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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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More justification for squats over deadlifts:

The "No Deadlift" Deadlift Program

Essentially, you can improve your deadlift by replacing it with Good Mornings and cleans. I'm glad this conversation is theoretical.

Great article by Doran Yates with regards to a developing a fantastic back

The order of the aforementioned exercises isn’t overly important, but I do feel that doing deadlifts last as I always did is the best way to include them in your back routine. Very heavy deadlifts can put a great deal of stress on the spine as well as other areas. Had I performed deadlifts first, it would have required something like 600 or maybe even 700 pounds for me to reach failure with 6-8 reps. Instead, I did them last and needed only 405-495 pounds at most to get the job done. Also, I never did my reps from the floor up, but from the mid-shin. The initial pull off the floor is mainly using the legs and glutes, which I didn’t care to train on back day.


I'm still aiming for the fighter/Bruce Lee goal.

I have a similar goal, but my eating habits tend to gravitate me in this guys direction.


Though, that what I think. In reality, I probably closer to this guy.



Junior Member
More justification for squats over deadlifts:

The "No Deadlift" Deadlift Program

Essentially, you can improve your deadlift by replacing it with Good Mornings and cleans. I'm glad this conversation is theoretical.

I got my deadlift to 485 by doing cleans, snatches, and squats.

Finally back to being able to lift after a hip tweak earlier in the year and some shoulder weirdness lately. Today was a 15 minute on the minute power snatch workout. Started at 155 and finished with a double at 175. Only about 15lbs under my best ever power snatch. Hoping I can break 200 soon.



The recommendation from "The Strongest shall Survive" is that you train deadlifts by doing squats and cleans.

I don't really care for standard Deadlifts personally as I have T-Rex arms and I'm 6'5".
I still do Romanian and Stiff variants. Might pick up Sumo at some point.

Squats for life.
The strength developed from similar exercises like the squat or romanian deadlift definitely carries over and improves your regular deadlift. But you still need to practice actual deadlifting technique to see maximal gains.

Mr. X

I have a similar goal, but my eating habits tend to gravitate me in this guys direction.


Though, that what I think. In reality, I probably closer to this guy.

I know man. Who's idea was it to make food so delicious.

Probably end up looking like Michael Jai White in Black Dynamite instead of his body in Undisputed 2.

Either would be good though tbh.


Today was the first for real full day at the gym doing 531 while fasted. Cage was taken as usual so did deadlift. Got 5x285, 5x330, 5x375. Hit every rep and felt good, had plenty of strength but not much confidence. Once I got onto lifting, I was able to do it. But not confident enough yet to know for sure I got it. It's going to take a while for my body to know for sure I'm still strong fasted.


By the way entrement, do you have a source for deadlifts hitting the posterior chain harder? Starting Strength says there's no better exercise for training your back, but that...

"Done correctly, the squat is the only exercise in the weight room that trains the recruitment of the entire posterior chain in a way that is progressively improvable."

Certainly it's easier to improve on deadlift, as I learn every week, but I don't think that makes it better.

I believe it was strength and muscle anatomy. It's a book.

Every lifter should have this in their library.



I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
So I basically just stopped running/walking after October last year, and had somehow managed to maintain the somewhat lower weight I'd achieved up until about last month (I was just doing various dumbbell exercises in the meantime, but stopped that too), but now it's starting to creep back up slowly.

I really don't know if I feel like running the route I was doing last year, as I could never really improve my speeds, and so I'm wondering if it would still be beneficial if I just ran up and down my street repeatedly. I live at the top of a very steep (as in, you let your basketball roll past the cul-de-sac part and into the street and you'll be running all the way to the bottom) hill, so I was thinking maybe just jog to the bottom and sprint back up and repeat. Would that be a reasonable sort of exercise?

I know I sometimes see people running with dumbbells (mostly on TV I guess, don't think I ever noticed any neighbors actually doing it) so would doing this with a pair of 20lb. dumbbells be a good idea? I'm nervous my arms might seize up while doing the sprinting part and I'll end up breaking someone's sidewalk and have to pay for it. :p


You're going to sprint with 20s in your hands?!

Please don't. That's just a recipe for hurting yourself in so many ways. Can't you do both but separately?


So I basically just stopped running/walking after October last year, and had somehow managed to maintain the somewhat lower weight I'd achieved up until about last month (I was just doing various dumbbell exercises in the meantime, but stopped that too), but now it's starting to creep back up slowly.

I really don't know if I feel like running the route I was doing last year, as I could never really improve my speeds, and so I'm wondering if it would still be beneficial if I just ran up and down my street repeatedly. I live at the top of a very steep (as in, you let your basketball roll past the cul-de-sac part and into the street and you'll be running all the way to the bottom) hill, so I was thinking maybe just jog to the bottom and sprint back up and repeat. Would that be a reasonable sort of exercise?

I know I sometimes see people running with dumbbells (mostly on TV I guess, don't think I ever noticed any neighbors actually doing it) so would doing this with a pair of 20lb. dumbbells be a good idea? I'm nervous my arms might seize up while doing the sprinting part and I'll end up breaking someone's sidewalk and have to pay for it. :p

I don't like running with DBs because if I drop them you can do some serious damage. Like breaking bones or worse.

A weight vest is more appropriate. Or you can just walk, known as farmer or suitcase walks.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Finding excuses to avoid exercises you don't like. This is an interesting turn. Just a bit of advice. If you're wanting to get stronger, and you're avoiding lifts because you don't like them, you're not gonna get strong.

I don't like running with DBs because if I drop them you can do some serious damage. Like breaking bones or worse.

A weight vest is more appropriate. Or you can just walk, known as farmer or suitcase walks.

Or do prowler push sprints.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Bleh workout session today. Lifts all went up which felt pretty good to me but working out at night never quite feels right for me.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I don't like running with DBs because if I drop them you can do some serious damage. Like breaking bones or worse.

A weight vest is more appropriate. Or you can just walk, known as farmer or suitcase walks.

You raise a valid point. Now that I think about it, back when I was still running last year, it was usually hot out, so my palms would get pretty sweaty on their own, or from rubbing my face. I could imagine myself unconsciously moving to rub sweat off my face while forgetting that there's a huge weight in my hand.

I'm pretty cheap, so I just want to get something that works, so which of these two seem better for running?



J. Bravo

lol good shit

Finding excuses to avoid exercises you don't like. This is an interesting turn. Just a bit of advice. If you're wanting to get stronger, and you're avoiding lifts because you don't like them, you're not gonna get strong.

Or do prowler push sprints.
Bro if I were gonna make up some excuse to not do, it'd be ohp. Least favorite. Just got done doing 7x5 @ 130. It was a struggle. Shoulder felt fine tho.
OK, weight loss has definitely stalled. Haven't been at fat levels this low since I was in my early twenties (more than a decade ago), so I'm not entirely sure what my body wants of me.

Should I make another small drop in calories? Maybe 100kcal or so a day? More than anything I want to avoid losing too much muscle.


Had a interesting squat day the other night.

I set up the power cage for some overhead squats, so the catch bars are about torso height as opposed to knee height for back or front squats.

One of the PTs at my gym asks if he can work in with me. I pointed out that my setup is going to work for back squats. He said the barbell was a good height. He tests it by unracking the bar. But when it hit the catch bars in the way down, he was confused as to why the bars are there when I told him that the setup wasn't for him.

Luckily at this point, the squat rack right next to me became free, so he got in it.

Yeah, a good amount of people get weirded out by the overhead squat.


Slept a lot lol. 14.5 hours strait. Now that I'm refreshed, back on 23/1 fasting schedule and ready for the gym, we'll see how things go today.

Weighed in at 230.4, same as last time, and I had bday cake, wings and my usual 1750 calorie meal. Looking good.
Slept a lot lol. 14.5 hours strait. Now that I'm refreshed, back on 23/1 fasting schedule and ready for the gym, we'll see how things go today.

Weighed in at 230.4, same as last time, and I had bday cake, wings and my usual 1750 calorie meal. Looking good.

23/1 is god mode. What time do you eat?

OK, weight loss has definitely stalled. Haven't been at fat levels this low since I was in my early twenties (more than a decade ago), so I'm not entirely sure what my body wants of me.

Should I make another small drop in calories? Maybe 100kcal or so a day? More than anything I want to avoid losing too much muscle.

Maybe add HIIT/LISS (if you havent already?)
Hard to say to be absolutely sure. Have been to two bbqs in the last two weeks, but I've been careful not to go too crazy. Would have definitely been over, but I didn't notice any spike in body weight, even temporary.

How's your carb intake been? I'd try lowering it a bit and/or maybe do carb backloading.


Personally, the 72 hour fast sounds stupid. No point at all.

Yeah, Bish, I'd be weary about intentionally not eating for 3 straight days yet going to work, lifting, etc.

You've been losing so much weight and doing it in a healthy way. Why go to such an extreme?
Personally, the 72 hour fast sounds stupid. No point at all.

From what I've seen of the research, 36 hours is the furthest you can go without starting to burn more muscle than is ideal. I assume there's some way to offset that, but it would get particularly complicated for very little advantage.

How's your carb intake been? I'd try lowering it a bit and/or maybe do carb backloading.

I wouldn't call it high or low really... other than on low carb days, on which it's obviously low. :D


Just not adapted yet to lifting fasted. Got 5x240 5x275 2x310 on squats. I likely could have gotten at least 3 on the last one, but my heart is beating a mile a minute. I'm just not used to this. I've been feeling that I didn't deload enough, so I'm going 6 sessions back. I have to stop chasing numbers at the gym, it's still all about fat loss first and foremost.

Also, 70% to the last belt hole on the gym belt. Things are happening.

Hot damn. 25 is the most I've ever done and I had chew half a pack of gum to get through it.

The more you fast, the easier it gets. It also helps to not be in love with food anymore.

Personally, the 72 hour fast sounds stupid. No point at all.

The 72 hour fast is extremely beneficial. Your body starts repairing itself, builds new hgh naturally, kills off and disposes of dead cells such as fat cells that are still there and not being used, and a lot more.

Yeah, Bish, I'd be weary about intentionally not eating for 3 straight days yet going to work, lifting, etc.

You've been losing so much weight and doing it in a healthy way. Why go to such an extreme?

There is a lot more to it then just the fat loss. The killing of old dead fat cells is another one I wanted to see about. My loose skinned has actually tightened up for the first time in over 3 years. It's legit.

From what I've seen of the research, 36 hours is the furthest you can go without starting to burn more muscle than is ideal. I assume there's some way to offset that, but it would get particularly complicated for very little advantage.

Depends if you're adapted or not.
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