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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Yeeesh... I get so much flack from my wife about not eating everything she puts on the table. She knows what I'm doing and I try to keep it balanced by trying everything she makes, but if I ate the meal tonight it would have been 1200 calories, 500 calories over my target. Not. Gonna. Happen.

Hey, what was your experience with BCAAs?
My posts must be invisible. T_T
I ordered some but there wasn't much talk about it in this thread other than one mention if it possibly being broscience and another that it has minor benefits. Trying to see how I can incorporate it with the IF.


Hey, what was your experience with BCAAs?
My posts must be invisible. T_T
I ordered some but there wasn't much talk about it in this thread other than one mention if it possibly being broscience and another that it has minor benefits. Trying to see how I can incorporate it with the IF.
I have no idea if they did anything or not. I take them in the morning on the way to the gym since I workout fasted, but like many supplements it could be doing nothing for me other than emptying my wallet occasionally.


I have no idea if they did anything or not. I take them in the morning on the way to the gym since I workout fasted, but like many supplements it could be doing nothing for me other than emptying my wallet occasionally.

Ah, thanks. From what I've read it's supposed to help muscle loss, which is what Casein is supposed to be doing by providing a constant stream of AAs because of how long it takes the body to process. I'm just confused as to whether or nor BCAAs function like slowly metabolized protein (Casein) or if it's more something else.


Ah, thanks. From what I've read it's supposed to help muscle loss, which is what Casein is supposed to be doing by providing a constant stream of AAs because of how long it takes the body to process. I'm just confused as to whether or nor BCAAs function like slowly metabolized protein (Casein) or if it's more something else.
I use casein to help me stay full or at night while I'm sleeping. BCAAs I would use when fasting during times I would normally have a meal and feel hungry.


To be honest, they've never made me feel any different so I keep the money instead. When I work out fasted, coffee and water give me the energy I need and keep the headaches away so I avoid taking BCAAs or anything else.

Pre-workouts - on the other hand - work TOO well and I end up feeling jittery and my heart races.


I use casein to help me stay full or at night while I'm sleeping. BCAAs I would use when fasting during times I would normally have a meal and feel hungry.

Casein does do that very well. I want able to finish a serving once and left about a cup of it so I could surely sip it. Within an hour the consistency was basically pudding.

Bcaa has a lot of broscience.
Send to be. The body building article contained a lot of "potentially"s and "should"s.

To be honest, they've never made me feel any different so I keep the money instead. When I work out fasted, coffee and water give me the energy I need and keep the headaches away so I avoid taking BCAAs or anything else.

Pre-workouts - on the other hand - work TOO well and I end up feeling jittery and my heart races.
I'll just stick this container out and see. I'll let anyone know if I notice anything at all but it seems it's not the kind of thing that would be obvious.

Greatly appreciated. Thanks, everyone!


I just avoid stuff other then creatine, that is studied out the wazoo and works great. Otherwise, its all whole foods and lifting. No need at all to overdo things, keep it simple. The hardest part is really the time involved, especially when you're impatient.

That said, at hour 27.5, going great. The hunger came exactly at 1pm, because my brain is used to food entering my stomach exactly then everyday. By 2 it was completely gone and no more hunger remains. I think its important to get a handle on what true hunger feels like, and what your brain does to you when it expects meals entering your system. Gives you a lot more control over your hunger. Having a coffee now and watching evo, ready for some more stream monstering!

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Hit all my rep and weight targets while recovering from illness!

Damn, that felt good.

3x5x57.5s dumbbell overhead press (bought some wrist weights)
2x5x205 squat 1x6x205 (last rep paused)
5x3x145 power cleans

I think I'm looking forward to next Friday's power cleans more than the dates I have lined up this weekend! Good day.


So what's the consensus on BCAAs? In order to qualify for the 25$ GC from Amazon, I added a bottle of BCAA and Creatine. I searched the thread there doesn't seem to be much discussion about it other than it may or may not be broscience.

If it's beneficial, when should I be taking it? Just before I end my fast or first thing morning? I take casein protein at night to ensure I have slowly metabolized protein running through my system while fasting; is BCAA pointless if I'm using casein?

I wanted to post something about this earlier but didn't have the time. Martin Berkhan, when he was still updating Lean Gains, was a proponent of using BCAAs for fasted training, and he was pretty staunchly anti-broscience, generally backing up and basing his methods with science journal articles and other studies. Here's one he linked to on BCAAs from the American Journal of Physiology.


Edit: disclaimer - I have not read the article nor do I claim to have the physiological knowledge to properly interpret it.


I wanted to post something about this earlier but didn't have the time. Martin Berkhan, when he was still updating Lean Gains, was a proponent of using BCAAs for fasted training, and he was pretty staunchly anti-broscience, generally backing up and basing his methods with science journal articles and other studies. Here's one he linked to on BCAAs from the American Journal of Physiology.


Edit: disclaimer - I have not read the article nor do I claim to have the physiological knowledge to properly interpret it.

This is great! Thanks! I'll delve into this while drinking the protein shake I just made. =)


Only 1655 steps today. No gym and just watching evo. Damn dats low. Nearing the 35 hour mark, feel great, fast going well. Will get even less steps in tomorrow lol.
I wanted to post something about this earlier but didn't have the time. Martin Berkhan, when he was still updating Lean Gains, was a proponent of using BCAAs for fasted training, and he was pretty staunchly anti-broscience, generally backing up and basing his methods with science journal articles and other studies. Here's one he linked to on BCAAs from the American Journal of Physiology.


Edit: disclaimer - I have not read the article nor do I claim to have the physiological knowledge to properly interpret it.

Nice, an actual reference to back up some statements. But yeah, Berkhan was pretty good with the references and not delivering bullshit. On the other hand, there is also this:


This paper actually states that whey protein stimulates more protein balance within the muscles than BCAAs, indicating that the metabolic pathway that whey goes through provides a bigger benefit despite whey having a smaller BCAA/EAA content overall than the actual supplement. This part stands out in particular:

It is known that there is a dose-response effect of EAA ingestion on muscle protein synthesis [21]. Also ingestion of 15g of EAA appears to overcome an impaired responsiveness (or decreased efficiency) in the elderly, possibly related to the plasma availability of the amino acid leucine [6], and results in muscle protein accrual similar to that in young individuals [8].

According to this research, the order probably goes something like Whey > BCAA/EAA > Purely fasted training. Personally, I put a higher emphasis on training without the feeling of a heavy shake (or anything at all) in my system so I'd personally go BCAA/EAA > Totally Fasted > Whey.

However, that's just min/maxing shit and there's probably better things to worry about unless you're just looking to take things to the extreme for the hell of it.


So my amazon ON Gold Standard Amazon order came yesterday. I'd always avoided it because it seemed expensive. I knew it was generally held to be a higher quality protein (ie higher percentage of actual to claimed protein) than the stuff I bought at Sam's, but it was so much more expensive I kept cheaping out.

Well fucking no more. Opening it up I realized immediately the price per lb didn't paint a full picture. The Muscletech scoop is 82cc for 20g protein, the ON scoop is 70cc for 24g protein. Based on $/serving alone, the difference is only 3 cents per serving. And that's not even taking into account claimed protein content. Looking at $/protein, it's actually about 5% cheaper than the Muscletech stuff I was getting at Sam's.

All of this is based on the normal Amazon price of $58 for a 5 lb tub of course.

I've been breaking one of my cardinal rules here: you (almost always) get what you pay for. I should have looked more closely at this a LONG time ago.


How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

I'm starting to wonder if my body has a minimum fat level that it seems to like. Every time I get around 12% I seem to stop losing fat and start losing muscle instead. Last couple of weeks I've continued losing strength but I haven't got any leaner. Muscles all now looking flat too. Was hoping the fasting would change that but it's the same story as always.

Thankfully my cycling capabilities aren't dropping, because as soon as they drop, this cut is over.

Maybe I should try one of ILB's crazy multi day fasts. Talking of which, I assume you're not working out during that 72 hours. Or at least not until the end.


How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

Looking great man! You're sitting at my end game right now. I'm back up to about 8-9%BF, but working on getting down to 6-7% if possible. Great work!
How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

That level of tone/muscle/fat is perfection in my view. Its some good motivation for me. Congrats on all the hardwork. I was thinking of putting my workout off this morning and just read GAF but youve shamed me into action.


How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

Looking great dude! How's the supplement store going?


Looking great man! You're sitting at my end game right now. I'm back up to about 8-9%BF, but working on getting down to 6-7% if possible. Great work!

Thanks man, just keep up the hard work and you will definitely get there.

That level of tone/muscle/fat is perfection in my view. Its some good motivation for me. Congrats on all the hardwork. I was thinking of putting my workout off this morning and just read GAF but youve shamed me into action.

Haha thanks man, Im glad i could motivate you even though it was shaming :p

Looking great dude! How's the supplement store going?

Thanks man. Store is going good, thanks for asking. Ive been running a supplement webshop since 2007 and i found a nice locale for a store so i moved everything down there. It doesnt cost me any more to run seeing as Im doing all the work myself. Only thing is that i get a bit longer days and i work saturdays. But its all good, need to earn a living.

The Chef

How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

Bro, so great. Chest and ab definition are awesome. Thinking about your refeed today has be dreaming of mine tomorrow. I want pancakes so bad right now.
Congrats on the hard work. Keep it up!
Oh and you better have a gaf discount at your new store :p


Bro, so great. Chest and ab definition are awesome. Thinking about your refeed today has be dreaming of mine tomorrow. I want pancakes so bad right now.
Congrats on the hard work. Keep it up!
Oh and you better have a gaf discount at your new store :p

Pancakes sounds great! Ill have my "muscle pizza" and tons of ice cream :p

Thanks man, i appreciate it! Im based in Norway and if anyone walks into my store and tells me they know me from FitGaf you can be damn sure they will get a discount. But I also expect that they join me in a workout afterwards.


Mr. Muscle bringing the inspiration as always.

Surpassed my birthday PR goal for OHP three weeks early today with 135. Thanks ON Pre-workout sample? Probably so! Usually I just have coffee.
Haven't had a real all out cheat day in like 2 months and before that was in January. I love refeeds but the past 2 weekends have been used up with me drinking and partying. So I had to count that as a refeed. I want to have one tomorrow but its going to be sooooo hot and will not want to be bloated in this heat, so I may hold off and have one maybe mid week. Gonna try and keep getting as shredded as I can before I hit Vegas next month


So my amazon ON Gold Standard Amazon order came yesterday. I'd always avoided it because it seemed expensive. I knew it was generally held to be a higher quality protein (ie higher percentage of actual to claimed protein) than the stuff I bought at Sam's, but it was so much more expensive I kept cheaping out.

Well fucking no more. Opening it up I realized immediately the price per lb didn't paint a full picture. The Muscletech scoop is 82cc for 20g protein, the ON scoop is 70cc for 24g protein. Based on $/serving alone, the difference is only 3 cents per serving. And that's not even taking into account claimed protein content. Looking at $/protein, it's actually about 5% cheaper than the Muscletech stuff I was getting at Sam's.

All of this is based on the normal Amazon price of $58 for a 5 lb tub of course.

I've been breaking one of my cardinal rules here: you (almost always) get what you pay for. I should have looked more closely at this a LONG time ago.

You sound like me almost a yr ago, ON was eye opening.

How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.

Looking great dude, amazing physique.

Oh noes, the BBQ carbs...

I feel like I'm bish, about to pass out from lookin at all dem carbs.


Making such good progress on the big compounds sets me up for sadface when it comes to doing bicep exercises and they just dont wanna. Feels like they are going to be weak forever.

At what point do you guys opt for wrist wraps?


Well, this is something. Got a good nights sleep, about 6.5-7 hours. Its been about 44 hours into the 72 hour fast now also. Get up and look in mirror, traps looking monsterous, i can see the outline of my abs better then ever, definition everywhere. I am expecting good results. Step on the scale and 226.8. 3.6lbs down overnight LOL. Thats one way to break into the 220s. To say im motivated is a understatement. Hunger is 100% gone at this point. Going to be easy peasy to hit the 72 hour mark.

Maybe I should try one of ILB's crazy multi day fasts. Talking of which, I assume you're not working out during that 72 hours. Or at least not until the end.

I work out monday-thursday, last time i ate was right after my workout on thursday at 1pm. Next time i eat will be sunday at 1 or 2 pm, so that i'll have ate before the monday work out.

I feel like I'm bish, about to pass out from lookin at all dem carbs.

Seriously, gag material there.




I'll stick to low carb deserts lol. Speaking of, i found some recipes i actually want to try at one point.


http://www.chocolatemoosey.com/2015/03/09/mint-chocolate-chip-cheesecake-dip/ <-- replace sugar with stevia and use low carb choco chips for this one

I love trying out new recipes.

Looks like I'll give the PB mousse a try when I move back to NYC. Very exciting.
I haven't made any progress in making a new meal plan lol.


Making such good progress on the big compounds sets me up for sadface when it comes to doing bicep exercises and they just dont wanna. Feels like they are going to be weak forever.

At what point do you guys opt for wrist wraps?

What Biceps exercises are you currently doing?
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