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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Damn everyone looking big and lean! Bum, Szu, Edge and black. Nice guys, keep up the fantastic work.

Here's a comparison of 228 Sean vs 204 Sean. I feel like I'm keeping my size in this cut and pretty much just losing from my stomach.

I'd agree with that. And 204?! Damn son!
New workout has me burning fat and keeping the muscle. Feeling really good for only 3 weeks "back"


Bro those arms!! Dang man I can't wait to see a photo of your finished cut phase your going to look absolutely shredded. Your bf% already looks crazy low.

BumRush, looking solid all the way around. And looking big in a shirt, that is the most important part. To follow up on that, we can all dress the same. Pinkish teams ftw.


Good lord you guys your arms are so impressive. Edge your dedication has worked dividends for you my man you look so fantastic. Your shoulder to arm proportions are pretty much perfect.

Damn everyone looking big and lean! Bum, Szu, Edge and black. Nice guys, keep up the fantastic work.

Here's a comparison of 228 Sean vs 204 Sean. I feel like I'm keeping my size in this cut and pretty much just losing from my stomach.

Sean you got to do a shirtless pic soon, I can see how much more toned you are now. You have a great V taper starting to happen. Great job man.

Looking Beast FE. Here is me this morning working out in street clothes.

Alright alright aright, I see whats happening here you guys all want me to feel self conscious about my arms don't you. You are absolutely beasting bro. The beard just adds about 10 levels of bad assadry to your overall look as well.

Looking great! Nice shirt. Good choice of color. I approve.

Szu you look good as always bro. You know you reached a new echelon when you can wear a pink shirt and still look like the toughest dude in the room.


Damn I am so motivated for chest & arms tomorrow after seeing all the swelfies.

I need a hyperbolic time chamber and a personal chef up in there

My #'s are getting better with the PHAT routine, still too caught up in my head about gaining weight after losing all of it but I suppose Im not doing too bad if my strength keeps going up.


I'm going to research the 3 day fast and how I can do it without muscle loss. I'm thinking eating mon-thu and fast for 72 hours till Sunday. If I can make sure I won't be losing muscle, I'll be starting it within a month from now.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Coot looking like Superman ready to take flight on those muscle ups.

Made some progress on squats finally 385/395/405 x 5. Two sessions of pause squats has already helped so I'll stick with that now since I've done the volume phase. Back had a minor tweak after though, so sick of injuries...


Just got my pair of Fat Gripz and tried them out on my back bicep day.

HOLY shit these things are fucking amazing. My forearms were pumped by the end of my workout. They definitely require you to keep perfect form and I was getting a sick pump on my bicep and really felt it in the back.

They also make you lower the damn weight, I usually do 385 x 3 for 3 sets, no straps or belt. I could barely lift 225.

Going to use these to strengthen my grip and then get back to deadlifts in a few weeks. Only thing is constantly switching them off the dumbells and barbells. But they're sick so far.

Nelo Ice

So was just setting up for my 1st set of squats at 165 lbs and some guy starts taking off my weight and says what I'm helping you out. Then I'm sitting there like what in the blue hell are you doing?. Then he looks shocked putting back the weight I had there.


Really great cutting season so far this year.

Seems like many of us are figuring out dieting and calorie counting with greater success.

I'm down 26 pounds as well.

Nelo Ice

Also so people are still using the hex plates and the squat rack to DL even though brand new bumper plates are right at the front of then gym. Instead the new power racks and bumper plate area is empty, except for kipping pull up guy lol.
Anyone else home gymmin' it these days? I deal with the florida heat by convincing myself I'm a total badass by enduring it. Gotta chalk like a motherfucker for almost every lift though.

This started as just getting stuff for my wife since she's pregnant and was tired of driving back and forth to the gym. Then work stopped paying for our memberships and I figured what the hell.


Cage with a chin bar, adjustable bench, some rubber mats for deadlifting, Oly BB, EZ bar, 400lbs+ in weight and DBs up to 35. The "TRX station" in the upper right is a set of tie-down straps hooked to the chain that held the old chinup bar.
I need some heavier DBs and maybe a lat pull/row station of some sort and we'll be set. All craigslist finds, spent about $400 so far.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
How impressed should I be of the man hip thrusting 315 pounds in the power rack?

Does it hurt his cred that he took off three plates from the same side and the weighted side fell? I've never lifted 315 of anything.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
After that mammoth cheat day Sunday I ballooned up to 184.6 on Monday. Here are the following days:

Today-177.2 which is even lower than before the cheat on Sunday. What's even more strange is I bumped up my calories to 2500 yesterday and still dropped over a pound. Interesting stuff.

Ok, is there any simple, and I mean simple guide like something that say this:

Eat this and this and this and nothign more.
Eat this and this and this and nothign more.
Eat this and this and this and nothign more.


All the guides I have seen contains food that I dont even know where to buy it, there must be some simple stuff like eat a chicken breast one a day for meal, breakfast a yoghurt, something easy to do for someone that spends 12 hours at work and gets home tired.

Im thinking on just stop eating for a week and do pure water and a banana a day or something drastic like that.

Hate this belly.

It's a challenge but you want to cut food with added sugar and food with flour as an ingredient. Those items will increase insulin levels that eventually makes you leptin resistant. Leptin resistance is what leads to a lot of the weight gain.

Eat whole foods - veggies, fruits, nuts, meat/poultry/fish and stay away from processed anything.

Cardio and weight training do help but diet is the most important thing.


Also, keep track of your calories. You can still overeat even with healthy food. Potatoes, nuts, etc can be very calorie dense.


Fuck me

I was going for a PR on farmer carries. I managed to hold 200lbs per hand for 35 feet. I put them down and a couple minutes later some pain set in.

I always grip at the base of my finger so the pull on my ring finger literally ripped the skin on my palm.

Wasn't terrible until I washed it.....then put peroxide on it and HOLY SHIT it burned (I guess it was full of chalk, dirt and bacteria).

Have it wrapped with tape and anti bacterial cream now.


Ouch. I was wondering why you weren't wearing gloves and was about to ask but then I googled:

  1. Gloves Kill Grip Strength – thicker bars are harder to grip.
  2. Gloves add inches to the bar which will kill your grip strength on pulling exercises like Deadlifts, Rows or Pullups. And if you can't hold it, you can't lift it.
  3. Gloves Screw Your Technique – the thickness of the gloves will make it impossible to keep the bar close to your wrists on the press and bench. Your wrist will roll back as a result and this can cause wrist pain.
  4. Gloves Don't Prevent Callus – the fact is that you will get callus on your hands whether you wear gloves or not. You're actually much more likely to get callus because you won't be able to Deadlift with the bar correctly in your hands. So then why lift wearing gloves?

Makes sense.


Strong upper body development.

Oh shit is this a Bum pic? Looking good man, I see the biceps/shoulder action you got going on.

Holy crap! You're like one giant ball of muscle. You're 170? What are you, 5'2?? Looking good.

Haha 5' 9"

Looking great! Nice shirt. Good choice of color. I approve.

BumRush, looking solid all the way around. And looking big in a shirt, that is the most important part. To follow up on that, we can all dress the same. Pinkish teams ftw.

This is the best I've seen you look dude...well done

Bum looks too good, it's unfair.

Damn everyone looking big and lean! Bum, Szu, Edge and black. Nice guys, keep up the fantastic work.

Sean, your progress is easily one of my favorite on here...

Bro those arms!! Dang man I can't wait to see a photo of your finished cut phase your going to look absolutely shredded. Your bf% already looks crazy low.

Thank you all so much! You're all so motivating and sometimes just posting a simple pic of your progress makes you want to get right back in the gym and keep going. Still have a ways to go but thank you all for your encouragement, it really means a lot.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Tried looking for quest bars at my walmart today only to find candy bars disguised as protein bars T_T.


Another possible contributing factor to calluses ripping or your hand getting teared up is lack of diligent, proper, and consistent hand care. Justin Lascek uploaded a video on it last month.

Thanks. I just tried lifting without gloves today and damn, it hurt like hell. That video will be put to good use. I imagine if I started off without gloves with lower weights, my hands would be conditioned enough so they wouldn't hurt at this stage.


Thanks. I just tried lifting without gloves today and damn, it hurt like hell. That video will be put to good use. I imagine if I started off without gloves with lower weights, my hands would be conditioned enough so they wouldn't hurt at this stage.

Make sure you're gripping the bar properly for deadlifts and any pulling motion. Scroll down to the "Callus Pain" section. Otherwise your hand flesh will pinch, causing pain and callus development.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Things I learned while training today:

1. You can't always count on the squat rack and deadlift areas being available. Demand was up like 500% tonight! It was good to see.

2. After lifting fasted for the first time... food is optional. Your body stores a lot of energy.

3. I lift better when making videos for GAF.

Power Clean PR 145x3, please critique form:
I just hate the idea of allowing them to grow. I guess that's just an inevitability.

it's like bad boy scars

Today was an off day for cardio. I guess skipping it a few days sorts got me all weird. Lol I tried treadmill at incline level 15. But put the speed at 6. Lol probably should have properly warmed up. But it was a good try. I'll try again next week.
Hmm... seem to have stalled on the weight loss this week. Though I guess my body could be doing all sorts of stuff after being sick. Definitely got my numbers right so I don't think it's diet that did it.
Anyone here that may be starting a dedicated lifting program lift with your friends that have been doing it for a while and can lift heavier than you and making you feel all weak? Just me? Okay
I felt like I ate a bit too much today. But maybe I was just overthinking it. Doing the myfitnesspal thing, it came down to about 1900 calories. I didn't exercise. I don't like to eat too much on days I don't exercise, but 1900 seems alright.


Anyone dealt with DOMS before? I just started squatting for the first time with a mate who knows his shit (600lb+ competitive), he eased me into it (slow ramp up to 150lb max) and I felt fine. That was three days ago, my legs have been fuuuuuuuuucked for the last two days if I do anything. Bending over and climbing stairs feels like someone is punching my quads.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.
Well that was an entirely new level of hell for training.

Up at 7am after four hours of sleep for morning training (which I hate). First was a particularly hard (fasted) one hour set of intervals on the turbo trainer. As soon as I'd finished with that, I started an hour and a half (still fasted) weights session. An hour in my numbers were dropping all over the place, and my grip had basically completely failed. Even using those sticky rubber pads couldn't really keep me from the agony.

Never trying that again. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.

My leg DOMS last a week after each dedicated leg day I do. Two days after the workout I lose the ability to sit down without supporting myself, and my legs give way from time to time when walking. It's fun. All the while I have to try and keep up my cycling training, and for the first 15 mins of those workouts, each pedal stroke is agony.
Anyone dealt with DOMS before? I just started squatting for the first time with a mate who knows his shit (600lb+ competitive), he eased me into it (slow ramp up to 150lb max) and I felt fine. That was three days ago, my legs have been fuuuuuuuuucked for the last two days if I do anything. Bending over and climbing stairs feels like someone is punching my quads.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.

Keep squatting, it won't be as bad the next time. Try your best to get some brisk walking in or something light, the motion & blood flow will help it go away quicker.
Anyone here that may be starting a dedicated lifting program lift with your friends that have been doing it for a while and can lift heavier than you and making you feel all weak? Just me? Okay

Started working out with my friend whos been working out since high school since he did Football and Wrestling. He also did MMA for a while so he's in great shape. We started working out a few months ago and he assumes I'm as strong as him so that always makes me feel weak when he outlifts me easily

Deleted member 529084

Unconfirmed Member
Feel like I might be wasting my time and money.

Signed up at the gym across the street, total novice so I also paid for a 6 months trainer.
So last 3 weeks I meet up with her for Mon and Thur and so about 45-60min.

I'm about 6ft and 136lbs so its all strength. Trying to build me up to 150lbs by Dec.

Oh course I get the constant barrage of "You must eat eat eat and drink protein shakes" but its hard. I get sick feeling and tired. I'm trying tho.

Feel like I'm wasting my time only going twice a week and not being able to keep this "constantly eat" routine going.


SPMH if you want to put on 15 lbs in less than 6 months you have to be prepared to eat a ton. Not sure what different advice you expected. Find foods you like and eat eat eat

Also, who says you can't go more often?


Shakes are just food.

There's nothing special about them other than they're cheap for a protein source and easy to make.

You can eat more whole food instead.

Also, most trainers kinda sucks. Personal training is a very low barrier of entry. You'd probably get better advice here.

I put on 15 pounds of muscle in a year following the advice here. A lot was fat too lol.

But as Arnold says, "You can't chisel a pebble"

J. Bravo

Damn. Enjoyed upper body for the most part yesterday. Homeboy asked me to take progress pictures again. He showed me a picture from back in April he was fat as fuck like 240. Now he's down to 201 and straight beastmode. Only been lifting a year.

Then here's me, 190 and like 15% body fat, weak af and not looking cut. Started lifting when I was 18 (and weighed 135). I gotta stay consistent. And eat and sleep more.

Tweaked my shoulder benching though. 4x7@170 1x10. Finished my workout but it's a little sore today. Hopefully no issues deadlifting, plus I'm going to do a ton of pulling and foam rolling.


Bravo it could be your AC joint. If it is, rest it ( maybe don't do chest for a week or 2) or it could turn into a prolonged issue

J. Bravo

it happened when I locked out on the final rep my shoulder felt like it kind of gave way or something. only happened on the final rep of each set. and while it's kind of sore today, I have full range of motion without any pain. it was kind of where that knob of bone is that your trap connects to? I don't have to do any pushing motions until tuesday so we'll see how it fares then.
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