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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Haha.. Check this out! I was 175.2 Sunday afternoon. I wanted to weigh my dog last night so I stepped on the scale first and then once more with him. It said 190.4 with just me. That's 15.2 pounds in about 30 hours!

You've got some epic poops coming.


Junior Member
Booked in for a body fat percentage check at my gym using calipers next Monday, I think I'm under 20%? Want to get down to 12% before my first ever proper bulk, I can't wait to eat more :)
That's the thing I'm looking forward to most when I transition into a bulk. I'm currently cutting and it feels like I barely eat anything. Also sucks not being able to put weight on the bar each week.


Let's say I'm giving consideration to HIIT, and let's say I have a treadmill at home. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what works for a beginner/ramp up for a situation like mine?

Trying to add a few hours a week of some form of cardio and HIIT to help drop the weight faster.

Someone asked the same question a few days ago so I'll repost my response

I do 15 minutes on the treadmill, alternating 1 minute @ 10.0 and 1 minute @ 6.5 followed by around 7 more minutes of walking at an incline of 10.0 (the last 7 minutes is just so I can finish watching the episode of always sunny in watching).
sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk?
up the resistance and angle as well if you can.

Someone asked the same question a few days ago so I'll repost my response

I do 15 minutes on the treadmill, alternating 1 minute @ 10.0 and 1 minute @ 6.5 followed by around 7 more minutes of walking at an incline of 10.0 (the last 7 minutes is just so I can finish watching the episode of always sunny in watching).

Cool cool, and thank you both!


That's the thing I'm looking forward to most when I transition into a bulk. I'm currently cutting and it feels like I barely eat anything. Also sucks not being able to put weight on the bar each week.

I'm doing my first "real" bulk at the moment and it feels almost the same as when cutting at times. I eat the same foods just bit more, not doing dirty bulk or going crazy, just upped calories for few hundred and projected to gain 0.25kg of muscle a week so we'll see. So far so good, only good thing is I can be lazy from time to time and go bit up and not beat myself up over it :)


It begins. Started signing up for my races/motivation this year. Here's what I'm registered for so far:

4/3 - Shamrock Shuffle 8K (Chicago)
4/24 - Arbor Day 10K (Lisle, IL)
5/28 - Soldier Field 10-Mile (Chicago) <- May favorite race. You finish ON the 50-yard line.
9/18 - Fox Valley Half Marathon (St. Charles, IL)
10/23 - Naperville Half Marathon (Naperville, IL) <- My hometown

Just need a few more to fill in the summer gap. Ugh... I hate running in the summer lol
That's the thing I'm looking forward to most when I transition into a bulk. I'm currently cutting and it feels like I barely eat anything. Also sucks not being able to put weight on the bar each week.

Strength aside, I fucking hate bulking. Feels like all I ever do is eat.

I genuinely prefer cutting because I pretty much know what I can eat to hit my targets without thinking about it (have to be a lot more careful so as to hit my macros within my overall calorie targets).

I don't really ever feel like I'm missing out either as I make use of the Cooter Protocol.



Fitness-wise, what's going on with you?

Thanks for the welcome! I'm currently 5'9 and around 160. Feeling a bit flabby lately so my goal is to drop down to around 150-155 without losing too much strength in the process. Been doing starting strength for a couple of years now but would like to mix it up a bit. Some tips on good shoulder workouts would be awesome!

My main lifts are:
flat bench 185
Military press 95 (ugh)
Squat 225 on a good day, otherwise 205
Deadlift 365 on a good day, been 315 lately


It begins. Started signing up for my races/motivation this year. Here's what I'm registered for so far:

4/3 - Shamrock Shuffle 8K (Chicago)
4/24 - Arbor Day 10K (Lisle, IL)
5/28 - Soldier Field 10-Mile (Chicago) <- May favorite race. You finish ON the 50-yard line.
9/18 - Fox Valley Half Marathon (St. Charles, IL)
10/23 - Naperville Half Marathon (Naperville, IL) <- My hometown

Just need a few more to fill in the summer gap. Ugh... I hate running in the summer lol
I need to sign up for the the handful that I plan on doing. I would only be doing a 2.5k though.


Thanks for the welcome! I'm currently 5'9 and around 160. Feeling a bit flabby lately so my goal is to drop down to around 150-155 without losing too much strength in the process. Been doing starting strength for a couple of years now but would like to mix it up a bit. Some tips on good shoulder workouts would be awesome!

My main lifts are:
flat bench 185
Military press 95 (ugh)
Squat 225 on a good day, otherwise 205
Deadlift 365 on a good day, been 315 lately

FWIW,I'm 5'9" and 175, so I don't think you necessarily have to drop weight. You could turn some of that "flab" into muscle and not drop down to 150. Just a thought.

What accessories are you doing on shoulder day? I'm assuming you are going 3x per week?

ACE 1991

Any exercises I can do to prepare for a Grand Canyon backpackign trip I have coming up in April? I'm assuming quad endurance will be the most helpful and that the best way to adequately prepare will be just getting out and hiking more.

First day is going to wreak havoc on my legs though, 9 miles with a 4,000ft elevation loss. Rough.


Any exercises I can do to prepare for a Grand Canyon backpackign trip I have coming up in April? I'm assuming quad endurance will be the most helpful and that the best way to adequately prepare will be just getting out and hiking more.

First day is going to wreak havoc on my legs though, 9 miles with a 4,000ft elevation loss. Rough.

Besides normal leg exercises (quads and hams) you could consider throwing in box jumps, wall sits, etc.

Most importantly though, make sure you have the right shoes and socks and that you've broken them in properly ahead of time. I did a 4 mile hike in Kauai a few years back (just four) and although I was in great shape, the hike ate my feet to shreds.
I always prep for events by going harder than I'm actually going to go on the event... so for me that generally means cycling with a shitload more weight than I'll end up carrying, and pushing myself harder than I'd actually like to.

Stick on a backpack full of lead shot, walk up and down steep hills with uneven footing. Job done. :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Strength aside, I fucking hate bulking. Feels like all I ever do is eat.

I genuinely prefer cutting because I pretty much know what I can eat to hit my targets without thinking about it (have to be a lot more careful so as to hit my macros within my overall calorie targets).

I don't really ever feel like I'm missing out either as I make use of the Cooter Protocol.
I pushed that protocol to its' boundaries this weekend my friend.


So I've hit 180 lbs a bit faster than I expected to. I wasn't perfect with my eating, but it was more 50/50 slightly above and slightly below target calories depending on the day. My weight gain has definitely slowed now that I'm up 10 lbs, but the fast upward swing of the first few weeks had me concerned. I'm guessing it has more to do with my massive increase in liquid intake with protein shakes rather than me suddenly getting fat out of nowhere.

Is this normal?

Aside from that, my increases in lifting ability are very quickly outpacing the rate of my weight gain, just like you said it would. Also I've gotten many compliments on my increased muscle size. :D


So I've hit 180 lbs a bit faster than I expected to. I wasn't perfect with my eating, but it was more 50/50 slightly above and slightly below target calories depending on the day. My weight gain has definitely slowed now that I'm up 10 lbs, but the fast upward swing of the first few weeks had me concerned. I'm guessing it has more to do with my massive increase in liquid intake with protein shakes rather than me suddenly getting fat out of nowhere.

Is this normal?

Aside from that, my increases in lifting ability are very quickly outpacing the rate of my weight gain, just like you said it would. Also I've gotten many compliments on my increased muscle size. :D

How fast did you gain ten pounds?


PSMF is incredible. Going very well right now. I'll do a whole post soon on how it's been going. I'll be honest, it's the hardest diet I've ever done by a long shot. But the results are insane.

Haha.. Check this out! I was 175.2 Sunday afternoon. I wanted to weigh my dog last night so I stepped on the scale first and then once more with him. It said 190.4 with just me. That's 15.2 pounds in about 30 hours!

Took me 2 weeks of going nuts to gain 17lbs. Dem genetics at work brah. All you do is win.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Question about deadlifts, I have been avoiding them for the longest of times because i was never convinced my form is good and I hate the idea of injuring my back in any way. Recently started doing them with no weights just to perfect my form, looking in the mirror and it feels like I have it down, that being said after 4 or so lifts im getting some lower back strain, its nothing huge but its noticeable and has me worried my form might be off, making me feel less inclined to continue doing it. Is this in any way normal for starting to deadlift? Its the small of my back, I am making sure to keep my spine neutral and lift with my heels.
nevermind about home gym. a friend of mine is moving back down here so we're just going to find a powerlifting gym which i think i found one. just need to see if its still around.

and holy shit. the Golds Gym that just opened early this year got wrekt by the tornado;. There's a video of a guy who went there this morning and got a video of it after it left.



ACE 1991

Besides normal leg exercises (quads and hams) you could consider throwing in box jumps, wall sits, etc.

Most importantly though, make sure you have the right shoes and socks and that you've broken them in properly ahead of time. I did a 4 mile hike in Kauai a few years back (just four) and although I was in great shape, the hike ate my feet to shreds.

I've got the proper footwear. I'm in for it regardless, this is going to be a bitch of a backpacking trip. More worried about some of the other members going than myself, though.
Recently started doing them with no weights just to perfect my form, looking in the mirror and it feels like I have it down, that being said after 4 or so lifts im getting some lower back strain, its nothing huge but its noticeable and has me worried my form might be off, making me feel less inclined to continue doing it. Is this in any way normal for starting to deadlift? Its the small of my back, I am making sure to keep my spine neutral and lift with my heels.

Firstly... strain during or after the lift?

Secondly... define strain. If you can feel your muscles, that's normal, it means they're engaging. If you're feeling pain (especially shooting), that's not.

Thirdly... record yourself with a camera if you can and post here. Just the bar is fine.

Finally... be careful when checking out your form with a mirror. Part of good form is head position, which will be all wrong if you're looking at yourself.


Got a single of 400 on deads after my working sets, failed on the second rep. Friend who was watching me said I probably could've finished the rep but after injuring my back I'm conditioned to bail if I feel any sort of spinal flexion. Besides, wasn't going for a 1RM so wasn't worth the risk. Gonna try for the double again in two weeks, figure my 1RM is around 425 right now which is around a 50lb jump from August.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Firstly... strain during or after the lift?

Secondly... define strain. If you can feel your muscles, that's normal, it means they're engaging. If you're feeling pain (especially shooting), that's not.

Thirdly... record yourself with a camera if you can and post here. Just the bar is fine.

Finally... be careful when checking out your form with a mirror. Part of good form is head position, which will be all wrong if you're looking at yourself.

Nothing during, this is maybe 5 or so minutes after, im not used to working out the back so its really hard to tell whats good strain and bad in this area. Its not shooting pain, more than dull pain you might feel bending over, its not a huge amount at all its just "There" and given how im trying not to use my back to lift the fact that it exists makes me suspicious of my form.


My workout pants will be arriving in time for my Thursday trip to the gym. I will be finally be deadlifting without fear.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Nothing during, this is maybe 5 or so minutes after, im not used to working out the back so its really hard to tell whats good strain and bad in this area. Its not shooting pain, more than dull pain you might feel bending over, its not a huge amount at all its just "There" and given how im trying not to use my back to lift the fact that it exists makes me suspicious of my form.

Personally had a lot of issues with my deadlift when I first started. These two videos really helped me to improve my form.




I despise my gym right now. Had to wait 25+ min for a bench, at 2pm! 100-200 people there working out every time i go at noon to 3pm. This gym is so crowded no matter what time I go. Home gym should be less then 2 months away, please Lord keep me sane till then.

On a nicer note, hit 5 reps on each of my lifts on 3s week, feeling terrific strength wise. Also pulled 375x5 with no chalk, just missed grip.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Kinda blown away right now. My daughter who turned 13 one month ago and has been deadlifting for 4 weeks just pulled 175.


FWIW,I'm 5'9" and 175, so I don't think you necessarily have to drop weight. You could turn some of that "flab" into muscle and not drop down to 150. Just a thought.

What accessories are you doing on shoulder day? I'm assuming you are going 3x per week?
Not much in the way of accessory work on the shoulders I'm afraid. I do arnolds but I'm pretty lost as far as good shoulder exercises go


Thinking about trying HIIT on the treadmill and incorporating it into my workout, but I guess I don't understand how it's more efficient for losing weight. If I start out at a 1:2 ratio and do 30 seconds of sprinting followed by a minute of jogging for a total of 10 repetitions, how is that supposed to burn more calories than an hour of going at a more mild pace? Maybe the calorie calculator on the treadmills or myfitnesspal isn't terribly accurate, but just doing the math in my head I don't understand how I can burn even half the calories with HIIT than I can with a typical run.

Also adjusting the treadmill speed every 30 seconds sounds kinda obnoxious.
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