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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The cutting hunger is real.


Man, I wish I was cutting again. I just can't seem to get the last bit of weight on. Odd thing is, my weight is the same, but my abs are properly back, which is great... but OH MY GOD JUST LET ME HIT THE DAMN WEIGHT.


At 3/4 of a gallon of water now. 2 cups of coffee. I could eat paper right now.

I had a 2 liter of sprite left over from my birthday party that I got for my friends. I kept taking sips from it, then I saw your post. I dumped it out. Fuck that shit. If you can stay strong so can I.


I had a 2 liter of sprite left over from my birthday party that I got for my friends. I kept taking sips from it, then I saw your post. I dumped it out. Fuck that shit. If you can stay strong so can I.
Yasssss we can all suffer together!


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Today I maxed at 225lbs on my deadlift. Am I at the point where I should start using a belt on my 1RM lifts?

@sean: checked out your thread and reddit/brobible. Incredible transformation. Only a 2lb difference, but you look soooo much better.


Today I maxed at 225lbs on my deadlift. Am I at the point where I should start using a belt on my 1RM lifts?

@sean: checked out your thread and reddit/brobible. Incredible transformation. Only a 2lb difference, but you look soooo much better.

Get stronger without a belt. Consider one after 405 at least.


the piano man
I think I am doing well, I up my numbers both strengthwise and Weightwise and growing on the right places.

that thread by Sean, the sodium there, wow. It's entretaining to read, you get to learn how people think or what mindset they bring along.

I was about to suggest we all do a "nice guy I can hug <-> angry gym guy" before-after to show Sean some solidarity. Who's with me? Here my entry, right pic taken today.

Get stronger without a belt. Consider one after 405 at least.

I'm not convinced that's good advice. There's plenty of evidence pointing to the fact that using a belt actually helps you engage more of your core muscles than not using one (which is the opposite to what we previously thought). Ignoring the fact that depending on his weight, he may never even be able to lift 405lbs (that would put me near elite levels for my bodyweight).

Unrelated... seems just saying fuck it and eating whatever to get my calories up has resulted in a fairly significant sugar intake (> 250g). Meh.


Maybe not 405, but 225 seems kind of low to me for wearing a belt for deadlifts. I'm kind of hitting the point where I want to use one on deadlifts (315), but I think I'm also just maxing out what I can do on a cut too.
I'd say it's bodyweight dependant. 315 might not be much for someone that weighs 220lbs, but for someone that weighs 150lbs it's another story.


I can't express how appreciative I am that I come home to a hot, ready meal every single night. I am so ready.

Edit: Aaaaaaaand it's gone.


I'd say it's bodyweight dependant. 315 might not be much for someone that weighs 220lbs, but for someone that weighs 150lbs it's another story.
Hey I only weight 162! But yeah I agree, do what feels right for you.

Granadier are you already using mixed grip and chalk for your top set?
I started using one at 300lbs, when I weighed 145lbs. Only on my max attempts though (be it 5 reps, 3 reps or 1 rep).

My main problems are still my grip (teeny girly hands) and my upper back tightness though. =/

Edit - Related, I tried that thumb dislocation grip (hook grip?) for some of my deadlift accessories recently. Painful, but holy shit can you grip a lot more with it.

Nelo Ice

I'd say it's bodyweight dependant. 315 might not be much for someone that weighs 220lbs, but for someone that weighs 150lbs it's another story.

I weight about 150 lbs more or less and yeah getting to 3 plates was a struggle. Not sure if I need a belt since I failed to get 1 rep of 350lbs last week. Though I'm starting to think I'll need chalk since grip is the 1st thing I've noticed that starts to slip when I started pulling 3 plates.


My main problems are still my grip (teeny girly hands) and my upper back tightness though. =/
I have the same problem. My girlfriend and I have the same size hands, but she's 5'3. >_> I have to switch to mixed group one set earlier than I'd like, and even that can be rough until I chalk my hands up later on.
I chalk pretty early on now so that my hands are less fatigued when I get to my main working sets.

Not going back to wraps, even though I could pull significantly more with them.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Hey I only weight 162! But yeah I agree, do what feels right for you.

Granadier are you already using mixed grip and chalk for your top set?

Shit, should have put some more details in with that initial question.

body weight and height: ~185lbs, 6'5
For max set I use mixed grip but no chalk.

I've heard both use a belt and don't use a belt. Figured you all would know for sure.
This is also the first time I've hit 2 plates.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
For you it might be a bit early. How long have you been lifting?

...oh, and a whole shitload of argument here: http://strengtheory.com/the-belt-bible/ (none of it massively conclusive)

Edit - lmao, Brolic bringing the pain in Sean's thread

Not long, ~2 months?
I've lifted in the past, but nothing as serious as I'm doing now. Sounds like I should hold off on the belt.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Ahh, yeah. Not yet. You wont have really got a good handle on the lifts yet.

Thanks for the input all. &#55357;&#56397;


On a similar topic, what all do guys bring with to the gym? (people that go to a gym instead of home gyms)

Nelo Ice

Thanks for the input all. &#65533;&#65533;


On a similar topic, what all do guys bring with to the gym? (people that go to a gym instead of home gyms)

A water bottle. No really that's all I bring to the gym lol. May start bringing chalk though since deadlifts are starting to get heavy.


Hey, what's a good site to upload form check vids? I only have two and they're both less than a minute long.

Not trying to throw them up on youtube. I feel that takes forever.
Coffee and water is helping you cut? Or its helping the hunger from cutting?

Interestingly coffee helps mobilise fat stores, so that helps with cutting for sure.

...and without water, you're not burning fat for fuel, so technically that's helping too. :)

Edit - The massive quantities of caffeine I've been having of late may also explain my inability to gain any weight.


Interestingly coffee helps mobilise fat stores, so that helps with cutting for sure.

...and without water, you're not burning fat for fuel, so technically that's helping too. :)

Edit - The massive quantities of caffeine I've been having of late may also explain my inability to gain any weight.
And water helps keep you fuller. At least, that's why I drink so much.


Dropbox ?


Here's two vids of me doing squats after deloading to fix my form. This is my second true deload. More info after links:

Here's me warming up with 185. I mess up the 2nd rep due to not breathing so I did a 4th rep.


This vid is me during one of my work out sets on 195:


So about me...

I'm 26 years old as of two weeks ago. I'm 6'2". I used to lift weights somewhat regularly back in college but this current stretch of hitting the gym has lasted since last June (so about 10 months of lifting).

I weigh 220. I've lost 45 lbs since last April by eating at a calorie deficit and lifting. Within the 10 month stretch of lifting, I began with Stronglifts all the way to November. After hitting 250 5x5 in squats in December, I began Coolcicada's PPL routine.

My goal is to no longer be flabby and to lose this fat. I want to be toned and strong. I understand while losing weight, you're not going to be at your strongest. It's both frustrating and comforting. Frustrating because you feel like you can do more and comforting because you know if you put on the calories healthily, you could potentially increase your strength.

As for the squats, the reason I wanted to focus more on squats is because my knees tend to ache when I sit still for too long, like at a theater. I dunno if it's a squat thing, but I'm treating it as such.

Random numbers:
Age 26
Sex M
Height 6'2"
Weight 220 (down from 265)
BF 17.75% (down from 31%)

BP max - 185 3x5 - up from 115
Incline BP max - 165 3x5 - up from 80
OHP max - 125 3x5 - up from 80-85 (stalled on 95 for idk how long)
DL max - 340 1x5 - up from 180
Squat max - 250 5x5 - up from 135
Row max - 170 3x5 - up from 90-95


Atrocious you have pretty long femurs which leads to you having more forward lean when squatting. I'm guessing this is why you've taken a wider stance and pointed your toes out significantly, to combat the necessary lean when hitting depth.

I would suggest sitting down into the hole more instead of sitting back. Break at the knees first and let your knees travel over your toes and outwards to open up room for you to sit down into. Max Aita had a great video on high bar squatting when he was at supertraining https://youtu.be/DrwiddA_8CQ


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
A water bottle. No really that's all I bring to the gym lol. May start bringing chalk though since deadlifts are starting to get heavy.

Same for me so far. Just a water bottle and headphones.

Water bottle, resistance bands, and my Adipowers. I have a lacrosse ball in my backpack in case I need to use it during my warm-ups.

What's the advantages of the adipowers?


After months of training I just figured out there were Lbs on some of the weights, I can now take part in this thread lmao.
Will ask some things tomorrow.


What's the advantages of the adipowers?
Not many differences between the Adipowers and the other weightlifting shoes in the market besides build quality, design, and weight.

Compared to your regular shoes, has the heel and significantly more stable.

These shoes are just required for Olympic weightlifting, which I do.
Hi guys, I've a few questions.

1) anyone with any experience with hydroxycut? I've been trying to get into shape, and I changed my diet to an all protein, low fat diet but still can't seem to lean out. So how's hydroxycut ?should I even bother?

2) so I've read that squats are the best overall excersize? I should work my way to doing em 3 times a week? I usually do a different muscle group every other day.

3) if I'm trying to gain mass and lean out, how much cardi should I be doing on average? As it is now, I lift for about 45 mins to an hour, then immediately jog or jump on elliptical machine for 45 mins, and on off days I try to jog/bike for an hour. Is this adequate?

4) I don't drink soda, sugar etc, and only drink water and try to eat real healthy. But I'm always tired. No idea why, and ideas?

I honestly don't feel myself getting stronger. I feel a lot healthier, but that may just be from stopping cigarette smoking. I'm trying to read through this massive thread and have already learned a lot. Great info, and thanks for any advice.

Edit: forgot to mention, I smoke a lot of weed. Anyone lift and smoke regularly? I really really don't want to choose between the two. But I feel like maybe the weed is slowing me down?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Hi guys, I've a few questions.

1) anyone with any experience with hydroxycut? I've been trying to get into shape, and I changed my diet to an all protein, low fat diet but still can't seem to lean out. So how's hydroxycut ?should I even bother?

2) so I've read that squats are the best overall excersize? I should work my way to doing em 3 times a week? I usually do a different muscle group every other day.

3) if I'm trying to gain mass and lean out, how much cardi should I be doing on average? As it is now, I lift for about 45 mins to an hour, then immediately jog or jump on elliptical machine for 45 mins, and on off days I try to jog/bike for an hour. Is this adequate?

4) I don't drink soda, sugar etc, and only drink water and try to eat real healthy. But I'm always tired. No idea why, and ideas?

I honestly don't feel myself getting stronger. I feel a lot healthier, but that may just be from stopping cigarette smoking. I'm trying to read through this massive thread and have already learned a lot. Great info, and thanks for any advice.

1. Hydroxycut is a waste of money. Losing weight by raising your heart rate with drugs is a bad idea. Drink coffee is you need an energy boost.

2. Squats three times a week until you can't make progress on them anymore. That should take over a year.

3. Zero cardio is necessary. If you want to gain mass while leaning out, get stronger and eat at maintenance. That should work for a while as a beginner.

4. I had similar issues and a doctor told me I had depression. Something to look into. SSRIs helped when I took them.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Not many differences between the Adipowers and the other weightlifting shoes in the market besides build quality, design, and weight.

Compared to your regular shoes, has the heel and significantly more stable.

These shoes are just required for Olympic weightlifting, which I do.

Ahh ok. So I'm assuming they are more comfortable/stable than just using Chucks or wrestling shoes?
Edit: just saw the "required" bit. Is it regulation?


Hi guys, I've a few questions.

1) anyone with any experience with hydroxycut? I've been trying to get into shape, and I changed my diet to an all protein, low fat diet but still can't seem to lean out. So how's hydroxycut ?should I even bother?

2) so I've read that squats are the best overall excersize? I should work my way to doing em 3 times a week? I usually do a different muscle group every other day.

3) if I'm trying to gain mass and lean out, how much cardi should I be doing on average? As it is now, I lift for about 45 mins to an hour, then immediately jog or jump on elliptical machine for 45 mins, and on off days I try to jog/bike for an hour. Is this adequate?

4) I don't drink soda, sugar etc, and only drink water and try to eat real healthy. But I'm always tired. No idea why, and ideas?

I honestly don't feel myself getting stronger. I feel a lot healthier, but that may just be from stopping cigarette smoking. I'm trying to read through this massive thread and have already learned a lot. Great info, and thanks for any advice.

Edit: forgot to mention, I smoke a lot of weed. Anyone lift and smoke regularly? I really really don't want to choose between the two. But I feel like maybe the weed is slowing me down?

Going low fat is a very bad idea. You need fat for your health.

Also going "all protein" isn't gonna help you. Just get enough (.8-1g/lbm) and spend the rest on fat and carbs. How are your caloric numbers? Probably too little going by your writing.


So this is my current plan for a recomp/maintenance/experiment before my wedding in July. Eat Stop Eat 1-2x week. Fasting days situated so that they fall either before upper body day and/or after lower body day. Never after upper body day. All other days at maintenance or slightly over.

Let's see if anything happens.
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