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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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So I understand this correctly, the path to doing this is multiple cycles of bulking and cutting until I'm as strong as I want to be, then additional weight loss if necessary to get there, because if I just try to lose weight without getting stronger first I'll just end up looking like a skeleton.

There's probably different ways to do it but a relatively clean bulk followed by a serious cut is probably the most efficient, yes.


So I received my food scale from Amazon today, and I am very happy about it!

Let's say I go for one glass of milk. The product itself says I get 63 calories per 100g. I put my glass on the weight and it says 46g. Does that mean, that I have to take the 63 times 46 and divide it with 100? So I'm actually getting 29 calories instead of the 63?


Was sick for a few weeks and finally got back to the gym. Was fearing I had lost a lot of strength but I was surprisingly able to lift the same amount, just with a couple of reps off. Unfortunately, I decided to do a pyramid set (which I rarely do) with the bench press and thought that working a few other muscle groups would give me enough time to recover before doing incline bench press and I was so wrong.

Got the weight to my chest and then I couldn't lift at all. Had no spotter and the gym was practically empty. Had enough control to guide it to my lap and ever since someone posted that video of that guy nearly choking himself to death, I stopped using weight clamps so I was able to teeter it to one side and slide the weights off.

I guess you can say that one thing I lost during the break was my perception of what I could lift versus how my muscles felt at the time.


So I received my food scale from Amazon today, and I am very happy about it!

Let's say I go for one glass of milk. The product itself says I get 63 calories per 100g. I put my glass on the weight and it says 46g. Does that mean, that I have to take the 63 times 46 and divide it with 100? So I'm actually getting 29 calories instead of the 63?

Most food scales let you zero out whatever is on there.

Or just put the glass on and then turn it on.

Then fill with milk. No crazy math needed.


So I received my food scale from Amazon today, and I am very happy about it!

Let's say I go for one glass of milk. The product itself says I get 63 calories per 100g. I put my glass on the weight and it says 46g. Does that mean, that I have to take the 63 times 46 and divide it with 100? So I'm actually getting 29 calories instead of the 63?

Yup, like Sean said, you can tare it by either having the empty cup/container already on the scale before turning it on or if you already had it on, you can just press the power button and it'll tare it automatically.

Unless you have a manual (non-digital) scale, in which case there's a nob on the back that you use to adjust the counter to 0.


So I received my food scale from Amazon today, and I am very happy about it!

Let's say I go for one glass of milk. The product itself says I get 63 calories per 100g. I put my glass on the weight and it says 46g. Does that mean, that I have to take the 63 times 46 and divide it with 100? So I'm actually getting 29 calories instead of the 63?

If you want 100g of milk and the glass weighs 46g then just have the scale read out 146g when the glass has milk in it. Assuming you're not eating the glass after drinking the milk, that's your 63 calories.


I have a question about stamina when cutting. My upper body exercises are actually doing well while I lose weight, especially since I have added close grip dumbbell presses (seems my triceps were crap). I got new PRs on weighted chin-ups and OHP today.

However, I am getting WRECKED on squats. It's not that I can't lift the weight - my form feels really good and I feel like my legs can get the weight up. But even taking a good amount of rest between I'm getting really winded at the end of my sets. Like going to pass out winded. I'm currently on a deload on squats working back up to 250 and did 225 today and that 15th rep was just killer. My legs wanted to do at least one AMRAP rep, but my lungs and head were saying no way.

Has anyone else experienced this? I think my breathing is good, too - I take a deep breath at the top and release after I come back up.


Most food scales let you zero out whatever is on there.

Or just put the glass on and then turn it on.

Then fill with milk. No crazy math needed.

Yup, best part about a digital food scale. Keep zeroing out and you can measure a whole ton of ingredients in the same bowl.

The Enchanter

Neo Member
The search for my first protein powder begins. Could not decide, so decided to try them all.


I'm sure they will all do the job but my main goal is to find the one that tastes the least synthetic. I really dislike artificial sweeteners...
That's really odd. I could get it for sets of 12 or so, but I can't imagine getting out of breath on sets of 5. How's your blood pressure?

You're not supersetting it with anything are you?


Haha I was going to say...

Are you eating before you lift? Making sure to hydrate?

I definitely drink a good amount of water while I'm at the gym, but I could probably do a better job of drinking throughout the day.

Eating, it kind of depends. On weekdays I've had breakfast and lunch and usually a snack as well. Today though I went on an empty stomach. However, I've experienced this regardless.

By the way the hamburger I am eating right now tastes soooooo good.


That's really odd. I could get it for sets of 12 or so, but I can't imagine getting out of breath on sets of 5. How's your blood pressure?

You're not supersetting it with anything are you?

Had it checked pretty recently at the dentist and they had no comments. You've got me thinking, though. I need to do a little googling.

No, I'm doing one exercise at a time.


Down another 1.8lbs, back in the 220s with 229.8, 11.6lbs till I'm back at my previous lowest, but I already look a lot leaner then before. I'm going to ride this out and see how things go. Really liking PSMF so far. I could see myself looking quite good at the 200-210 range.
I have a question about stamina when cutting. My upper body exercises are actually doing well while I lose weight, especially since I have added close grip dumbbell presses (seems my triceps were crap). I got new PRs on weighted chin-ups and OHP today.

However, I am getting WRECKED on squats. It's not that I can't lift the weight - my form feels really good and I feel like my legs can get the weight up. But even taking a good amount of rest between I'm getting really winded at the end of my sets. Like going to pass out winded. I'm currently on a deload on squats working back up to 250 and did 225 today and that 15th rep was just killer. My legs wanted to do at least one AMRAP rep, but my lungs and head were saying no way.

Has anyone else experienced this? I think my breathing is good, too - I take a deep breath at the top and release after I come back up.

What's happening is your energy levels have dropped so you can't do the same amount of volume.

You pretty much have two options:

i. reduce the volume by either lowering the amount of weight you do, or the amount of sets/reps

ii. a stimulant like caffeine pills, coffee, or a preworkout to super charge yourself before your workouts.


How's your blood pressure?

Thanks so much for bringing this up. While I now don't think blood pressure is the issue, it got me thinking and I'm going to be making a doctor's appointment.

For the last few weeks I've been feeling a bit off. I had chalked this up to withdrawal symptoms from coming off Paxil, but I also felt that it was taking longer that it had previously, and I was feeling additional symptoms I didn't expect, particularly heart palpitations.

I went over to the supermarket and did a couple runs on the blood pressure machine. Blood pressure was fine, but both times resting heart rate came back over 105. I had had a bout with thyroiditis a number of years back, and suddenly this started to feel awfully familiar. It would absolutely explain rapid heart rate, fatigue during workouts, heart palpitations and even rapid weight loss.

Regardless, I'm no doctor so I'm going to get an appointment set up asap.
Thanks so much for bringing this up. While I now don't think blood pressure is the issue, it got me thinking and I'm going to be making a doctor's appointment.

For the last few weeks I've been feeling a bit off. I had chalked this up to withdrawal symptoms from coming off Paxil, but I also felt that it was taking longer that it had previously, and I was feeling additional symptoms I didn't expect, particularly heart palpitations.

I went over to the supermarket and did a couple runs on the blood pressure machine. Blood pressure was fine, but both times resting heart rate came back over 105. I had had a bout with thyroiditis a number of years back, and suddenly this started to feel awfully familiar. It would absolutely explain rapid heart rate, fatigue during workouts, heart palpitations and even rapid weight loss.

Regardless, I'm no doctor so I'm going to get an appointment set up asap.
First thing I thought of when you said you're fine on all but legs. Extra fatigue?

Go see an Endocrinologist that specializes in thyroid. Localized fatigue, especially in legs, soreness of feet, etc is symptomatic of hypo. Where there's one autoimmune disease, there's usually another as is in my case so be sure to get a full panel for multiple genetic diseases. Any family history?

I don't produce thyroid hormone thanks to cancer in 2014 and am on full replacememt with 2 meds. All I can say is I hope for the best. I hit legs twice per week because they went straight downhill after surgery so I do all I can to keep them up to par with the rest of my body. I'm not 100% sure what causes it, tbh. Some days are fine but the minute I take that 1st rep with a squat I want to fall over. I know I'm strong enough so I just keep going no matter what my legs feel like. Lots of pain, fatigue, but I just try to block it out on leg day.

Go see an endo. Get on top of it.
Can't speak for anyone else, but the only workouts to ever wreck me were leg ones. At the end of the day, for most people they're the workouts that involve the biggest muscles in the body, and when you do any decent amount of reps they need masses of blood and oxygen.

I used to do high rep stuff to increase my lactic acid handling capabilities and I lost count of the number of times I ended up throwing up because I had nothing left.

I went over to the supermarket and did a couple runs on the blood pressure machine. Blood pressure was fine, but both times resting heart rate came back over 105.

Yeah, 105 is pretty high. Would be interested in knowing what it is seated / laying down. Wouldn't fuck around if you've been having palpitations too.


First thing I thought of when you said you're fine on all but legs. Extra fatigue?

Go see an Endocrinologist that specializes in thyroid. Localized fatigue, especially in legs, soreness of feet, etc is symptomatic of hypo. Where there's one autoimmune disease, there's usually another as is in my case so be sure to get a full panel for multiple genetic diseases. Any family history?

I don't produce thyroid hormone thanks to cancer in 2014 and am on full replacememt with 2 meds. All I can say is I hope for the best. I hit legs twice per week because they went straight downhill after surgery so I do all I can to keep them up to par with the rest of my body. I'm not 100% sure what causes it, tbh. Some days are fine but the minute I take that 1st rep with a squat I want to fall over. I know I'm strong enough so I just keep going no matter what my legs feel like. Lots of pain, fatigue, but I just try to block it out on leg day.

Go see an endo. Get on top of it.

I had thyroiditis (hyperthyroid) a number of years back (like 2009 I think?) so I get my numbers checked a few times a year. Been fine for a while but this feels like it again, particularly the heart palpitations.

My brother had thyroid cancer - I don't think it is that, though because everything was clean as far as unexpected lumps as of just a couple of months ago. My dad's got hypo but he was diagnosed after he turned 70.

If it is thyroiditis again, I can at least take solace that it's not nearly as bad as last time. I would never have been able to go to the gym back then and I felt horrible. The only thing good about it was I could eat non-stop and still lose weight. If it is thyroiditis, the downside is there is literally nothing that can be done. You simply have to wait for it to go away.

I'll get into the doctor next week and we'll see.


Being a Brit I have literally never had a girl scout cookie.

Edit - Maybe I should buy some one day and get them shipped over. :D

We need to fix this. you at LEAST need to try the Somoas, Tag-a-Longs (EDIT: I forgot you hate peanut butter), and Thin Mints. Actually, those are the only girl scout cookies in my opinion.
I would happily ship you some boxes. Let me see what we have left after sorting. I'm sure we will have PLENTY.
Well, I reckon I could definitely purchase some off you.

I'm not sure what you yanks use for currency these days, but I'm sure with my mighty Pound Sterling I could buy myself quite the kingdom. \o/
I had thyroiditis (hyperthyroid) a number of years back (like 2009 I think?) so I get my numbers checked a few times a year. Been fine for a while but this feels like it again, particularly the heart palpitations.

My brother had thyroid cancer - I don't think it is that, though because everything was clean as far as unexpected lumps as of just a couple of months ago. My dad's got hypo but he was diagnosed after he turned 70.

If it is thyroiditis again, I can at least take solace that it's not nearly as bad as last time. I would never have been able to go to the gym back then and I felt horrible. The only thing good about it was I could eat non-stop and still lose weight. If it is thyroiditis, the downside is there is literally nothing that can be done. You simply have to wait for it to go away.

I'll get into the doctor next week and we'll see.
If you have a family history, have had thyroiditis in the past and nodules - and it keeps popping up from time to time (fatigue), you may have Hashimotos Disease. I have had it since childhood. Its actually the reason I still have one thyroid lobe even though it doesn't work. The decades of attack have wrapped the thyroid and surrounding tissue in scar tissue - surgery took about 6 hours for one lobe instead of 3 for the whole thing. Surgeon thought it best to leave it in if it didn't have cancer as the nerves to my vocal chords are wrapped, making removal a pain without making me mute.

Keep up with checks, dude. Needing to go on full thyroid replacement hormone is no joke. I never fully recovered. Takes everything I have to feel like half a human being most days and the other half is just good acting :D

Hope it all goes well for you but if you have any concerns talk to your doc and feel free to PM me if you need anything. I'm always around.


If you have a family history, have had thyroiditis in the past and nodules - and it keeps popping up from time to time (fatigue), you may have Hashimotos Disease. I have had it since childhood. Its actually the reason I still have one thyroid lobe even though it doesn't work. The decades of attack have wrapped the thyroid and surrounding tissue in scar tissue - surgery took about 6 hours for one lobe instead of 3 for the whole thing. Surgeon thought it best to leave it in if it didn't have cancer as the nerves to my vocal chords are wrapped, making removal a pain without making me mute.

Keep up with checks, dude. Needing to go on full thyroid replacement hormone is no joke. I never fully recovered. Takes everything I have to feel like half a human being most days and the other half is just good acting :D

Hope it all goes well for you but if you have any concerns talk to your doc and feel free to PM me if you need anything. I'm always around.

Thanks. Hopefully if it is thyroiditis again it's just acute. I haven't had nodules, not sure if I was being confusing. Also if it's thyroiditis again it's like a fraction of the effect of the first time. My heart rate was so out of whack at that time I would just watch Netfix on my phone until like 4am because I couldn't fall asleep. For about a month. With the weight loss I was like the walking dead.

I'm guessing I'm not going to be able to get into the doctor until Tuesday because of the holiday which sucks.
Thanks. Hopefully if it is thyroiditis again it's just acute. I haven't had nodules, not sure if I was being confusing. Also if it's thyroiditis again it's like a fraction of the effect of the first time. My heart rate was so out of whack at that time I would just watch Netfix on my phone until like 4am because I couldn't fall asleep. For about a month. With the weight loss I was like the walking dead.

I'm guessing I'm not going to be able to get into the doctor until Tuesday because of the holiday which sucks.
Ah I gotcha. You mentioned your fam and I immediately jumped into "goddammit" mode. I have family with Graves, friends with Crohn's, I am type 1 diabetic with Hashimotos. Damn near everyone I know has some type of autoimmune disease. Gets me down when I hear otherwise peeps even have mild issues. Just have to keep a good eye on it. Its good you have your wits about you with seeing a doc, a lot of people shrug shit off until its too late.

Stay on top of it and keep rolling, brother!
An Aussie store is selling protein with a Feb expiry for really cheap, I'm wondering what this actually means for the quality of the protein, what actually happens when it reaches its expiry?


Most food scales let you zero out whatever is on there.

Or just put the glass on and then turn it on.

Then fill with milk. No crazy math needed.

Yup, like Sean said, you can tare it by either having the empty cup/container already on the scale before turning it on or if you already had it on, you can just press the power button and it'll tare it automatically.

Unless you have a manual (non-digital) scale, in which case there's a nob on the back that you use to adjust the counter to 0.

If you want 100g of milk and the glass weighs 46g then just have the scale read out 146g when the glass has milk in it. Assuming you're not eating the glass after drinking the milk, that's your 63 calories.

This morning I put the plate on the weight before turning it on, so it would start at zero. Then I turned it on and put in the yogurt which resulted in 380g. But you guys say there shouldn't be any need for math?

100g gives me 91 calories. I'm super embarrassed to ask this but how do I do the math? 300g must be 273 calories. I guess I say 91x380 divided with 100, which gives me 345.8 calories. So that's the amount of calories I get from that breakfast right? If this is correct, I think I'm about to understand it.
There shouldn't be any need for maths because most people just put the numbers into myfitnesspal. For instance, in this case you'd enter 3.8 servings of 100g which would give you your 345.8kcal (Are you really having 380g of yoghurt? That's a HUGE amount).

Edit - Unrelated, not sure why but I seem to be sweating an incredible amount at night lately. I'm tempted to sleep with a thermometer attached to try and work out what the hell is going on.


There shouldn't be any need for maths because most people just put the numbers into myfitnesspal. For instance, in this case you'd enter 3.8 servings of 100g which would give you your 345.8kcal (Are you really having 380g of yoghurt? That's a HUGE amount).

Yeah, I just found out I could just type in 3,80 servings in the myfitnesspal app and it gives me 346 calories.

Yes, my food weight said 380g. And it was only one plate. I really don't hope I'm doing it wrong again. =/


There shouldn't be any need for maths because most people just put the numbers into myfitnesspal. For instance, in this case you'd enter 3.8 servings of 100g which would give you your 345.8kcal (Are you really having 380g of yoghurt? That's a HUGE amount).

Edit - Unrelated, not sure why but I seem to be sweating an incredible amount at night lately. I'm tempted to sleep with a thermometer attached to try and work out what the hell is going on.

Not to dwell on the thyroid, but when I had thyroiditis originally it was accompanied by ridiculous night sweats that would soak my sheets. Not to say that you are dealing with anything similar, but more to say if it is bad like that I'd just go see a doc.


When I put on the glass on my weight and turns it on, it says 0g, and when I put in the milk, it goes up to 226g. But when I remove the glass with milk, the weight scales down to -30g. Should I just ignore that? Because every time I remove something from the weight, it goes to minus gram.

Very much doubt you are, just sounded like a lot of yoghurt. I find 200g a struggle to get through.

What can I say. I love yoghurt. And it's healthy food, isn't good?


Can somebody explain the point of Amino or BCAA capsules?

Wouldn't you be better off just eating some food?

Or is it to help with people who are IF.

Seems like a waste of money.


Can somebody explain the point of Amino or BCAA capsules?

Wouldn't you be better off just eating some food?

Or is it to help with people who are IF.

Seems like a waste of money.
Supposedly they help supply muscle building/sparring aminos without breaking a fast. I've tried them in powder form, but the only thing I can say they do for sure is make my water taste like kool-aid.
When I put on the glass on my weight and turns it on, it says 0g, and when I put in the milk, it goes up to 226g. But when I remove the glass with milk, the weight scales down to -30g. Should I just ignore that? Because every time I remove something from the weight, it goes to minus gram.

What can I say. I love yoghurt. And it's healthy food, isn't good?

Well, firstly... think about it.

You put a glass weighing 30g on the scale and turn it on... the scale says 0 because it auto zeros when it's turned on. You add 226g of milk, then take the glass with the milk off... removing 256g of weight (30g glass, 226g of milk). Scale is now missing the 30g that it started with, so -30g.

Secondly, that entirely depends on the yoghurt. Some yoghurt is healthy, some really isn't.

Not to dwell on the thyroid, but when I had thyroiditis originally it was accompanied by ridiculous night sweats that would soak my sheets. Not to say that you are dealing with anything similar, but more to say if it is bad like that I'd just go see a doc.

Well, the other day I got up and I was literally in a puddle of sweat. Was pretty damn bad. I feel fine other than that though.


Well, firstly... think about it.

You put a glass weighing 30g on the scale and turn it on... the scale says 0 because it auto zeros when it's turned on. You add 226g of milk, then take the glass with the milk off... removing 256g of weight (30g glass, 226g of milk). Scale is now missing the 30g that it started with, so -30g.

Secondly, that entirely depends on the yoghurt. Some yoghurt is healthy, some really isn't.

That makes too much sense, probably too much for my brain to comprehend. Thanks for cutting it out for me.

What are you guys actually doing when you go eat out or at friends places? Right now, I got some leftover food from the other day, and have no idea how much and what is in each product, as I weren't the one cooking the food.


How do you guys wash your workout clothes? Man that stuff stinks!

Also is canadian bacon better than ham?

Personally I just use sport tank-tops and slightly big swimming trunks, and doing normal laundry seems to be good enough. Maybe with normal t-shirts the sweat sticks there longer?

Jeez it's been forever since I last posted in this thread (even though I read it all the time). After leaving the city where I lived before and going on an amazing 3 weeks India trip that made me lose a few kgs because of all the walking, heat and overall lack of meat, I moved to another city and couldn't hit a gym for a few months, then I got a baby and things got kinda busy. I got back recently and musculature seems to be back to right before leaving to India so I'll hopefully start getting somewhat bigger again. Glad my baby likes being lifted, it helps me do exercise on Sunday mornings!


Welcome back... and that's a great tag. Where did you get it?
Hey! A mod gave it to me, no special thread really :p The place where I work might have to do a bit with it (famous game dev. in Osaka, Japan), but not completely really, as it's also a joke on the whole "Gold Member" and stuff here on GAF.

Also I'm doing all I can with the terrible gym in my office building. It has no barbells!!! So I'm doing some machines and lots of training with dumbbells. I will probably go back to a normal gym in a few months. I've been able to do squats and deadlifts with this machine they got that lets you rotate the "arms" around, and bench is just dumbbells for now :/
Yeah, I've been there. On the bright side, as long as the dumbells go heavy enough you can do a reasonable version of the deadlift, and Bulgarian split squats are an option for a good leg workout.
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