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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Neo Member
So my amazon ON Gold Standard Amazon order came yesterday. I'd always avoided it because it seemed expensive. I knew it was generally held to be a higher quality protein (ie higher percentage of actual to claimed protein) than the stuff I bought at Sam's, but it was so much more expensive I kept cheaping out.

Well fucking no more. Opening it up I realized immediately the price per lb didn't paint a full picture. The Muscletech scoop is 82cc for 20g protein, the ON scoop is 70cc for 24g protein. Based on $/serving alone, the difference is only 3 cents per serving. And that's not even taking into account claimed protein content. Looking at $/protein, it's actually about 5% cheaper than the Muscletech stuff I was getting at Sam's.

All of this is based on the normal Amazon price of $58 for a 5 lb tub of course.

I've been breaking one of my cardinal rules here: you (almost always) get what you pay for. I should have looked more closely at this a LONG time ago.

Same here man. Went ON and never looked back. Also I HIGHLY recommend Rocky Road. It's all I get now. Mixes well even with water(kinda tastes like thin chocolate milk) and is awesome mixed with other things. One of my personal favorite macro bombs is a scoop of that mixed with some oats, chocolate milk, and Peanut butter.


What Biceps exercises are you currently doing?


I'm doing this routine, scroll to the bottom for the programming. Day 1, 4, have biceps in the compounds with day 6 having the isolation. I haven't found a good way to do spider curls on day 6 so i add in 2 sets of seated incline curls.

Today I was doing 12 good reps on the preacher curls so i just added 5lbs and went down to the 8 rep per set range and I just plan to build it back up to 12 solid reps before trying to add more weight.

I wonder if I am just becoming too comfortable at my rep ranges and need to drop down to build up strength before going higher.

The Chef

Had to share my new favorite meal. I could eat this every day. Sooooo good. If your macros allow it then add more mayo and cheese!


I steam my broccoli in the microwave then spread mayonnaise over it with the chicken on top. Cover with cheese and out in the broiler till the cheese is all melted. Cover in sriracha. Awesome awesome dish.
I was thinking of getting an ipod nano for cardio instead of carrying my phone around. Any reason not to get the ipod nano? I havent kept up to date on mp3 players since i got a cell phone worth a damn.


I was thinking of getting an ipod nano for cardio instead of carrying my phone around. Any reason not to get the ipod nano? I havent kept up to date on mp3 players since i got a cell phone worth a damn.

I actually use an iPod Shuffle for the gym. Clips to my gym shorts, I create a custom workout playlist. Only $50 too as opposed to $150 for an iPod Nano - of course, there's no screen so you can't "select" a song easily, but like I said, I just have a workout playlist with songs that get me pumped so that doesn't really bother me.
I actually use an iPod Shuffle for the gym. Clips to my gym shorts, I create a custom workout playlist. Only $50 too as opposed to $150 for an iPod Nano - of course, there's no screen so you can't "select" a song easily, but like I said, I just have a workout playlist with songs that get me pumped so that doesn't really bother me.

Thats a good idea. I forgot they had the Shuffle. I think i'll get that. $50 is a good deal I think. Thanks!


Based on watching the Crossfit competition on ESPN for about 30 minutes you aren't really a crossfitter until you have a serious back injury and decide to go back anyway.

Which is funny because the guy I know who Crossfits went through that initiation.


I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon/sports medicine doctor on Friday. My shoulder has felt eh for months now and at the point it feels like garbage. It doesn't even hurt. It's just extremely weak. Hard to explain.

Not only is this guy supposed to be extremely good (he treats some philly athletes) but he also accepts my insurance so all visits are free.

Best to get this taken care of now before it spreads and gets worse.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Forgive me fitgaf for I have sinned. I drank a cup of soda at a Eid dinner T_T.


I actually use an iPod Shuffle for the gym. Clips to my gym shorts, I create a custom workout playlist. Only $50 too as opposed to $150 for an iPod Nano - of course, there's no screen so you can't "select" a song easily, but like I said, I just have a workout playlist with songs that get me pumped so that doesn't really bother me.

Same. It's heaven on a run.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Was it diet?

I have a really bad diet Pepsi problem myself.

Nope, disgusting liquid sugar with HFCS. In my defense though, I went to the gym 3 days in a row with no rests this week. I earned it T.T


Anyone have a good source (or remember) on what's the current best advice for adequate protein intake for lifters? Numbers backed by science (not bro) ;)

I had the numbers but have forgotten and can't find any good source.

Also anyone here have a Instagram account? In addition to Sean that is.


Anyone have a good source (or remember) on what's the current best advice for adequate protein intake for lifters? Numbers backed by science (not bro) ;)

I had the numbers but have forgotten and can't find any good source.

Also anyone here have a Instagram account? In addition to Sean that is.

Here is my instagram, feel free to follow


As to the protein question man ive read so many different things, but ive decided to stick to Børge Fagerli and Menno Henselmans views



Decided to finally share a shirtless progress picture. Goddamn did I let myself go for strength gains. Don't make the mistakes I made and bulk too hard!!!! At this point I might shoot for the high 180s (I'm 203 now). Not sure. But I'm very happy with my progress so far.

Bonus! Me when I started lifting in all my skinny fat glory



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have you guys found that eating before working out helps any? Or does that not really make a difference?


Have you guys found that eating before working out helps any? Or does that not really make a difference?

I find that I get used to it either way.

I workout early morning so i pretty much get up, dressed, and in the car to the gym. As long as I was fed the previous day I am fine.

However if I go to workout hungry, then the whole session is usually a disaster if I don't eat something preworkout.


Ok. I am back in the game.

Deadlifts are out and I yet can't add any extra weight to squats, but other than that I seem to do fine. My leg still feels odd due to injured nerve channel, but it isn't pain, just a silly feeling. It might go away tomorrow, after a year or maybe never, but it doesn't bother me. I am totally out of meds. I cut them out really quickly which led to three days headache (which I never ever have normally), but now all is good. I also bought a one year membership to a nearby gym which seems to be surprisingly nice. All in all things are getting back to how they used to be. Mid August I will meet with my physiotherapist one last time and check with her that going back to pilates and adding weight to squats is fine. At the moment it strongly looks like that I survived without the surgery. :)

Now I just need to get rid of this damn bloat and get myself where I was before the injury and then just go past that. Can't wait. :D

Oooh, and my face has already lost most of the bloat! I am starting to see my cheekbones again. Yay!

I'm not sure I'll be doing comparison shots lol. I'm too embarrassed with my body :(

Well, I was at my heaviest (117 kilos) last year. Around November I lost 4 kilos, but then gave up and gain about 2 back, so at the start of the year I was around 115. Then around February- March I decided to make a change again and push hard again. I wasn't tracking my weight loss at first, but I have been tracking it sing May 30th. Since that day (I was 107 kilos) I've managed to lose about 1 kilo per week. It's been a steady loss.
There is nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you are working to improve yourself! Don't be embarrassed of what you used to be but just be happy that you are doing something about it. :)

So I am waiting to see the comparison shots. :p

Incredible. You always deliver.


lets do this fitgaf
I am so late from this party, but anyways, welcome! :D

Thanks for the compliment and the advice. I took it to heart. I'm a little less worked up right now, haha. After I get back from my vacation, I'm going to hit it hard and I'm going to do it with more confidence, haha. I'll post here for advice and guidance.

Until then, I'm just going to try to lose about 3-5 pounds (of fat hopefully) by doing miscellaneous non-regimented strength exercises and some cardio--primarily in the form of biking to work, which is about a 35 minute bike ride for me. I rarely do it because it's faster to drive, but I'll feel amazing if I do it every day next week in addition to some strength training.
Attaboy. This sounds like a good plan.

Cross post from the face books.

While my strict overhead press has been stronger in the past (280lbs) I can't remember it ever feeling this good, tight, and controlled. I just might make 300+ strict this year, but I'm not counting those chickens yet. Here is today's last joker set 255lbs x 1.

Here is the log.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 165x5, 190x3, 210x5, 220, 230, 245, 255, 165x10
Incline bench press: 135x5, 225x5,6,5.
Swiss bar CGBP: 135x12,12,10
Dip/curl superset 12,12,12/10,8,8

That looked way too casual. You're the beast.

I've been working with the dumbells. So far things are going alright (I think), the sore is gone and I can use them regurlarly. I've been doing the push ups on the counter. They're feeling better too. I still can't do many sets of those, but I'm working on it.

One question. Do you guys think it's better to work out on an empty stomach or a while after eating (I am doing the IF and usually start eating late afternoon)? I've been working out (working with the dumbbells and jogging usually) a while after I've eaten. I wonder if I should change that.

And another question. I usually have two meals. One is high on carbs (with some little fat from flaxseed and oats) and another one high in protein. Which do you guys think I should eat first? I usually eat the one heavy on carbs first and work out a while later. Should I switch my meals?

Maybe these are dumb questions.
I am most likely totally too late to answer, but I do normally around 18-21 hours without eating. I always work out with an empty stomach and eat straight after that. Works brilliantly well.

It really is the best once you adapt to dealing with hunger. And even then, after a while I wouldn't even call it hunger as much as cravings.
I heartily agree with this. 5 days with IF and I am not just hungry anymore - I just crave food. IF keeps me from snacking which is awesome.

Time for some muscle-up love! I was a little rusty due to not training them in over a year but still proud of the 6 nonetheless. I'm confident 10 is achievable within a month or two.

Oh yesss, looked really good to me. :p

New workout has me burning fat and keeping the muscle. Feeling really good for only 3 weeks "back"

Seriously, you look glorious.

BumRush, looking solid all the way around. And looking big in a shirt, that is the most important part. To follow up on that, we can all dress the same. Pinkish teams ftw.
I am totally starting to love our pinkish team! <3

Looking Beast FE. Here is me this morning working out in street clothes.
I am like a squeaky fan girl at the moment.

Aaah, so many so awesome pics. I have been gone way too long from here. I am going to cut this message to here though so it won't become ridiculously long


Brian Burke punched my mom
I have this weird situation, that I've never mentioned, where I have to take a shit every single time before I have to go lift. It's sudden, as if my body is forcing me to empty myself before I move weight. It's usually diarrhea or something close to it and has been happening for years.

Had to share my new favorite meal. I could eat this every day. Sooooo good. If your macros allow it then add more mayo and cheese!


I steam my broccoli in the microwave then spread mayonnaise over it with the chicken on top. Cover with cheese and out in the broiler till the cheese is all melted. Cover in sriracha. Awesome awesome dish.

TheChef indeed

Looks delicious and I might make that tonight minus the mayo.

Got deep tissue done on my hamstrings. Feel worse than any deadlift session I've ever done. This shit is brutal.

I stretch and foam roll (rumble roller) for over an hour some days and my legs are dead after that. I can imagine a deep tissue would leave me incapable of moving.


Thanks sadetar! Glad you're making progress!!

Also, incredible transformation in the second pic, Sean.

Brolic...it's funny reading that a massage hurts you after you DL and Squat the insane volume you do but I know the feeling and - at the time - it's hell on earth.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I have this weird situation, that I've never mentioned, where I have to take a shit every single time before I have to go lift. It's sudden, as if my body is forcing me to empty myself before I move weight. It's usually diarrhea or something close to it and has been happening for years.

TheChef indeed

Looks delicious and I might make that tonight minus the mayo.

I stretch and foam roll (rumble roller) for over an hour some days and my legs are dead after that. I can imagine a deep tissue would leave me incapable of moving.

I pride myself on a high pain tolerance, and she had me cursing and squirming. It was the worst. Only compounded by the fact I've never had DT on my hamstrings before. When I get back from Texas I'm gonna get it again.

Thanks sadetar! Glad you're making progress!!

Also, incredible transformation in the second pic, Sean.

Brolic...it's funny reading that a massage hurts you after you DL and Squat the insane volume you do but I know the feeling and - at the time - it's hell on earth.

Bright side is my knee pain is gone now and it's been bothering me last few days. And the girl that does my DT work is an absolute sadist. She was laughing at me while torturing me.


53 hours in, feeling great. Will likely stay awake till the 72 hour mark since i just took a nice nap, then eat, then sleep. We'll see. If marvel semis bore me to tears, im just going to mess around with retroarch since it's raining here in so cal.
so from all the research I've done it doesn't seem to do any harm to start lifting by cutting instead of bulking even if I can't lift a lot

the hard part is the diet for me though. I'm 5'8.5" and ~163lbs, looking to drop around 10 to 15 lbs before I start to bulk. I'm trying to eat anywhere from 1500 to 1700 calories a day, and around 1800 to 2000 on the days I work out, but I haven't been focusing on macro nutrients at all, and I feel like I haven't made any progress. This is probably due somewhat to the food I've been eating, as I'm still cheating every now and then instead of having a dedicated cheat day, but I'm going to stop this week. Anyway, I've just been doing the SS program on MWF, and a 10 minute cardio warmup on the exercise bike. Should I be doing anything to make this more efficient? In 2014 I lost around 30 lbs through cardio alone, and cutting calories, but I've been struggling a lot to get the last 10 - 15 lbs off, and I'd really like to lose the weight and start bulking by the end of September or October, which I feel is more than reasonable.

As always, I'd greatly appreciate any help/advice.



I'm doing this routine, scroll to the bottom for the programming. Day 1, 4, have biceps in the compounds with day 6 having the isolation. I haven't found a good way to do spider curls on day 6 so i add in 2 sets of seated incline curls.

Today I was doing 12 good reps on the preacher curls so i just added 5lbs and went down to the 8 rep per set range and I just plan to build it back up to 12 solid reps before trying to add more weight.

I wonder if I am just becoming too comfortable at my rep ranges and need to drop down to build up strength before going higher.

It seems like you are doing a lot already. One thing I do for Biceps is a 4 set BB Curl drop set.

Sets 1-3: 5 Reps * drop weight * 5 Reps * drop weight * 5 Reps (each drop should be between 5-10 lbs) (no rests between drops, 90 second between sets)

Set 4: 5 Reps * drop weight * 5 Reps * drop weight * 5 Reps * drop weight * AMRAP (each drop should be between 5-10 lbs) (no rests between drops, 90 second between sets)

It's a tough workout but it'll destroy your bis. Do it on the cables if that's too much weight for BB curls.


In the last post I kinda forgot to mention that I haven't been around since I got myself PS4. It has quite effectively eaten all my free time. :p
If some of you fine people use PS4, feel free to add me (I play mainly Battlefield though, but company is always nice, especially when nearly all my friends are on Xbox). My gamertag is Taistelumurmeli. (If you are awesome enough to add me, just add message FitGAF on the friendrequest.)

Also I have by the way seen some really odd stuff at the new gym. Like what the fuck you do with a belt if you are doing lunges with a smith machines bar...

Haha, no laps for me either but you know. That's just me. Haha.

I know, I'm usually good about working out (or I can be when I get into the routine) but lately it's just been rough, always things coming up, etc. Always the universe wanting to stop me :p

I definitely do want to start working out, because even with weight lost, I'm still flabby as hell hahaha. Tone up like crazy.

I have 10 more pounds (TEN MOOOOORE) to my goal weight so maybe I accomplish that goal and then move to another goal--working out and toning up. Maybe I can't juggle two goals at the same time lol.

145! 10 more!

Oh you are certainly getting there! 10 pounds is seriously nothing!
So I keep telling to myself since I am around 10 pounds heavier than before the injury.
I also saw the sultry photo of you in the pic thread. Really nice. ;) You should just start to see yourself like the rest of us do.

Also I am sure you can accomplish any goal you want after you just set your mind in it. :)

Gym hasn't made me cocky yet. I go as often as I do because I know I can be better than yesterday. There's always room for improvement and there's always someone better than you and there's always someone trying to be better than you.

Month 18 progress pic http://i.imgur.com/E368eSC.jpg
I like your way of thinking on this matter.

Also I very much like the pic. Well done! ;)

That truly was entertining. :p

"People are used to seeing you wear clothing that you look like you sleep in"

I actually had that yesterday at a club. "Holy shit, I've never seen you all jazzed up".

/gym gear for life yo
Hahaha. Really Psycho, you are making me really curious about how you look like though.

My mom went and got me a steak for my bday, and so for that, i broke my fast. Was damn good too.
I am days late, but still I hope you had awesome birthday!

Time for some progress/vanity shots.

The inspiration is my son's shirt. It reads "I think my Dad is Superman".

He also decided to show off his mini-guns.
You are both looking absolutely adorable. ;)

To be 20 again and know what you know NOW about lifting...
I so wish this would happen. Hahah, damn I would now look good. Next month turning 30 and I am just starting. :p

Bish eats his annual calories on Christmas.

Just finished with the gym and I think I'm finally ready to share progress pics. I'm not as ripped as a lot of you but it's taken some time for me to come to terms that change for the good that's permanent is usually slow but definitely worth it. After years of not seeing any progress, focusing on too much cardio, taking too long breaks in between workouts; I've learned more these past few months in this thread than I have researching on my own.

I know the calculating bf% on a digital scale isn't entirely too accurate but I seem to fluctuate around 22%. I'm hoping to get down to maybe 15% in the next month (if that's realistic), but I'm definitely not going to push it to where it's not a manageable habit.

Thanks for your advice and also, thank you for introducing me to IF. I think that's been the main thing that's both taught me to severely scrutinize what I'm eating as well lose some much unneeded fat.
Yay! More photos! ^_^ Nice progress this far so just continue what you have been lately doing. :) IF is godsent.

Bahaha Bum why are you so good to me. In all honesty unlike David I'm faking my look with womens pants and shirts. Baby gap V necks make me look massive
After this reply I have been both going all awwwwws and laughing my ass off. :p

So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?
Ummm, I don't know what you should change, if anything really, but I know what I am going to do for the next couple minutes...
Which really is just drooling and staring at the photos.

How is it going Fitgaf, long time no post. Ive been busy opening up a supplement store and getting my workouts (and Destiny) in.

Im maintaining a good shape at around 88-89kg at 189cm. Lifting every day still (been doing that since December) and loving it. Right now i run a 3 day split where Day 1 is full body MyoReps, Day 2 is full body medium-heavy and Day 3 is Squats, bench and RDL 3 reps - RPE 8-9 (explosive) with a 10% drop off plus 3x3.

My diet is now 5 high days (3100 calories) and 2 low days (1400 calories, done on monday and friday). Its not something ive done before but i enjoy it. It allows me to keep my calories high most days, instead of somewhere in the middle. And the low days are only one day a piece so it doesnt drain my energy or make me feel hunger pains.

I like my current shape, not super ripped but low enough bodyfat to make me feel good but not so low that my strength and energy suffers.

Also still have my weekly reefed on saturday evening (which is tonight!), i should have bought stock in Ben&Jerry´s by now.

Hope everything is going good with all you guys. Here is a pic from this morning after my low day yesterday.
Oh I all too well remember your epic freezer! :p

Also I have said this numerous times before, but damn you look hot.

How come I am starting to plan a trip to Norway...

I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon/sports medicine doctor on Friday. My shoulder has felt eh for months now and at the point it feels like garbage. It doesn't even hurt. It's just extremely weak. Hard to explain.

Not only is this guy supposed to be extremely good (he treats some philly athletes) but he also accepts my insurance so all visits are free.

Best to get this taken care of now before it spreads and gets worse.
That sounds like a plan. Also awesome that you are covered with a good insurance.

Decided to finally share a shirtless progress picture. Goddamn did I let myself go for strength gains. Don't make the mistakes I made and bulk too hard!!!! At this point I might shoot for the high 180s (I'm 203 now). Not sure. But I'm very happy with my progress so far.

Bonus! Me when I started lifting in all my skinny fat glory
You have come a long way! :D

Thanks sadetar! Glad you're making progress!!
Yay! I am extremely happy myself. ^_^ Even if I am not where I hoped I would be I am at least on the right track again.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Decided to finally share a shirtless progress picture. Goddamn did I let myself go for strength gains. Don't make the mistakes I made and bulk too hard!!!! At this point I might shoot for the high 180s (I'm 203 now). Not sure. But I'm very happy with my progress so far.

Bonus! Me when I started lifting in all my skinny fat glory
Yes! Come down to the 180s and join team LeanMeanFightingMachine!


Thank you Sadetar. Always grateful for your kind words. Glad you're doing well. :)


Bish, I um..don't know what to say besides what you're doing is beyond comprehension to me. Good luck achieving your goal. I have no doubt you will.


Thank you Sadetar. Always grateful for your kind words. Glad you're doing well. :)
Oh, the pleasure is totally mine. ;)

I am more than happy myself as well. :p Now I need to get myself to where I was before all of this and then just past it so I would have something show. Now I am quite much where I was late last summer to be honest. After I get this bloat away I can start to reach new lows. :D

J. Bravo

sean ur thick as fuck

pulled 290 6x5 and 1x12. hands are fuckin fried. surprisingly not as difficult as i expected even though I worked 10-6 and barely ate or drank anything today. and on about 5 hours of sleep.


Very early 20s, 181cm, 150lbs-ish not completely sedentary male needs some advice Fitgaf

I used to go to the gym occasionally but haven't gone for about two months now. I used to follow Starting Strength but found that it didn't really align with my goals as much as GSLP did and ended up switching to that. My lifts when I last went though were still incredibly modest.

Bench: 145lbs
Squat: 155lbs
OHP: 95lbs
Deadlift: 185lbs
Chinups: BWx10

Now it's summer and while I have access to a free community gym (come September, I'll be able to go to an on-campus gym so I'll be fine then but for now), it's missing a squat rack or anywhere I can do overhead press. There's a shitton of machines but the only lifts I can do from the routine are bench and chinups. Squats, I'd have to substitute with a leg-press machine or something.

Now does anyone have any advice for what I should do to substitute? BW or "park exercises" I can do to alleviate for the lack of equipment. I'm looking to start taking the gym really seriously but for the summer right now, I'm wondering how exactly to make do with what I have.

And my progress before I stopped going wasn't exactly phenomenal. While I could see some results and my lifts slowly got better, it wasn't anywhere near significant or what I thought it should be from how much effort I put into it. Any advice or is it purely a diet issue as I often didn't get enough to eat due to lack of time/resources?

Thanks for any help!
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