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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Could be, it's the gym's belt, so I didn't read any instructions and I have basically no experience using one. I just put it on the way that seemed most secure and obvious. Maybe it was wrong, though I doubt hanging from the front vs. back would change the physics of the setup that much.

Yeah, Mr. 15 seconds was the worst one there, but it was surprising how many people complained about 1+ minute rest periods. Ah well, fortunately the early morning crew at my gym is an easy group to get along with.

I doubt it really matters in the end. One could question the sanity of me hanging iron plates so close to my "equipment" lol.

The other topic changed from rest periods to people being upset over others training to failure or showing some sort of effort or something, I don't even know.

Great progress pics in this thread lately though. I'm officially jealous and somewhat motivated. Need to get shreds so I can officially eat like Cooter.


I was looking at old Facebook photos and forgot that my wife and I took a picture after Easter mass in the same spot. Damn I looked like a chubby baby face last year.


Mega upgrade on that haircut!


Knocked out that 295 on Deadlift I failed last week. I was determined to get. Also did a 3 x 1 at 225 on Deficits Deadlifts. Which is the most I have done on that iteration of Deadlift.

Here's my progress of 110lbs in 16months.


I was looking at old Facebook photos and forgot that my wife and I took a picture after Easter mass in the same spot. Damn I looked like a chubby baby face last year.


Impressive work guys!
starting up a program because plateau.
and need something to do anyways.

yesterday's workout was pretty decent. did some sumo DL instead because squat rack was being used. and you know how when you start they leave and you're already into your workout you don't want to stop and go take it lol. anyways. rest day. gonna take this time to plan shit out.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My work on chin/pull-up variants continues, now with introductory weighted pull-ups (neutral grip, +12.5 lbs).


On a side note, I'm glad the posters here have a different mentality than the ones in the general OT "what annoys you in the gym?" thread. Apparently my outfit is completely inappropriate and I pissed everyone off with my 2-3 minute rest periods. :p
Damn Coop! That is beyond impressive. You've been putting in the work alright.


Have a slight strain/pull or something in my left rear shoulder blade area. Has been there for the past 3 weeks or so but nothing that really has hindered my lifts. I don't want to shut it down as I am wrecking the weights. May have to just lay off heavy rows and such.


I'm thinking I'm one week out from a massive deload...my current plan has been insanely rewarding but it's starting to kick my ass so bad. Teetering on that thin line between a challenge and a chore.


The end of my work's three month weight loss challenge was today.

January 4 - 260 lbs, 34 bf%

Today started with the weigh in... 247 lbs. "great!", I'm thinking to myself. "my consistent yoga and reduction in beer and ec stacking has really been paying off!"

Then I get to the bf measurement... STILL 34%.Where the hell did those 13 lbs come from... just muscle? My yoga incorporates strength training. I've been eating better. Yet I lost no fat. Obviously there are areas in my diet that can be improved, but I thought I had made huge strides these past three months. Huge for me, at least. If all of that wasn't even enough to move the needle by as little as one tenth of a percentage, then I'm done. I'm already close to my limit in discipline and motivation anyway, and it accomplished next to nothing.

13 lbs lost. What a damn hollow "victory"

ACE 1991

Been hiking up and down a steep and long staircase (with 35lb on my back) near my house in Philadelphia all week. My calves were destroyed when I started doing this a few weeks ago, but now I don't get doms anymore. So excited for my Grand Canyon adventure next week.


^ I don't know you, but that is legit change. props man

Jesus Christ both of you! Amazing job guys!

Thumbs up. Went from boy to man so fast lol

Thank you my good man. I'll end up posting another when I drop this next set of weight.

Simply amazing Sean!

I love seeing all the clear progress made here. Great results Sean, LiquidMetal and FE.

Mega upgrade on that haircut!

Beard Gainz.

The facial hair looks great on you. I'm too afraid to grow one.

Definitely love the facial hair Sean.

All these amazing progress photos lately. You all make me proud. I love how much of a beast FE is.

What an insanely positive community! Thanks guys :). Almost a 45lb difference between the two pictures.

And I agree with the positive beard comments. I won't be going back to a clean face for a long time.
I'm thinking I'm one week out from a massive deload...my current plan has been insanely rewarding but it's starting to kick my ass so bad. Teetering on that thin line between a challenge and a chore.

Part of the reason I went full BB recently. I was squatting 235 yesterday for high reps and throwing in pause squats with the weight too. The pump was a lot better and I didn't feel completely beat up either. Makes it more manageable on less food too.
Been hiking up and down a steep and long staircase (with 35lb on my back) near my house in Philadelphia all week. My calves were destroyed when I started doing this a few weeks ago, but now I don't get doms anymore. So excited for my Grand Canyon adventure next week.


Do a little research on bioelectrical impedance (that's what was used). Those devices are easy to use but can be horribly inaccurate.

Yeah, they're basically a waste of time. I've seen tests that show that show them out by as much as 8% body fat. Or put another way, you could have lost 5% body fat, and the scale would actually show that you gained 3% body fat.

I'd focus more on looks, weight and other measurements (like waist size). I fucked up a year of progress by paying attention to those numbers (I basically obsessed about trying to eat just enough to lose fat, but not muscle, which got me absolutely nowhere because the numbers were garbage).


How did they measure your BF %?

With a handheld device that sends an electric current through you

Do a little research on bioelectrical impedance (that's what was used). Those devices are easy to use but can be horribly inaccurate.

They can be consistent (not necessarily accurate) IF you use them under the same circumstances every time, which is tough. My co-worker has one, and I've done a lot of experimenting with it.

It will give you the best results before you've eaten anything in the morning, but results will also change based on hydration. I also tried it 3 hours after a meal, as suggested, but my numbers went up incrementally throughout the day before i ate each time (in 3 hour increments), from 10% to 14%.

They also do some estimation based on your physical activity (i'm guessing to try to understand your body composition?). There are usually ONLY two modes: normal/average and athletic. The same person taking a reading will get wildly different results in each setting. Today I got 10.5% on athletic and 14% on average. The problem with this discrepancy is that it if I workout 6 days a week for an hour or more, i'm lumped in the same category as a professional athlete. There's obviously an algorithm that changes based on physical activity, but having only two variables for a range of people with varying activity is only going to give you a general idea.

So far, I'm not impressed with them... unless it's 6 am and i'm well-hydrated :p #CHEATINGTHESYSTEM
Even done under research conditions at the same time of day with the same hydration, they're still basically useless.

Edit - To be exact, I believe they were still be out by as much as 4% body fat when the measurement was taken alongside / cross checked with hydration measurements via urinalysis.


I've been kind of wary about posting in this thread since I've been working out since last June and have lost 46lbs so far, but for squats, how wide should my stance be?

The most I've hit on squats was 250 5x5. I changed up after that. I went from doing StrongLifts for about 3 months to doing the PPL I'm doing now which has me squatting 2x a week for 4x5. I've been doing this since mid-December. As of yesterday, I can do 230 4x5 but I feel I'm struggling a bunch doing squats while focusing on my form. There's also been times where I'll be in a theater for hours and my knees will begin to hurt (another reason I hated BvS).

Also, kinda unrelated, but my bench is kinda disappointing. The highest I've hit on it is 185 3x5 times. I'd like for it to be a bit bigger since my OHP is at 125 1x5.

In a way, these numbers do make sense considering I've been working out successfully for less than a year. I forgot the site that breaks down workouts based on height and age, but I'm firmly planted in the novice section for the most part.

FWIW, I'm a 6'2" male. I've gone down from 265 to 219 pounds as of yesterday since May. My BF% has gone down from 31% to 17% (based off calipers)


Even done under research conditions at the same time of day with the same hydration, they're still basically useless.

If I didn't see consistent numbers when I use it in the mornings I would agree with you, but I do. That doesn't mean the number is accurate in terms of bodyfat in any way whatsoever, but people here have been using it to track their progress/changes and we haven't seen any off-the-charts results from day-to-day testing and their numbers correlate to positive and negative weight changes. It's certainly measuring a change in something, but I wouldn't put any value in the bodyfat percentage it gives you other than just using it as a delta (from test to test) to confirm you are progressing.

Here are my numbers as I've been losing weight, week-to-week, measuring at the same time before eating:

Week 1- 11.5
Week 2 - 11.1
Week 3 - 10.6
Week 4 - 10.5

Accurate? Probably not. Correlated to losing fat? I think so.
This is specifically relating to change over time too, not just individual measurements. It might work for you, possibly... I'm sure there must be some people it's (co-incidentally) accurate for, but for most people it's not.


Measured accuracy vs change over time: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15076792

As previously stated, there have been specific instances where people have lost significant body fat, but the scales have indicated no change, or even an increase in body fat percentage. Amusingly, in the lower body fat percentages you can be more accurate by sight than by using BIA.

Edit - I just noticed that the spread for that particular study was worse for BIA than BMI, though not as far out on average.



I'm not saying I have concrete proof that these work, but I'm just basing my opinion on what we've seen with this particular device. The only thing I might question here is the technology. That study is 12 years old. I wonder if accuracy has improved?
Doubt it, the underlying formulas that I've seen are still the same as they were. Certainly the big boys in the field haven't indicated any changes they've made, and if they were suddenly capable of improved accuracy then I'm guessing they wouldn't be shy about letting us know.

Also, this study is newer (not a lot admittedly), and the range is still nearly 8% at worst: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17306903 (-5% to +7.5%)

Edit - I also tested myself recently with a top of the range Tanita segmental body composition monitor and my fat percentage fluctuated by as much as 3% over a single week. Admittedly I don't have anything like DEXA to compare to though. Sent it back... probably not worth 400 GBP.

I have one of these coming soon: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/skulpt-chisel-the-future-of-fitness#/ - Should be interesting to see how that does.


My work on chin/pull-up variants continues, now with introductory weighted pull-ups (neutral grip, +12.5 lbs).


On a side note, I'm glad the posters here have a different mentality than the ones in the general OT "what annoys you in the gym?" thread. Apparently my outfit is completely inappropriate and I pissed everyone off with my 2-3 minute rest periods. :p[/QUOTE

That's because they're jealous of those awesome pull-ups.


i tried deadlifts for the first time last night and 1. i think i died 2. i don't have the form down at all. gonna try again tomorrow night. keeping my back straight was super hard to do for some reason and coming back down after the lift didn't feel right, either.


Doubt it, the underlying formulas that I've seen are still the same as they were. Certainly the big boys in the field haven't indicated any changes they've made, and if they were suddenly capable of improved accuracy then I'm guessing they wouldn't be shy about letting us know.
Welp, I have no response. It's like when my doctor says chocolate and peanut butter have been proven not to cause acne, and then I breakout every time I have them. You win?


hide your water-based mammals
Been hiking up and down a steep and long staircase (with 35lb on my back) near my house in Philadelphia all week. My calves were destroyed when I started doing this a few weeks ago, but now I don't get doms anymore. So excited for my Grand Canyon adventure next week.
Straight up Rocky from Rocky 4 up in that mother. Keep it up! I just went hiking in CA and loved it.

What an insanely positive community! Thanks guys :). Almost a 45lb difference between the two pictures.

And I agree with the positive beard comments. I won't be going back to a clean face for a long time.
Women like that trimmed 7-10 dya beard. I tend to go with a shadow. I also refuse to be clean shaven again.

Don't wanna rush you but...


I wanna do chili for next week! :D
This sumbitch gets it.

Seeing the progress here and people who care about their health just motivated me more. Keep up the good work ladies and gents.


The end of my work's three month weight loss challenge was today.

January 4 - 260 lbs, 34 bf%

Today started with the weigh in... 247 lbs. "great!", I'm thinking to myself. "my consistent yoga and reduction in beer and ec stacking has really been paying off!"

Then I get to the bf measurement... STILL 34%.Where the hell did those 13 lbs come from... just muscle? My yoga incorporates strength training. I've been eating better. Yet I lost no fat. Obviously there are areas in my diet that can be improved, but I thought I had made huge strides these past three months. Huge for me, at least. If all of that wasn't even enough to move the needle by as little as one tenth of a percentage, then I'm done. I'm already close to my limit in discipline and motivation anyway, and it accomplished next to nothing.

13 lbs lost. What a damn hollow "victory"

Hey don't worry about what them machines say, they're horribly inaccurate. Go off the notch in your belt or just measure your waist
Welp, I have no response. It's like when my doctor says chocolate and peanut butter have been proven not to cause acne, and then I breakout every time I have them. You win?

Not sure what I said to bring that on, wasn't aware it was a competition, nor was I trying to prove anyone "wrong". The problem with anecdotes is they're just that, anecdotes. I was thinking whilst I was half dying on the turbo trainer then that you could very well be seeing the numbers you're seeing and them still be completely out. For example, lets assume your first number is right (we have nothing to cross check it with, but lets make the assumption)...

Week 1- 11.5

Then take into consideration from that point you could be experiencing a very mild error.

Week 2 - 11.1 vs potential actual of 11.5
Week 3 - 10.6 vs potential actual of 11.0
Week 4 - 10.5 vs potential actual of 11.3

It's very unlikely you'd be able to see the difference visually between all of those numbers, but you'd still be assuming the numbers are correct (again, though you have no way of checking them). After four weeks you're seeing a potential error of less than 1%, for others it could be anywhere up to 4%.

In the worst case you might see the numbers dropping and be happy, but in reality you could be gaining body fat. Or vice versa, but you think you're making no progress at all.

I think more than anything, the point I'm trying to get across is that it's fine to look at the numbers and have a general belief that it's reflecting reality, but (and especially within such a small range) without any method of validation, the numbers don't really have much worth.



Not trying to start anything psycho. My earlier post wasn't meant to be serious. I should've made that more obvious. My apologies!


Damn Coop! That is beyond impressive. You've been putting in the work alright.

Aww, thanks. You're my role model for all things pull-up related.

Szu said:
That's because they're jealous of those awesome pull-ups.

heh. Fortunately, I didn't post directly in the thread. But if I see someone in my gym browsing GAF, I'll make sure to shorten my rest to 1 min, 59 seconds.
I wish I had an ass. :(

I was watching one of my squat vids back the other day... literally no ass. I have to wear indecent compression gear to make it look like I have anything.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Aww, thanks. You're my role model for all things pull-up related.

You're too nice. Men doing pull ups is nothing. Dime a dozen. Women doing pull ups...rare. Women doing weighted pull ups...gym unicorn.

I wish I had an ass. :(

I was watching one of my squat vids back the other day... literally no ass. I have to wear indecent compression gear to make it look like I have anything.
Sixteen hours of cardio a day tends to make the booty dissappear.
Unrelated to all of this madness, tried kneeling squats for the first time yesterday. Quite good. Bit uncomfortable on the feet, but I think I'll get used to that. Good burn on my hamstrings, which usually get very little work.


I wish I had an ass. :(

I was watching one of my squat vids back the other day... literally no ass. I have to wear indecent compression gear to make it look like I have anything.
Just squat deep, heavy and do it often. I squat 2-3 times a week, only in the 3-8 rep range.
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