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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Bollocks, lost weight again. Every day this week, even though I'm putting away 4,000kcal a day.

I think I might have to drop the intermittent fasting to get this last kg on as I just can't eat any more (literally eating and cooking continuously after I finish my training).

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Bollocks, lost weight again. Every day this week, even though I'm putting away 4,000kcal a day.

I think I might have to drop the intermittent fasting to get this last kg on as I just can't eat any more (literally eating and cooking continuously after I finish my training).

Eat a kg of food, reweigh yourself, start cutting.

Maybe you have an intestinal worm.


Weighed 164.2 this morning, .8 down from Saturday.

But everything is feeling heavy AF this week. Not sure if I'm gonna be willing to stick this weight loss out.
Hi guys, I've a few questions.

1) anyone with any experience with hydroxycut? I've been trying to get into shape, and I changed my diet to an all protein, low fat diet but still can't seem to lean out. So how's hydroxycut ?should I even bother?

2) so I've read that squats are the best overall excersize? I should work my way to doing em 3 times a week? I usually do a different muscle group every other day.

3) if I'm trying to gain mass and lean out, how much cardi should I be doing on average? As it is now, I lift for about 45 mins to an hour, then immediately jog or jump on elliptical machine for 45 mins, and on off days I try to jog/bike for an hour. Is this adequate?

4) I don't drink soda, sugar etc, and only drink water and try to eat real healthy. But I'm always tired. No idea why, and ideas?

I honestly don't feel myself getting stronger. I feel a lot healthier, but that may just be from stopping cigarette smoking. I'm trying to read through this massive thread and have already learned a lot. Great info, and thanks for any advice.

Edit: forgot to mention, I smoke a lot of weed. Anyone lift and smoke regularly? I really really don't want to choose between the two. But I feel like maybe the weed is slowing me down?
1) forget pills.
2) that's fine. Your body will know when to ditch 3x and stick with 2x
3) cardio isn't necessary. Also time is largely irrelevant because you could be doing 1 set every 5 minutes or 1 every 30 seconds. Hard to gauge how much volume you are doing in that time.
4) you're not getting enough carbs or fat.

Gaining mass and leaning out at the same time, while possible, is difficult and it becomes a full time job between proper exercise and nutrition.

Fat is absolutely essential for muscle growth as is protein. So are carbs although they have no direct effect on muscle tissue. They are used as the catalyst for protein synthesis.

Take a good look at the OP for diet tips, training programs for beginners. It has everything you need to get rolling and rolling strong!

I know it gets stated a lot but it's great, I would highly suggest Starting Strength. Plenty of us can vouch for that program as many of us started with it. Eat right from there and you'll make progress.

As for drug use, most tobacco products can inhibit muscle growth so I would be careful. Jane, in particular, has been shown to lower testosterone levs in some studies.


Ahh ok. So I'm assuming they are more comfortable/stable than just using Chucks or wrestling shoes?
Edit: just saw the "required" bit. Is it regulation?
Yeah, more comfortable and stable than the Chucks for weightlifting. Here's an article giving you an idea why it's required in weightlifting: http://breakingmuscle.com/olympic-w...a-pair-what-to-look-for-and-when-to-wear-them

There's no regulation on it in the IWF, you're just going to be at a disadvantage if you don't use it. Weightlifting requires a lot of mobility and the shoes help with that because of the heel.

Need to wear the proper shoes for your sport.
Oh the subject of chucks, I've noticed I've had problems with my shins (possibly my knees too) since switching to squatting in them. It's really odd, never had any problems with my old trainers (that had a little more heel to them).

I'm tempted to buy a pair of weightlifting shoes just to see if they help sort it out.


Inspired and humbled at the gym this morning. A very obviously clinically obese (and short) woman is working with a trainer. She must be in her 40s at least, with gray hair.

Anyway, she's working with a trainer and usually I see these guys walking them through stuff that is cake. Then I see him racking some plates on a bar on the floor for her to deadlift? WTF? And wouldn't you know it, this woman that I had sized up already executed the the most beautiful deadlifts with perfect form I have ever seen. Holy shit. 135 for warmup, and crushed 225s easily. A lesson not to judge!



Here's two vids of me doing squats after deloading to fix my form. This is my second true deload. More info after links:

Here's me warming up with 185. I mess up the 2nd rep due to not breathing so I did a 4th rep.


This vid is me during one of my work out sets on 195:


So about me...

I'm 26 years old as of two weeks ago. I'm 6'2". I used to lift weights somewhat regularly back in college but this current stretch of hitting the gym has lasted since last June (so about 10 months of lifting).

I weigh 220. I've lost 45 lbs since last April by eating at a calorie deficit and lifting. Within the 10 month stretch of lifting, I began with Stronglifts all the way to November. After hitting 250 5x5 in squats in December, I began Coolcicada's PPL routine.

My goal is to no longer be flabby and to lose this fat. I want to be toned and strong. I understand while losing weight, you're not going to be at your strongest. It's both frustrating and comforting. Frustrating because you feel like you can do more and comforting because you know if you put on the calories healthily, you could potentially increase your strength.

As for the squats, the reason I wanted to focus more on squats is because my knees tend to ache when I sit still for too long, like at a theater. I dunno if it's a squat thing, but I'm treating it as such.

Random numbers:
Age 26
Sex M
Height 6'2"
Weight 220 (down from 265)
BF 17.75% (down from 31%)

BP max - 185 3x5 - up from 115
Incline BP max - 165 3x5 - up from 80
OHP max - 125 3x5 - up from 80-85 (stalled on 95 for idk how long)
DL max - 340 1x5 - up from 180
Squat max - 250 5x5 - up from 135
Row max - 170 3x5 - up from 90-95

Your form is solid man. Nice controlled reps and good depth. That second rep in the first vid was rough but outside of that, great!

One word of advice...youre moving around way too much at the beginning. That shuffling is going to cost you time and energy (and put you at risk of injury) when you get up there in wait. Work on that with just the bar. Unrack, get set, squat.


Oh the subject of chucks, I've noticed I've had problems with my shins (possibly my knees too) since switching to squatting in them. It's really odd, never had any problems with my old trainers (that had a little more heel to them).

I'm tempted to buy a pair of weightlifting shoes just to see if they help sort it out.
What you can do to see if weightlifting shoes would help is to put a pair of 2.5lb plates (the 2.5kg plates I use seem to be of similar thickness) on the ground, step on it with your heels and squat. I have to warn you, it's dangerous I you misstep with a loaded barbell, so be careful.

If you have no problems squatting like this, then maybe it's worth buying weightlifting shoes.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Weighed 164.2 this morning, .8 down from Saturday.

But everything is feeling heavy AF this week. Not sure if I'm gonna be willing to stick this weight loss out.
And herein lies the rub. I wish there was a way (naturally) to keep your strength while getting shredded. If you figure it out please share.


I know this is blasphemy, but I think I'm abandoning Cooter protocol for now and going for a slightly more controlled refeed. I'm just going to eat what I usually do but with 500 calories of carbs added.

I'm only running at like a 500 calorie defecit during the week, whereas as he is at 1000+ defecit (I'm guessing). The huge cheat days are slowing me down now.

Edit: speak of the devil!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I know this is blasphemy, but I think I'm abandoning Cooter protocol for now and going for a slightly more controlled refeed. I'm just going to eat what I usually do but with 500 calories of carbs added.

I'm only running at like a 500 calorie defecit during the week, whereas as he is at 1000+ defecit (I'm guessing). The huge cheat days are slowing me down now.

Edit: speak of the devil!
You'll be back. They always come back.
What you can do to see if weightlifting shoes would help is to put a pair of 2.5lb plates (the 2.5kg plates I use seem to be of similar thickness) on the ground, step on it with your heels and squat. I have to warn you, it's dangerous I you misstep with a loaded barbell, so be careful.

If you have no problems squatting like this, then maybe it's worth buying weightlifting shoes.
Can do, cheers. Will have to work out exactly where my feet will go though I guess.

I've got a pretty good variety of plates. What's the thickness roughly on those 2.5s?

I know this is blasphemy, but I think I'm abandoning Cooter protocol for now and going for a slightly more controlled refeed. I'm just going to eat what I usually do but with 500 calories of carbs added.

Cooter Protocol works perfectly for me for pretty much one reason... when I cycle 3+ hours on the weekend I have pretty much no way of working out how many calories I've burned (accurately anyway). So it's probably safer for me to eat like a madman and then work it out over the rest of the week.

Edit - Not sure if you can watch this in the US, but I thought this was a fairly cool test (I couldn't get back off the ground without either using my knee or a hand): http://bbc.in/1Se6iUj

I can very nearly make it back up on my right leg, but I lose balance as I rise.


Chucks are so uncomfortable. I switched from them to the Reebok Crossfit Lite TR and my feet have never been more comfortable when working out. After wearing them in the gym for the first time I immediately bought a second pair to wear around casually.


Cooter Protocol works perfectly for me for pretty much one reason... when I cycle 3+ hours on the weekend I have pretty much no way of working out how many calories I've burned (accurately anyway). So it's probably safer for me to eat like a madman and then work it out over the rest of the week.
Are heartrate/time calculations using VO2 max not accurate?
Are heartrate/time calculations using VO2 max not accurate?

No, they've never been even close for me. They're reasonably good taken from power data, but that's only really applicable for road cycling. Mountain biking involves your whole body working, so what you're inputting at the pedals is only part of the equation.

For my normal exercise I usually take two thirds of the calculated HR / time etc calories, but that seems to be failing me badly of late, so I may have to revise upwards.

I was thinking of getting some adjustable weight dumbells (main weight workout for now)

Are these worth it/better options/dumb?




No, they've never been even close for me. They're reasonably good taken from power data, but that's only really applicable for road cycling. Mountain biking involves your whole body working, so what you're inputting at the pedals is only part of the equation.

For my normal exercise I usually take two thirds of the calculated HR / time etc calories, but that seems to be failing me badly of late, so I may have to revise upwards.

Damn. That would make my 42min at 155bpm only 425 cal. :(

Correction: 381 :[

Why you gotta do this to us psycho?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Cooter Protocol works perfectly for me for pretty much one reason... when I cycle 3+ hours on the weekend I have pretty much no way of working out how many calories I've burned (accurately anyway). So it's probably safer for me to eat like a madman and then work it out over the rest of the week.
Three things:

1)It works for you because you are our cardio king.
2)It works for me because like Mikey said, I eat 1300-1500 a day on my non cheat days
3)Mikey is stalling because he feels fat if he isn't below 8%


Can do, cheers. Will have to work out exactly where my feet will go though I guess.

I've got a pretty good variety of plates. What's the thickness roughly on those 2.5s?

Edit - Not sure if you can watch this in the US, but I thought this was a fairly cool test (I couldn't get back off the ground without either using my knee or a hand): http://bbc.in/1Se6iUj

I can very nearly make it back up on my right leg, but I lose balance as I rise.

They're about 1cm thick.

I tried that test, harder than it looks haha. I was able to get off the ground without any assistance! I'll post a video as proof later.
Damn. That would make my 42min at 155bpm only 425 cal. :(

Correction: 381 :[

Why you gotta do this to us psycho?

To be fair, I suspect I had fucked up my metabolism through years off too much cardio and not enough food... so it's quite likely that I just don't fit the calculations too well. But yeah, here are some recent numbers that I've been going off, with the original calculated kcal then "my" kcal in brackets.

116min / 162bpm - 1740kcal (1020kcal)
60min / 158bpm - 860kcal (510kcal)
932min / 157bpm - 11890kcal (6990kcal)

Hmm... turns out I've actually been using less than I thought.

They're about 1cm thick.

I tried that test, harder than it looks haha. I was able to get off the ground without any assistance! I'll post a video as proof later.

Cheers, and yeah... I want to be able to do it but I just can't work out a good way to get back up.
I am over 40, with a dad bod that is out of control, and I don't even know where to start. Shit.
I started at 41, weighing close to 250. A little over two years later, this is me:


The biggest issue for older guys is that the body fat equilibrium is higher than for younger guys, and it collects all around the front and back of the abdomen. But the differences are not *huge*, that there is about 16% body fat and it looks good, it's just that young guys can cut down to 10-12%.

I don't even know where to start
I started with Starting Strength. Head back to Page 1 and check it out. Can't recommend it enough. Start light, even when you feel like the weight you're at is easy. The recommended 10lbs increases for legs and 5 lbs increases for upper body build up fast and its really easy to pull something if you go too hard too early. The main goal for an old guy is to avoid pulling a muscle by working it too hard with bad form. You will have good results even if the weight feels "too easy".
The biggest issue for older guys is that the body fat equilibrium is higher than for younger guys

That, but also the fact that you wont put on muscle at anywhere near the rate of younger guys. Well, unless you're lucky enough to have done some lifting when you were young, and then you can get that strength back reasonably quickly.

Mikey is stalling because he feels fat if he isn't below 8%

Have you seen him at 8%? Bloated pig.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn Matthew. Looking great for only 2 years! Must have something to do with your first name.
That, but also the fact that you wont put on muscle at anywhere near the rate of younger guys. Well, unless you're lucky enough to have done some lifting when you were young, and then you can get that strength back reasonably quickly.

I didn't find that to be the case. I mean, I was able to keep up with Starting Strength until about the weights I've seen most people start to stall at. I didn't lift when I was younger. I was in the Army for eight years, but that's not very strength-focused and I was far from a PT (physical training) star anyway. Put it this way, when I was in my best shape in the Army I weighed 160lbs and was probably fatter than I am now, and now I weigh 204.
That's 8 years of being physically active though. I don't think I know anyone who is ex forces that couldn't outlift your average office dweller.

At the end of the day, in your late thirties you're dealing with around a 10% testosterone defecit to someone in their late teens / early twenties. You can still make great progress, but you'll never be able to achieve what you could when you were young. At least without assistance.

That's before taking into consideration things like recovery speed and injury resistance.


So after 3 months of Stronglifts and making good gains on my weights I've become too frustrated with trying to balance it with losing weight. I doubt I'm putting on that much weight in muscle but I always feel really dejected when I get on the scales and I haven't lost much after a particuarly healthy eating week.

Seeing as losing weight is my main goal (currently at 216, started at 232 but have a goal of around 175-180) I've decided to completely drop weights 3 times a week and run 3-5 miles those days instead.

Once I'm at my target weight I figure I can then worry about adding muscle as my secondary goal. As a guy who's always been chubby it means more to me to be slim than built.

Am I going about this the wrong way? I know weights do aid weight loss but I never feel like the scales reflect that (possibly due to increase in muscle mass) and seeing those pounds come off is what helps keep my drive in the kitchen on track.
Just drop your calories and continue with the weights, it's pretty much that simple. If you can't do that, throw in some HIIT on top of what you're doing weights wise.

Take it from someone that used cardio to take all his weight off instead of being smart (and then looking like complete shit at the end of it), you're better off using diet than cardio to lose weight. Right now you might be looking at that target number and thinking "I'll look great when I get there", but if you do, and you don't (like I said, been there), then it'll feel like you put in all that effort for nothing.

If it's literally just the weight you care about for some reason, then go at it whatever way you see fit.

Edit - If I wasn't so gutless I'd post the pics of me at my lightest weight. Fucking horrible.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That, but also the fact that you wont put on muscle at anywhere near the rate of younger guys. Well, unless you're lucky enough to have done some lifting when you were young, and then you can get that strength back reasonably quickly.

Have you seen him at 8%? Bloated pig.
That's one decision I'm happy my 13 year old self made. I had a 2 year period in my mid 20s when I stopped lifting and when I started back everything came back extremely quick.

And yes, oink oink on Mikey at 8%. I wish he wouldn't even post those pics. I just feel bad for him there's only 7.5 abs showing instead of the usual eight.


Junior Member
Three things:

1)It works for you because you are our cardio king.
2)It works for me because like Mikey said, I eat 1300-1500 a day on my non cheat days
3)Mikey is stalling because he feels fat if he isn't below 8%
How do you manage to eat only 1300-1500 on non-cheat days? That's like one (post-workout) meal for me.


How do you manage to eat only 1300-1500 on non-cheat days? That's like one (post-workout) meal for me.

What are you eating post workout? Hell, I'm eating a GIANT bowl of chili right now and it's not close to 1500 cals. Eat something high in protein and fiber and you'll feel extremely full.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he doesn't have such insanely large meals? :p

I can easily make three meals out of 1,500 calories.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How do you manage to eat only 1300-1500 on non-cheat days? That's like one (post-workout) meal for me.
Fast until post lifting at 5:30

250 cal shake, 30g protein
450-500 Meat and veggie, 60g
360 White Choc PB, 15g
250 Greek Y plus whey, 45g

1310 and 150g

Cheat day, 10,000+ and who cares
Did my leg day today and man Squats are killing me. Thinking about dropping the weight a bit. For leg day I'm doing

Stationary Bike - 15mins
Treadmill - 10mins (Light Jog)
Squats - x8 Reps 4 Sets (105lbs total)
Leg Press - x6 4 Sets (310lbs total)
Calf Extensions - x5 3 Sets (130lbs)

I can do the first 2 maybe 3 Squat sets fine but that 4th set kills me to the point I usually do 4 take a 15 second breather and do the last 4 reps. I'm only taking maybe around a minute in between sets would you guys suggest taking maybe 2 minutes?


Junior Member
What are you eating post workout? Hell, I'm eating a GIANT bowl of chili right now and it's not close to 1500 cals. Eat something high in protein and fiber and you'll feel extremely full.
Well technically I don't eat all of it at once - immediately post workout I eat a homemade protein pancake (which comes to 700 calories). Then I will have chicken with pitas 30 mins later. I tend to save the majority of my workout post-workout anyway. Food doesn't fill me up :\


Junior Member
Fast until post lifting at 5:30

250 cal shake, 30g protein
450-500 Meat and veggie, 60g
360 White Choc PB, 15g
250 Greek Y plus whey, 45g

1310 and 150g

Cheat day, 10,000+ and who cares
Ah, guess that makes sense. IF really does suppress hunger pans. Find working out fasted affects your performance at the gym?

I presume that's all one meal, because I could eat all of that at once tbh lol.


Well technically I don't eat all of it at once - immediately post workout I eat a homemade protein pancake (which comes to 700 calories). Then I will have chicken with pitas 30 mins later. I tend to save the majority of my workout post-workout anyway. Food doesn't fill me up :\

You should try mixing fiber in with water. You won't taste it and it'll contain hunger a bit (plus it's good for you)
Find working out fasted affects your performance at the gym?
For me it did to start with, but now I don't even notice. One advantage... I never feel sick when lifting any more.

However, I wouldn't try and do high heart rate sessions fasted as you'll completely wreck yourself (most of the programs people are on here are very low heart rate).
I believe it's zone 4 where your body stops being able to provide enough energy from fat. 80% max HR and up.

Fine if you spend a few minutes there, but you wouldn't want to try and do a P90X plyo session or something like that.
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