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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Dad bods FTW!

So I've become the IF guru at my gym. There are at least 10 people giving it a try now. It started as a joke to most of them. Something I did that was weird and unhealthy. Now with this cut they see my results and have started listening. Funny stuff.

Were I work so many people call it unhealthy that I skipped breakfast that I am just lying to people saying that I eat breakfast at this point.
Man, that one is going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time to die. People literally look at you in horror. YOU SKIPPED BREAKFAST?!?


Related, how do most people say to others that they're not eating? Missus told someone I was fasting the other day and you could see the cogs turning (It's Ramadan). I usually just say "I have a strange diet, I can't eat before 5pm... nor on the third Tuesday of each lunar cycle".


Dad bods FTW!

So I've become the IF guru at my gym. There are at least 10 people giving it a try now. It started as a joke to most of them. Something I did that was weird and unhealthy. Now with this cut they see my results and have started listening. Funny stuff.

Coot, tell me how to get into it and I'll give it a shot. Maybe a few high level points!?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Man, that one is going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time to die. People literally look at you in horror. YOU SKIPPED BREAKFAST?!?


Related, how do most people say to others that they're not eating? Missus told someone I was fasting the other day and you could see the cogs turning (It's Ramadan). I usually just say "I have a strange diet, I can't eat before 5pm... nor on the third Tuesday of each lunar cycle".

My standard response is, it works for me. If you're interested research it.

I sent the article Bish posted a couple days ago to more people then I can count. All who read it started questioning everything they thought they knew about nutrition.
I meant more in terms of a quick response as to why you're not eating. Say you're at an event with free food, or staying at a bed and breakfast or something.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Coot, tell me how to get into it and I'll give it a shot. Maybe a few high level points!?
Simple man. Easiest way is to lift in the afternoon and eat all your calories after you train and up until you go to bed. Wake up. Drink coffee or don't. Drink lots of water all day up until you lift. Probably want some caffiene prior to lifting. After you're done, fit whatever amount of calories you are aiming for in a day into the time before you sleep. Wake up repeat. Repeat. Repeat. It's gonna be hard at first but your body will adapt. Also read the article Bish posted.

I generally lift at 5pm, then eat from 7pm to around midnight, though I'm not obsessed about when I finish generally... as long as it's roughly around there.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I meant more in terms of a quick response as to why you're not eating. Say you're at an event with free food, or staying at a bed and breakfast or something.
Oh, gotcha. I just say I fast all day. Get all my calories at night. If they ask further questions I'll answer them. I usually end up telling them that all the old information you grew up hearing about eating breakfast and lunch is out dated. At that point I'll tell them to look into it if they're interested because it works really well for me.
Yeah, I've had that discussion a few times. It's funny really, my missus still acts like the world is ending if she misses breakfast too.


Man, that one is going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time to die. People literally look at you in horror. YOU SKIPPED BREAKFAST?!?


Related, how do most people say to others that they're not eating? Missus told someone I was fasting the other day and you could see the cogs turning (It's Ramadan). I usually just say "I have a strange diet, I can't eat before 5pm... nor on the third Tuesday of each lunar cycle".

Yeah, my family does the same thing to me. The look of horror in their eyes.

It reminds me of a conversation that I had back in my college days. There was transfer student from China. We were thinking of lunch options. I think I just wanted to get a burger. He insisted that we need to get Chinese food because we have to have some rice in our stomach. I asked him where he learned that. He told me that how he was raised back in China.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, I've had that discussion a few times. It's funny really, my missus still acts like the world is ending if she misses breakfast too.
One thing I'm still not clear on is if it has different affects on women. I've read a few things saying it may mess with hormonal levels.


Yeah, I've had that discussion a few times. It's funny really, my missus still acts like the world is ending if she misses breakfast too.

I've had this conversation before with my wife. Usually goes like:

W - "But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

Me - "So you're eating pancakes covered in syrup and calling that an important meal?"

W - *silence*


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I've had this conversation before with my wife. Usually goes like:

"But breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

"So you're eating pancakes covered in syrup and calling that an important meal?"

Literally just chuckled. Good one.


Any recommendations for a 4-day/week bodybuilding routine, from someone coming off Stronglifts 5x5?

I've only ever followed a routine when I focused on strength training. Whenever I would do BB type stuff I just did whatever I felt like doing on that particular day.


Any recommendations for a 4-day/week bodybuilding routine, from someone coming off Stronglifts 5x5?

I've only ever followed a routine when I focused on strength training. Whenever I would do BB type stuff I just did whatever I felt like doing on that particular day.

PHUL maybe
Yeah, my family does the same thing to me. The look of horror in their eyes.

It reminds me of a conversation that I had back in my college days. There was transfer student from China. We were thinking of lunch options. I think I just wanted to get a burger. He insisted that we need to get Chinese food because we have to have some rice in our stomach. I asked him where he learned that. He told me that how he was raised back in China.

speaking of rice. that's how i was raised. basically everything i ate involved rice. which isn't so bad. since everything taste better with rice (y)


speaking of rice. that's how i was raised. basically everything i ate involved rice. which isn't so bad. since everything taste better with rice (y)

Agreed, but considering there are other options for carbs, it makes sense to broaden our horizons.

I meant there was a point during family dinners where there were potatoes available. I decided to skip the rice and have the potatoes. My family kept telling me to stop eating the dishes and get some rice in my belly.


I know the feeling. I was out for two months twice. Slow and steady.

Now that I'm healed up, I'm just slow.

I have a love/hate relationship with this welcome to fitness soreness.
By the way, you can gain 10 pounds easily? Saw your other post?


I have a love/hate relationship with this welcome to fitness soreness.
By the way, you can gain 10 pounds easily? Saw your other post?

Hehehehe, we'll see how many all-you-can-eat buffets I can hit during the July 4th weekend.


One thing I'm still not clear on is if it has different affects on women. I've read a few things saying it may mess with hormonal levels.

It does, but it's mostly that they need to avoid the really long fasting periods like 20-24hrs.

Just did leg day... completely and utterly wrecked. Had to sort of guesstimate where I was on weights following my injury and I think I should have probably gone a bit lower. Sweated so much that at one point I slipped when doing lunges. Thankfully I didn't hurt / tweak anything.


One thing I'm still not clear on is if it has different affects on women. I've read a few things saying it may mess with hormonal levels.

Just speaking personally, but I love IF, and have noticed only good things. I still have normal hormone levels, and all the associated regular effects. :p

My fasting windows aren't as long as some people here though. I eat my first meal around noon, or ocassionally have a family weekend brunch meal around 10.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
It does, but it's mostly that they need to avoid the really long fasting periods like 20-24hrs.

Just did leg day... completely and utterly wrecked. Had to sort of guesstimate where I was on weights following my injury and I think I should have probably gone a bit lower. Sweated so much that at one point I slipped when doing lunges. Thankfully I didn't hurt / tweak anything.
Good to know. Thanks Psycho.

Dude, between your cycling and lifting your legs must despise you!


All this fasting talk and I'm not even fasting lol. I promised myself I'd be eating more just to hit excess calories but it's so time consuming, and eating clean calories is work.

As time goes on, it's so blatantly clear that I'll be able to keep this lifestyle easy as heck from now on. Reading about pancakes covered in syrup literally almost made me throw up. I've gone past that type of eating. Thank god.

Weighed in and still up 3.8lbs from my last lowest but not concerned at all, just keeping an eye on things. I'm really over dairy bloat tho. But dairy is super easy way to get calories in right now, so dealing with it.


So I went back to eating whenever I feel like it with a maintenance caloric intake of 2000. Funny enough, I just ended up right back at IF naturally somehow.

I'm not sure if my problem before was just psychological (thinking about having to wait to eat), but I've been comfortably eating a few large meals, with small snacks in between, within an 8-9 hour feeding window, but starting earlier at 9 or 10am.

I'm not sure though when this window is too large to be considered IF. Whatever I guess. Just doing what feels comfortable.


Yeah, I don't think they're my greatest fans.

In a couple of hours I'll be on the turbo trainer again too. =/
Holy crap yeah, my 6-mile run today was... Interesting. Had a good pace, but everything felt tight, especially my hamstrings which felt like they wanted to curl up and die at mile 4


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
IF has been working out pretty well for me during Ramadan. Perhaps a bit too well as I'm having trouble hitting the calorie goal that the FatSecret app has set for me at 1900 calories. I start feeling guilty about eating if I'm not hungry and just trying to hit the goal for the day.


Was doing overhead press and strained my neck/lats somehow. It's that feeling you get in your neck when you sleep on it wrong. Had to cut my workout short.


Weighed in at 185.2 this morning. That's roughly 75 lbs lost in around 14 months. 😊

Kinda wish I had kept progress pics.


Simple man. Easiest way is to lift in the afternoon and eat all your calories after you train and up until you go to bed. Wake up. Drink coffee or don't. Drink lots of water all day up until you lift. Probably want some caffiene prior to lifting. After you're done, fit whatever amount of calories you are aiming for in a day into the time before you sleep. Wake up repeat. Repeat. Repeat. It's gonna be hard at first but your body will adapt. Also read the article Bish posted.


Thanks man. I work out before work though, unfortunately.
I'm just about done with my cut and finally got my weight down under 100 kg which was my minimum goal of this eight week cut. I weighed 99,7 kg (219,8 lb) this morning so I have lost ca 12,5 lb in 7,5 weeks. Fairly happy with that even though I could have lost a bit more if I had not gotten a flu a few weeks ago which kept me away from the gym for a week. And I should NOT order any Quest bars while I'm trying to lose weight. I ordered four boxes of Quest bars to help me with my diet but I ate the whole lot in two weeks. Those mint chocolates and cookie doughs are just too damn good. Not surprisingly I didn't lose any weight while the Quest bars lasted. Anyway, I still want to lose at least 10 lb since my body fat percentage is still way over twenty and would like to look a bit leaner. I think I will continue eating pretty clean for the summer but will allow myself a few cheat meals every now and then. Looking forward to eating some pizza after this cut is officially over on Monday.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'll give it a try on Monday and do it for at least a week. Will report back.
For sure. I personally wouldn't like it if I lifted in the a.m. because I'm never hungry in the morning and always starving at night regardless if I eat lunch or not.
Is Tabata Training the same thing, more or less, as HIIT? What's the deal with the former? My martial arts training partner brought it up recently (he didn't know much either), and it sounded kind of interesting as someone who alternates between running and bodyweight exercises.


Is Tabata Training the same thing, more or less, as HIIT? What's the deal with the former? My martial arts training partner brought it up recently (he didn't know much either), and it sounded kind of interesting as someone who alternates between running and bodyweight exercises.

Tabata is just specific interval times.
So, since I'm still new to this, I'm not really sure what to do in all situations.

I haven't been to the gym in just over two weeks because of a conference followed by a short vacation. When I get back in, should I increase the weights for the exercise in which I hit all my reps last time or should I take it a bit more easy, and stay at the same level again to see if I can still hit the reps?


No gym today, will go tomorrow.

Also getting tired of eating, how did I eat so much before.

Hey Bish! I had a question for you, hope you don't mind.

I saw that you made the Nutrition Thread and I think that right now you're on a Ketogenic diet, mind telling me the reason you chose that approach?

I'm not doing keto on purpose I think but I do limit my carb intake a lot so I guess that most days I stay under 20g of carbs, and I was wondering if continuing like this is a good idea when I join a gym soon, for the moment I'm mostly sedentary but I don't experience lack of energy, which I get mostly from fats and protein.


I've got a full bodyweight routine that I use. If I can take bands with me then all the better for my options.

Unrelated, I have a "greasing the groove" question. As I understand it, the way to go is to do as many reps as you can do with perfect form, a number of times through the day. However, none of the articles I've read on the subject seem to discuss recovery at all. One mentioned that not going to failure means you don't have to recover... but this is bollocks, and if this was the case you'd be able to train the same body parts every single day with no downside just by stopping one rep before failure.

The idea with greasing the groove is to not tax your recovery too much while getting a good amount of volume in and getting your CNS used to the movement pattern. A good way to do this is to figure out the max number of reps you can get in 1 set with good form and then repeat sets of half of this amount many times per day.

So if you could do 10 good form pullups for an AMRAP set you might do sets of 5 every 60-90 minutes.

If you went to failure every set you'd tax your recovery much more and reduce your performance as each set to failure would reduce the performance of subsequent sets, especially if you're doing like 8 a day.


Right, that's what I'm seeing now. Can anyone report to their experiences with this stuff? I'm doing several bodyweight exercises tomorrow, and I'm thinking about giving it a shot.

I havent taken a tour de HIIT or anything but Tabata classes I have taken were fun and my heart was racing. We normally did a bit longer intervals and more intervals than that. The only reason I am not doing it now is because the classes are too late at night for me to do be able to lift the next morning.

Just give it a try and see how you like it.
Uh, I would vote 'yes' on more recovery time. That sounds pretty brutal

Oddly enough it wasn't anywhere as bad as I was expecting. Tough, sure, none of them are easy, but not as leg rendingly painful as they can be.

Now I get to feel good about myself. :)

The idea with greasing the groove is to not tax your recovery too much while getting a good amount of volume in and getting your CNS used to the movement pattern. A good way to do this is to figure out the max number of reps you can get in 1 set with good form and then repeat sets of half of this amount many times per day.

So if you could do 10 good form pullups for an AMRAP set you might do sets of 5 every 60-90 minutes.

If you went to failure every set you'd tax your recovery much more and reduce your performance as each set to failure would reduce the performance of subsequent sets, especially if you're doing like 8 a day.

That's a much, much better explanation, thanks It's crazy, all these fuckers write articles like they actually know what they're talking about and I'd wager that they actually do more harm than good because most people wont ask questions of what they're reading.

Right, that's what I'm seeing now. Can anyone report to their experiences with this stuff? I'm doing several bodyweight exercises tomorrow, and I'm thinking about giving it a shot.

The actual Tabata protocol is monstrous. I wouldn't recommend it for most as it'll completely end even extremely fit people. A lot of people refer to Tabata intervals, but they don't actually do them at anywhere near the right intensity (and a bunch more don't do the right timing).

A version of HIIT was based on a 1996 study by Professor Izumi Tabata (田畑泉) et al. initially involving Olympic speedskaters. The study used 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise (at an intensity of about 170% of VO2max) followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). The exercise was performed on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer. Tabata called this the IE1 protocol. In the original study, athletes using this method trained 4 times per week, plus another day of steady-state training, and obtained gains similar to a group of athletes who did steady state training (70% VO2max) 5 times per week.

It is important to note that in the original study from 1996, participants were disqualified if they could not keep a steady cycling pace of 85RPM for the full 20 seconds of work. Implications for popular exercise regimes that advertise as Tabata training should include overall analysis of the original study.

20 seconds of 170% VO2max is fucking agony by the time you've done a couple of sets. For cyclists that's about 210% FTP... which will feel like absolutely all you've got by the fourth cycle.
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