of wine and the wife doesn't work so I'm ready. Not looking forward to Friday deadlifts though. I usually do them fresh and relaxed on Saturday. Not tired after my longest day of work. But sometimes you just have to shut up and lift.
It's cause the thing actually kinda looks like a landmine.
Landmine rows are definitely a new one for me. Always been T-Bar.
Deadlift day is my rest day.
Seriously. I don't wanna go up in weight, so its really easy. I like forcing myself to do something weight related, bc it gets me in the gym. So i just breeze through 3 sets, then hit the treadmill.
You hit the treadmill after Deads? I would be so tight cardio would be a nightmare unless I really stretched out.
Landmine rows are definitely a new one for me. Always been T-Bar.
Bro same. I have everything I need to make some boozy egg nog. Its going to be a good time. Hopefully I don't shovel my neighbors house on accident like last year.