Reading up on the last page here and I can really sympatize and basically see myself in the same situation as some has described here. I usually have no appetite at all in the morning and just have a low-calorie smoothie. I can handle the meals and the eating-sensibly thing pretty well during the day, but it´s like a switch is thrown every night when the family is in bed and I´m up by myself. The snacking goes from bad to downright horrible. Considering how hard the fridge has been raided, I´ve miraculously not suffered too bad on the scales, but I really feel like I have to break this pattern of being mostly in charge to completely lose it more or less every friggin´ day.
I also had a weight lifting regime I did at home every other day. I did fast progress in the beginning, but tailed of after that and it all felt like a chore instead. I realize the eating and excercise go hand in hand. If I find a way back in one end, I´ll find it at the other too I think.
Sorry for going off on a tangent, it is encouraging to read up on the advice here. I´ll buckle up