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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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To hit 6k calories? I'm sure we could get you there pretty easily as long as you don't need it to be "clean"

Problem is, at 5'10" and floating between 170 and 175, I feel like I need to cut some more. Probably should've said that it's my goal to be able to eat that much and not feel like a whale the next day. I've still got this little bit of extra belly fat I want gone before I kick up to a dream bulk.

I could likely up my caloric content in what are my "cleaner" foods now...more carbs/fat in my chili, bigger breakfast, bigger dinner, sauces, butter, etc. And a shitload of rice. One day.

Fuck it, one day this year.


Roughly 220 ibs. Height is 5'7.

30% I think?

I think will walk/jog an hour every day.

If you go by .8 grams per lean lb that's just about 125 grams of protein, which is very easy.

Edit: and if you go to 1 gram per lean lb, which is sometimes recommended when cutting it's not that bad either, around 175.


Problem is, at 5'10" and floating between 170 and 175, I feel like I need to cut some more. Probably should've said that it's my goal to be able to eat that much and not feel like a whale the next day. I've still got this little bit of extra belly fat I want gone before I kick up to a dream bulk.

I could likely up my caloric content in what are my "cleaner" foods now...more carbs/fat in my chili, bigger breakfast, bigger dinner, sauces, butter, etc. And a shitload of rice. One day.

Fuck it, one day this year.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it if those are your goals. With that being said, there are significant benefits to what everyone here refers to as the "cooter protocol" which is effectively just 6 strict days followed by a massive cheat day. I'm a big fan of it, both from a physical standpoint and mentally having a day to eat whatever you want.

What is your current caloric intake?
Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it if those are your goals. With that being said, there are significant benefits to what everyone here refers to as the "cooter protocol" which is effectively just 6 strict days followed by a massive cheat day. I'm a big fan of it, both from a physical standpoint and mentally having a day to eat whatever you want.

What is your current caloric intake?

It's anywhere between 1600 - 1900 on workout days, and 1200 - 1500 on off days. I try to keep carbs low on off days, and hit around 200g on lift days. Protein stays around 150, but there are lots of days where protein'll be higher with carbs taking the cut.

Thinking about adding in HIIT on a treadmill just to burn a little something extra too. Lifting is great, and my numbers are better than they were before Fall, but dropping fat is priority numero uno for now.


time to take my meds
thevitaminshoppe has to have the worst website ever. ive been trying to add and remove things from my cart for the past 30 minutes. it wont even let me remove a promo code to add a better one.

fuck this
thevitaminshoppe has to have the worst website ever. ive been trying to add and remove things from my cart for the past 30 minutes. it wont even let me remove a promo code to add a better one.

fuck this

their new reward thing is poo too. lol. somehow we end up getting less cash back now.

ACE 1991

Anyone else use Retro Fitness? While I certainly prefer gyms that aren't corporate, $20 a month and no activation fee, showers and adequate free weights (less squat racks than I'd like though) is pretty damn hard to beat. I commute about an hour to work each way so I can go in the morning or after work to the facility 5 minutes from the office or the one twenty minutes from my house if I decide to lift on the weekend.
New OHP PR and squat PR today. \o/

Felt like crap going in but OHP felt pretty good so I ended up being buoyed up by that and hitting it hard.

Seems like going mental with the food has really helped, but the strange thing is that I'm not putting on weight at any faster a rate.


New OHP PR and squat PR today. o/

Felt like crap going in but OHP felt pretty good so I ended up being buoyed up by that and hitting it hard.

Seems like going mental with the food has really helped, but the strange thing is that I'm not putting on weight at any faster a rate.

PB is the new spinach.


Had a glorious triple steak burrito from Chipotle.

Best part being that it was free.

But then, so was the E. coli.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
My pulled muscle healed quickly and I was able to get a full workout in today with light weight for my rows. Felt damn good.
Man, those stretches you guys recommended really helped these past two weeks. I mean it still hurts near the end of the run but not nearly as bad. It's probably just the acid burning me up. No shin splints or major calf pain though. Any other good stretches for running?

Also managed to cut my time by like 10 minutes. Went from 30 minutes to 17.
Gone down to running 1 lap walking 1/2 lap until I do all 12 running laps. I'll give it two weeks and then go 1 run 1/4 walk.


I hate how I can only seemingly progress two lifts at once. I've gotten my squat and dead total to about 780 but my bench has completely plateaued. I'm not sure what's going on, probably has to do with volume - currently doing one heavy day with 3 bench variations and one light flat bench day. I don't want to drastically change up my programming because I only have time for four workouts per week, any suggestions?


I hate how I can only seemingly progress two lifts at once. I've gotten my squat and dead total to about 780 but my bench has completely plateaued. I'm not sure what's going on, probably has to do with volume - currently doing one heavy day with 3 bench variations and one light flat bench day. I don't want to drastically change up my programming because I only have time for four workouts per week, any suggestions?

What are your three bench variations? Doing the same thing every week? Everything with a bar?
So, I've had lots of problems with my squats, one after the other. First I had trouble hitting proper depth without butt wink and rounding my lower back. I solved that with hamstring stretches and adopting a wider stance. Then I started placing too much weight at the front of my feet, which made my heels come of the ground. When I solved that I started having problems with putting too much weight on the insides of my feet, so the outside of my feet would come off the ground. I realized that this was due adopting a wider stance than I actually could handle, and my feet pointing out at a wider angle than my knees.

Now the latest problem in my long line of different problems: I tend to rotate the bar. As in, on my way out of the depth, I tend to rotate the right side of the bar forward or backwards (can't remember which, but it's typically one of them all the time). If a friend forces the bar to stay in place, I notice that that my squat tends to be asymmetrical, with slightly different angles in the left and right knees. My guess is that I rotate the bar to compensate for this other problem. Does anyone know what I can do about that?

Also, in other news, I have now gained 10 kg since I started working out about a year ago. Used to be 65 kg at 175 cm, now I'm around 75 kg. As one of my main goals was to stop being so damn skinny, I feel pretty happy about that. Some of that extra weight has gone onto my gut, but I have also gained quite a bit of muscle. It's especially noticeable on my shoulders, traps and maybe quads. I'm still pretty puny, but I'm glad I'm making progress.
Have made it to the end of the day with a massive shortage of calories again. I really need to start making up these big ass smoothies you guys have been suggesting. Just leave them in the fridge until I get to the inevitable point of failure again.
At the same time.
With a goddamn shovel!

I actually do go overboard on spinach, tho. I take that shit fresh, canned, frozen I don't care. I usually make a huge bowl as a snack between meals to keep the stomach in check. Throw a handful of almonds in it, balsamic, olive oil, feta, parmesan. Mmmmmmmm.

I should get around to them anchor tattoos on my forearms.


time to take my meds
Clear cookies.

worked for the promo code, their website is still shit though.
their new reward thing is poo too. lol. somehow we end up getting less cash back now.

yeah i noticed that. i would go amazon (the prices are usually much cheaper), but i enjoy the same day in store pickup when my supplement supply is running super low and i need something that day or the next.


Had a glorious triple steak burrito from Chipotle.

Best part being that it was free.

But then, so was the E. coli.

I got my free-coli the other day with double meat and guac, it was glorious!
What's up fit-gaf! Long time lurker here, but I decided to take my routine more seriously lately. Looking forward to hanging out here instead of waiting for Capcom to fix the servers all the time!


the piano man
It's strange, I hate barbell bench press, but I actually quite enjoy DB bench press, especially decline.

exactly the opposite of me :p I hate the feeling of the DBs shaking and tilting,

I can't for my life keep good form as soon as I try to lift decent weight. If I had a trainer that checked my form, including the set-up (how to get into position) I'd probably like it more.
Buy the weights on craigslist if possible.

I collected mine over the space of about 13 years. The more I got, then less I had to swap them out. Ironically I'm about to replace most of them with an Olympic set, but my boatload of weights will still be useful for dumbbells.

Hit 200 lbs on Squats. Hit for 3 reps too. Feels fantastic.

Nice one, progression is great, especially if it's been eluding you for a while.

I was so pleased at my squat PR yesterday that I went for another rep... I got it, but good god was it ugly (I sort of turned it into a bastardised good morning).

exactly the opposite of me :p I hate the feeling of the DBs shaking and tilting,

I can't for my life keep good form as soon as I try to lift decent weight. If I had a trainer that checked my form, including the set-up (how to get into position) I'd probably like it more.

I don't really do "form" on dumbbell bench. I don't worry about foot placement, back arch, anything... I just sort of lift the weights. Hardest bit is getting them in position to start with.


Nice one, progression is great, especially if it's been eluding you for a while.

Have had some minor setbacks like hurting my Achilles tendon at some point, forcing me to pull back on leg exercises for a week or 2. Then some weeks where I just couldn't push the weight I wanted to.

After barely managing 190 for 1 rep last week I hammered myself with a giant jump in volume by squatting 5 out of 7 days at 95 pounds for 3 sets at varying reps based on how my legs felt. Except for the day I did 135 for the form check video.


I got my free-coli the other day with double meat and guac, it was glorious!
What's up fit-gaf! Long time lurker here, but I decided to take my routine more seriously lately. Looking forward to hanging out here instead of waiting for Capcom to fix the servers all the time!


Fitness-wise, what's going on with you?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haha.. Check this out! I was 175.2 Sunday afternoon. I wanted to weigh my dog last night so I stepped on the scale first and then once more with him. It said 190.4 with just me. That's 15.2 pounds in about 30 hours!
Let's say I'm giving consideration to HIIT, and let's say I have a treadmill at home. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what works for a beginner/ramp up for a situation like mine?

Trying to add a few hours a week of some form of cardio and HIIT to help drop the weight faster.


time to take my meds
Let's say I'm giving consideration to HIIT, and let's say I have a treadmill at home. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what works for a beginner/ramp up for a situation like mine?

Trying to add a few hours a week of some form of cardio and HIIT to help drop the weight faster.

sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk?
up the resistance and angle as well if you can.


Haha.. Check this out! I was 175.2 Sunday afternoon. I wanted to weigh my dog last night so I stepped on the scale first and then once more with him. It said 190.4 with just me. That's 15.2 pounds in about 30 hours!

Damn! And I thought I was bad going up 4lb in 2 days
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