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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I tried doing that but I found myself lifting up off the floor as I don't have anything to hold myself down with. Maybe I should put some plates on my lap.


Only managed 290x2 on bench today, could've gotten a third had I not fucked up my grip which I noticed in my first rep so i really struggled through the second. Getting really close to 2x BW bench as my max is probably down to 305 or so at 156 lbs BW

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
My home gym is currently missing any kind of cable apparatus. Pullups aside, can you think of any replacement for lat pull-downs?

I honestly don't know why you'd want anything more than pull ups. If they get too easy for you, you can always just add weight.
Because I'm starting to go in the wrong direction on them, and I couldn't do many in the first place. I'd like to target similar muscles in a way I can do more volume with.


Because I'm starting to go in the wrong direction on them, and I couldn't do many in the first place. I'd like to target similar muscles in a way I can do more volume with.
Even when I couldn't do that many to begin with, adding weight and doing even fewer reps, like 1-3, helped me a lot.

I've never tried doing negatives, but I wonder if that might help too. Just assisting yourself above the bar and trying to descend slowly. Not sure if that helps or not.
Right now those "fewer reps" are about all I can manage (well, slightly above that, but only slightly). I badly injured my shoulder about a year ago and most of my upper body stuff isn't close to recovering yet.

I could probably manage one with added weight, but it wouldn't be pretty, and if I'm honest, I'd be a bit worried about injuring my shoulder again (I tweaked it recently when trying to force a rep, and I really can't afford for it to get screwed again).
That one's a strange one. My bar isn't really high enough, so I end up having to put my knee through, and I've not had great results with it. Even with pretty serious bands I don't really get many more reps than unassisted. I suspect because I'm having to put myself into a strange position to use them.

Is there really nothing good other than pulldowns and pullups?

Edit, oh, I'm doing Australian pullups, but oddly I seem to feel them more in my chest / shoulders.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Brolic, you still thinking about doing that August competition? What's involved?

That's out. Not competing again until next year. With severe tendinitis in my forearm, schedule readjustments and traveling back and forth from Texas, northern Illinois and South Carolina the next 3 months it's just not gonna happen.


I really didn't want to go to the gym today, but last time I went was last Friday and I didn't want to have so many days off. Hit the gym and once I stretched, I noticed I felt pretty damn strong. I knocked out 5x160, 3x180 then 1x200 on overhead press. Felt amazing and I didn't miss a single rep. Weighed in at exactly 235 so not at my lowest, but last time I did 200 on ohp I was a lot heavier.

Really feel a lot more confident right now but also very bloated from the dairy. Damn you dairy bloat.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mission accomplished boys and girls. 180.4 today. Not sure what to do now. Maybe push towards 178 or maybe up calories and maintain. Decisions decisions...
If you have a bar and a rack you can do rack chins. Its not the same as a pullup but it hits the lats hard.

They look very similar to Australian pullups. I wasn't doing them with elevated legs though.

Mission accomplished boys and girls. 180.4 today. Not sure what to do now. Maybe push towards 178 or maybe up calories and maintain. Decisions decisions...

I assume no particular reason for the actual number? You going for a certain look, or just playing around at this point to see what sticks?


That's out. Not competing again until next year. With severe tendinitis in my forearm, schedule readjustments and traveling back and forth from Texas, northern Illinois and South Carolina the next 3 months it's just not gonna happen.
Very big of you to make the smart decision there. Most people make the mistake of pushing through and not listening to their body. Myself included.

I wouldn't get down about it. That last competition must have been one hell if an experience and you busted your ass!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I assume no particular reason for the actual number? You going for a certain look, or just playing around at this point to see what sticks?
180 was a goal assuming I put on 5lbs of muscle. If I did I would be at the same bf% as last year at 175. I think it's about the same.

To answer your question, yeah, I'm just playing around at this point.

Awesome! Who cares right now, time to celebrate :)
I take it you mean eat until I'm back up to 185? Ha nah, I'm staying here for a few days at least.


That's out. Not competing again until next year. With severe tendinitis in my forearm, schedule readjustments and traveling back and forth from Texas, northern Illinois and South Carolina the next 3 months it's just not gonna happen.

I think it's smart. Originally you wanted to do that anyway. Let us know how progress is coming.


I really didn't want to go to the gym today, but last time I went was last Friday and I didn't want to have so many days off. Hit the gym and once I stretched, I noticed I felt pretty damn strong. I knocked out 5x160, 3x180 then 1x200 on overhead press. Felt amazing and I didn't miss a single rep. Weighed in at exactly 235 so not at my lowest, but last time I did 200 on ohp I was a lot heavier.

Really feel a lot more confident right now but also very bloated from the dairy. Damn you dairy bloat.

Mission accomplished boys and girls. 180.4 today. Not sure what to do now. Maybe push towards 178 or maybe up calories and maintain. Decisions decisions...

Congrats to you both. :') Living vicariously through your successes.


Next week I am unable to go to a gym. I will do my normal core work outs and some body weight squats but other than that it will be only walking around. I am sure it isn't that big of a difference since I am mainly anyways doing light upper body work at the gym. When I come home I will sign to a new gym and continue from there. :)

Ahhh your too nice. FitGaf is my emotional support once I stop lifting IHOP will replace it.
Lol for the IHOP.
(Sounds like a plan though!)

FitGaf is my endless source of motivation and support as well. I am sure I wouldn't be this far without it (even if there is still tons to do). :)

Sadetar :( I'm so sad you're having such problems. Big big hugs to you. I hope you see some progress in your pain soon.
Awww, thanks dear!

I am doing constantly better though! I am so happy to be able to squat again (even with just a body weight) and the fact that I can lower my medication is also awesome. :D I have lost 4 pounds in the last couple days and I am sure it is mostly due to lowering the meds dosage. Ah, can't wait to get rid of it entirely.

$40/month is pretty average for a fully equipped gym, leaning towards the less expensive side in my experience. I hope your recovery continues. And I'm sure you look adorable, as you always do. :)
Thank you for the kind words! ^_^

I also talked myself a deal to the gym if I will start to go there. Normally it is up to 59 euros / 66 dollars per month. Good to know that it is around average. I might very well end up going there. We will see. Next week I am visiting my family so I will decide after that.

Its so damn hard to get clean callories in, i just gave up and went to in and out, got a Triple Triple Animal & Protein Style. Feel pretty good now. I realized when i don't have wings in the freezer, my quick meals i can come up with are all deserts. I will need to work on that.

Also, came upon this great fasting article.

That was very interesting article and I read the whole thing. Thank you! That explains quite a lot. He didn't have any sources though which is a shame.

I am now usually eating within 4-6 hours window and it generally works with me very well. I might need to change that next week though when I am heading to visit the family for the week. I will try to maintain it as much as possible though.

I noticed it said one shouldn't be eating industrial seed oils. I use cold pressed organic hemp oil and extra virgin organic olive oil every single day. Hemp oil is fine?

I am trying to lose my last 50 lbs or so, and most of the exercise I do is just walking.

Is there a limit to how many hours I should be walking a day? I started off with 1 hour a day, but thinking of going to 2 or 3, but friends keep telling me I will destroy my joints. (I am a tall/big guy... so a lot of weight).

Should I be fine upping it? I might consider alternative exercise, but I cannot think of any cardio that isn't hard on the lower body.
Swimming and water running are most likely best cardio you can do if you want to be gentle to your joints and take it easy on the lower body.

If I were you I would mix things up a bit and do some walking, some water based activity and some weight training.

18 pull-ups today! A new PR :)
Well done!

Except this is probably the only type of cardio that I can imagine Brolic doing on a bike.


Also, I'm glad you're healing up. It's a slow process. Better safe than sorry.
Hahahah, looks about right. :p

Also thank you for your kind words! I might be pushing it a little though. I have recently been rounding my back and even doin very slight stretches with rounded spine. I also did quite many squats, but it seems it has been more or less ok. Even though I admit that I am more aware of my leg where the back reflects all the feelings and when I do so it is acting up but when I don't pay attention it is perfectly fine now. :)

Oh god, starting to panic, gained more weight. I've gone from 150.8 to 153.2 since Sunday. Actually having a panic attack right now.
I read the whole discussion about the topic. Don't stress about it. Seriously. Your weight varies a lot naturally, hormones, peeing, pooping, drinking and all that will alter it. You have nothing to worry. Stress is more harmful that couple pounds here or there. You will get to your goal, just focus on where you want to be and how to get there instead of panicing. You have already lost a significant amount of weight within a short period of time. Just take it easy and be proud of yourself.

What do you by the way mean by paying huge amounts of money? What are you exactly paying for?

And don't go to extremes with your food cuts! What you have been doing have worked great this far so no reason to change it.

Embrace tight pants and become a chick magnet. Wear with a loose white shirt for the kill.
This! Expect don't have too loose white shirt, a bit more fitting one will be the best.

Seriously though, chicks like jeans paired with white t-shirts.

Mission accomplished boys and girls. 180.4 today. Not sure what to do now. Maybe push towards 178 or maybe up calories and maintain. Decisions decisions...
Yay! Now I am really starting to wait that thread of yours.

Congrats to you both. :') Living vicariously through your successes.
The thing is that they believe they can do it - and they can.

And you can as well. Just have some faith... and time. :p

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Very big of you to make the smart decision there. Most people make the mistake of pushing through and not listening to their body. Myself included.

I wouldn't get down about it. That last competition must have been one hell if an experience and you busted your ass!

Oh, I'm not down about it at all. I know it's what's needed and also know I'll compete in better shape next year.

I think it's smart. Originally you wanted to do that anyway. Let us know how progress is coming.

Will do, it's a slow burn right now, not pushing anything hard and getting in volume and conditioning work. Also finishing the garage gym
Achievement unlocked: Was noticed in the gym today on my physique. I know it sounds super fucking prideful but, it felt really good to have my progress noticed by others. I also work a tank top for the first time ever. I used to be super self conscious about my body so I never wore anything like that, but now that I'm changing how I look, I can start wearing clothes that show things off a bit more. Feels good
The weirdest encounter I've ever had at the gym was when I was working out in a tank top; some guy walked up to me an offered me a sweater so I could cover up my muscles.

It was one of those "is this real life?" moments.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Achievement unlocked: Was noticed in the gym today on my physique. I know it sounds super fucking prideful but, it felt really good to have my progress noticed by others. I also work a tank top for the first time ever. I used to be super self conscious about my body so I never wore anything like that, but now that I'm changing how I look, I can start wearing clothes that show things off a bit more. Feels good
It does feel good man. That's awesome! Not that we workout for others but it doesn't hurt motivation when people say nice things.
Ok, lets talk about pants.

I've been losing weight and now need size 30. My legs are kinda toned, but are not swole by any means, most of you have bigger legs. Yet size 30 jeans are very tight on my thighs and outline my crotch too much. I have yet to try relaxed fits because it is somewhat hard to find that style in size 30, so do you guys recommend any brand or style of pants and jeans that fit the waist without squeezing your junk and legs?

designer sweatpants (y)


The weirdest encounter I've ever had at the gym was when I was working out in a tank top; some guy walked up to me an offered me a sweater so I could cover up my muscles.

It was one of those "is this real life?" moments.
Was it said in a joking manner or was he serious? You lucky your gym doesn't have a link alarm!


to every low bar squatter
do you guys use a thumbless grip?

I want to because of the pressure on my wrists as I'm progressing in weight (getting up into the ~250x5 range now), but I can't. It feels super unnatural to me and super dangerous (ie bar is going to slip out of my grasp) once the weight gets above 185 lbs or so.

Wonder if wrist wraps would help alleviate some of that pressure.


I want to because of the pressure on my wrists as I'm progressing in weight (getting up into the ~250x5 range now), but I can't. It feels super unnatural to me and super dangerous (ie bar is going to slip out of my grasp) once the weight gets above 185 lbs or so.

Wonder if wrist wraps would help alleviate some of that pressure.
My right bicep/elbow has this aching pain rn at 255 5x5 after I finish a set, and it feels even worse when I bench. I am planning to try a thumbless grip next workout to remove all that stress from my arms.


I use thumb less grip on squat, I have to have my wrists in an exact way or it hurts badly. That grip was part of the process to finally not hurting my wrists during squats.

Sadetar, never used hemp oil before, I use butter, coconut oil, peanut oil, sesame oil and will use lard later. Virgin olive oil for salads.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
to every low bar squatter
do you guys use a thumbless grip?

I used to because I had wrist pain. But I just decided to work on shoulder mobility a lot so that I could get away with a non suicide grip since it just feels better for me.


231. One more lb to lose and I'm calling this party off.

They look very similar to Australian pullups. I wasn't doing them with elevated legs though.

You dont have to do them with elevated legs, like a pushup you have a few ways to moderate the difficulty like adding weight, changing foot elevation, or hand spacing.


So it's day 4 of my return to the gym after being off for almost a month due to surgery. Lifting weak as hell but I'm making my way back up. Sore as hell too. Gotta find me a gym partner in the Atlanta area. :|


So it's day 4 of my return to the gym after being off for almost a month due to surgery. Lifting weak as hell but I'm making my way back up. Sore as hell too. Gotta find me a gym partner in the Atlanta area. :|

I know the feeling. I was out for two months twice. Slow and steady.

Now that I'm healed up, I'm just slow.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I want to because of the pressure on my wrists as I'm progressing in weight (getting up into the ~250x5 range now), but I can't. It feels super unnatural to me and super dangerous (ie bar is going to slip out of my grasp) once the weight gets above 185 lbs or so.

Wonder if wrist wraps would help alleviate some of that pressure.

It isn't dangerous. The weight should be able to rest perfectly on your rear delts with your hands on top solely to balance the bar. If you can't do that, your bar positioning is off, and you will hurt your arm. It happened to me.


I want to because of the pressure on my wrists as I'm progressing in weight (getting up into the ~250x5 range now), but I can't. It feels super unnatural to me and super dangerous (ie bar is going to slip out of my grasp) once the weight gets above 185 lbs or so.

Wonder if wrist wraps would help alleviate some of that pressure.

I have a related issue with wrists also:

When I'm doing upright barbell rows, at about 80/90 lbs, my left wrist seems to give. It doesn't hurt or pop or anything, it just sort of goes limp when I reach max height and I'm wondering if it has to do with grip strength. Should I be strengthening my forearms/grip at all and is there a point where that becomes necessary when you're beginning to lift heavier weights?


I have a related issue with wrists also:

When I'm doing upright barbell rows, at about 80/90 lbs, my left wrist seems to give. It doesn't hurt or pop or anything, it just sort of goes limp when I reach max height and I'm wondering if it has to do with grip strength. Should I be strengthening my forearms/grip at all and is there a point where that becomes necessary when you're beginning to lift heavier weights?

Keep doing pulling exercises and your grip will get better. If you feel like you aren't completing all of your sets because of this then you can get straps and use them after your grip fails.

I try to do everything without straps except shrugs because the rep range is pretty high and the weight is more than I pickup with any other exercise, for now


Keep doing pulling exercises and your grip will get better. If you feel like you aren't completing all of your sets because of this then you can get straps and use them after your grip fails.

I try to do everything without straps except shrugs because the rep range is pretty high and the weight is more than I pickup with any other exercise, for now

Ohhh, so that's what the strap is for. I see other people using it occasionally when they do extremely heavy sets. Yeah, the upright barbell row is the only exercise where this happens so far so I started thinking, "What if this happens on a potentially dangerous routine?" The barbell will fall slightly where I'm just barely holding on with my fingertips so I'm definitely not getting a complete set.

I think this might also have to do with the kind of barbell I'm using: There's a section of smaller barbells that go from 20-110 lbs that have this undulating bar and all the examples videos I see, they use a straight bar. I primarily use this because there are fewer straight-bar barbells, so they're in limited in availability. Is there any specific purpose for these wavy-barred barbells?


Ohhh, so that's what the strap is for. I see other people using it occasionally when they do extremely heavy sets. Yeah, the upright barbell row is the only exercise where this happens so far so I started thinking, "What if this happens on a potentially dangerous routine?" The barbell will fall slightly where I'm just barely holding on with my fingertips so I'm definitely not getting a complete set.

I think this might also have to do with the kind of barbell I'm using: There's a section of smaller barbells that go from 20-110 lbs that have this undulating bar and all the examples videos I see, they use a straight bar. I primarily use this because there are fewer straight-bar barbells, so they're in limited in availability. Is there any specific purpose for these wavy-barred barbells?

The Cambered or EZ Bar is easier on your wrist as it lets you take a more natural grip angle. Normal to use it for upright rows.

You can try it with a regular barbell and see if the feeling is different. Usual recommendation of stop if it hurts.


The Cambered or EZ Bar is easier on your wrist as it lets you take a more natural grip angle. Normal to use it for upright rows.

You can try it with a regular barbell and see if the feeling is different. Usual recommendation of stop if it hurts.

Thanks for the advice and explaining what the bar is. I'll try again after work and see if my form is off or it is in fact my grip strength. I was actually using the flat section in the center of the EZ bar, so maybe my grip was too close together. I'll try the textured section since I assumed incorrectly that it wasn't the correct grip for that exercise.

There are a lot of intricacies that I'm learning from this thread so I appreciate the help.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I wrap my thumb around and I'm a low bar squatter. I think I'm more flexible than most though.


Ended up having a normal 2200 calorie day yesterday and now I fully expect the scale to hit 179 today. We shall see...


I wrap my thumb around and I'm a low bar squatter. I think I'm more flexible than most though.


Ended up having a normal 2200 calorie day yesterday and now I fully expect the scale to hit 179 today. We shall see...

I decided to step on the scale this morning and it read 181.8. I think I'll be joining you in sub-180 zone soon.

However, after my mini-vacation next week, I predict I'll be super-190. :p
First leg day in 3 months... which is going to be bad enough, but it's also the hottest day of the year here, and I don't even have a fan. Going to die. =/


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I decided to step on the scale this morning and it read 181.8. I think I'll be joining you in sub-180 zone soon.

However, after my mini-vacation next week, I predict I'll be super-190. :p
Dad bods FTW!

So I've become the IF guru at my gym. There are at least 10 people giving it a try now. It started as a joke to most of them. Something I did that was weird and unhealthy. Now with this cut they see my results and have started listening. Funny stuff.
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