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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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After a couple weeks of being sick sick sick, now to start Starting Strength again lol.

This always happens to me. I say "time to start exercising!" and suddenly my ankle will snap or I'll get sick. Thanks body!

Also feeling really off track with my weight loss. Was down close to 20, but gained 2 overnight. :( But time to double down on being strict and keep going!


If I were to go back in time before my treadmill purchase, I too would buy a bike. Low impact, adjustable resistance, generally much smaller/more portable, etc. Also, I dislike how ellipticals force me to stay in a semi-squat position. It actually puts a lot of strain on my knees and feels terrible not to be able to stretch out my legs. At least on a bike you can adjust the seat.

Yeah, dude, it's awesome. If you have the room, they can be had for $600 new and I'm sure significantly less used. I actually have 2 treadmills as well (don't ask) but now that I'm in my 30s, the constant pounding on my joints is starting to catch up to me. Plus, if you really get moving on the Airdyne, the arm / back activity is a nice added bonus.


Thanks for the responses. How do you find core, stomach and back for bike versus treadmill/elliptical? I do a fair amount of sitting so my thought head towards vertical activity rather than sitting. I do appreciate the thoughts on impact though.

What do you mean? Neither of them is a core workout, per se. The bike probably more so, since your arms and legs are moving. While not significant, the bike is a far better back workout as well.


What do you mean? Neither of them is a core workout, per se. The bike probably more so, since your arms and legs are moving. While not significant, the bike is a far better back workout as well.

I think he wants this:


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Airdyne bikes will not only affirm a belief that Satan is real, but make you question why you got on his horse
If I were to go back in time before my treadmill purchase, I too would buy a bike. Low impact, adjustable resistance, generally much smaller/more portable, etc. Also, I dislike how ellipticals force me to stay in a semi-squat position. It actually puts a lot of strain on my knees and feels terrible not to be able to stretch out my legs. At least on a bike you can adjust the seat.

My treadmill broke a couple of months ago, been looking at getting a new piece of cardio equipment for the house. I am leaning towards a bike myself.
I've just realised that the only reason I'm doing weights in a minute is so I can eat unhealthy food later with a relatively clear conscience. Whatever works I guess. :p
That order was great. I haven't had Taco Bell in months. I am a little bloated but good to go. Plus, it is fun to go hard like that at times. Body has been so deprived for calories and carbs oh so long lol.


That order was great. I haven't had Taco Bell in months. I am a little bloated but good to go. Plus, it is fun to go hard like that at times. Body has been so deprived for calories and carbs oh so long lol.

Plus, the mexican pizza is God's gift to man. I'm with you...Taco Bell is one of my favorite calorie overload meals.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That order was great. I haven't had Taco Bell in months. I am a little bloated but good to go. Plus, it is fun to go hard like that at times. Body has been so deprived for calories and carbs oh so long lol.
I'm about 2 weeks out from a similar type day. Go big or go home! I'm thinking an entire 18" pizza, orange cream soda, and a couple pints of Häagen-Dazs for dessert.

Anyway, back down to 183. Countdown to 180 is real and I will not be cheating until I hit it. Possibly a 2600-2900 mini refeed if I think I need it but that's it.


Going to try my best to keep the calories low for the next two weeks.

Wife and I are planning another mini excursion in the Fourth weekend. I probably reach MTP levels of food for those few days.


Alright folks, I'm almost getting to the point where I can add in dips and pull ups to my routine. Still a bit out of reach on the pull ups, I'm assuming, as I'm doing reps on the lat pulldown @ 155 right now, and body weight is 204.

Here's my routine though, been at it for two months with a steady gain of ~5lbs on each lift weekly.

A Day: Squat 3x5, OHP 3x5, Clean 3x5, Lat Pulldown 3x5, Tricep Pushdown 3x5-7, Flys 3x5-7, accessory dumbell stuff (curls and the like)

B Day: Squat 3x5, Bench 3x5, Deadlift 2x5, Lat Pulldown 3x5, Kickbacks 3x5, accessory dumbell stuff.

I generally make it to the gym 4 times a week, but have had a few weeks where it was only three times. At home on off days, I'm doing incline pushups, crunches, and some various dumbell stuff as well. Then also running 3 miles 5 days a week. My body is feeling great, not really out of energy since I'm keeping my diet on point.

What should I look at dropping to work in dips and pull ups? Any other suggestions?


Just came back from the urgent care about this issue. The doctor told me that she really doesn't think it's a hernia, just an asymmetric muscle. She felt around and pressed the lump, but she wasn't convinced.

I know my abdominal has always been a little asymmetric, but I think the deadlifts I did a couple days ago really made it more pronounced somehow. Something about the way it looked completely threw me off and had me worried. I was prodding that area all day long and this morning it was actually tender because I wouldn't leave it alone, so that made me think even more that it was a hernia or something.

tl;dr: I'm crazy.

Dude I have the same thing. Small bump on the top left. Thought I was going crazy but gf felt it too. No pain or anything from it, which is why I haven't gone to the ER.



Beautiful! I love minications.

Yeah, this will probably be the last year that we can do these minications. My son is starting to realize when mommy and daddy are missing for an extended stretch of time.

The next vacation trips will have to wait until he's older so he can tag along with us.

Speaking of my son, he's got better form in his ATG squat than I do. Gonna start him on either bench or potty next. Haven't decided yet.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It's light pull up day with out adding weight and these two women asked if I was using the cables because they wanted to do flys. I said no, just the pull up bar. They said, I hope you have many more to do because we will just stand behind you and admire. lol One said, maybe I should get on your back so they at least seem difficult for you. No shame whatsoever! I told her I could get 3 or 4 and then they laughed until they realized I was serious.


It's light pull up day with out adding weight and these two women asked if I was using the cables because they wanted to flys. I said no, just the pull up bar. They said, I hope you have many more to do because we will just stand behind you and admire. lol One said, maybe I should get on your backso they at least seem difficult for you. No shame whatsoever! I told her I could get 3 or 4 and then they laughed until they realized I was serious.

lol, this is one of my favorite posts in a while. Also, if your name and avatar was grayed out I still would have known it was you with 100% certainty.


Speaking of my son, he's got better form in his ATG squat than I do. Gonna start him on either bench or potty next. Haven't decided yet.
It's amazing. It's like they are made of rubber. I wince at the thought of doing half of what my son does.


It's light pull up day with out adding weight and these two women asked if I was using the cables because they wanted to do flys. I said no, just the pull up bar. They said, I hope you have many more to do because we will just stand behind you and admire. lol One said, maybe I should get on your back so they at least seem difficult for you. No shame whatsoever! I told her I could get 3 or 4 and then they laughed until they realized I was serious.

Imagine if you showed them your muscle-up.

To be honest, my weekends are pretty much turning into a frenzied exercise and eating fest. It's almost impossible to get a good idea of how much I'm burning, and to save my muscle as much as possible I try to get a good chunk in.

Sort of related, I thought about ILB when I was out on the bike on Sunday. Never in my life have I felt strong, weak, or otherwise... I just sort of feel, so his status updates are often alien to me. However, there are times when on the bike I realised that I feel like a bit of a monster, especially when going up hills that others are barely pushing up. So for the first time I ever I can relate. :)


Just finished my overly large Chinese meal.


I don't have prepared food today, first time in 2015 that I'm at work and don't have a pre weighed and portioned meal. Weekend took a lot out of me. I have been looking at /r/food for hours, hoping something will catch my fancy and maybe I'd just go have a large meal or two to satisfy some craving. But nope. Nothing interested me at all sadly.

You with this and FE with Taco Bell.

Am I the only one around here who had a chicken salad for lunch?

I had about a pound of corned beef followed by chia seed pudding.

To be honest, my weekends are pretty much turning into a frenzied exercise and eating fest. It's almost impossible to get a good idea of how much I'm burning, and to save my muscle as much as possible I try to get a good chunk in.

Sort of related, I thought about ILB when I was out on the bike on Sunday. Never in my life have I felt strong, weak, or otherwise... I just sort of feel, so his status updates are often alien to me. However, there are times when on the bike I realised that I feel like a bit of a monster, especially when going up hills that others are barely pushing up. So for the first time I ever I can relate. :)

Senpai noticed me.... Speaking of, I saw something on the keto subreddit you should take a look at.

On the subject of keto, there's some fairly interesting research on its affects on endurance athletes. Some improve, but for others its absolutely disastrous. I've done a number of fully fasted rides, but I don't think I'd ever consider trying the keto thing (not least because it would take months and I wouldn't risk potentially ruining my performance).

Three hours is fairly short though. I think things would get MUUUUUCH more interesting upwards of four or five when most people start bonking heavily as their glycogen supply runs out.


OK back on track after that weekend of naughtiness. Just had a fulfilling dinner and my favorite 100 calorie dessert. Sitting at a calorie deficit of at least 850 for the day and I'm leaving it that way... I hope.

I wish bish was my personal trainer/motivator and could just smack me across the face when I was about to do something stupid with my diet. I just don't think I could afford him.


Oh it was a splendid day today. After a discussion with the neurosurgeon I got a permission to slowly start to lower my meds intake and finally get rid of it within a month or two. Hopefully this will help me to lose the weight I managed to get while on it. I can also start to do couple body weight squats just to see how the back and leg react. Sooooo happpiiiiii! ^_^

Today I started to eat at 7 pm. Before that I wasn't really hungry at all. I realizes I can't eat anything after 10 pm since I need to get some blood samples taken tomorrow so I ended up eating all my calories within a bit under 3 hours. Worked fine for me. Felt like a cheat day even if I stayed totally in my calory limit and actually ate perfectly well. I might need to start to do this more often. :D

As a sidenote I have been struggling with blood pressure since I get so nervous when somebody even mentions about getting it. I stress about it being high which certainly doesn't help at all. For example today the first numbers where 147/108 which according to rumours are ridiculously high. After those numbers I was left alone listening to music and the numbers went down quite fast. Within fifteen minutes I got 104/80. It might have got even lower if I have had more time. I am not an expert on this field, but should I be worried about this or the final numbers I ended up getting?

Woohoo 2 plates squats 5x5

Wish I had a gym partner tho
Awesome work! Well done. :)

But why do you want a gym partner? Would it motivate you to go more often, help you with higher weights or what? I am just being curious since I haven't never felt I would need one.

Thanks guys! Leg day today for me so I'm prepared for pain. Although I've now I'm doing moe lower body I feel a much better recovery on my upper body. Joint pain and generally feeling destroyed on the upper part is mostly gone now. Thankfully legs can take more beating than the rest of your body.
You are very welcome. :)

Generally legs can take quite much. I am myself just waiting to actually get leg days again though so I am slighty jealous. :p

After a couple weeks of being sick sick sick, now to start Starting Strength again lol.

This always happens to me. I say "time to start exercising!" and suddenly my ankle will snap or I'll get sick. Thanks body!

Also feeling really off track with my weight loss. Was down close to 20, but gained 2 overnight. :( But time to double down on being strict and keep going!
Couple pounds are next to nothing! Seriously, my weight changes more than that just within a day so if I were you I wouldn't worry at all.

Also at least you know you are on the right path and working out when you can. You also know you can actually have an impact on your body and change your weight and body composition so mentally you have come a long way already. :) Good luck!

Yeah, this will probably be the last year that we can do these minications. My son is starting to realize when mommy and daddy are missing for an extended stretch of time.

The next vacation trips will have to wait until he's older so he can tag along with us.

Speaking of my son, he's got better form in his ATG squat than I do. Gonna start him on either bench or potty next. Haven't decided yet.
A child on nearly any age can come to a vacation. My little brother is 1,5-year-old and he is in France as we speak. He has already been in way more countries than I have to be honest (and I have been 10+) since last year they were roadtripping in Europe for numerous weeks.

It's light pull up day with out adding weight and these two women asked if I was using the cables because they wanted to do flys. I said no, just the pull up bar. They said, I hope you have many more to do because we will just stand behind you and admire. lol One said, maybe I should get on your back so they at least seem difficult for you. No shame whatsoever! I told her I could get 3 or 4 and then they laughed until they realized I was serious.
Hahahah. You are the best. Damn I wish I would have been one of those ladies. ;)
Video material required for science.

I have never fully understood this rating system that lads seem to use. Also they made it look like they would understand what is going on when you say 7... (I am actually right now googling this and trying to get some sense to it.)

OK back on track after that weekend of naughtiness. Just had a fulfilling dinner and my favorite 100 calorie dessert. Sitting at a calorie deficit of at least 850 for the day and I'm leaving it that way... I hope.

I wish bish was my personal trainer/motivator and could just smack me across the face when I was about to do something stupid with my diet. I just don't think I could afford him.
A weekend of naughtiness is something I might need to start to use more often since it already sounds like I could have said it. :p

What comes to Bish, my thoughts exactly.


Do you guys think after a while, it's better to stop chasing pure strength gains and focus on endurance?

For example, on starting strength, they recommend 5 reps on squats so that's what I've been following.

I do 3 work sets at 275lbs right now. Would it be better to cut the weight to ~200-225 lbs and go for 10-12 reps instead?
Anyone have some input on this? Curious myself.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I never fail to hurt something as my bench press gets heavier. This time it's pain in the chest muscle itself. I guess I'll see if vitamin sleep and eating at a surplus gets it to heal by Thursday.

J. Bravo

I never fail to hurt something as my bench press gets heavier. This time it's pain in the chest muscle itself. I guess I'll see if vitamin sleep and eating at a surplus gets it to heal by Thursday.
Try doing some band pull aparts. Also lax ball on your pec.
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