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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I literally just got done working out 50 minutes in the gym at my college. I’m covered in sweat and my legs feel like jelly. But guess what? I feel freaking great!!!
who ordered from elitefts.com? how long before they ship. i chose 3 day select. do they ship the following business day or hold everything until friday before they ship?


cross-posting from other media, was trying to find the better lighting in my room and after applying filters got this

Not sure whether my arms are actually bigger than before but it's one of those shots where I thought "mmh...ok" lol
Looking good. I remember your back/shoulders looking ripped, but your arms definitely look bigger now.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hehehe, she DLed more than a quarter of my gym population. If I factor in form, then she beat out 75%.
Haha! I told her she doesn't realize how great that is for her age, gender, and experience level.
Haha! I told her she doesn't realize how great that is for her age, gender, and experience level.

That is awesome Cooter so satisfying training people you love even if they are pint sized.

Most rewarding training partner ever has been my wife. I have trained a lot of different people but she looks so amazing now and is so confident that I can see the effects of it permeate her whole life. Now she can lift with me. Nothing better than having your wife spot you, Its definitely a gift.


Haha! I told her she doesn't realize how great that is for her age, gender, and experience level.

That's an understatement bud.

Is she just getting into weightlifting in general or is just the DL new to her?

Most rewarding training partner ever has been my wife. I have trained a lot of different people but she looks so amazing now and is so confident that I can see the effects of it permeate her whole life. Now she can lift with me. Nothing better than having your wife spot you, Its definitely a gift.

Cool post dude. I love when we're able to take fitness to others. Feels good.
This is what my home gym currently looks like. My gainz are being stolen day by day until we can finish the move and start sorting shit out. :(

Cool post dude. I love when we're able to take fitness to others. Feels good.

There is this Chris Rock quote that is both funny and so true about whatever your into your women has to be into as well and getting her to workout with me made such a huge difference in our relationship. Its just great to be able to share something thats that important together. I lifted solo for a long time but it ended up making her feel insecure about herself because of how much effort I was putting into it. Even though that wasn't true it was just how she felt. Now all thats left is to get her to love videogames. Which I don't think is possible unless I put Miyamotos brain in her skull.
Funny, I work pretty much the opposite way. Missus and I have wildly different interests / hobbies, which is great as after so long together it's nice to know that we can both go off and do our own things with no stress.

We did used to have gaming in common, but neither of us have time for that any more (and she'd rather be climbing, and I mountain biking anyway).


I really don't game much anymore, and I really have no desire to get my girl into gaming. Rather go for hikes, hit the gym, go walk at the beach, etc.


Thinking I may actually compete this year. Just signed up for a USAPL membership. Now just got to wait to sign up for a meet. Probably gonna have to buy some new knee sleeves. I got a pair of Titans but the logos are pretty much gone. Looking pretty generic now. Don't know if they would let me lift with that.


Thinking I may actually compete this year. Just signed up for a USAPL membership. Now just got to wait to sign up for a meet. Probably gonna have to buy some new knee sleeves. I got a pair of Titans but the logos are pretty much gone. Looking pretty generic now. Don't know if they would let me lift with that.

They usually don't really care as long as it's not nationals or you're not breaking any records.


Bruce I think we have the same wife too lol. Mine loves staying fit and eating right but anything more complicated than SNES Mario isnt in her past, present or future. And that's okay. I only game maybe 2-3 hours a week anyway.

She just started weight training a couple weeks ago.

Awesome! I'd give anything to go back to 13 and do it right.


Very nice squat night. 335 for a solid quick single. No grinding. Back off of 225x10 then a front squat rep PR of 225x5. Still weigh 188.


Had a terrible night at the gym. How have people stayed positive during a cut? I'm trying to lose at least another 15lbs and feeling weak (and I just had a cheat day on Sunday). Should I just keep deloading and just accept it?

What's worse is I've been stuck around 190 for almost 2 weeks now.


Had a terrible night at the gym. How have people stayed positive during a cut? I'm trying to lose at least another 15lbs and feeling weak (and I just had a cheat day on Sunday). Should I just keep deloading and just accept it?

What's worse is I've been stuck around 190 for almost 2 weeks now.

There's ups and downs. Leverages change and I feel like that's harder to deal with than the strength loss. It's just part of the process though...unless you're seeing a huge drop in strength.

What felt heavy for you?


There's ups and downs. Leverages change and I feel like that's harder to deal with than the strength loss. It's just part of the process though...unless you're seeing a huge drop in strength.

What felt heavy for you?

Today was chin-ups/ohp/squat. Chin-ups I'm doing fine - I failed my final rep but this was bw+12.5 lbs and I've made great gains on that exercise. But ohp was a deload, and while I got all my reps, plus a couple extra amrap, it just felt heavy. Squats were awful, though. I did 5x235 and it felt really heavy, and after the first rep of the second set I just was not feeling it all and decided it was best to stop.

Maybe I just slept bad, I don't know. I did fine @ 230 on Saturday. I just hope I see some movement on the bodyweight soon. I've generally lost weight very easily when I stick to my diet. I haven't been walking due to the weather (I go with my dogs) and maybe I've underestimated the amount that contributed in the past.


Today was chin-ups/ohp/squat. Chin-ups I'm doing fine - I failed my final rep but this was bw+12.5 lbs and I've made great gains on that exercise. But ohp was a deload, and while I got all my reps, plus a couple extra amrap, it just felt heavy. Squats were awful, though. I did 5x235 and it felt really heavy, and after the first rep of the second set I just was not feeling it all and decided it was best to stop.

Maybe I just slept bad, I don't know. I did fine @ 230 on Saturday. I just hope I see some movement on the bodyweight soon. I've generally lost weight very easily when I stick to my diet. I haven't been walking due to the weather (I go with my dogs) and maybe I've underestimated the amount that contributed in the past.

I'm all too familiar with the "oh shit this feels heavy."

But honestly, I rarely find that it's actually a strength issue. It's usually...
- sleep
- mental
- using a different barbell (I hate getting stuck with a thin barbell squatting)
- bad set up
- mental
- stress
- mental

I don't think it's time to panic yet.

As for the weight not budging do your clothes fit any better? Sometimes my weight wouldn't budge for a few weeks but my belt was going down in holes.


As for the weight not budging do your clothes fit any better? Sometimes my weight wouldn't budge for a few weeks but my belt was going down in holes.

Well, it's funny, not as much I would have expected. I have travelled up and down this 180-200 track several times, and the thing that always happens first is that my rear end "deflates", and my pants loosen up a lot. That hasn't happened yet, but I think that's because most of my strength gains have been in my lower body. My quads have gotten (relatively) huge, and I bet my glutes have gotten bigger too lol.


Ugh I had to skip squats on Monday because the rack (and gym) was totally rammed with people. Then yesterday I just felt weak, I did shoulders and triceps and it just took everything out of me. Maybe skipping on the creatine made more of an impact than I imagined, or am I just imagining that?!


the piano man
regarding gaming or lifting partners: lifting yes, gaming no.

I am very much a single player and someone wanting to do some multiplayer casual shit on a constant basis would get on my nerves, worse if it's some hardcore co-op shooter, we'd be pissed if we lose, no, not a good idea.

Looking good. I remember your back/shoulders looking ripped, but your arms definitely look bigger now.

thanks for the mention mkenyon, :)

Ugh I had to skip squats on Monday because the rack (and gym) was totally rammed with people.

In my case it was amazing... the gym was totally rammed as well, plenty of resolutioners and regulars, everything, I warm-up in the area away from free weights and convince myself I'll have to wait in line to use the only power rack we have, I get there to continue stretching and warming up walking through the waves of people and the power rack is all lonely and empty.

wtf? I don't understand, not even curlers care for the power rack?


Last 2 days at the gym have been terrific. But today was a really special day for me in a mental way. I am finally ready to deload and no longer let ego get in the way at all. This is going to help me bigtime.

With my girl now doing strict keto with me, dates no longer revolve around food, she is more strict then I am. So by Thursday or so I should be back to 100% food wise, going to finish up this 531 session strong, then switch to pfms and deload 5 months back. This time I'm going to do the plus reps and put more volume in at lower weight.

I'm so excited to finally be back in control of everything. I think 3-5 months of really dedicated cutting is going to get me very near to goal territory, but we'll see. Will also be adding in 2 and 3 day fasts back in finally.
How long should I cut phase usually go for, is it typically 6 month cut, 6 month bulk thing? Down to 78kg now, plus dropped from 32inch pants to 30 feeling baggy... I don't know how long I should do this for?
Last 2 days at the gym have been terrific. But today was a really special day for me in a mental way. I am finally ready to deload and no longer let ego get in the way at all. This is going to help me bigtime.

With my girl now doing strict keto with me, dates no longer revolve around food, she is more strict then I am. So by Thursday or so I should be back to 100% food wise, going to finish up this 531 session strong, then switch to pfms and deload 5 months back. This time I'm going to do the plus reps and put more volume in at lower weight.

I'm so excited to finally be back in control of everything. I think 3-5 months of really dedicated cutting is going to get me very near to goal territory, but we'll see. Will also be adding in 2 and 3 day fasts back in finally.

Does your lady fast with you Bish?

Bruce I think we have the same wife too lol. Mine loves staying fit and eating right but anything more complicated than SNES Mario isnt in her past, present or future. And that's okay. I only game maybe 2-3 hours a week anyway.

Ha its impossible for anyone with a soul to not love Mario.


How long should I cut phase usually go for, is it typically 6 month cut, 6 month bulk thing? Down to 78kg now, plus dropped from 32inch pants to 30 feeling baggy... I don't know how long I should do this for?

Cut should last as long as it needs. The shorter, the better. Few months is optimal if it can be done. Bulks should be as long as possible, as long as you keep within reasonably BF% levels.

Preferably, cut until at around 10% and then bulk until 15% or so.


Cut should last as long as it needs. The shorter, the better.
Not sure I'm convinced this is better. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant, but last year I was cutting heavy calories plus doing cardio in an effort to do it quickly and lost tons of strength. I'm 6 weeks into my cut this time with only a 5-600 calorie defecit (food - exercise = 500cal defecit) and I'm maintaining strength (actually some numbers are still going up).
Not sure I'm convinced this is better. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant, but last year I was cutting heavy calories plus doing cardio in an effort to do it quickly and lost tons of strength. I'm 6 weeks into my cut this time with only a 5-600 calorie defecit (food - exercise = 500cal defecit) and I'm maintaining strength (actually some numbers are still going up).
I've always subscribed to the slow mehod. Start by dropping calories each week slightly until you are at a mild deficit after about 4-6 weeks. Add in more low rep ranges and you can hang on to a lot of strength. Some will still go down but not to the extreme that a fast cut would take you to. I am different tho, my nutrition needs are a bit different than most due to ailments so I have to move that needle slowly on the calories so I don't throw my body off whack with quick insulin changes.


I've become a bit of a gear junkie ever since I lost a ton of weight. I love buying clothes and gear, probably half my wardrobe is either from REI or sports brands. Just wanted to share this find, cause these are probably the second best thing I've wrapped around my package.


The best way I can describe wearing these is like having silky air on. Everything is contained, but nothing is constrained. Total freedom of movement without compression, yet they'd be perfect on a run or doing squats. Plus they make my ass look fantastic.

I love em so much, I ended up going back to the UA outlet near me to buy 8 more pairs so I could replace all of my boxer briefs with them.
I've become a bit of a gear junkie ever since I lost a ton of weight. I love buying clothes and gear, probably half my wardrobe is either from REI or sports brands. Just wanted to share this find, cause these are probably the second best thing I've wrapped around my package.


The best way I can describe wearing these is like having silky air on. Everything is contained, but nothing is constrained. Total freedom of movement without compression, yet they'd be perfect on a run or doing squats. Plus they make my ass look fantastic.

I love em so much, I ended up going back to the UA outlet near me to buy 8 more pairs so I could replace all of my boxer briefs with them.
I don't think source talk is allowed on GAF.
I still refuse to buy pretty much anything as my body is still changing very quickly, and I have no idea where a stable size is going to end up.


Edit: down to 160.5lbs today from 172. 11.5%-ish BF.

Ran 5 miles at a 7:45 pace today. Never thought I would get under 8, but damn... Now I'm aiming for 7:30 for the 8K in two months.

Been interesting balancing running and leg days. So far, this seems to work best:

Su: Run
M: Legs, Cycle
T: Cycle
W: Run
Th: Legs, Cycle
Fr: Cycle

Cycling really seems to help me recover and heal from the 'pounding' of running especially since I'm not going balls out a-la Psychotext, just 145-155bpm for 40 minutes or so. And doing it at my running cadence seems to help keep myself in running shape, even improving my muscle endurance.
Edit: down to 160.5lbs today from 172. 11.5%-ish BF.

Ran 5 miles at a 7:45 pace today. Never thought I would get under 8, but damn... Now I'm aiming for 7:30 for the 8K in two months.

Been interesting balancing running and leg days. So far, this seems to work best:

Su: Run
M: Legs, Cycle
T: Cycle
W: Run
Th: Legs, Cycle
Fr: Cycle

Cycling really seems to help me recover and heal from the 'pounding' of running especially since I'm not going balls out a-la Psychotext, just 145-155bpm for 40 minutes or so. And doing it at my running cadence seems to help keep myself in running shape, even improving my muscle endurance.

Thats a good system. You never have to worry about running impeding your strength gains with legs. In fact you should notice a substantial strength increase as you continue to shave time off your mile.


Not sure I'm convinced this is better. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant, but last year I was cutting heavy calories plus doing cardio in an effort to do it quickly and lost tons of strength. I'm 6 weeks into my cut this time with only a 5-600 calorie defecit (food - exercise = 500cal defecit) and I'm maintaining strength (actually some numbers are still going up).

Sorry I should've clarified. Make the cut as short as you reasonably can. That means having a reasonable deficit so that you don't lose muscle or strength. I just meant that artificially prolonging the cut is not usually the smart thing to do. You want it over with so you can get back to gaining.


Sorry I should've clarified. Make the cut as short as you reasonably can. That means having a reasonable deficit so that you don't lose muscle or strength. I just meant that artificially prolonging the cut is not usually the smart thing to do. You want it over with so you can get back to gaining.
Ah, I knew I missed something. Thanks for clarifying.


Anyone on or have been on 531 BBB? I just switched to it yesterday so I'm curious to hear of other people's results.
Just switched to it, and almost through my second week. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I think I'll need to give it about 3ish cycles before I can really give some insight.
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