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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Im pretty sure its just trying to eat clean and 3000 that is the annoying part. So much volume.

If i was eating whatever I wanted I could get 1/2 of that in one Jimmy Johns sandwich.

Well yeah that's implied lol. I could eat a few donuts and Taco Bell and get tons of calories.


505 Games Ltd
Thanks bros!

Things is I'm quite tall (1.88) and very active. Besides gym I walk a lot and I cannot keep sitting down in a chair for a long time.

Workout sessions are pretty brutal. I do about 400-500 abs more or less through different exercises + all the weights I do.

I squat 3 times a week which also helps. Helps a lot with burning dem calories.

I did close to 2000 calories last year, was constantly hungry. Had amazing results but I was training 3-4 times per week. Anything more I was seriously fatiged.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hitting a fatique wall and my squats are the ones suffering. I go and I squat but that passion and drive just isn't there right now. Three plates felt heavy as shit last night. Idk, might have had something to do with getting up at 4:45 then driving 175 miles to Chico and back in the same day but I've lifted with light sleep before and been fine. I need to make the final push to 180 and start maintaining. Right now it's 3 or 4 strict days followed by a semi cheat and so on. If I put 10 consecutive days together I think I'll be there. Sitting at 183-185 at the moment.


Okay, so I'm flying home for a little over a week and I won't have any access to a gym. I'm afraid my diet might go to hell but hopefully I'll be on top of it using MFP and being reasonable with ingesting home-cooked food. Does anyone have any recommendations for good routines I should do, or would eating to maintenance+running for any overages be sufficient if it's only a week of off-time?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hey guys. So after being on a strength training program for a good while now, I think I'm ready to move to a hypertrophy program.



Hitting a fatique wall and my squats are the ones suffering. I go and I squat but that passion and drive just isn't there right now. Three plates felt heavy as shit last night. Idk, might have had something to do with getting up at 4:45 then driving 175 miles to Chico and back in the same day but I've lifted with light sleep before and been fine. I need to make the final push to 180 and start maintaining. Right now it's 3 or 4 strict days followed by a semi cheat and so on. If I put 10 consecutive days together I think I'll be there. Sitting at 183-185 at the moment.

I find everytime i have a day or 2 where i eat more, it takes me 4-5 days or so to get back where i was. It is why i try to avoid having those days as much as possible, best results are from nonstop cutting. There are trying times but thats the cutting life.

On that note, i realized i hadn't ate in 25 hours or so but still wasn't hungry, forced myself to eat just now.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I find everytime i have a day or 2 where i eat more, it takes me 4-5 days or so to get back where i was. It is why i try to avoid having those days as much as possible, best results are from nonstop cutting. There are trying times but thats the cutting life.

On that note, i realized i hadn't ate in 25 hours or so but still wasn't hungry, forced myself to eat just now.
Same. I can literally eat 12000 calories Sunday and be back where I was the day before by Friday.


Anyone here play badminton.

It is probably the best sport a skinny gamer can play. Highly reflex based, not very muscle intensive...

It is my favorite sport!


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Anyone have experience with hernias?

Noticed a bulge near my top-left ab. It's noticeable when I suck my stomach in. But if I tense my core then the bulge goes away. If I'm tensing I can poke that spot and it just feels like a muscle. Still kind of worried, though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Crazy shit Bish. Really impressive.

I think I'm going to start doing all my progress pics in suits now.


That transformation is amazing

Crazy shit Bish. Really impressive.

I think I'm going to start doing all my progress pics in suits now.

wow phenomenal job man!

Awesome job man! Pretty incredible transformation.

Thanks guys. The suit was also fitted improperly, jacket was way too loose and pants weren't well fitted. Going to a new tailor next time.

Oh you lift so much because you take the cross off and make your pact with Satan for gainz when you enter the gym.

Fair nuff.

You gonna make it bro

hahahahaha, no. I actually started this entire journey from someone i know who is very prophetic, his words lead me into the direction im at now. I was a happy fat dude.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Event day. Log press is progressing nicely, took it easy on farmers because of forearm issues (getting worked on next weekend) and a new event for me, sandbag carry and loads 50ft to 48" bar. Killer and fun.

(Log 205x5, farmer run 170 per hand x 75ft, carry and load 50/150/200lb bag 50ft and load over 48" bar.)



Brolic, making heavy lifting look waaaaay too easy. My favorite thing about you (besides your no bullshit attitude) is your form. It's always so good. If I was to recommend form videos to someone I would point them to your youtube channel.


First pics of my gains, been about two months since psuedo-atrophy:



Need to get my arms tan, but I live in Washington, so whaddya do.

Thank you Fitness GAF. Seriously, would not be having these kinds of gains without the knowledge and help in this thread.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
First pics of my gains, been about two months since psuedo-atrophy:

Need to get my arms tan, but I live in Washington, so whaddya do.

Thank you Fitness GAF. Seriously, would not be having these kinds of gains without the knowledge and help in this thread.
This place is the best, no doubt. I too credit it for a sizeable portion of my success.

Nice progress! Keep at it.


Bish goodness dude you looking amazing. I'm floored dude, fucking impressive. Also that suit is boss.

Event day. Log press is progressing nicely, took it easy on farmers because of forearm issues (getting worked on next weekend) and a new event for me, sandbag carry and loads 50ft to 48" bar. Killer and fun.

(Log 205x5, farmer run 170 per hand x 75ft, carry and load 50/150/200lb bag 50ft and load over 48" bar.)


Those sandbags look like a bitch but you handled it like a boss.


First pics of my gains, been about two months since psuedo-atrophy:

Need to get my arms tan, but I live in Washington, so whaddya do.

Thank you Fitness GAF. Seriously, would not be having these kinds of gains without the knowledge and help in this thread.

Nice progress man, keep it up! I agree FitGaf is amazing. All the knowledge and gainz being made is incredible.


Ah, since I am now officially a Master of Arts I can't no longer use university gym and I need to find myself another one. I am somewhat sad about this fact since it takes me only 6 minutes to walk door to door to the gym and there is literally no other gym that close to me. I don't want to sweat to be able to work out. :p At the moment I also can't do that much at the gym, but I would still want to go there twice a week just to keep up with the routine. I am just thinking should I just get the gym that I would be able to do everything I would do without the injury. Then again if there is good free weight area it usually doesn't have nice machines and generally the crosstrainers are really shitty. Also since I am normally around 40-50 minutes on a crosstrainer I would like there to be a telly in front of it, but it seems that that usually isn't the case. This all is very frustrating since there most likely isn't a gym that would be perfect for my needs (the one at the uni was awesome, but didn't have air conditioning).

Slowly getting there this year again. Currently at 84.5kgs at around 10ish% bodyfat maybe? Perhaps even a bit less.

Goal is to reduce the calories around 2500 (currently at 2800) from July onwards and include 50% protein per dat. Right now I'm on a 33% - 33% - 33% macro split (protein, carbs, fat)

Looking really damn gorgeous. :p

New PR!

Deadlift 275x4 @ 161lbs

This is a jump from 260x5 just a couple weeks ago. That last rep wouldn't budge, but dammit, I'm happy.

Form check?
Congratulations for the PR! :D

Going around a working museum and there's a blacksmith with the biggest forearms I've ever seen. Veins like hoses. Seems the key to massive forearms is hand pumping a bellows and hammering shit all day.
Umm... You didn't by any chance take a photo of that particular blacksmith, now did you? :p

this is the gospel truth.
I am making notes.

For next summer, I better have these. For this summer I think I leave those to Vince.

Updated progress pics here, quote to show. Please do not reply to show the url, lots of scary people lurk gaf.
Amazing results! You are definitely on the right path.

I also totally love your hair on the gym pic. All in all you are a very good looking lad. ;)

You are also by the way most likely the heariest lad I have ever seen - quite much a like a bear kind creature. Oh and don't take that negatively. You look great.

Event day. Log press is progressing nicely, took it easy on farmers because of forearm issues (getting worked on next weekend) and a new event for me, sandbag carry and loads 50ft to 48" bar. Killer and fun.

(Log 205x5, farmer run 170 per hand x 75ft, carry and load 50/150/200lb bag 50ft and load over 48" bar.)

Dammit Brolic. You continue to impress. You must take a loads of discomfort to get yourself where you are now even if you make it look so easy.

First pics of my gains, been about two months since psuedo-atrophy:

Need to get my arms tan, but I live in Washington, so whaddya do.

Thank you Fitness GAF. Seriously, would not be having these kinds of gains without the knowledge and help in this thread.
I hope you didn't pick the tiles on the back. :p

But yeah, other than that really nice progress.


So today I finished a goofy bodybuilding.com 12 week program.

My review is that I sucked so much I think just going to the gym and breathing would have helped me, but I think I got over that learning how to get form decent on most compound lifts(not deadlift yet). Dont know that I would recommend but it was at least a decent mixture of stuff and I did pretty much get to my goal weight on it(within 2 lbs).

Gonna do a deload week as the previous program encouraged going to failure. Also kinda figuring out my calories, it seems like 3k might be maintenance at least with a week of data so i might need to up that to 3200ish to get any kind of slow bulking going on. I feel a bit gaunt looking in the mirror and my upper body is still weaksauce.

Planning on moving onto the Layne Norton PHAT program after that.

Have never done Rack Chins before but my friend i workout with has so ill get some tutelage on that. I think the only other thing I am replacing is Hack Squats with Front Squats as that machine isnt designed for talls and I dont have the grip to do the bb version.

Doing a 6-10 rep set on calves is gonna suck but fat guy calves dont stick around when you aren't fat anymore -_-


Started the day with a plan and then watched it burn.


(next month you guys!)[/QUOTE]
I think we should require you to draw one of these up each week to reflect said week's progress :) nice work!

Also, your handwriting screams "engineer" to me, but I know I could be way off.


Goddamn Bish. Fucking amazing dude. One of the most impressive transformations on here, easily.

Go bish go! Nice job man

Bish goodness dude you looking amazing. I'm floored dude, fucking impressive. Also that suit is boss.

Thanks so much guys.

Amazing results! You are definitely on the right path.

I also totally love your hair on the gym pic. All in all you are a very good looking lad. ;)

You are also by the way most likely the heariest lad I have ever seen - quite much a like a bear kind creature. Oh and don't take that negatively. You look great.

Its hard to accept body hair compliments lol, but thanks, i freaking hate the body hair. I trim/nair it every few months.

Holyshit at that body transformation Bish, that's incredible, amazing job and dedication.

I don't know why, this comment really meant a lot to me. Thanks man.

Just goes to show Fitgaf is best gaf.
How do you know if someone is on steroids?

I have a guy at my gym that is pretty big. He trains every day there.

The thing that gets me suspicious is that he trains on low weights most of the time. His delts are huge and it looks kinda funny since he has a small head. He took his shirt off once and I saw scars around those delts. He never showers there

you guys think he's on roids?


How do you know if someone is on steroids?

I have a guy at my gym that is pretty big. He trains every day there.

The thing that gets me suspicious is that he trains on low weights most of the time. His delts are huge and it looks kinda funny since he has a small head. He took his shirt off once and I saw scars around those delts. He never showers there

you guys think he's on roids?
I usually find some random way to prick them. When I have the blood, I send it to the lab for confirmation. Either that or wait for them to shower so I can see if thw testicles look shrunken. Dude, why do you care if some rando at your gym is on steroids? What does it have to do with you? Just do you.


Who was it that said they had done a chew and spit with unhealthy food? Ah well I may have just done that this morning with some banana bread. I feel shameful. At first I said f*ck it and proceeded to eat it, but then changed my mind before I swallowed haha

Wtf have you guys done to me?! Good thing my wife didn't witness it...


I usually find some random way to prick them. When I have the blood, I send it to the lab for confirmation. Either that or wait for them to shower so I can see if thw testicles look shrunken. Dude, why do you care if some rando at your gym is on steroids? What does it have to do with you? Just do you.
I prefer random urine testing to randomly pricking people. Try to stand as close as possible to them at the stall and get the pee vapor into a special container.
I usually find some random way to prick them. When I have the blood, I send it to the lab for confirmation. Either that or wait for them to shower so I can see if thw testicles look shrunken. Dude, why do you care if some rando at your gym is on steroids? What does it have to do with you? Just do you.

The gym has zero policy against roid users. They pretty much have it plastered everywhere in the gym.

Im not going to turn him in, Im just curious


Happy father's day fitGAF. If you guys are half as good at being dads as you are at being motivational and encouraging re: fitness, your kids are incredibly lucky.


The gym has zero policy against roid users. They pretty much have it plastered everywhere in the gym.

Im not going to turn him in, Im just curious
What type of weird aas gym do you train at? How is a gym going to know if someone is juicing? This is like a step above Planet Fitness bullshit. Either way mind your own. If this guy isn't shooting up in front of you, who cares?


Happy father's day fitGAF. If you guys are half as good at being dads as you are at being motivational and encouraging re: fitness, your kids are incredibly lucky.
Thank you! :)

My wife got me the Adidas Powerlift shoes. Yay! But they seem to run small and I need another size. Boo.
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