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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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In one slice!

A whole pie is 2500 calories and 5000 mg of sodium. Forget about throwing toppings on.

I had 4 sausage slices for dinner.


I notice I bloat up when I eat too many salty foods in a day. But frequently a hard cardio session in addition to daily run takes it right out of me.

I didn't inherit any sort of cardio diseases though. Low blood pressure, low cholesterol, though my heart rate is about 10bpm higher than average.

My BP was even decent when I was 280+ lbs.


You just wait until he extends his 5th appendage hidden behind one of them slots.

Frightening, but awesome too.


Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Just finished my first ever deload week. Hoping for good things to come.

I need to get up super early or risk missing my first workout since switching to 5/3/1. Sucks! Stupid snow.


Managed to get 300lbsx3

most I've ever squatted.

I feel like I could push myself more but I get an odd burning sensation when squatting heavy near my lower abdomen.


Bros! I discovered something delicious.

Buy some Quaker Rice Cakes - Chocolate Crunch. Then Spread some Jif Peanut Butter (crunchy one)

Got damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

so good.

I eat them on my Refeed days.
I do the same but with the caramel corn flavor. Also rice cakes and cookie butter is GOAT.


Havent't managed to get a back workout in for weeks due to scheduling issues and being sick. Did some chins yesterday and got BW + 20kg x 5 and then four for the 2nd set. No setbacks it seems :)


How much do you guys lift during a cut? I'm currently bulking going to the gym six days a week:

Monday/Thursday: Chest/Triceps/Abs
Tuesday/Friday: Legs/Shoulders
Wednesday/Saturday: Back/Biceps

Should I keep going working out this much on a cut? I feel like eating a low amount of calories+going to the gym that often would lead to overtraining but idk.
I've seen plenty of argument that says you should do exactly what you're already doing when you're on a cut, and it makes sense to me. That, or perhaps consider keeping your biggest / heaviest lifts (your main compounds for instance), and just easing back on the accessories a little so as to save your strength for where it's needed.

I haven't read any studies either way though. Would be interested in seeing if there are any.


the piano man
regarding the sodium, I am planning on keeping an eye on that for these next months til summer and then I'll see if I can eat like normal people do.

thing is, I don't know if you guys remember but I mentioned some months ago I was in the most uncertain phase of my life, I wasn't sure whether I was going to be allowed to stay here in Germany. I developed a lot of anxiety, I was thinking about how to solve the problem every single day and I want to link high blood pressure with all that.

last Monday I went for the renewal of my visa and it went through (YAY!!). My past visas here were all for college studies, this one is the first one I got for the job I am doing right now which is a huge accomplishment for me. that sets the path very clearly for the future. three years from now and I can apply for citizenship.

anyway... It was a 5 month anxiety nightmare for me and I want to link the blood pressure to that. so I'll just "be happy and relaxed" while I take what measures I can to help the pre-hypertension thing, like reducing sodium.


First week of 5-3-1 complete. I think my deadlifts are struggling due to a weak lower back. Here are my numbers based on my AMRAP sets (All were 7-10 reps):

Still need more lower body gains, but that'll get better with the next bulk.


the piano man
Congrats Sphinx.

Early morning workout done. Highlight was Good Mornings 145lbs 5x8 (PR). Last rep was brutal.

Thank you Joey, the outcome really meant a lot for me and my future.

this will without doubt benefit my weightlifiting progress, I did notice that to do my workouts as intended I need inner peace. I am very motivated right now and I am looking forward to some long overdue gains come next spring/summer.

on good mornings, they can be brutal as hell :) just gotta be careful there with the lower back.Congrats on your PR as well!


Sean, if you're reading this, you guilted me into doing back today from your blizzard thread posts. I'm not going to be happy with you if we get 18+ here on long island.
This is a random thought but if you guys have Netflix you have to watch this Making a Murderer documentary.

Its probably the most outrageous thing I have ever watched.


This is a random thought but if you guys have Netflix you have to watch this Making a Murderer documentary.

Its probably the most outrageous thing I have ever watched.

Not yet but my wife and I might watch it during the blizzard because all of our friends wont shut up about it. Either that or straight outta compton (which is clearly my choice).
I shall add it to my list of things to keep me entertained whilst dying on the turbo trainer.

Unrelated, just picked up my keys for my short term rental. Time to start lifting things into the van.

Garage is HUUUUGE on the new place, so I'm actually tempted to order my new rack now and have it ready for the next move that I make.


This is a random thought but if you guys have Netflix you have to watch this Making a Murderer documentary.

Its probably the most outrageous thing I have ever watched.

I'm on Episode 7 and loving it. It was good and interesting at the start but when the actual court case starts is when shit gets REAL. Can't wait to finish it.


I've been eating 3k calories per day, for the past three weeks and lost 2 lbs. By what percentage should I increase my intake?


Straight Out of Compton is fantastic. It's like a soundtrack to my childhood!

Awesome, can't wait.

I've been eating 3k calories per day, for the past three weeks and lost 2 lbs. By what percentage should I increase my intake?

How much are you looking to gain? By when? Have you checked out the caloric intake site from the OP? Even if the exact calories may not represent exactly what you've been doing, the % increase should give you a good idea.


regarding the sodium, I am planning on keeping an eye on that for these next months til summer and then I'll see if I can eat like normal people do.

thing is, I don't know if you guys remember but I mentioned some months ago I was in the most uncertain phase of my life, I wasn't sure whether I was going to be allowed to stay here in Germany. I developed a lot of anxiety, I was thinking about how to solve the problem every single day and I want to link high blood pressure with all that.

last Monday I went for the renewal of my visa and it went through (YAY!!). My past visas here were all for college studies, this one is the first one I got for the job I am doing right now which is a huge accomplishment for me. that sets the path very clearly for the future. three years from now and I can apply for citizenship.

anyway... It was a 5 month anxiety nightmare for me and I want to link the blood pressure to that. so I'll just "be happy and relaxed" while I take what measures I can to help the pre-hypertension thing, like reducing sodium.
Congrats man


I notice I bloat up when I eat too many salty foods in a day. But frequently a hard cardio session in addition to daily run takes it right out of me.

If you eat carbs with sodium, the insulin release will trigger your body to retain sodium and water. Once your insulin level goes down in a sustained manner, your body will stop retaining salt and the water. Nothing to be worried about physiologically.


I've been eating 3k calories per day, for the past three weeks and lost 2 lbs. By what percentage should I increase my intake?

Just spit balling here, but 2lbs is 7000 calories, so about 333 calories deficit per day over 3 weeks. So 350ish more to stay even. And anything above that to bulk. You can start with 500 and progress up from there.
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