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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Anyone dealt with DOMS before? I just started squatting for the first time with a mate who knows his shit (600lb+ competitive), he eased me into it (slow ramp up to 150lb max) and I felt fine. That was three days ago, my legs have been fuuuuuuuuucked for the last two days if I do anything. Bending over and climbing stairs feels like someone is punching my quads.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.

For me the answer is stretching. I do a good stretching and warm down session at the end of my workouts and the next day I feel like I never even worked out (even after having time off). When I am to lazy to do the stretching I end up sore for days. Not sure about everyone else but it does wonders for me.


it happened when I locked out on the final rep my shoulder felt like it kind of gave way or something. only happened on the final rep of each set. and while it's kind of sore today, I have full range of motion without any pain. it was kind of where that knob of bone is that your trap connects to? I don't have to do any pushing motions until tuesday so we'll see how it fares then.

On tuesday, do a couple dips before you jump into benching. If you can feel pain, stop.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Cross post from Facebook.
Today's event training. Been feeling beat up, so went lighter today. Log press 200lbsx9, 172lb (per hand) farmer walk 100ft (50ft turnaround) and prowler pushes (distance 3 mail boxes). Combined with this heat I think I sweat today as much as it's rained all summer. Nasty. http://youtu.be/EXHmvAetvo0


Well, this was an unexpected surprise. Dropped 2.2lbs overnight, down to a all new record low of 231.4. Finally back on track. This is going to be the cut i take all the way, i can feel it. I haven't ate in 24 hours, i'm going to experiment and see how long i can go.


Hahah, I am just jealous since I have always wanted to be small and petite. My mother was around 5 feet tall and my father used to always tell to me how easy it was to have her on his lap. I am pretty humongous compared to that so no nice laps for me. :p

And don't stress about working out. It takes surprisingly little time and is easily schedules into your daily routine ones you get used to it. I honestly don't even know what I did with the extra around 8 hours per week before I worked out. :D

Of course you have been losing weight! We all know that working out is like max 20 % of fat loss and normally around 90 % is purely about the diet. Now when your diet is superb you shouldn't have any problems losing and maintaining even without working out it just has other benefits. :)

Haha, no laps for me either but you know. That's just me. Haha.

I know, I'm usually good about working out (or I can be when I get into the routine) but lately it's just been rough, always things coming up, etc. Always the universe wanting to stop me :p

I definitely do want to start working out, because even with weight lost, I'm still flabby as hell hahaha. Tone up like crazy.

I have 10 more pounds (TEN MOOOOORE) to my goal weight so maybe I accomplish that goal and then move to another goal--working out and toning up. Maybe I can't juggle two goals at the same time lol.

145! 10 more!



Anyone dealt with DOMS before? I just started squatting for the first time with a mate who knows his shit (600lb+ competitive), he eased me into it (slow ramp up to 150lb max) and I felt fine. That was three days ago, my legs have been fuuuuuuuuucked for the last two days if I do anything. Bending over and climbing stairs feels like someone is punching my quads.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.
Stretch + foam roller. It isn't sexy, and it takes a lot of time, but it will help keep you healthy so you can continue to push hard.

Make sure your nutrition is on point too. Lots of potassium and protein.


So I've got my second pilonidal cyst excision scheduled for three weeks from now. My goal is to hit my PRs just before the surgery then I'm off for 2-3 weeks as I heal. I have no idea how I should handle it from there, though: should I use my new projected PRs, re-run my program with my old PRs, or just drop my old PRs a reasonable amount for the time off and see how I'm feeling? I realistically shouldn't lose a terrible amount of strength but I have no idea how 2+ days of no eating plus 3 weeks of no lifting will affect me :\
Good gravy, that Serena Williams thread with people up and down swearing that 6'2" Maria Sharapova somehow weighs thirty to forty pounds less than 5'9" Serena Williams. That Serena has gotta be 160-170 lbs., while Sharapova is obvs 130.

Sharapova being the one who is lying is just not possible, despite every single medical height weight chart showing that in comparable builds any 6'2" woman is 20 lbs. heavier than her 5'9" counterpart and that a 130 lb. 6'2" woman is solidly underweight despite athletes typically charting as overweight.


Good gravy, that Serena Williams thread with people up and down swearing that 6'2" Maria Sharapova somehow weighs thirty to forty pounds less than 5'9" Serena Williams. That Serena has gotta be 160-170 lbs., while Sharapova is obvs 130.

Sharapova being the one who is lying is just not possible, despite every single medical height weight chart showing that in comparable builds any 6'2" woman is 20 lbs. heavier than her 5'9" counterpart and that a 130 lb. 6'2" woman is solidly underweight despite athletes typically charting as overweight.

The food items ruined by checking nutrition thread almost gave me a heart attack reading through it. You have to realize a lot of people are ignorant and want to remain that way. I just don't really bother anymore.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I'm still pretty new to gyms, my first full year being a gym member, and I've already seen some dumb shit... but there's some guy walking around the gym with the preset barbells doing curls.
I own a fitbit charge HR now, I am not going to wear it during lifting as I do not want to break it. Anyone wear this during lifting?

Also got down to 190 this morning, 5 more pounds to go.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

Hey GAF, what are your thoughts on the Greyskull LP template as an advanced novice routine? I love the idea of AMRAP on your final set, so you're always progressing even if you fail at a certain weight and reset, because there's a chance you'll blow away your older weight with higher reps.

I think the volume will help my strength goals more than Madcow's ramping sets. Maybe not, I guess I'll have to try it.


(Btw, managed to do a pull-up with 90slbs hanging from my belt!)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can I get any and all advice/tips on lifting heavier than my last attempt? I've definitely made progress since I started working out, but it's been pretty slow as fuck progress.


Ok, last time i ate was friday at 1pm and i finished by 1:30pm. It is now Saturday 10:20pm and i still haven't ate anything, and went for a walk at the beach for 7k+ steps. I have got this fasting stuff down easy. I'm only going to eat now because i haven't timed it all like i wanted, i'm not actually hungry, but i might as well do it and prep for when i attempt the 72 hour fast. I do not forsee any issues.


Junior Member
Hey there,

So after trying (and failing) several times to go to the gym (the 30 minutes ride both ways turned out to prevent me from keeping the habit), I've had some success with doing a rudimentary home workout for the last month and a half (daily runs + squats, situps and pushups before going to sleep). Total daily time commitment +/- an hour (20-30 minutes runs, the rest for the exercises)

Now I'm not delusional, I don't expect to grow big and all with this kind of workout; my objectives are actually quite simple:
-Better cardio and breathing; I've struggled most of my life with being borderline asthmatic, some breathing problems and I want to at least improve on this.
-Generally get a healthier lifestyle; I've never really been into sports, been quite sedentary until I moved last year which forced me into a lifestyle change.
-If I can look a little better, that's a nice bonus but not a primary focus.
-I'm not looking for strength training. Don't have the space, motivation or time to do this, and it's not a priority in my life. Not a strong guy, never will be and I'm comfortable with staying mostly as I am in this regard.

So I'd like two pieces of advice from you guys:
1)I find that I'm always hungry since I started this workout habit. I'm having trouble adapting my diet to this. I've always been a stick so I have a high base metabolism to boot (I'm actually underweight at 6'1, 139 lbs), so I'm looking for advice on good snacks or things I could eat easily to build around my meals or improvements to said meals. I find yogurt usually does a great job, so do nuts. As for drinks, I'm a water guy mostly (no soft drinks, barely any fruit juice. 90% of what I drink is straight water. )Anything else you guys find might help in this regard?

2)Any suggestions for additional exercises I could do at home to make my makeshift workouts better/more complete? Exercises that I could do with little to no equipment (buying them isn't an option, my apartment is extremely small), and rather quickly (I know if it takes too long I won't stick to it).


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You can put on a decent amount of muscle and get quite strong with calisthenics (bodyweight training). You definitely have the space and time to do it.

If you're underweight and find yourself hungry, eat more. Sounds like you're avoiding junk for the most part already, so no worries in that regard.


Eh...most of them besides the deadlift, actually.

- Bench
- Squats

There's a lot of different ways to bust plateaus but my three favorites are

- dropping weight to about 75% of your 1RM and doing AMRAP sets
- focusing your assistance lifts on weak parts (for instance: when my squat struggled I realized I paid little attention to my hamstrings so I started doing high volume stiff leg DL and good mornings)
- do pause presses, partial reps, drop sets, etc. For instance, if your bench struggles at the top, you can do partial rep sets where you only do the top 30% ROM at a high volume and weight. It'll build up the stabilizer that helps that portion of your lift. Additionally pause press lifts are divine.



the piano man
Starting to feel like my chest will never grow. :| That self doubt feeling is awful

Incline Bench with barbell was a revelation for me.

I had been using those machines where you sit and push forward/upward but those really suck compared to Incline BP.


Cross post from Facebook.
Today's event training. Been feeling beat up, so went lighter today. Log press 200lbsx9, 172lb (per hand) farmer walk 100ft (50ft turnaround) and prowler pushes (distance 3 mail boxes). Combined with this heat I think I sweat today as much as it's rained all summer. Nasty. http://youtu.be/EXHmvAetvo0

Always great to see your training vids.

I can almost feel the heat radiating from this video too.

Hey GAF, what are your thoughts on the Greyskull LP template as an advanced novice routine? I love the idea of AMRAP on your final set, so you're always progressing even if you fail at a certain weight and reset, because there's a chance you'll blow away your older weight with higher reps.

I think the volume will help my strength goals more than Madcow's ramping sets. Maybe not, I guess I'll have to try it.


(Btw, managed to do a pull-up with 90slbs hanging from my belt!)

I don't really have much an opinion on this regiment but try it out and see if get any gains from it. If you don't then try something else. Congrats on the weighted pull-up! :)



Hey GAF, what are your thoughts on the Greyskull LP template as an advanced novice routine? I love the idea of AMRAP on your final set, so you're always progressing even if you fail at a certain weight and reset, because there's a chance you'll blow away your older weight with higher reps.

I think the volume will help my strength goals more than Madcow's ramping sets. Maybe not, I guess I'll have to try it.


(Btw, managed to do a pull-up with 90slbs hanging from my belt!)
No real opinion on the program. The guy from PowerliftingToWin put up a review. Maybe this will help you.
Hey there,

So after trying (and failing) several times to go to the gym (the 30 minutes ride both ways turned out to prevent me from keeping the habit), I've had some success with doing a rudimentary home workout for the last month and a half (daily runs + squats, situps and pushups before going to sleep). Total daily time commitment +/- an hour (20-30 minutes runs, the rest for the exercises)

Now I'm not delusional, I don't expect to grow big and all with this kind of workout; my objectives are actually quite simple:
-Better cardio and breathing; I've struggled most of my life with being borderline asthmatic, some breathing problems and I want to at least improve on this.
-Generally get a healthier lifestyle; I've never really been into sports, been quite sedentary until I moved last year which forced me into a lifestyle change.
-If I can look a little better, that's a nice bonus but not a primary focus.
-I'm not looking for strength training. Don't have the space, motivation or time to do this, and it's not a priority in my life. Not a strong guy, never will be and I'm comfortable with staying mostly as I am in this regard.

So I'd like two pieces of advice from you guys:
1)I find that I'm always hungry since I started this workout habit. I'm having trouble adapting my diet to this. I've always been a stick so I have a high base metabolism to boot (I'm actually underweight at 6'1, 139 lbs), so I'm looking for advice on good snacks or things I could eat easily to build around my meals or improvements to said meals. I find yogurt usually does a great job, so do nuts. As for drinks, I'm a water guy mostly (no soft drinks, barely any fruit juice. 90% of what I drink is straight water. )Anything else you guys find might help in this regard?

2)Any suggestions for additional exercises I could do at home to make my makeshift workouts better/more complete? Exercises that I could do with little to no equipment (buying them isn't an option, my apartment is extremely small), and rather quickly (I know if it takes too long I won't stick to it).


1) Eat some peanut butter along with your snacks but I see you already eat nuts. Are you trying to gain weight by any chance? If so, def increase your caloric intake but be smart about it. Eat more fats, protein and carbs. Healthy fats are in fish, certain peanut butter, etc. Lean protein in fish, chicken, ground turkey, lean ground beef, etc. You usually want complex carbs so sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats are great sources. I might of gave additional info you didn't need but hey just felt like throwing a little extra.

2. Burpess are great exercises since it deals with strength and cardio. I can't link you but check out the Buff Dudes channel on youtube and they have some pretty great at home workouts that would be worth checking out. Hope that helps!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Always great to see your training vids.

I can almost feel the heat radiating from this video too.

Thanks. I think it was around 94 degrees and humid as hell. No wind. Also, I knew today I should take a step back, but tried to push anyway. Need to listen to myself more often.


Thanks. I think it was around 94 degrees and humid as hell. No wind. Also, I knew today I should take a step back, but tried to push anyway. Need to listen to myself more often.

Yeah dude, shit, 94 degrees and humid...and lifting that much weight. That's even harder than it looks.


If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.
Hey there,

So after trying (and failing) several times to go to the gym (the 30 minutes ride both ways turned out to prevent me from keeping the habit), I've had some success with doing a rudimentary home workout for the last month and a half (daily runs + squats, situps and pushups before going to sleep). Total daily time commitment +/- an hour (20-30 minutes runs, the rest for the exercises)

Now I'm not delusional, I don't expect to grow big and all with this kind of workout; my objectives are actually quite simple:
-Better cardio and breathing; I've struggled most of my life with being borderline asthmatic, some breathing problems and I want to at least improve on this.
-Generally get a healthier lifestyle; I've never really been into sports, been quite sedentary until I moved last year which forced me into a lifestyle change.
-If I can look a little better, that's a nice bonus but not a primary focus.
-I'm not looking for strength training. Don't have the space, motivation or time to do this, and it's not a priority in my life. Not a strong guy, never will be and I'm comfortable with staying mostly as I am in this regard.

So I'd like two pieces of advice from you guys:
1)I find that I'm always hungry since I started this workout habit. I'm having trouble adapting my diet to this. I've always been a stick so I have a high base metabolism to boot (I'm actually underweight at 6'1, 139 lbs), so I'm looking for advice on good snacks or things I could eat easily to build around my meals or improvements to said meals. I find yogurt usually does a great job, so do nuts. As for drinks, I'm a water guy mostly (no soft drinks, barely any fruit juice. 90% of what I drink is straight water. )Anything else you guys find might help in this regard?

2)Any suggestions for additional exercises I could do at home to make my makeshift workouts better/more complete? Exercises that I could do with little to no equipment (buying them isn't an option, my apartment is extremely small), and rather quickly (I know if it takes too long I won't stick to it).


Here's some advice from a fellow skinny bastard:

1. Force yourself to eat breakfast every day. For me this started out as 2 hard boiled eggs, a thing of Fage yogurt and a piece of fruit. I eventually subbed the eggs out for a Quest bar instead but I don't know what your budget looks like. 500 cal is the goal. If you're poor, hard boiled eggs and Quaker nukable oats are a good way to go.

2. Make sure your lunch isn't a fat and/or sugar filled disaster. Otherwise you'll sugar crash in the afternoon and feel like shit the rest of the day. Make this another 500 cal.

3. Get yourself some decent quality protein and mix it with peanut butter and whole milk in the afternoon. A big tub of the good stuff is 50 bucks but it'll last you months. I use Optimum Nutrition. 1 scoop of that, 2 big spoons full of peanut butter (make sure it's natural and not sugar filled if possible) and a banana, the rest with milk. Should be another 500 cal right here.

4. Bulk cook your dinners once per week and count the calories for this at 1000cal if you can stomach that much. Suggestions for what to do here are things like soup, pasta (use whole grain noodles,) stir fry (use brown rice) or ala carte Mexican dishes like fajitas or burritos (watch out for salsas that have sugar as the second ingredient.)

The idea is to consume a meal every 2 hours from the time you wake up until dinner. With dinner depending on the size of your stomach either eat 1000 cal. and use the last 4 hours digesting or eat 2 dinners at 500 cal.

My workout routine is 1 hour every other day of exercise time. This does not include regular outdoor fun activities like riding my bike, swimming or hiking, which are at least one day a week during the summer.

Start out simple. Get yourself a chin up bar and some of those bands. Then go thrift store spelunking and buy yourself a bunch of cheap exercise videos. Run through them all and figure out what works for you. This is different for everyone.

For me, about 6 months later this type of exercise was no longer sufficient and the gym at my apartment didn't cut it either, so I moved somewhere that had one across the street. It was a really great move because now I don't have an excuse to hit the heavy stuff on a regular basis.

Really, the best advice I can give you is that you should be focused on CREATING A HEALTHY ROUTINE and not be worried about "going to the gym" or "getting strong" or "what you weigh" or any of that stuff.

Be honest with yourself as to why you want to do this. For me, it started out as a way to relieve tension from my failing multiple years long relationship. That's not a sustainable reason to do this though. If your reasoning is similar, start thinking long term as you get stronger.


Thanks. I think it was around 94 degrees and humid as hell. No wind. Also, I knew today I should take a step back, but tried to push anyway. Need to listen to myself more often.

It amuses me that you looked at the temperature and it read "Apocalypse", but your mind still thinks like this....


If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.

DL as I find it works out "more" of my body...especially if I can do variations off of it. Also, easier for me to do them at home with less risk. Squats are a close second lol.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.

Squats. I can do them more often and they're harder to do mentally. I'd probably add Szu's overhead squats so I don't look like a T-Rex. There's also a host of reasons to pick squats from Starting Strength that I don't remember.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.
Without a doubt deadlifts with the sole reason being I enjoy doing them so much. I'm not sure what's going on with my squat but it sucks right now and I dread going in on those days. Not good.

On another note...a satisfying cheat day is in the books!

-1 large pizza
-1 orange cream soda (yum!)
-8 doughnuts
-1 pint of ice cream
-large bowl of cereal
-couple quest bars and a scoop of whey


Without a doubt deadlifts with the sole reason being I enjoy doing them so much. I'm not sure what's going on with my squat but it sucks right now and I dread going in on those days. Not good.

On another note...a satisfying cheat day is in the books!

-1 large pizza
-1 orange cream soda (yum!)
-8 doughnuts
-1 pint of ice cream
-large bowl of cereal
-couple quest bars and a scoop of whey

Stewart's orange cream??


Anyone dealt with DOMS before? I just started squatting for the first time with a mate who knows his shit (600lb+ competitive), he eased me into it (slow ramp up to 150lb max) and I felt fine. That was three days ago, my legs have been fuuuuuuuuucked for the last two days if I do anything. Bending over and climbing stairs feels like someone is punching my quads.

I know its only meant to last a few days, but damn it sucks balls.

It never gets as bad as the first time or two. After several weeks at consistent intensity and frequency you dont really get it anymore.

Keep eating right and drink plenty of water, pee clear at least once preferably twice a day.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah dude, shit, 94 degrees and humid...and lifting that much weight. That's even harder than it looks.

It amuses me that you looked at the temperature and it read "Apocalypse", but your mind still thinks like this....

Lol, in all honesty, it reminded me of lifting in Iraq in the outdoor weight pile we had in 2003-04.

Also, this prowler is definitely another game changer. My hips hams and quads are getting hammered.

J. Bravo

deadlifts are my favorite lift, but I feel incredible after squatting (at least once the initial wave of exhaustion has passed).

so, power cleans.
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