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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm probably going to get shunned from Fitness GAF forever for this... but I'm not a massive fan of smoked foods. Though in my defence, I'll say it could just be that most of the smoked stuff I've had was shitty quality (from supermarkets and the like).

I've been to a few BBQ joints and enjoyed the food, but they didn't make a big thing of anything being smoked (I assume some of it must have been though?).

You've lost your mind. Not all smoked meat is the same nor is all smoke. And you don't even need to smoke anything with the grill I have. It can bake, grill, smoke and make pizza. The pork I made last night was smoked with mild wood (oak and pecan).

PB was strike one. We looked the other way. Smoked meats? Strike two. You're on (very) thin ice bud.

For real.


I'll arrange a trip to the US, you can show me the error of my ways. :D

(Also give me some deadlift coaching!)

I guess EuroFitGaf should arrange a field trip to US to learn how it's done. We could visit Brolics garage, Cooters kitchen and other holy places.

It's two years since I was in the US and I wanna go back.. :(
and stay this time


I'm probably going to get shunned from Fitness GAF forever for this... but I'm not a massive fan of smoked foods. Though in my defence, I'll say it could just be that most of the smoked stuff I've had was shitty quality (from supermarkets and the like).

I've been to a few BBQ joints and enjoyed the food, but they didn't make a big thing of anything being smoked (I assume some of it must have been though?).

Here's a small nomenclature problem. Generally, in the states, if you are talking about barbecue as a noun, an actual piece/pile of meat you can point to, it's smoked. There are some barbecue places that don't smoke the meat, and that's generally considered sacrilege from anyone with an interest in food in general. They rely on liquid smoke in the cooking process (often pressure cooking) or just sauce on the final product. These places are bad and they should feel bad for calling their food barbecue.

By the most strict use of the term, historically, the word is also used to describe the technique of making barbecue by low temperatures over long periods of time under exposure to wood smoke. However the word barbecue is also sometimes used to refer to an event at which barbecue is made, an event where people are simply grilling food outdoors (but not actually making barbecue), or even sometimes a general use grill that isn't made for smoking at all.

Then you have the word applied to other foods such as Korean Barbecue which gets a pass from me because it's amazing in its own right, even if it doesn't resemble actual barbecue.


So apparently Ronnie Coleman is a cripple now. Years and years of hard training have destroyed his joints.

It came up on my Instagram.

Obviously Ronnie was geared up, but many say he trained liked a beast in the gym and rarely backed off.


Most likely.

Video here:


Slightly NSFW link--bikini bods, no nudity.

What video are they talking about here?

In Ronnie’s eyes he might be a coward, but to hundreds of thousands of fans around the world, those two reps that he did serves as a form of inspiration and pre-gym motivation. I for-damn-sure watch that video before heading out to train legs, and it gets my blood pumping like a mofo.
Shitty day at the gym the other day. Failed on Squat at 325, failed for a third time on BP at 180. just all around fail. I did add some extra chest exercises ( more BP reps at lower weights after the failed rep, DB bp, cable press) but it was just an all around day of feeling weak.


Absolutely killed it at the gym today.

170 squats conquered.
140 bench laughed out of the building.
25s dumbbell hammer curls launched through the mirror.
Body weight dips melted in the sun.

I'm hungry. Make them heavier.
House purchase fell through today. 5 months wasted.

Bench press was a disaster, ended up only getting two reps on the last two sets.

New squat PR, second session in a row...

....ehh, I'll take it!


Felt good last week on bench so today I gave it a go and I finally hit 315 for one rep. I definitely had a second rep in the tank but was happy enough to set that new best and get over the fear of three plates.


House purchase fell through today. 5 months wasted.

Bench press was a disaster, ended up only getting two reps on the last two sets.

New squat PR, second session in a row...

....ehh, I'll take it!

Sorry to hear that bud. House hunting is a nightmare. Wife and I want to upgrade and we've been putting it off because of how draining it can be.
Sorry to hear that bud. House hunting is a nightmare. Wife and I want to upgrade and we've been putting it off because of how draining it can be.
Seller and their solicitor were a bunch of idiots. Hilarious thing was that had they not wanted to spend their last Christmas in the house, we would have had it done in December, and the issue that finally killed the deal likely wouldn't have ever come up.

Amusingly, despite basically making us homeless by doing that (our old landlord wanted his house back), they still tried to put pressure on us to get the deal done by the end of January, and then February.


Did ok in the gym today

365x5 deadlift
405 deadlift attempt fail
315x2 Squat
155x5x3 Overhead Press
Walked 2 miles ran another 2.

Hitting the same Squat plateau I hit at 225 but at least I know I can work though it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My daughter is progressing nicely on her compounds and the form is getting dialed in.

Squat 85x3
DL 135x3
Bench 65x3
OHP 50x3


I hate benching.

Maybe its because I never have a spotter but I always feel like I'm not lifting enough or when I do attempt push it my shoulder will get sore.

I mean outside of buying one of those crazy bands I don't think I could force my elbows any closer together,
So I did a lot more reading over the weekend and I think I have a pretty basic grasp of the beginner routines now. I think I'll be doing a variation of StrongLifts with some ICF accessory work incorporated in. I'm definitely focusing on the main lifts first and now know about de-loads, etc. I also did some practice sets over the weekend and will focus on my form first and foremost.

I kept reading that most people recommend focusing on strength first, but my main goal is mass gain and aesthetic. Yes, I know that I should focus on my base strength first but to be honest, the primary reason I want to lift weights is to look good. Unfortunately no one cares how much you are lifting in the gay world...it's what you look like when you are shirtless. I really don't want to look like a T-rex or an olympic powerlifter. If I understand it correctly, it's all about the reps per set? Like it's still the same main exercises but the reps are 3x8 or 5x8 (lower weights) instead of 3x5 or 5x5.


Been doing SS for about two months now after being on a long break from a knee injury. Everything is going up steady, but my squat seems to be lacking.

At the current pace I'm gonna do higher bench in two weeks time than I'm squatting. Nothing wrong with my deadlift though.

What gives?
Assuming you're fully healed, the obvious one would be psychological. If you know your knee is weak then you're definitely less likely to fully stress it. I was the same way after my knee injury and it took knee sleeves for me to properly go for it again>

If I'm honest, I doubt I'll ever squat without them now.


so i tried out the nike romaleos 2. it takes some getting used to at how heavy it is to move. but it makes squatting better.

Where did you try them? I've been looking for a store to try them on at before I invest.
Bought a 25 dollar pair of shoes with heels from RogueFitness though
What's fitGafs thoughts about training when sick? I've got tonsillitis and a middle ear infection, but I feel guilty about not training.... Should I go and try to get something out of it or rest up and hit it hard when I'm better.
Where did you try them? I've been looking for a store to try them on at before I invest.
Bought a 25 dollar pair of shoes with heels from RogueFitness though

oh i mean i bought a pair and finally got a chance to try it out lol. but they feel great on the feet though. i was afraid i bought the wrong size since i don't really have nike tennis shoes to go by. was a perfect fit too.


Today in gym news. i was suppose to do chest but i was in the mood to back but ended up doing sumo DL to work on my foot position and width. i think i found a good position. but it also means i need to buy some new chucks :\ the one i have now is too big. but it also means i will be trying 405# dl soon i will beat the shit out of it!


So I did a lot more reading over the weekend and I think I have a pretty basic grasp of the beginner routines now. I think I'll be doing a variation of StrongLifts with some ICF accessory work incorporated in. I'm definitely focusing on the main lifts first and now know about de-loads, etc. I also did some practice sets over the weekend and will focus on my form first and foremost.

I kept reading that most people recommend focusing on strength first, but my main goal is mass gain and aesthetic. Yes, I know that I should focus on my base strength first but to be honest, the primary reason I want to lift weights is to look good. Unfortunately no one cares how much you are lifting in the gay world...it's what you look like when you are shirtless. I really don't want to look like a T-rex or an olympic powerlifter. If I understand it correctly, it's all about the reps per set? Like it's still the same main exercises but the reps are 3x8 or 5x8 (lower weights) instead of 3x5 or 5x5.

Mass gains are dependant on your strength gains. They are not mutually exclusive but instead go hand in hand. If you want big muscles, you need to get very strong, unless you plan on getting on steroids. The hypertrophy effect of increased glycogen storage caused by working in higher rep range is actually not that big. Potential growth from getting strong as fuck is what bestows those big muscles on you. Hypertrophy work is just icing on the cake and works best when you are strong.

Aesthetics are the result of having big muscles (get strong), low bodyfat (diet/don't overdo your bulks) and some additional emphasis on small yet important muscle groups (like side/rear deltoids etc). This can easily be done in a strength routine by doing some additional work afterwards.

So my advice is do the program as prescribed. Heavy compounds (3x5 etc) with some additional moves for deltoids, triceps, biceps etc in a higher rep range (8-10 for example). Keep your bodyfat in check by not going overboard in your diet.

If you are worries about doing too much work for your lower body at the expense of your upper body, start with SL5x5 and then switch to something like Bigger Leaner Stronger after your first plateau or something. It has more upper body work and not just squatting and deadlifting. I also recommend incline benching instead of flat benching.


Assuming you're fully healed, the obvious one would be psychological. If you know your knee is weak then you're definitely less likely to fully stress it. I was the same way after my knee injury and it took knee sleeves for me to properly go for it again>

If I'm honest, I doubt I'll ever squat without them now.

That just makes way too much sense. Why the fuck didn't I think of that.

Anywho, I am using a knee sleeve on my injured knee - wouldn't dare do it without it on.

What's fitGafs thoughts about training when sick? I've got tonsillitis and a middle ear infection, but I feel guilty about not training.... Should I go and try to get something out of it or rest up and hit it hard when I'm better.

I'm not knowledgeable enough lifting to know whether I'd do that or not, but I've been running .. a lot. And I don't think there was ever any excuse for me not to do it. With a fever it was actually quite nice to get the fresh air and get the nostrils cleaned.
What's fitGafs thoughts about training when sick? I've got tonsillitis and a middle ear infection, but I feel guilty about not training.... Should I go and try to get something out of it or rest up and hit it hard when I'm better.

Depends on what you're doing. You could do some really light work to aid recovery, but doing a full on session would be stupid.


Sick as a dog but still found myself at the gym this morning just out of habit and being on early morning auto pilot lol

I used to sit up in bed every morning and weigh my options if I was tired or sick, but now if I'm sick the only thing I do consider missing is work!

Side note: damn you, Street Fighter V and your sloppy launch. I was supposed to get a few rounds in this morning!

Edit: Ugh...
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