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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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kbbq all day



If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.
Deadlifts. I recently was dealing with an injury so I literally could only deadlift. Just love the feeling of picking big weights and putting it down. Besides there are more variations with deadlifts. Only tend to squat low bar.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I found the most relevant quote from Starting Strength, since I'm the only one saying the squat over deadlifts if I had to choose one.

"There is simply no other exercise that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat."

Nelo Ice

I'm gonna go with deadlifts. They're my favorite lift.
Also helps it's the only lift I have at 3 plates

Btw so looks like tomorrow I'm gonna help and show my friend how to lift. He doesn't want to read or watch youtube videos so looks like I'm gonna have to show him everything. I'm thinking of just putting him on Starting Strength and just showing him proper form then see where it goes from there.


I think I need to get a mouth guard. I clench my teeth pretty tight during low rep sets.

don't want to grind my teeth down to dust lol.


All this task talk of DL had Mr say "fuck it" to rest day. Just put in a full lower body and back day.

Brolic, how did you make your bags? What material bag? Sand only inside?
I got some round plates and bar for deadlift at home since hex plate.

Just need to clean the rust off and we are good to go.. My max is 255#. Good enough for me lol

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
All this task talk of DL had Mr say "fuck it" to rest day. Just put in a full lower body and back day.

Brolic, how did you make your bags? What material bag? Sand only inside?

I used army Dbags and sand with contractor trash bags. Don't do that, they don't hold up. Get strongfit bags or iron mind bags and line them with contract bags. Better stitching.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
One pound of fish is only 360 calories? My ground beef is 1160 calories a pound! What a waste of stomach space!

Nelo Ice

So I jammed my finger yesterday. Should I rest or is it ok to start lifting tomorrow?. Pains not too bad just annoying but it's still swollen. I can bend my finger but there's some discomfort anytime I try.


So I jammed my finger yesterday. Should I rest or is it ok to start lifting tomorrow?. Pains not too bad just annoying but it's still swollen. I can bend my finger but there's some discomfort anytime I try.

I would just start lifting and see how you feel.

I lifted with my gross looking palm today and was fine.

It's healing pretty well, but using liquid bandaid hurts like a mother fucker



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If you guys could only do squats or deadlifts, which would you pick?

(Why not both doesn't count)

I just want to hear the reasoning.

I'd go with deadlifs since they hit the posterior chain and upper body harder. Most people are quad dominant as well, so deadlifts help with imbalances.

Deadlifts for me. But only cause I can actually progress on them at a decent clip, unlike everything else.

Squats are a bit difficult for my lower back. Not cause of injury or anything, I guess it's just not developed enough.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
By the way entrement, do you have a source for deadlifts hitting the posterior chain harder? Starting Strength says there's no better exercise for training your back, but that...

"Done correctly, the squat is the only exercise in the weight room that trains the recruitment of the entire posterior chain in a way that is progressively improvable."

Certainly it's easier to improve on deadlift, as I learn every week, but I don't think that makes it better.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Picked this up: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002Y2SUU4/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I only have a small bit of space out front of where I live (duplex), but it's enough for this. Finally able to reliably do pullups, dips, and leg raises at home! I'm surprised at how stable this thing feels for being just $100. Not a bad deal for anyone who is looking to do some home workouts, but doesn't have much space.

J. Bravo

The gym is making me a cocky douchebag and I don't do it on purpose 😢

i know the feeling. you look better, feel better, and are stronger than a lot of people. that plus your newfound confidence in yourself has you feelin some type of way. don't let it go to your head. nothing lies down that path but lots of meaningless sex, sorrow, misery, and depression. you don't have a better body and are weaker than most of the fellas on here.

you have been warned.


By the way entrement, do you have a source for deadlifts hitting the posterior chain harder? Starting Strength says there's no better exercise for training your back, but that...

"Done correctly, the squat is the only exercise in the weight room that trains the recruitment of the entire posterior chain in a way that is progressively improvable."

Certainly it's easier to improve on deadlift, as I learn every week, but I don't think that makes it better.

Depends how you squat. I do the Olympic squat, so when comparing the DL to HBBS, DL will hit the posterior chain harder. At least this is based on my understanding. Anything with Starting Strength means low-bar squats.



Fasting gains baby. Down another pound, 230.4. Half a pound from 22x range. Feeling so very good.

I think I found a way to deal with how much energy I have and sleep. Sadly it involves sleeping pills twice a week, but otherwise is a solid foundation and actually gives me more time during the week (will be staying up 24 hours a day 3 days a week).

I'll be working on that. I've never looked out felt better then right now, loving his things are going.


Junior Member
Here's some advice from a fellow skinny bastard:

1. Force yourself to eat breakfast every day. For me this started out as 2 hard boiled eggs, a thing of Fage yogurt and a piece of fruit. I eventually subbed the eggs out for a Quest bar instead but I don't know what your budget looks like. 500 cal is the goal. If you're poor, hard boiled eggs and Quaker nukable oats are a good way to go.

2. Make sure your lunch isn't a fat and/or sugar filled disaster. Otherwise you'll sugar crash in the afternoon and feel like shit the rest of the day. Make this another 500 cal.

3. Get yourself some decent quality protein and mix it with peanut butter and whole milk in the afternoon. A big tub of the good stuff is 50 bucks but it'll last you months. I use Optimum Nutrition. 1 scoop of that, 2 big spoons full of peanut butter (make sure it's natural and not sugar filled if possible) and a banana, the rest with milk. Should be another 500 cal right here.

4. Bulk cook your dinners once per week and count the calories for this at 1000cal if you can stomach that much. Suggestions for what to do here are things like soup, pasta (use whole grain noodles,) stir fry (use brown rice) or ala carte Mexican dishes like fajitas or burritos (watch out for salsas that have sugar as the second ingredient.)

The idea is to consume a meal every 2 hours from the time you wake up until dinner. With dinner depending on the size of your stomach either eat 1000 cal. and use the last 4 hours digesting or eat 2 dinners at 500 cal.

My workout routine is 1 hour every other day of exercise time. This does not include regular outdoor fun activities like riding my bike, swimming or hiking, which are at least one day a week during the summer.

Start out simple. Get yourself a chin up bar and some of those bands. Then go thrift store spelunking and buy yourself a bunch of cheap exercise videos. Run through them all and figure out what works for you. This is different for everyone.

For me, about 6 months later this type of exercise was no longer sufficient and the gym at my apartment didn't cut it either, so I moved somewhere that had one across the street. It was a really great move because now I don't have an excuse to hit the heavy stuff on a regular basis.

Really, the best advice I can give you is that you should be focused on CREATING A HEALTHY ROUTINE and not be worried about "going to the gym" or "getting strong" or "what you weigh" or any of that stuff.

Be honest with yourself as to why you want to do this. For me, it started out as a way to relieve tension from my failing multiple years long relationship. That's not a sustainable reason to do this though. If your reasoning is similar, start thinking long term as you get stronger.

1) Eat some peanut butter along with your snacks but I see you already eat nuts. Are you trying to gain weight by any chance? If so, def increase your caloric intake but be smart about it. Eat more fats, protein and carbs. Healthy fats are in fish, certain peanut butter, etc. Lean protein in fish, chicken, ground turkey, lean ground beef, etc. You usually want complex carbs so sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats are great sources. I might of gave additional info you didn't need but hey just felt like throwing a little extra.

2. Burpess are great exercises since it deals with strength and cardio. I can't link you but check out the Buff Dudes channel on youtube and they have some pretty great at home workouts that would be worth checking out. Hope that helps!

Thanks to both of you, tons of great advice, this is exactly what I was looking for!

Mr. X

Gym hasn't made me cocky yet. I go as often as I do because I know I can be better than yesterday. There's always room for improvement and there's always someone better than you and there's always someone trying to be better than you.

Month 18 progress pic http://i.imgur.com/E368eSC.jpg


Thanks to both of you, tons of great advice, this is exactly what I was looking for!

It's been bugging me since it was posted, but I want to make sure this suggestion was corrected:

2. Make sure your lunch isn't a fat and/or sugar filled disaster. Otherwise you'll sugar crash in the afternoon and feel like shit the rest of the day. Make this another 500 cal.

Fat isn't the cause. It's sugars, starches, and I guess simple carbs.

If feel hungry is bothering you, going low-carb and eating large meals is something you can consider. I was on a standard bodybuilding / high-carb diet and it was just not sustainable and hard for me to stick with. Going low-carb was one of the best nutritional choices I made. I barely feel hungry, my meals are 1K+ calories and they don't look like it, less time snacking and more time doing things, things are tastier with fats, and less insulin spikes.

(ILoveBish and) I are a bit on the "extreme" side but making a meal plan and sticking with it can be something to consider.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Buddy of mine let me have his Optimum Nutrition protein powder.

Thing is, it's about six months expired. Still safe to consume? It was just sitting around in his room/closet.

Mr. X

Anyone care to share some knowledge on resistance bands for pre and post workout stretching and for relieving soreness/stifeness? Is it worthwhile? Way better than regular stretching?


Buddy of mine let me have his Optimum Nutrition protein powder.

Thing is, it's about six months expired. Still safe to consume? It was just sitting around in his room/closet.

Do it for science.

Actually maybe no. I'm pretty cautious for any dairy based product.
The gym has made me a much more humble person. No matter what your goals are, you can always do so much better.

This, I never feel cocky at all when I'm at the gym. Actually its quite the opposite since my lifting program is only in the first month and I'm nowhere near lifting the heavy stuff yet. Everyone around me is lifting heavy and despite my appearance (6'3" and 208lbs now) I'm not lifting nearly as much as they are. Feels bad sometimes.

Its outside the gym when people start complimenting you on how you look is what really starts to make you feel cocky, so at least I have that


Gym hasn't made me cocky yet. I go as often as I do because I know I can be better than yesterday. There's always room for improvement and there's always someone better than you and there's always someone trying to be better than you.

Month 18 progress pic http://i.imgur.com/E368eSC.jpg

Looking really good man! What's your next goal?

Also, I don't really use resistance bands for stretching but I do work them into my workouts as warmup and cool down sets ocasionally. Let me know if you want to hear more or if you're mostly focused on stretching.


Back in the gym today after being on vacation for 10 days. Feels so good to lift again. Hit squats first thing. F*ck yes!


Gym hasn't made me cocky yet. I go as often as I do because I know I can be better than yesterday. There's always room for improvement and there's always someone better than you and there's always someone trying to be better than you.

Month 18 progress pic http://i.imgur.com/E368eSC.jpg

Oh man, dude, please put in a shirt.

You're shaming the rest of us who lack chest hair.

Great progress!!

Mr. X

Looking really good man! What's your next goal?

Also, I don't really use resistance bands for stretching but I do work them into my workouts as warmup and cool down sets ocasionally. Let me know if you want to hear more or if you're mostly focused on stretching.

I'm still aiming for the fighter/Bruce Lee goal.

I don't have a warm up routine or a cool down. I walk into the gym, do a few toe touches, no weight squats, stretch arms, bounce on my toes to get blood flowing (think the scene before Bruce and Chuck fight). WHen I'm done, I do nothing or the same thing before walking out. Except leg day and cardio day after leg, which I use this seated stretching thing.

Resistance band seems like something that I would find "fun" enough to make a habit out of.
This week I'm dropping my calories down to 2100, I feel like I'm going to be going to bed hungry a lot of times this week.

Going to try cutting out all liquid beverages to make this a bit easier. I'll just drink water, and maybe tea once in a while to mix things up.


This week I'm dropping my calories down to 2100, I feel like I'm going to be going to bed hungry a lot of times this week.

Going to try cutting out all liquid beverages to make this a bit easier. I'll just drink water, and maybe tea once in a while to mix things up.

2100 ain't all that bad.

I'm at 2000 now and on a regular day I might eat...

3 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, 4 egg whites

7 ounces of chicken, 1 cup jasmine rices, steamed vegetables

Same as lunch, but sometimes replacing the chicken with a fish

Quest bars, bananas, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, trail mix, nuts, kind bars, whatever I have left that I can fit in. I mix it up.

If it's a rest day I might cut down on the rice and add more coconut oil.

And liquids are only water and coffee...although I admit I've been doing a lot of sugar free red bull lately. I think it's Cooters avatar!


I'm still aiming for the fighter/Bruce Lee goal.

I don't have a warm up routine or a cool down. I walk into the gym, do a few toe touches, no weight squats, stretch arms, bounce on my toes to get blood flowing (think the scene before Bruce and Chuck fight). WHen I'm done, I do nothing or the same thing before walking out. Except leg day and cardio day after leg, which I use this seated stretching thing.

Resistance band seems like something that I would find "fun" enough to make a habit out of.

Yeah, I'd encourage you to do a few warmup sets with a band / tube of whatever body part you're doing in the gym that day. Gets the blood pumping.
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