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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I'm planning on joining a gym and want to use StrongLift 5x5. I'm 5'6" at 132 lbs. My lifting experience is minimal. At my school's I've only been lifting (and running) like once a week lol. Better than nothing though.

Anyway I'm not the strongest guy, so I was looking to get feedback about the starting weights. Squats and bench press are 45 lbs and I should be able to do that (with a little trouble is likely though). But then rows are 65 lbs, and deadlifts are 95 lbs? These are just starting weights, but I don't know if I'm really capable of doing that. Especially deadlifts, even if it's 1 rep for 5 sets. So what do you guys recommend?

As for diet, I think this would be my biggest problem. I actually eat fast food frequently, but I don't gain any weight. Maybe for 2 days I'll look lumpier than usual, but that goes away. I actually don't think I eat enough food a lot of the time. On average I only eat like 2 meals a day. Maybe some snacks here and there (chips, a little bit of candy - I don't eat too many sweets, edit: yogurt). I can attempt to eat more than usual, but I don't cook (I live at home and my parents do). I'm big on chicken on pasta, not so much on veggies. But as long as I take more calories than usual, can I make some decent gains if I keep going 3 days a week?

Also, how do you feel about running? I don't run much as I've stated. I really like doing it to stretch out my back/leg muscles. I don't know how much of a detriment it is if my diet isn't the best.

The reason these weights are recommended to start out is because with these weights you can use plates that are large enough to get the bar up high enough when it's resting on the floor. Lifting just the bar all the way from the floor forces you to bend down a lot, which may damage your back if your mobility/flexibility is not very good. To get around this problem just find a way to get the bar up to the same height as if you had been using these recommended starting weights.

Do something like the picture below. (But don't elevate the bar as high as in the picture. Just enough to get it to the height it would have been had you been using the recommended weight.)


If you don't have access to platforms like these, improvise platforms by stacking a few plates on the floor and lift from these.


Didn't go to gym, I really wanted to but you guys scared me into not going lol. I've been up 32 hours now and totally awake still, I am in bed now and still can't sleep, so much energy. It's getting a bit absurd at this point.
How? That is crazy. You're basically wasted at this point. Time to party.

Kidding. Good luck getting some sleep. That sounds like torture.

Edit: now that he's sleeping, let's try to guess what Bish is dreaming about lol
Young Beefer, you must gulp down your own sweat!
That Muscle Nectar that comes squirting out
Of your huge body in a mighty jet
At frightening speeds, and with such vicious clout
That it could kill a child. When you lift
Tremendous weights, the sweat shall sweetly pour
In floods across the Gym. It is a gift
To all who come to slurp it off the floor.

Young Beefer, when the Times Of Muscle come,
Be sure to have a chalice in your hands
To catch the perspiration that floods from
Your biceps. Sweat’s the syrup of your glands!

And though sweat is in any guise divine,
The sweetest sweat to drink is always thine.

7 Weightlifting Poems That Will Get You Pumped

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Guess all my tissue is garbage. Went to the best MT I've ever gone to before. Was so good I signed up monthly with her. She beat th shit out of me. She asked why my back was so fucked up (didn't feel it to me) and told her I train strongman/powerlifting. She said she has a lot of PL clients and I can see why. She spent an hour just on my glutes and I could feel the tissue breaking up and separating as she worked. It fucking sucked and now I feel like death. Going back in two weeks to have her "strip (as she calls it)" my forearms.
Having your muscles stripped is no fun at all. Is why I spend so much time on stretching / foam rolling.

Though if I'm honest, having my ass massaged for an hour doesn't sound so bad.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Having your muscles stripped is no fun at all. Is why I spend so much time on stretching / foam rolling.

Though if I'm honest, having my ass massaged for an hour doesn't sound so bad.

It's not good, at all. Worse than any tattoo I've ever got. She actually said I was taking it very well (I wasn't moving or making any noise so i didn't mess her up. And I told her "yeah. Well it hurts like a motherfucker" and she just laughed at me.

She also said she could tell my hamstrings are gonna be a nightmare when we get to them. I believe her.


How? That is crazy. You're basically wasted at this point. Time to party.

Kidding. Good luck getting some sleep. That sounds like torture.

Edit: now that he's sleeping, let's try to guess what Bish is dreaming about lol

You KNOW he's dreaming about keto. Definitely a keto dream where he wasn't in keto and just when things looked truly dire his body slipped in. Probably set to bonnie tyler or some shit.


You KNOW he's dreaming about keto. Definitely a keto dream where he wasn't in keto and just when things looked truly dire his body slipped in. Probably set to bonnie tyler or some shit.

His nightmares involve being force-fed white bread and table sugar


Brolic, I probably know half the massage pain youre describing and it was still a bitch. A couple days later and you feel like a new man though!!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Last weight update until 180. I promise. Another full pound. Amazing stuff. 183.4 today. Stomach looks like an ocean.
It's not good, at all. Worse than any tattoo I've ever got. She actually said I was taking it very well (I wasn't moving or making any noise so i didn't mess her up. And I told her "yeah. Well it hurts like a motherfucker" and she just laughed at me.

She also said she could tell my hamstrings are gonna be a nightmare when we get to them. I believe her.

I suspect that they're all secretly sadists. I'm getting my IT band done again tomorrow... which will be fun. =/

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Brolic, I probably know half the massage pain youre describing and it was still a bitch. A couple days later and you feel like a new man though!!

Oh I know I'll feel better as early as tomorrow. She was just damn good and I'm looking forward to now it improves my performance.

I suspect that they're all secretly sadists. I'm getting my IT band done again tomorrow... which will be fun. =/

Secret nothing. She said she was trained in Swedish massage, but went to trigger point/deep tissue because she likes hurting people. I told her we can be friends.


That's awesome Brolic. I've heard of the benefits of massaging dat ass but it seems like a lot of therapist only do around the area. Go for the glutes I say.


Bf and I started attending workouts at a local running club--every Tuesday being a track workout with almost no shade.

We ran last year during the summer in the evenings, but it's so much worse out in the open sun before it has really started to set :(


Got 2 hours of sleep, now back to 100% wide awake. It might be ambien time.

For shits and giggles, i weigh;d myself, all new low of 233.8. How can this be.

Oh well, gonna eat some pepperoni and eggs while i'm up.


Last weight update until 180. I promise. Another full pound. Amazing stuff. 183.4 today. Stomach looks like an ocean.

In other words, we'll hear from you tomorrow?

Brolic Gaoler said:
Guess all my tissue is garbage.<snip>

eek. Hope the recovery goes well. Do you think there's anything that could have prevented this, or that you plan to work into future routines?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter, you are not an old man. I'm an old man.

You got your mutant beast genetics. The old man schtick is mine.
You're not taking into account each kid adding 2 years due to stress. You see the grey beard. Old man confirmed!

In other words, we'll hear from you tomorrow?
God I hope not. Something has went horribly wrong if that's the case.


FE looking better than his wrestler he always says is his goal yet again. No surprise. Don't put a weight goal. Shoot for a bf% goal. That's my advice.

Evo X

Yo FitGAF!

Month 7 progress update. How am I doing?

Starting Body Weight - 155 lbs

Current Body Weight- 177 lbs

Starting Squat - 65 lbs

Current Squat - 275 lbs

Starting Deadlift - 85 lbs

Current Deadlift - 315 lbs

Starting Bench Press- 85 lbs

Current Bench Press - 195 lbs

Starting Overhead Press - 30 lbs

Current Overhead Press - 110 lbs

Starting Bicep Curl - 30(15x2) lbs

Current Bicep Curl - 100(50x2) lbs

Starting Lat Pulldown - 60 lbs

Current Lat Pulldown - 180 lbs

I feel a lot stronger, but how come I don't look like a swole beast like you guys? Does that just come with time or am I forever destined to look small?

Also, how am I able to turn into a rage monster that can summon godly amounts of strength at the gym while being an easy going joker the rest of the time? When I'm focused, it feels like running on raw adrenaline. Not sure that's healthy...

If you saw me on the street, there is no way you could tell I can lift the weights that I can. I saw some guy earlier today curling 115lbs, but he looked like Hulk Hogan. A few days ago, there was a pair of cut athletic model looking dudes who were only lifting half as much as me. Shit isn't logical.

Not gonna lie. One of the main reasons I got into this was for aesthetic purposes. Either I'm doing something wrong, or my body's just not designed to work that way. :/

I have some before/after comparison pics, but I'm kinda self conscious about posting them here among the Greek Gods....


Kid woke me up at 3 with an apparent nightmare. Stayed with him for an hour and a half till he was good and back to sleep. Unfortunately that put me at about 30 min before it was time to get up and lift. Heading down stairs in 10 with a double cup of coffee for warm up. Only 5 hours of sleep under my belt this time, not real confident about hitting numbers.


Also, FE, your pics are looking great man. The rib cage is starting to show through, abs are in sight!


the piano man
Most of my lifts haven't even gone up 20% in the last 6 months. :(

yeah, I remember my first 18 months I was breaking PRs left and right, seeing changes in the scale and my body. Noob gains are easily the best part of this.

then, on my 2nd half of my fitness life (3 years so far) I've been kind of, sort of spinning my wheels on the main compounds.

all due to several reasons,some are justified (body aches) and some are just lazyness or lack of discipline

If we are talking about PR's then:

.- my squat depends on my left knee feeling well (not the case right now)
.- my OHP depends on my back feeling well,(not the case right now either)
.- DL depends on me eating like a pig and sleeping well otherwise I get VERY VERY dizzy after going somewhat high on it, (not the case, since I am on a cut with a shitton of stress in life)
.- Bench depends on my right wrist not feeling odd, which has been the case so far. thank god and the universe

about the body... well, that changes every 3 or 4 days. so I don't pay much attention to my selfies,


FE, I'd agree with coot on this. You look great already and "big" suits you. I'd just focus on maintaining the weight but replacing a bit of the fat with more muscle. It might take longer but you'll be a god amongst men when it's over.


Yo FitGAF!

Month 7 progress update. How am I doing?

Um, dude, how do you think you're doing? Look at those numbers, you're kicking ass.

As for your aesthetics comment, you're at the perfect time to start working on that. The OP programs will get you big and strong but eventually you need to tweak your assistance lifts to hone your physique the way you want. Without seeing a pic, what aren't you loving about your body?


Some meaty fluctuation on your intake there.

My protein is pretty solid its the other 2 macros that are usually lower than my goal.

Felt pretty awesome doing early morning leg day with more carbs though.

I was guilty of lowering intake heavily on rest days but I'm going to do my best to cut that out.
I have an opinion question on cutting. I've never really tried getting down to particularly low body fats so this is new to me.

I'm starting to stall a bit on my lifts after about a month or so on a cut. I assume this is generally considered acceptable, but if I start going backwards I should maybe consider eating a bit more?

I'm somewhat smaller than you. It's hard enough to hit my protein and fat targets without having a whole load of carbs.

But my push stuff is already crap. :(

I'd say increase your post workout carbs and reduce the fats to stay within your calorie range. This should help you recover better from your workouts.
I do it intentionally via carb cycling. Though I only really have one rest day a week.

Question regarding carb cycling, I plan on doing this for the first time in late July. On the days with low to no carbs do I have to intake more protein and fats to ensure no muscle loss?
I'd say increase your post workout carbs and reduce the fats to stay within your calorie range. This should help you recover better from your workouts.

My post workout meal is very carb heavy. I then tend not to have much in the way of carbs for the rest of my eating period.

Question regarding carb cycling, I plan on doing this for the first time in late July. On the days with low to no carbs do I have to intake more protein and fats to ensure no muscle loss?

I don't, but I've read supporting arguments both ways. It's less important for me because of how few rest days I have though.
My post workout meal is very carb heavy. I then tend not to have much in the way of carbs for the rest of my eating period.

I don't, but I've read supporting arguments both ways. It's less important for me because of how few rest days I have though.

Cool. Lately I have been having 1-3 rest days so I will more likely up my protein and fats intake during the carb cycling period. Thanks Psycho.


My post workout meal is very carb heavy. I then tend not to have much in the way of carbs for the rest of my eating period.

What is carb heavy in grams,GI, and fiber content of the pwo carbs?

I've read a bunch of info on carb cycling and in my experience so far carb timing has made no impact. I'm eating brown rice, quinoa and oats if that makes a difference. As long as I eat enough carbs on the day before working out I have the energy to complete it.


the piano man
I put oatmeal in the blender, with a bit of milk and a scoop of chocolate protein powder...

tastes good and I can pass it quickly.

anyone else put oatmeal in the blender?
What is carb heavy in grams,GI, and fiber content of the pwo carbs?

I've read a bunch of info on carb cycling and in my experience so far carb timing has made no impact. I'm eating brown rice, quinoa and oats if that makes a difference. As long as I eat enough carbs on the day before working out I have the energy to complete it.

Not really any point in going low GI right after a workout. It's when your body can work its magic with faster absorbed carbs. I'm guessing you're not doing intermittent fasting? I've only ever done it with IF, so I can't comment on progress without it.

As for heavy, my post workout meal yesterday had 110g of carbs... but yesterday was 2 a day training, I still had an hour of turbo trainer time to come.

anyone else put oatmeal in the blender?

Lots of green smoothies include it as an ingredient.
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