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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I have found pants that fit lifting legs!!!!!

The stretch chinos at uniqlo feel really good. Not stiff at all

I got so excited I bought 2 pairs.

So, what was the price on those jeans? I say this only because I need to start looking into new jeans (and slacks for work) since I've gone from a 38 to a 36-34. I'm looking for something that fits good ( I have a current pair of 36 jeans that are definitely going to rip at my thighs soon :( ) is comfy, and most of all priced well, especially for someone only on a student loan budget.

I guess its good having to get a new wardrobe to fit my new physique, I just don't want to pay for it :/
Still hovering around 178/179lbs. Can't figure out why I've dropped to this weight from 183/182lbs. My diet has not changed, and I don't do cardio. It's been like this for a couple months now.


Looks good, but the goat is Levi 508s. They're flawless for big quads.

I haven't tried those yet. Do they taper at the bottom??

Looking good bruv, looking real good.

Thanks bro bro.

So, what was the price on those jeans? I say this only because I need to start looking into new jeans (and slacks for work) since I've gone from a 38 to a 36-34. I'm looking for something that fits good ( I have a current pair of 36 jeans that are definitely going to rip at my thighs soon :( ) is comfy, and most of all priced well, especially for someone only on a student loan budget.

I guess its good having to get a new wardrobe to fit my new physique, I just don't want to pay for it :/

Those are on sale right now on uniqlos website for 10.00 off if you buy 2 (39.99 each). Just make sure you get the stretch chinos.
It's usually either stress or not eating enough... usually.

Also, that's really not that much of a drop.

Yeah but I don't fill out in my clothes as I used to. Weird thing my strength hasn't dropped.

Could be stress as I've been really mad and unhappy lately.

But other than that my diet hasn't changed. I should've been maintaining my weight.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift


My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift
Yep. That looks perfect. I'll take those numbers.

Also, speaking of Cooterizing, it's about that time of the week...


My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift

That perfect 100 lb increase per lift 👌🙌🏻

How the hell do you guys squat so much? My body wants to give up at 170 lbs

You'll build up to it. It takes years and years.

I remember when I started lifting I was watching this guy squat 225 for 5 and I was like damn I can't imagine that on my back. I can barely keep balance with the bar.

And earlier this week I did 225x10 like it was nothing for funzies at the end of my working set
My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

Squatting more than you deadlift is a completely alien concept to me. Like you, my deadlift is a significant amount higher than my squat.
My squat is higher than my deadlift, but not by much and mostly because Stronglifts has me squatting all the time and deadlifting every other workout. They're also my heaviest lifts

Lets not talk about my BP and OHP ;_;


My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift

You really are a fucking beast dude. 180-ish and a 1300+ lbs big 3...


My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift

What were your lifts when you first did a muscle up? Or did you just do one on your first attempt?

I've added 30 lbs to my squat max in the past month but only 10 lbs to my DL. My legs are noticeably bigger. I'm struggling to get 1 MU now (the transition from pull up to dip feels even stickier and I can barely eek one out at the start of my workouts) even though I'm noticeable leaner.
My squat is higher than my deadlift, but not by much and mostly because Stronglifts has me squatting all the time and deadlifting every other workout. They're also my heaviest lifts

I'm only doing deadlift one day out of three, but I've still had reasonable progression, though for me my grip has been my limiting factor by a long way.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks Bum

What were your lifts when you first did a muscle up? Or did you just do one on your first attempt?

I've added 30 lbs to my squat max in the past month but only 10 lbs to my DL. My legs are noticeably bigger. I'm struggling to get 1 MU now (the transition from pull up to dip feels even stickier and I can barely eek one out at the start of my workouts) even though I'm noticeable leaner.

Let me think... It was about 4 or 5 years ago and I didn't even DL then and my squat and bench were 350 & 325 respectively.
My lifts are in line with what they are supposed to be I think but I have heard from a few people that you're supposed to squat more than you deadlift. Who knows?

350 bench
450 squat
550 Deadlift

In Powerlifting, it's common in the heaviest weight classes for men to be able to squat more than they can deadlift.

I think some people take that to mean that you should be able to squat more, but it's not really common.
My bench is shitty compared to my squat and dl..but then again all three are shit since I'm working with people not in the same goals as I am. And bp was alwaysnshit. But I'm working on improving my upper body strength
2 years into lifting and my 5 rep numbers are meh (6'1 BW of 205 lbs).

235 lb squat (high bar)
320 lb DL
220 lb Bench
155 lb OHP

Ughh I might have to gain more weight to even make a big increase in these numbers
I get people chasing the bigger numbers, but I think I'd rather increase my strength per lb of bodyweight as a more meaningful target than going for X plates etc on particular lifts.

But obviously I have to stay relatively light for the cycling, so it makes sense I keep that in mind.
I don't know what you mean. :(

I just make my legs go round, and sometimes pick things up and put them back again. Anything else is too complicated for me.

Mr. X

I get people chasing the bigger numbers, but I think I'd rather increase my strength per lb of bodyweight as a more meaningful target than going for X plates etc on particular lifts.

But obviously I have to stay relatively light for the cycling, so it makes sense I keep that in mind.
I have the same goal but due to idealizing martial artists/boxing regiments and physiques.

Treat your girl or guy REEEEAAAALLL good this valentines day
if you know what I mean and I think you do
Gym is my bae, I'll be extra sure to spend more time and re-rack all my weights..


My wife is in bed with girl stuff so she doesn't want to go out and I'm bringing her a burger and cookies after I'm done with the gym. I feel a bit guilty about the easy husband points I'm earning.

Hey, it's supposed to be -11 degrees F today. Whatever, went to the gym in shorts.


Kind of a weird question, but I tried googling and couldn't find a decent answer.

I've been sucking in my belly for years, to the point where letting it go feels strange and unnatural. I don't mean sucking it in like I'm pulling it back as far as it can go, but more like holding it in a sort of central position because if I don't I look like I'm carrying a baby. Like seriously FAT, but I know my weight has always been pretty reasonable. Even at my lowest weight, around 160, this still happened. When people say I look skinny I know it's a lie because they don't know what I really look like. You guys with the amazing abs and all that, do you have to consciously hold it together, or are you fully relaxed around the entire abdominal region?

I feel like I'm secretly really fat, with my stretch marks telling the true story :(
It's why I was terrified for months about bulking.
Kind of a weird question, but I tried googling and couldn't find a decent answer.

I've been sucking in my belly for years, to the point where letting it go feels strange and unnatural. I don't mean sucking it in like I'm pulling it back as far as it can go, but more like holding it in a sort of central position because if I don't I look like I'm carrying a baby. Like seriously FAT, but I know my weight has always been pretty reasonable. Even at my lowest weight, around 160, this still happened. When people say I look skinny I know it's a lie because they don't know what I really look like. You guys with the amazing abs and all that, do you have to consciously hold it together, or are you fully relaxed around the entire abdominal region?

Usually when people take "ab" selfies, it's under really good lighting. And you flex your abs so they look really hard, and then you kind of lean back so that it doesn't look like your flexing any more.

Think of it like you if you wanted to show off your biceps, you'd flex your arms. It's the same for abs.

That's not to say that they don't have visible abs at all, but the hard look your probably thinking of is definitely buffed by posing/lighting/angles.
I've been sucking in my belly for years, to the point where letting it go feels strange and unnatural. I don't mean sucking it in like I'm pulling it back as far as it can go, but more like holding it in a sort of central position because if I don't I look like I'm carrying a baby. Like seriously FAT, but I know my weight has always been pretty reasonable. Even at my lowest weight, around 160, this still happened. When people say I look skinny I know it's a lie because they don't know what I really look like. You guys with the amazing abs and all that, do you have to consciously hold it together, or are you fully relaxed around the entire abdominal region?

I feel like I'm secretly really fat, with my stretch marks telling the true story :(
It's why I was terrified for months about bulking.

Look for something called a stomach vacuum (it's a "move"), you might find it interesting.

...and yes, when I lost the fat I eventually stopped holding it in. I should probably get back to it a bit now I'm bulking though. :D


Usually when people take "ab" selfies, it's under really good lighting. And you flex your abs so they look really hard, and then you kind of lean back so that it doesn't look like your flexing any more.

Think of it like you if you wanted to show off your biceps, you'd flex your arms. It's the same for abs.

That's not to say that they don't have visible abs at all, but the hard look your probably thinking of is definitely buffed by posing/lighting/angles.

Okay, well not even people who can show abs, but how about anyone that has even a remotely flat stomach without flexing? Is this a ridiculous, impossible dream?


No, definitely achievable. It takes time though...especially in the kitchen.

So I understand this correctly, the path to doing this is multiple cycles of bulking and cutting until I'm as strong as I want to be, then additional weight loss if necessary to get there, because if I just try to lose weight without getting stronger first I'll just end up looking like a skeleton.
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