Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
Warning: touch n go
You sicken me.Warning: touch n go
Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
Fitness |OT9| All Peanut Butter, No PuppiesFitness |OT 9| More peanut butter please, hold the avocado
Nice!!!Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
I will fight you all.
After a 150 mile bike race.
Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
Edit: I saw in the op about wearing belts and how it may hinder core strength growth, but is it recommended for your heavier lifts? Just on Deads?
OP is a bit out of date on that one too I'm afraid. Current science says it actually encourages more core activation (thus core strength increase). Still advised only to use them on your work sets though.
As for lifts, OHP, Deadlift, Squat.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I9LIsIpsQE
Everything I've read says you should be looking at 10mm thickness, single prong, same height all the way around... unless you're a freakbeast, in which case you probably already have a 13mm belt anyway.
See my edit, also this beast: http://www.rogueaustralia.com.au/rogue-ohio-lifting-belt-au
Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
Oh yeah had a pretty good deadlift day yesterday.
Warning: touch n go
If someone here did crossfit I would be legitimately surprised.
If someone here did crossfit I would be legitimately surprised.
You sicken me.
Can't wait to see you hit 500 dude.
Awesome dude, narrow stance for life
I look forward to my dead days, doing 5/3/1 so each session you essentially go for a pb, my 1rm number is slowly rising.
Edit: I saw in the op about wearing belts and how it may hinder core strength growth, but is it recommended for your heavier lifts? Just on Deads?
Easy peasy. When was the last time you maxed? And are you doing 531?
Also, anybody in here do Crossfit? Anybody doing the open?
Badass form, Sean.
And I gotta say, that beard really suits you. You should keep it.
Here is the smoked Mac and cheese recipie. I make this on my primo with some changes (regular cheddar, garlic salt, not regular salt, and more of it, and a bit more mayo).
The two pans I made were completely demolished. Smoked with pecan and jack Daniels barrel chips.
Is this thread a safe space for talking about the uh...stomach havoc that happens with massively upping your calorie count?
Make sure you're still getting a proper amount of fiber. A lot of us use fibersure, fibercon or something similar.
Add probiotics in as well, as they will keep your stomach's good bacteria game tight.
Additionally, I'd recommend ginger tea to settle your stomach. I have a cup or two a week and it helps.
I have a 10 class pass I got as a gift but I having been able to figure a good time to go.If someone here did crossfit I would be legitimately surprised.
That looks delicious. You lovin' the Primo?
It's stew Sunday!!!
Good Morning dear fitgaffers in the Americas!
one question:
has anyone here done core exercises on every workout day? some trainers say ab exercises could/should be done every day and i am kind of curious.
before you answer, this isn't a "how do I get abs?" post. I know it's a diet thing and that some people get them only by doing compounds.
I mean whether someone here has done ab exercises for, say, a month, on every day and what results came out of that.
I do a set of abs between every exercise...not set, entire exercise (i.e. After I finish my sets of DL, I do a set of reverse crunches. After I entirely finish shrugs, I do a set of side raises, etc.). That, coupled with focusing on my core when I do my compounds is certainly enough.
Thanks for the input. so I guess this means you do ab work practically every day.
and going by your pics, it sure pays off!
mmh I have to decide what approach to take on this.
I am putting some order in my fitness goals/routines/exercises/diet right now, putting everything in a word document (fuck excel, lol) and tomorrow I want it to be the beginning of substantial change in my lifting life.
It allows me to hit them daily but never overdo it.
Give it a shot. You'll end up doing 4-5 sets of abs each workout, making sure to target a different area each time (upper, lower, obliques, inner).
Oh god, I made a horrible mistake. Was worried about cycling too fast with my nephew so decided to go out with a 50lb weights vest on...
What exercises do you prefer for each area?
Oh god, I made a horrible mistake. Was worried about cycling too fast with my nephew so decided to go out with a 50lb weights vest on...
...6 hours later and I'm in agony. I had to take co-codamol whilst I was out on the trail as my collar bones were being wrecked. Starting to wear off now and everything hurts.
Upper: crunches
Lower: dip bar leg raises
Obliques: lighter weight high rep side bends (I do it with 45s)
Inner: stomach vacuums
I don't believe in doing heavy weight ab exercises. That's just me personally, but high volume low weight seems to have a much greater impact.
I also love mountain climbers. Well I hate them but I love the impact they have.
Been trying out Beyond 5/3/1 for the past month and decided to re-test my 1RM on deadlifts. Ended up with a 185kg deadlift PB for current bodyweight (62kg) which is 5kg up from a month ago.
I may re-watch that Warriors game too. Incredible!Second helping of curry coming up, no rice left and can't be bothered cooking more so gonna put it in a wrap and have a glass of whole milk on the side. I still feel so full from earlier, I don't think I've looked forward to a meal less![]()
I may re-watch that Warriors game too. Incredible!
I may re-watch that Warriors game too. Incredible!