God Dayumm
I didn't play many videogames last year :'
Just dark souls and rocket league. I liked both
Just dark souls and rocket league. I liked both
As a new release? Mortal Kombat X or Guilty Gear XrdYo Weightlifting gaf what was your favorite game this year?
Bloodborne by a mile. You?
Definitely Mario Maker.
Good lord Bum you freak me out.
Bloodborne bro and yeah by a mile.
I really really need to get Mario Maker.
Good lord Bum you freak me out.
Bloodborne bro and yeah by a mile.
Ever since I saw that pic of you rocking women's superman sweats I knew we'd be tight.
Congrats man
Great news, sphinx.
I sucks at playing video games because when I decide what to play, I stick to a game til I have 100% it and it takes forever to move on to the next one.
those of you who have me in their PS friendlists can go compare trophies and see that I have played a whooping 2 games in 1 year.... those are Evil Within and Final Fantasy Type 0... both games regarded as pure shit by most of Gaf.
I am pretty sure there are much better 2015 games out there than FFT0 but that's what I played, I really liked it, the ending makes me cry((((( so sad.
so yeah Final Fantasy Type 0
thanks guy, appreciate it.
Yo Weightlifting gaf what was your favorite game this year?
Yo Weightlifting gaf what was your favorite game this year?
Witcher 3
Bloodborne, also. Didn't play many, though.
Who would have thought a beautiful friendship could bloom out of one of the more shameful moments of my life.
This is some kind of peasant meal?
Bros! I discovered something delicious.
Buy some Quaker Rice Cakes - Chocolate Crunch. Then Spread some Jif Peanut Butter (crunchy one)
Got damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
so good.
I eat them on my Refeed days.
Play Smite with me.same thing every year
League of Legends baybay
Ouch, my spine!
First week of 5-3-1 complete. I think my deadlifts are struggling due to a weak lower back. Here are my numbers based on my AMRAP sets (All were 7-10 reps):
Still need more lower body gains, but that'll get better with the next bulk.
I'm starting 5/3/1 on Monday. I was wondering what exercises you do for each compound lift?
Good numbers dude.
You need to read the book.
Can I get an ebook version? I'm in Australia so I can't get it from Amazon.
Benching from today, paused as usual. About to cycle back and start fresh in prep for June meet.
345x2, 265x8.
Your form is so solid, smooth and repetitive that it honestly looks like you're using a machine. Unbelievable.
Can I get an ebook version? I'm in Australia so I can't get it from Amazon.
I actually came out of my groove on the second rep, you can see it if you look close, that's why I didn't go for a third rep. I appreciate it though. If I can nail that down I'll be golden.
Speaking of form, lately my hips have been shooting up on deadlifts. I really want to get this in check. Any tips you'd recommend? I did some reading, and two things "ribs down" and "lead with the chest" seemed to be sensible. Anything else?
I actually came out of my groove on the second rep, you can see it if you look close, that's why I didn't go for a third rep. I appreciate it though. If I can nail that down I'll be golden.
Yep, sure can.
Starting strength is evil. I'd been stalling on 3 sets of 5 for a while. I saw you guys saying sets of 10 was better. I dropped my bench weight a little and went for 3x10. Made it to 25 and I'm actually sore in my chest for the first time in months. Should I apply this to everything except deadlifts?
It's a problem of not being tight before the pull. It goes back to what I always preach. Pull the slack out of the bar like I do when I set up.
Skip to the deadlifting. ( 1:18) watch what happens to the bar and the inside plates before I push off the ground, t bends and they come off the ground.
Also watch this.
It's a problem of not being tight before the pull. It goes back to what I always preach. Pull the slack out of the bar like I do when I set up.
Skip to the deadlifting. ( 1:18) watch what happens to the bar and the inside plates before I push off the ground, t bends and they come off the ground.
Also watch this.
This is some kind of peasant meal?
I'm with mkenyon, gotta hand it to Overwatch. Going to be my game this year. My other would probably be Witcher 3.
Play Smite with me.![]()
2.5 hours of shoveling.
2.5 hours of shoveling.
3 here (a 2 hour chunk and then a 1 hour)
About to go out again in a couple hours.
The news said we might hit 2 feet
Got my massage, whiskey, and beer. Gonna do Mexican tonight for dinner. Gonna be glorious.
No tequila??? What kind of Mexican night is this?
I've already got that covered for us. I usually do most Saturdays![]()
Good man.
My wife has been slow cooking a chicken chili for a good 6 hours now. Bottle of red and some chili...not a bad saturday.
Yup, us too. My driveway is over 100' long. I probably have another 2.5 in me though. Good luck and stay warm brother.
No tequila??? What kind of Mexican night is this?
I'm a whiskey/port kinda guy. And to be fair, it's Texmex