Deadlift, OHP and rows definitely don't need anything.
For squat and bench, ideally you want spotter bars (if you don't have a spotter). You'll almost certainly have them in a squat rack, but not all benches have them.
Your best option for bench if you don't have anything like that, is to not put the weight collars on. That way, if you find yourself getting squished by the bar, you can just tip it over and the weights will come off.
For squat and bench, ideally you want spotter bars (if you don't have a spotter). You'll almost certainly have them in a squat rack, but not all benches have them.
You should be squatting in a rack with repositionable safety bars.
Something like this:
Those black bars can go wherever they need to to be just under your squat depth, that way it's easy to bail out of a squat, you just sit down.
But don't be scared, your legs are stronger than you think and an empty barbell is lighter than you think.
Your best option for bench if you don't have anything like that, is to not put the weight collars on. That way, if you find yourself getting squished by the bar, you can just tip it over and the weights will come off.