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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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It's similar but I didn't have all the information they've just recently put out when I started running it back in October. I'll edit this post with my version of it when I get on a PC.

Posting it on new page instead:

ME Upper
max effort bench press variation or military press
3x5 at 80% of max effort lift
3x5 at bench variation targeting weakness, ramp up linearly every week until I feel this needs to be changed
weighted dips
weighted pullups
rear delt flys
bicep exercises to maintain jacked and tan-ness
tricep isolation

ME Lower
max effort squat or deadlift variation
1-3x3-5 at 70-80% of max effort lift, trying to go no higher than an RPE 8
3x5 opposite lift of max effort lift(if i maxed in a squat, this is a deadlift variation and vice versa) targeting weakness, ramp up linearly until I feel this needs to be changed
stiff leg deadlift or good morning
bent over row
hamstring isolation
abs if i feel like it

DE Upper
3 week wave of bench variation at 75%, 80%, 85% for 10x3, 8x3, 6x3, respectively, last set every week is AMRAP
3x10 competition bench, ramp up linearly. Haven't stopped progressing yet. I'll probably drop weight and increase reps when I stall.
weighted dips
weighted pullups
rear delt flys
tricep isolation

DE Lower
3 week wave of squat variation at 75%, 80%, 85% for 10x2, 8x2, 6x2, respectively, last set every week is AMRAP
3 week wave of deadlift variation at 70%, 75%, 80% for 10x1, 8x1, 6x1, respectively
stiff leg deadlift or good morning
bent over rows
hamstring isolation
maybe abs

das it mane. Assistance exercises for those days are modified as my weaknesses in each lift change. Currently my hamstrings are very weak compared to my quads and glutes and my triceps and front delts are pretty weak.


Posting it on new page instead:

ME Upper
max effort bench press variation or military press
3x5 at 80% of max effort lift
3x5 at bench variation targeting weakness, ramp up linearly every week until I feel this needs to be changed
weighted dips
weighted pullups
rear delt flys
bicep exercises to maintain jacked and tan-ness
tricep isolation

ME Lower
max effort squat or deadlift variation
1-3x3-5 at 70-80% of max effort lift, trying to go no higher than an RPE 8
3x5 opposite lift of max effort lift(if i maxed in a squat, this is a deadlift variation and vice versa) targeting weakness, ramp up linearly until I feel this needs to be changed
stiff leg deadlift or good morning
bent over row
hamstring isolation
abs if i feel like it

DE Upper
3 week wave of bench variation at 75%, 80%, 85% for 10x3, 8x3, 6x3, respectively, last set every week is AMRAP
3x10 competition bench, ramp up linearly. Haven't stopped progressing yet. I'll probably drop weight and increase reps when I stall.
weighted dips
weighted pullups
rear delt flys
tricep isolation

DE Lower
3 week wave of squat variation at 75%, 80%, 85% for 10x2, 8x2, 6x2, respectively, last set every week is AMRAP
3 week wave of deadlift variation at 70%, 75%, 80% for 10x1, 8x1, 6x1, respectively
stiff leg deadlift or good morning
bent over rows
hamstring isolation
maybe abs

das it mane. Assistance exercises for those days are modified as my weaknesses in each lift change. Currently my hamstrings are very weak compared to my quads and glutes and my triceps and front delts are pretty weak.

Thanks, I'm interested in the different ways people put together a conjugate method. I'm thinking of eventually switching over to it for general strength not specifically powerlifting. Would you say you're making good progress using it?


Thanks, I'm interested in the different ways people put together a conjugate method. I'm thinking of eventually switching over to it for general strength not specifically powerlifting. Would you say you're making good progress using it?

Definitely making progress when I'm able to stick to my schedule. More importantly to me I just find it fun to max out every week. I've been running this with my little brother for about 7 months

my stats
starting squat: 325
current pause squat: 390, probably puts regular squat at 400+

starting bench: 275
current close grip bench: 300, probably puts regular bench at 310+

starting deadlift: 405
current 3 inch deficit deadlift: 465, off the floor probably 485

his much better stats
starting squat: 325
current pause squat: 420, think he's got 440+ in him for regular squat

starting bench: 240
current bench: 285

starting deadlift: 405
current 3 inch deficit deadlift: 520, off the floor probably 535+

edit: here's my 390 half second pause squat from yesterday https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Jsfqe1mum8VFA2SnByd0RaMnM/edit?usp=docslist_api
and edited instagram version with feels https://instagram.com/p/4DfbDvji32/
Weight related, I weigh exactly the same as I did this time last year... but I look so much better. Shows how chasing the scale is a bit meaningless (I used to be obsessed about getting my weight really low rather than being concerned about composition).


I apologize if I shouldn't ask this here, but I had a question about all you guys and buying suits.

With an athletic body type, bigger shoulders and chest and especially thighs and glutes, where do you shop for suits? I can't seem to fit into a lot of he more modern suit cuts and I don't particularly want to resort to the classic Dad-suits if I can help it.


I apologize if I shouldn't ask this here, but I had a question about all you guys and buying suits.

With an athletic body type, bigger shoulders and chest and especially thighs and glutes, where do you shop for suits? I can't seem to fit into a lot of he more modern suit cuts and I don't particularly want to resort to the classic Dad-suits if I can help it.

J.Crew Crosby Suit: https://www.jcrew.com/mens_feature/TheSuitShop.jsp#/#crosby



Congrats Sean, good job.

I apologize if I shouldn't ask this here, but I had a question about all you guys and buying suits.

With an athletic body type, bigger shoulders and chest and especially thighs and glutes, where do you shop for suits? I can't seem to fit into a lot of he more modern suit cuts and I don't particularly want to resort to the classic Dad-suits if I can help it.

You buy a suit you like and get it custom fitted. I recently had this done and will need to fit the suit again soon. It's why I don't like buying clothes till I'm at the size I want to be at.

ACE 1991

Joined an ultimate frisbee league after not playing since I started lifting. Damn, I can sprint significantly faster than most of the other people I played against. Thanks, squats! However I got winded really quickly because I haven't done much cardio in a while.
Thanks, squats! However I got winded really quickly because I haven't done much cardio in a while.

Not just that, the bigger your muscles are, the more they take out of you when doing said cardio. Huge legs are great for sprinters, not so good for marathon runners.
Hi, all. Currently pushing 189 lbs with BMI of 28%. Looking to get lean. been monitoring what I eat first and foremost and exercising three times a week.

Any suggestions? Going to follow suggestions in full body variation in OP
Hi, all. Currently pushing 189 lbs with BMI of 28%. Looking to get lean. been monitoring what I eat first and foremost and exercising three times a week.

Any suggestions? Going to follow suggestions in full body variation in OP

Suggestion 1: Don't pay attention to your BMI, it is literally just your weight multiplied by a constant and then divided by your height squared. It doesn't tell you anything useful. It will put anyone with a decent amount of muscle mass in the overweight range.


Hi, all. Currently pushing 189 lbs with BMI of 28%. Looking to get lean. been monitoring what I eat first and foremost and exercising three times a week.

Any suggestions? Going to follow suggestions in full body variation in OP

Reduce calories as much as possible, start out with maybe 200 a day less than normal. Also reduce intake of simple carb foods like white bread.



Yeah I was looking at this too but haven't found any real reviews or impressions. I'll keep looking though. Thanks!

You buy a suit you like and get it custom fitted. I recently had this done and will need to fit the suit again soon. It's why I don't like buying clothes till I'm at the size I want to be at.

So like a MTM, Made To Measure service? Yeah I agree that's probably the best route to take.


You know you got a problem when you're sitting in a gym's locker room praying for food poisoning to go away so you can get a workout in for the day.

I left some hardboiled eggs in the car for a second in 100 degree heat. Still a ate them. Now I'm doubled over in the locker room on the bench thinking why I just didn't throw that shit in the trash.


Been a long while since I posted.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've reached 2 milestones that I never, ever thought I would have achieved when I first started lifting.

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a long while, on and off. I've recently stopped doing it and am looking to move onto more of a BB style routine.

Firstly, I passed the 4 plate mark on squats. It feels like just yesterday when I was maxing out on 225lbs. Then I passed 3 plates and was incredibly impressed with myself. Then I kept going and eventually passed 4 plates. I maxed out my squats with a 1RM @ 435lbs.

Then, just last night, I hit 315lbs on bench for the first time. I don't even know what I'm more proud of, a 4 plate+ squat, or a 3 plate bench. You can see my concern as soon as I rack the weight because it wasn't the cleanest rep. Honestly it doesn't really come across on camera but I felt way lopsided on the way up. A rep is a rep I suppose. I will probably try 315 again next week to see if I can get it cleaner instead of attempting 320.

I'm just over the moon right now.
I think for me it would be the bench that was more impressive of the two, but partly because I'll never hit those sorts of numbers because of shoulder issues.

Nice going though. Great numbers. :)


My new meal tasted pretty good, it's not mind blowing amazing flavor wise but pleasant. Also awesome that the new meal plan is only 8 net carbs per day.

The meal is hemp seeds, fried up to crisp a bit, then put in chicken broth and chicken, let the broth get absorbed into the seeds. Thats it.


I imagine so, those are both incredible lifts. How often do you perform 1RM tests?

So when doing 5x5, and the weight gets up there, you're supposed to drop down to 3x5, and then to 3x3, and then 3x1. I took it upon myself to go even further, so when I was doing 3x1 of a certain weight on an exercise, and couldn't progress any further, I dropped it down to 1x1 (1 rep) and kept it going.

I've been doing 1RM on bench and squats every week for over a month. I'm done with progressing squats, though, and as you can see damn close to stopping progression on bench.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The C***er power is strong with you my friend! Fan-fucking-tastic! Awesome stuff Cudder. You should be damn proud of both those lifts.


Definitely making progress when I'm able to stick to my schedule. More importantly to me I just find it fun to max out every week. I've been running this with my little brother for about 7 months

my stats
starting squat: 325
current pause squat: 390, probably puts regular squat at 400+

starting bench: 275
current close grip bench: 300, probably puts regular bench at 310+

starting deadlift: 405
current 3 inch deficit deadlift: 465, off the floor probably 485

his much better stats
starting squat: 325
current pause squat: 420, think he's got 440+ in him for regular squat

starting bench: 240
current bench: 285

starting deadlift: 405
current 3 inch deficit deadlift: 520, off the floor probably 535+

edit: here's my 390 half second pause squat from yesterday https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Jsfqe1mum8VFA2SnByd0RaMnM/edit?usp=docslist_api
and edited instagram version with feels https://instagram.com/p/4DfbDvji32/

Definitely some nice progress in the timeframe, especially your bro and his squats andd deadlifts.


the piano man
other than Quest bars, when you guys are on a cut and crave something sweet, what's your go-to stuff?

I've found that stuff like cake and pastries is terrible.

I either have a bit of ice cream, one or two spoons and that's all, or one twix bar, it really has the perfect size.

congrats man. well done. I'd love to try some 1RM some day.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
other than Quest bars, when you guys are on a cut and crave something sweet, what's your go-to stuff?

I've found that stuff like cake and pastries is terrible.

I either have a bit of ice cream, one or two spoons and that's all, or one twix bar, it really has the perfect size.

congrats man. well done. I'd love to try some 1RM some day.
Peanut butter.


other than Quest bars, when you guys are on a cut and crave something sweet, what's your go-to stuff?

I've found that stuff like cake and pastries is terrible.

I either have a bit of ice cream, one or two spoons and that's all, or one twix bar, it really has the perfect size.

congrats man. well done. I'd love to try some 1RM some day.

Light Ricotta cheese mixed with some good flavoured protein powder (Coffee especially) is godlike.


Snacks? Just say no. I notice they become a gateway for me. I'd rather just stick to whole filling meals and fast otherwise. YMMV as usual.

Team c***er is not fair. Let this be known.

Today was so amazing at the gym. I did 3x360 then 3x405 on deadlift. The 2nd rep of 405 was kinda a grinder, but when I dropped it, I told myself I had the last rep in me and went for it. Not only did I get it, was an awesome rep and went up clean. Was so happy, I held it for 5+ seconds in joy.

I also get 35 dips today, over 5 sets. Got 10 (first time in my life I did a set of 10 dips), 7, 7, 6, 5.

All this while weighing in today at 234lbs and still eating 1750 calories a day. Body recomposition is really amazing even if scale goes all over there place.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Snacks? Just say no. I notice they become a gateway for me. I'd rather just stick to whole filling meals and fast otherwise. YMMV as usual.

Team c***er is not fair. Let this be known.

Today was so amazing at the gym. I did 3x360 then 3x405 on deadlift. The 2nd rep of 405 was kinda a grinder, but when I dropped it, I told myself I had the last rep in me and went for it. Not only did I get it, was an awesome rep and went up clean. Was so happy, I held it for 5+ seconds in joy.

I also get 35 dips today, over 5 sets. Got 10 (first time in my life I did a set of 10 dips), 7, 7, 6, 5.

All this while weighing in today at 234lbs and still eating 1750 calories a day. Body recomposition is really amazing even if scale goes all over there place.

Hmm...seems fair to me.

Nice lifts big guy.


Been a long while since I posted.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've reached 2 milestones that I never, ever thought I would have achieved when I first started lifting.

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a long while, on and off. I've recently stopped doing it and am looking to move onto more of a BB style routine.

Firstly, I passed the 4 plate mark on squats. It feels like just yesterday when I was maxing out on 225lbs. Then I passed 3 plates and was incredibly impressed with myself. Then I kept going and eventually passed 4 plates. I maxed out my squats with a 1RM @ 435lbs.

Then, just last night, I hit 315lbs on bench for the first time. I don't even know what I'm more proud of, a 4 plate+ squat, or a 3 plate bench. You can see my concern as soon as I rack the weight because it wasn't the cleanest rep. Honestly it doesn't really come across on camera but I felt way lopsided on the way up. A rep is a rep I suppose. I will probably try 315 again next week to see if I can get it cleaner instead of attempting 320.

I'm just over the moon right now.

Super impressive,
how long did it take you to go from 225 to 3 and now to 4?

Great job and that squat was also deep!


Thanks to above responses!
Sounds like you are on the right track tackling your diet first. At this point, just make sure to at least maintain what you are doing so you can just let time take care of the rest :)

Side note: I came home to baked salmon and sweet potato... F*ck yes!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Finalized an order for my gym equipment. Gonna have better stuff than a lot of gyms. Elitefts 3x3 half rack with monkey pull-up bar, top and bottom band pegs, and weight storage, an Elitefts safety squat yoke bar, and a Texas power bar. Happy as hell, can't wait till it comes in. These in addition to the strongman stuff I already have makes my garage a pretty damn good gym. Will post pics when it all comes in.


Finalized an order for my gym equipment. Gonna have better stuff than a lot of gyms. Elitefts 3x3 half rack with monkey pull-up bar, top and bottom band pegs, and weight storage, an Elitefts safety squat yoke bar, and a Texas power bar. Happy as hell, can't wait till it comes in. These in addition to the strongman stuff I already have makes my garage a pretty damn good gym. Will post pics when it all comes in.

What are you charging for gym membership and are you open @ 0400?


Been a long while since I posted.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've reached 2 milestones that I never, ever thought I would have achieved when I first started lifting.

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a long while, on and off. I've recently stopped doing it and am looking to move onto more of a BB style routine.

Firstly, I passed the 4 plate mark on squats. It feels like just yesterday when I was maxing out on 225lbs. Then I passed 3 plates and was incredibly impressed with myself. Then I kept going and eventually passed 4 plates. I maxed out my squats with a 1RM @ 435lbs.

Then, just last night, I hit 315lbs on bench for the first time. I don't even know what I'm more proud of, a 4 plate+ squat, or a 3 plate bench. You can see my concern as soon as I rack the weight because it wasn't the cleanest rep. Honestly it doesn't really come across on camera but I felt way lopsided on the way up. A rep is a rep I suppose. I will probably try 315 again next week to see if I can get it cleaner instead of attempting 320.

I'm just over the moon right now.

I need to change my name to C***er so that I can tap into some of that awesomeness.

Maybe, I'll be Cooler.

Still had a nice workout today. Hit a new PR with power clean/OHP at 160 lbs.

So I've got that going for me, which is nice.


Finalized an order for my gym equipment. Gonna have better stuff than a lot of gyms. Elitefts 3x3 half rack with monkey pull-up bar, top and bottom band pegs, and weight storage, an Elitefts safety squat yoke bar, and a Texas power bar. Happy as hell, can't wait till it comes in. These in addition to the strongman stuff I already have makes my garage a pretty damn good gym. Will post pics when it all comes in.

FitGAF trip to Brolic's gym?


Hey Sadetar, It's good to hear you're doing well. I've had my fair share of injuries and they always feel like crap because they make you feel like it's a set back. You'll be back before you know it, posting those awesome progress pics. It's a huge win that you're on the road to recovery and without surgery! Keep getting better.
I don't know do you even realize how incredibly sweet that was to say! You just made my day! ^_^

I admit that it is great that it seems I will just heal on my own. I am planning to just get over this so I can go back to my old routines. It feels like cheating not to do any leg exercises. :p

What a lovely day. WHAT A LOVELY DAY!
It indeed seems to be a lovely day. ;)

Hey friends. With all the downtime associated with a gaf ban I got fat. Checking in to weight loss gaf.
Vinnie! Good to have you back!

Hit 208 yesterday. Officially 20lbs down in 4 months. Slow and steady.
Slow, steady and awesome! Great work! Also I don't think I have mentioned that you look fantastic in your newer pics. :D

Weight related, I weigh exactly the same as I did this time last year... but I look so much better. Shows how chasing the scale is a bit meaningless (I used to be obsessed about getting my weight really low rather than being concerned about composition).
I like your point. I admittedly weight a ton, but then again I look better than most females would do with my weight. I am still planning to lose a lot, but at least my body composition is getting better.

Also as a bit of a sidenote, even if I am heavier than I used to be (thanks to meds) my lower tummy area is actually looking better than in years. It is far from good, but the skin seems to be getting smoother and thighter which is awesome.

Been a long while since I posted.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've reached 2 milestones that I never, ever thought I would have achieved when I first started lifting.

I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for a long while, on and off. I've recently stopped doing it and am looking to move onto more of a BB style routine.

Firstly, I passed the 4 plate mark on squats. It feels like just yesterday when I was maxing out on 225lbs. Then I passed 3 plates and was incredibly impressed with myself. Then I kept going and eventually passed 4 plates. I maxed out my squats with a 1RM @ 435lbs.

Then, just last night, I hit 315lbs on bench for the first time. I don't even know what I'm more proud of, a 4 plate+ squat, or a 3 plate bench. You can see my concern as soon as I rack the weight because it wasn't the cleanest rep. Honestly it doesn't really come across on camera but I felt way lopsided on the way up. A rep is a rep I suppose. I will probably try 315 again next week to see if I can get it cleaner instead of attempting 320.

I'm just over the moon right now.
Oooh! Congratulations!

You are a big boy now. :p

You know you got a problem when you're sitting in a gym's locker room praying for food poisoning to go away so you can get a workout in for the day.

I left some hardboiled eggs in the car for a second in 100 degree heat. Still a ate them. Now I'm doubled over in the locker room on the bench thinking why I just didn't throw that shit in the trash.

Can we have an update how did it go? Did you manage to work out at all?

I've been working on my apparel line Battle District (@battle_District) so I haven't had much time to post, but here is an update. It's a result of German Volume Training... and yes, I'm still a Vegan.

That is extremely impressive!


Great movie. Go see it! Hey, it's late but thanks for the sexy beast comment. Turned me all red. ;)
I will put watching it on my to do list (this summer it contains only nice things
and you all should be very proud of me since I was going to add also something else, but didn't.

Hahah, and you are welcome even though the pleasure was all mine. :p


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Oof hitting the gym after breaking fast was not a great idea. While my deadlift and OHP press went up today my squats made me super nauseated. Probably gonna switch to an early morning routine now since night workouts just don't vibe with me.
I don't exercise in the mornings, I hate it...

...and so I just did an hour an a half of intervals just after waking up, fasted. Utterly fucking brutal. I'm completely wiped out.


OK, leg day again. Getting back on the 5x5 train with legs at least twice per week. Need to get back to 5x5@225 again. Trying 185-195 sets today to see how it goes.

On another note, alternating days of legs, cycling, and running with a day or two off each week seems to be sustainable. Might be able to run distance AND lift after all. Don't really care if it holds strength progress back. I love running too much to give it up!
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