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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Holy hell that looks good. I might try this minus the banana. I also love my Kodiak pancake mix. I have it every Saturday in one form or another (usually waffles).

This one was mixed with quest whey.

Then I made the 4 pancakes and spread 2tbsp of the dark chocolate dreams on 2 and made sandwiches. They were amazing.


Last nights dinner. Peanut butter chocolate stuffed banana pancake sandwiches

I love these Kodiak cakes mixed with the dark chocolate dreams

I think I hit about half my calories for the day just looking at this.

I'll hit the other part of them when I make these and eat them tonight.
Bud, you're already there and more. You're one of my few fitness inspirations and that's better than any competition.

With that being said, Mrs. Kenyon...it'll only be a few more months. Hang tight...bum will post something nice for you.
I think her newest crush might have you beat.
Holy hell that looks good. I might try this minus the banana. I also love my Kodiak pancake mix. I have it every Saturday in one form or another (usually waffles).
Heresy. Might as well call you Psychotext Jr. with this shit.


Down another 1.2lbs. PSMF has made me a believer. I'm going to take this all the way I think. Down to 223.8, my previous lowest before holidays was 218.4. Feels like I'm going to smash through that.


waffles > pancakes

man. i feel like making this since i have a banana and the dark chocolate pb.

screw it. i'll make it.

Post the results 🙌🏻

All the carbs! All the carbs!!!!!

I'm excited to see how high I can go on calories. If I can get above what I was originally eating at 40lbs heavier (2500-2600) I'll be estatic.


So, I tried Nutella for the first time.

Shit's overrated. It's texture is too soft. It tastes too sweet to me. I could imagine chocolate spread being similar to it.

I'm sticking to my peanut butter.


So, I tried Nutella for the first time.

Shit's overrated. It's texture is too soft. It tastes too sweet to me. I could imagine chocolate spread being similar to it.

I'm sticking to my peanut butter.

You sir, are wrong. And also, whynotboth.gif.


For some reason, it's tough finding peanut-only peanut butter without all the palm sugar, salt, and other additives so I decided to make my own. It was great but never again will I buy shelled. Deshelling was one thing but it was the deskinning that was not fun. None of the "peel peanuts quick" schemes worked at all.

Anyway, the recipe was:

15oz deshelled/deskinned peanuts
1.5 TBSP peanut oil
1.5 TBSP Honey
1 tsp salt​

I did without the salt and you can replace the honey with fake sugar, only you'll have to add more oil to make it smooth. Using the default amount of oil, the consistency came out to be like when you rehydrate powdered peanut butter, so you can add a little bit of oil as you keep mixing until you get the consistency right. You actually don't need that much to make it like store brand smoothness (maybe double the amount if you're using honey to sweeten it; more for dry sugar).


I vastly prefer the white chocolate. Much more peanut buttery than the dark chocolate.

I suppose I should try the white chocolate but the fact that it is composed of the abomination know as white "chocolate" is already a big strike against it.
Bah, I knew the good gym run I was having had to come to an end at some point. Another complete disaster on the bench (5/4/3/2/3) and I got pancaked into the spotter bars twice on the squat (4/3/3).

Have decided I'm going to get professional help on the bench problem. It's utterly ridiculous. Took me basically a year to get to "untrained" level and I'm only 85% of the way to intermediate now.

I also hate peanut butter and happiness.

I will destroy you.


Are you outside the US?

Nope, Michigan. I primarily shop at Meijer and they used to have their own brand of peanut-only peanut butter but for some odd reason, stopped producing it. The other "natural selection" type brands are all mixed with palm sugar/oil/various. I also figured making my own would be cheaper in the long run. I heard they opened a Trader Joes somewhere recently but making my own is actually quite easy.

Oh, there is one word of caution. I made a small batch with the peanut skins because I got tired of peeling (and it was a teeny tiny amount) and no,no, no. It's horrible. Tastes like dirty lettuce so deskinned all the way.


Bah, I knew the good gym run I was having had to come to an end at some point. Another complete disaster on the bench (5/4/3/2/3) and I got pancaked into the spotter bars twice on the squat (4/3/3).

Have decided I'm going to get professional help on the bench problem. It's utterly ridiculous. Took me basically a year to get to "untrained" level and I'm only 85% of the way to intermediate now.

I've probably asked this before...but form check??
Has already been done, on some reps I go too near to my shoulders, and on the reps where my form is good, I have basically zero strength (the lift just feels utterly horrible). It's really, really bizarre.

Oddly, my progress with dumbbells has been fairly reasonable.

I think I just need someone there poking me to change as I'm doing it. I've watched all the videos in the world and I just can't seem to find a method that works... at least not that works and is strong.
Ok so...

1) All the peanut butter > nutella people I will fight you all in a random parking lot.


2) So I injured my left rotator cuff doing incline dumbbell bench (PSA: form is especially important when trying to press heavier stuff lol) and now raising my arm anywhere near shoulder height hurts like a bitch. Does anyone have any experience with recovery time for this kinda thing and replacement exercises for stuff involving chest/back?


Nope, Michigan. I primarily shop at Meijer and they used to have their own brand of peanut-only peanut butter but for some odd reason, stopped producing it. The other "natural selection" type brands are all mixed with palm sugar/oil/various. I also figured making my own would be cheaper in the long run. I heard they opened a Trader Joes somewhere recently but making my own is actually quite easy.

Oh, there is one word of caution. I made a small batch with the peanut skins because I got tired of peeling (and it was a teeny tiny amount) and no,no, no. It's horrible. Tastes like dirty lettuce so deskinned all the way.

Well, if you don't mind ordering online this is my drug of choice:


I actually get the version with Omega 3 added but they don't seem to have it on Amazon.

Actually, buy 17 jars here and you get free shipping and a ridiculous amount of peanut butter for $50.


Well, if you don't mind ordering online this is my drug of choice:


I actually get the version with Omega 3 added but they don't seem to have it on Amazon.
Oh, interesting. I already add fresh-crushed flax seeds to my protein shakes but I'm always down to try new stuff. I might try adding flax seed to the peanut butter if the flavor doesn't get too altered since it tends to add a roasted nutty flavor. Might be nice.

It's funny. I use Amazon all the time but I never though to order Peanut Butter.

[edit] Ooh, 17 jars? That would last me a good while. Though, I do that peanut-butter-in-a-bowl thing, it may not last as long as I think. :)


@Mike/whoever else might actually run in this group of meatheads

Gonna throw this out there because it's been life changing for me. I was convinced by the sales person at a local running store to try a more natural/neutral runner that really emphasizes mid foot striking. I've been an Asics guy for a long time, mostly because they were the only ones that fit my really wide feet, and I was not an extreme heel striker, but definitely used a bit more of that part of my foot when landing.

She first had me try on a pair of Altras, and the heel made me almost feel like I was falling backwards. So then I tried these on, look closely at the heel.

Anyway, been running on the New Balance Fresh Foam 1080 for two weeks now, and all of those little joint/muscle issues have pretty much gone away. After some searching on it, it looks like it's a part of the "maximal" trend started by Hoka. This means super heavy cushioning while promoting a midfoot neutral run, apparently.

I was always super skeptical of the Vibrams and minimalist trend, for obvious reasons. This shit, as a 190-200lb guy is the bee's knees though.


Oh, interesting. I already add fresh-crushed flax seeds to my protein shakes but I'm always down to try new stuff. I might try adding flax seed to the peanut butter if the flavor doesn't get too altered since it tends to add a roasted nutty flavor. Might be nice.

It's funny. I use Amazon all the time but I never though to order Peanut Butter.

[edit] Ooh, 17 jars? That would last me a good while. Though, I do that peanut-butter-in-a-bowl thing, it may not last as long as I think. :)

Their flax seed variant is indistinguishable from the regular version, I just have to assume it's in there :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm not sure when my normal weight dropped but it sure did. The last few weeks of my cheat/refeed day I've been 176/177. I even extended it to two all out cheat days and I'm still at 180/179 three days later. Another 3 days and I'm back down to 176. Crazy stuff. Still hitting my normal numbers in the gym so that's cool. Any increase in strength to bw ratio is always a good thing.
Balls, I ate all my protein too early. Now I have 1,400kcal left (2 hours to eat it) and it's all got to come from carbs and fat. I'm never really comfortable finishing on carbs... I still don't really know if the science is that reliable on it, but my broscience head always tells me that's how you get fat.

Edit...I know exactly what's coming.


Balls, I ate all my protein too early. Now I have 1,400kcal left (2 hours to eat it) and it's all got to come from carbs and fat. I'm never really comfortable finishing on carbs... I still don't really know if the science is that reliable on it, but my broscience head always tells me that's how you get fat.

Edit...I know exactly what's coming.
I always start with fat and end the day with carbs, with protein distributed throughout. I only do it because carbs always feel like they slow me down.
Because I train fasted I go as protein and carb heavy as I can after the workout. After that I just try to cram it in as fast as I can. Usually I get protein early on simply because I'm always making sure that I hit a certain intake of protein.

I should probably plan out meals and suchlike, but fuck living that way.
Ha, I don't actually keep bread in the house, and I'm in the UK... adding "jelly" to a sandwich would probably end badly.

Then of course we get to the other bit. No.


Squat form check #2

135 this time. Wasn't sure what weight I should do, so I played it a tiny bit safe. Lowered the J Cups and took my shoes off so I am squatting in socks.


I have a question about this form. I noticed he has his feet out a bit in a somewhat wide stance, which is a stance I feel comfortable with, but are his knees pointing too inward? I was looking through the Starting Strength book, and it has these passages:

"In a correct back squat of the style advocated here, there is one correct place for the knees: directly in line with the feet so that the femurs and the feet are parallel"


"...two most common knee errors are 1) knees caved in too much..."


"if your knees move toward each other at any point during the squat, shove them out. You will probably have to exaggerate this shoving out in order for it to put your knees in the correct position [...] back out to parallel with your feet..."

Of course, Rippetoe is probably talking mostly about the low bar squat. Is this not much of an issue with the high bar squat? Am I overthinking this?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You guys and your daily carbs. Everyone knows they taste better when you go sub 50gs 5 out of 7 days a week!
I've had a bit of a look around and found a few personal trainers specialising in powerlifting that will work in my dungeon. Hopefully I can find one that can understand the concept of just working with me on the lifts rather than worrying too much about the programming / nutrition side of things.

Actually really looking forward to trying to get this shit sorted.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Moved up ten pounds on squats 5s week.

Squats - 1x5 185lbs, 215x5, 245x5

I was seeing stars on that last one. Down to 191lbs and tied for my tightest belt buckle. Declared victory and out of there.


Ok so...

1) All the peanut butter > nutella people I will fight you all in a random parking lot.


2) So I injured my left rotator cuff doing incline dumbbell bench (PSA: form is especially important when trying to press heavier stuff lol) and now raising my arm anywhere near shoulder height hurts like a bitch. Does anyone have any experience with recovery time for this kinda thing and replacement exercises for stuff involving chest/back?

For the rotator, I would recommend you google some rotator cuff exercises. There quite a few out there, but the are some common ones that you'll see frequently appearing, such isolated side raises.

P.S. When we meet in a parking lot, I'll remember to attack you from your left side.


Attempted to work out today but all I had in me was cardio.

3 hours of sleep and a 10 hour workday was too much for me today.


@Mike/whoever else might actually run in this group of meatheads

Gonna throw this out there because it's been life changing for me. I was convinced by the sales person at a local running store to try a more natural/neutral runner that really emphasizes mid foot striking. I've been an Asics guy for a long time, mostly because they were the only ones that fit my really wide feet, and I was not an extreme heel striker, but definitely used a bit more of that part of my foot when landing.

She first had me try on a pair of Altras, and the heel made me almost feel like I was falling backwards. So then I tried these on, look closely at the heel.

Anyway, been running on the New Balance Fresh Foam 1080 for two weeks now, and all of those little joint/muscle issues have pretty much gone away. After some searching on it, it looks like it's a part of the "maximal" trend started by Hoka. This means super heavy cushioning while promoting a midfoot neutral run, apparently.

I was always super skeptical of the Vibrams and minimalist trend, for obvious reasons. This shit, as a 190-200lb guy is the bee's knees though.

Interesting. Maybe I'll give them a shot. So far the best i've found for myself is the Saucony Ride, but it's not perfect (slightly narrow).
Hmm... this might sound harsh, but it's not intended that way.

Why is it that 95% the people I see wearing fitness tracking watches / bands are seriously out of shape? I actually wonder to myself if they want the watch to tell them that they're doing more than they're actually doing (obviously it counts steps and the like) so that they can just try and concentrate on the burning more portion of the equation without doing anything about the exercise bit.

Friend of mine actually owns two of them now, and he's only getting fatter... simply by virtue of the fact that he wont fix his drinking and snacking. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for anyone that's buying one because they've decided to make an active change to their life and need some assistance, but it's almost like people sort of buy one and expect magic to happen.

I've never actually seen someone properly fit use one outside of the gym (Obviously some people use them to track individual workouts). I'm sure some of you guys do, but yeah, few and far between.


Hmm... this might sound harsh, but it's not intended that way.

Why is it that 95% the people I see wearing fitness tracking watches / bands are seriously out of shape? I actually wonder to myself if they want the watch to tell them that they're doing more than they're actually doing (obviously it counts steps and the like) so that they can just try and concentrate on the burning more portion of the equation without doing anything about the exercise bit.

Friend of mine actually owns two of them now, and he's only getting fatter... simply by virtue of the fact that he wont fix his drinking and snacking. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for anyone that's buying one because they've decided to make an active change to their life and need some assistance, but it's almost like people sort of buy one and expect magic to happen.

I've never actually seen someone properly fit use one outside of the gym (Obviously some people use them to track individual workouts). I'm sure some of you guys do, but yeah, few and far between.

I honestly think you're on to something. My wife has a Fitbit and a watch thing that tracks steps and sleep time and I still can't get her to change her diet or exercise. I think it's a way for people to soothe their conscience by throwing some money at the problem.

Also, that annoying part of the morning when you are waiting for your body to be ready to poop so you can see exactly how much weight you've lost...

Edit: exact same weight as last Saturday, boooo
Dipping belt just arrived. Not that I'll be using it for weighted dips, because my shitty shoulders can't handle them, but it should make doing weighted pullups better (I was using a weighted vest, which just got in the way).


Dipping belt just arrived. Not that I'll be using it for weighted dips, because my shitty shoulders can't handle them, but it should make doing weighted pullups better (I was using a weighted vest, which just got in the way).
Oh man using one for pull ups helped me so much. After doing them weighted, bodyweight pull-ups feel so much easier. Then came the muscle ups!
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