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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Wow impressive stuff BumRush. I can't tell if its that camera perspective or the weights being really big but you look like your about 4ft tall

Haha that's Brolic the Destroyer, a regular here. We link to or refer to his stuff because his form is always perfect.

If I'm struggling with a dumbbell exercise, is it better to reduce the weight or the reps/sets?

Edit: My weakness at the top of the page ;-;

Whichever will get your form spot on, to be honest...which I'm assuming is dropping the weight. What exercise, what rep scheme, how much weight and what's your goal?
Started with behind the neck OHP today for shoulders. I usually throw them in every 4th week but I will probably switch these to my main OHP for the next 6 to 8 weeks. Really felt good doing these today but they absolutely wrecked my sets on lateral raises right after. I probably could have taken more time to recoup between exercises but I felt strong and really kept good focus on the negative lateral. Still knocked out every rep but I took it a tad slower and focused on my breathing with each rep, no cheaters. Burn is full on right now. Feels good.

That's awesome :)

Amazing news!
Thanks, dudes!

All clear for another 6 months feels so good. 2/5 year survival coming up on my birthday in May. If I can make it past 5 the chances of it coming back are next to nothing!
awesome news! :)

from what I see they are often paired together.


that's what I see the most.

Yeah thats the most common I see as well. You can't superset them which is a downside plus they do cannibalize your next set of lifts but its great for shocking.

Biopsy came back benign. I get to keep on keeping on!

I can't believe I missed this! Congrats bro. Awesome news
awesome news! :)

Nice dude!

I can't believe I missed this! Congrats bro. Awesome news

Goddamn the outpouring from FitGAF is insane! You all make me feel really good and that's huge because I've been on edge the past several weeks after ultrasounds. Feels good to get an all clear and everyone here has been great at taking the positivism to a whole new level!

Arms tomorrow - going to crush them :DDD

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Why do deadlifts always feel awkward as hell? I'm doing something wrong I just know it.

Form check?

Where's Brolic.

Take one from the front and from an angle. The side is hard to judge.

Biopsy came back benign. I get to keep on keeping on!

Fantastic news bud.

Wow impressive stuff BumRush. I can't tell if its that camera perspective or the weights being really big but you look like your about 4ft tall

That's actually me, and you're close, I, 5'8"


I think we've hit critical new year's resolution mass. I've had to circle for a parking spot the last two trips to the gym. Based on lack of lines for equipment I'd say they're all on the treadmills, though. One woman was walking backward - what does she know that I don't?


Got back from the doctor's checkup. Right upper-arm bone has healed and I'm clear to lift things again. Yay.

Last 6 weeks were awful. Can't wait to get back in the gym and do more cardio.


i've really slacked off this week, after tuesday i felt like i'd been hit by a bus. i d a superset of 10 wide grip pull ups, 6 OHP, 8 bent over row, 5 lat raises, 15 tricep dips
using a 35kg barbell repeat 5 times.

what do you reckon?


2 days in a row just a hair below 190. I guess that's something. I think I need to eat more candy and Chinese food - the effect was too mild.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Here's a practice set at 135
. Still struggling to sit back more. Ignore rep#1.

1 it's a pulling the slack out issue I would guess.

2 have you tried barefoot?

Anyone live in Wawa country?

I was running late for work so I got a 10-inch sausage egg and cheese hoagie.

I looked up the nutrition facts to enter into MFP, and apparently it has 101g of fat and 1570 calories.

Jesus christ, that can't be right.

It's fast food, it probably is.

ACE 1991

Anyone live in Wawa country?

I was running late for work so I got a 10-inch sausage egg and cheese hoagie.

I looked up the nutrition facts to enter into MFP, and apparently it has 101g of fat and 1570 calories.

Jesus christ, that can't be right.


Anyone live in Wawa country?

I was running late for work so I got a 10-inch sausage egg and cheese hoagie.

I looked up the nutrition facts to enter into MFP, and apparently it has 101g of fat and 1570 calories.

Jesus christ, that can't be right.

10 inches sounds right actually.

Honestly Quickchek is better because you can get hot wraps instead.

Wawa's salads are pretty good.

ACE 1991

10 inches sounds right actually.

Honestly Quickchek is better because you can get hot wraps instead.

Wawa's salads are pretty good.


There goes the rest of my daily calories, crazy how I'm way over fat intake in about 30 seconds worth of eating.


aka [CFD] El Capitan
That's actually me, and you're close, I, 5'8"

Impressive lifts. I played football with some short dudes and I don't know what it is about being short but those guys could outfit all of us. Maybe just have less distance to go I guess. Still doesn't take away from anything your doing there great job man.

ARMS DAY - Bis, Tris

Give me a routine for today and I will follow it. Absolute must starter for me is weighted dips so automatically assume those will be done first. Make me regret asking you all for an arm routine! I want them to feel like jello! GO GO GO!

Congrats man.

Fantastic news bud.

This right here is the real great news of the thread. Awesome!

Nothing stops this train.

You guys are fucking amazing! <3 <3 <3



ARMS DAY - Bis, Tris

Give me a routine for today and I will follow it. Absolute must starter for me is weighted dips so automatically assume those will be done first. Make me regret asking you all for an arm routine! I want them to feel like jello! GO GO GO!

Hammer Curls



ARMS DAY - Bis, Tris

Give me a routine for today and I will follow it. Absolute must starter for me is weighted dips so automatically assume those will be done first. Make me regret asking you all for an arm routine! I want them to feel like jello! GO GO

CGBP, weighted dips superset with weighted chinups, BB curl drop set (each set start with a weight you can do 8 reps. Shed weight and do another 8 reps. Shed weight and do to failure. That's one set) and triceps pull down.

Lol 5'9"

Wait, it's probably not helping that I used 35s and 10s instead of 45s.

Lol, I thought so. Why the fuck you look so tall????
CGBP, weighted dips superset with weighted chinups, BB curl drop set (each set start with a weight you can do 8 reps. Shed weight and do another 8 reps. Shed weight and do to failure. That's one set) and triceps pull down.

About halfway done.

Fuck you with your weighted pullup supersets! I'm dying! I have to do those in the garage so i have to run upstairs every set XD


Don't judge the hair tho.


Fucking hell. Just got a glowing review from my boss and that I kicked ass this year with our design team. Nice raise and a nice bonus.

I'm gonna ride this wave today and save some calories for that bottle of tequila on my shelf that's calling my name.

For relevancy: Down to 11%BF and still progressing with 531. One more week before my first deload. Squats are going to be the killer.
Fucking hell. Just got a glowing review from my boss and that I kicked ass this year with our design team. Nice raise and a nice bonus.

I'm gonna ride this wave today and save some calories for that bottle of tequila on my shelf that's calling my name.

For relevancy: Down to 11%BF and still progressing with 531. One more week before my first deload. Squats are going to be the killer.

Bro thats awesome, ride that high all the way to professional thrust squats.
You work at an agency?
Fucking hell. Just got a glowing review from my boss and that I kicked ass this year with our design team. Nice raise and a nice bonus.

I'm gonna ride this wave today and save some calories for that bottle of tequila on my shelf that's calling my name.

For relevancy: Down to 11%BF and still progressing with 531. One more week before my first deload. Squats are going to be the killer.
Grats on the raise and bonus, brother! 11% also sounds amazing. Always liked your work when you post pics - on point.


Fucking hell. Just got a glowing review from my boss and that I kicked ass this year with our design team. Nice raise and a nice bonus.

I'm gonna ride this wave today and save some calories for that bottle of tequila on my shelf that's calling my name.

For relevancy: Down to 11%BF and still progressing with 531. One more week before my first deload. Squats are going to be the killer.
Mike is on top of the world. Grats man!


Fucking hell. Just got a glowing review from my boss and that I kicked ass this year with our design team. Nice raise and a nice bonus.

I'm gonna ride this wave today and save some calories for that bottle of tequila on my shelf that's calling my name.

For relevancy: Down to 11%BF and still progressing with 531. One more week before my first deload. Squats are going to be the killer.

Amazing!!! Congrats dude!


Bro thats awesome, ride that high all the way to professional thrust squats.
You work at an agency?

Thanks! I'm a senior designer at an architectural lighting company. LED light fixtures specifically.

Grats on the raise and bonus, brother! 11% also sounds amazing. Always liked your work when you post pics - on point.

Mike is on top of the world. Grats man!

Amazing!!! Congrats dude!

Thanks guys! :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
What are your thoughts on 5/3/1 in general?

I use beyond 5/3/1, but you have to know why you're doing what you're doing. I've done quite a few good programs, but beyond 5/3/1 with some personal changes is a damn good program.

Regular 5/3/1 is okay, but it lacking, beyond makes up for what it lacks.

5/3/1 BB is NOT a waste of time. Its the best program I've ever run, hands down.

I would guess you haven't been training long yet. The only thing 5/3/1 BBB is good for is learning the movement patterns of the big 4 lifts.

I did 5/3/1 BBB for a significant amount of time, the regulars here can attest to that. As I said before. It's a fucking waste of time.
Looking at my logs for 5/3/1.

I started the last week of February last year, so I'm at 11 months on 5/3/1 currently. I had been doing Starting Strength for about 10 months before that. I had been stalling for about a month, and my legs felt like they were turning into rocks.

My first 1s week on 5/3/1 (2/23/2015-2/27/2015):
OHP: 100x4
Squat: 270x3
Bench: 140x3
DL: 300x4

My current 1 rep records, 46 weeks later:
OHP: 165, +65 lbs
Squat: 365, +95 lbs
Bench: 260, +120 lbs
DL: 405, +105 lbs

(For bench, I had a shoulder impingement injury and had just gotten better, so I had been catching back up here, I had been at 205 pre-injury)

My impression of 5/3/1 is that it's slow progress. Are those good gains for 11 months of training? I don't know. Is there something faster? I don't know.

But considering I spent a month deloading trying to break a plateau on Starting Strength when you're supposed to be gaining every time you lift, I probably could have stalled forever on Starting Strength. Instead, I immediately busted through that plateau and steadily gained. 5/3/1 worked when something else didn't.

I'm 43 years old, and I have an hour of gym time. I had never done any strength training in my life until two years ago. I don't know if, at my age and in an hour a day, there's something I could have done to gain faster than 5/3/1. I just know that 11 months later, I'm significantly stronger and am satisfied that I can keep getting stronger month to month.
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