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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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J. Bravo

Wait, huh?


Take the barbells in this image, for instance. About where would you place your hands?


This image works well too:


Does "bench mark" mean that's where your hand should be? Or does it mean your hand should not go on or outside that mark?


I put my middle finger on the red mark, just bordering the ring.

The Chef

So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Stay the course and give it time.

J. Bravo

So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

well I hope you meant 2000 calories, not 200. lol. But 2 weeks is nothing man. Keep up with the diet, and do HIIT more than once in the next 2 weeks. abs 1-2 times a week is probably fine.


So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Looking good dude...visible abs would put you over the top. You have a pretty low BF% already so I don't think it's a kitchen issue. What are you doing during your ab workout?


Does anybody here jump rope for cardio?

Trying to think of HIIT cardio that I can do at home that's low impact on my knees.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
How different is fasting vs skipping lunch?

Well, you wanna fast for an extended period of time to maximize fat loss. If you eat breakfast, skip lunch, and eat dinner yea you ate less calories but I wouldn't say it's as good as fasting. When you fast your body gets used to hunger and starts using stored fat instead of waiting on you to ingest more food to satiate it.


This page explains it a whole lot better than I can.

Does anybody here jump rope for cardio?

Trying to think of HIIT cardio that I can do at home that's low impact on my knees.

Been doing it for a while with these:


I don't feel anything in my knees but my calves get a massive workout from it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?
Give it time and if you need to drop down to 1800 do it. I'm more interested how you hit those macros?? 2,000 calories and fitting in 250p and 100f? That sounds damn near impossible to me.

The Chef

Stay the course and give it time.

well I hope you meant 2000 calories, not 200. lol. But 2 weeks is nothing man. Keep up with the diet, and do HIIT more than once in the next 2 weeks. abs 1-2 times a week is probably fine.

Yeah, I guess is is a bit premature to dismiss the effects of the diet.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll definitely try and incorporate some more HIIT over the next few weeks.

Looking good dude...visible abs would put you over the top. You have a pretty low BF% already so I don't think it's a kitchen issue. What are you doing during your ab workout?

Thanks man.
Honestly, my ab workouts are sorry as hell. I basically squeeze a quick 5-10 min 3set routine in after legs or shoulders but thats it. Today was the first day I did a full ab/core workout for 35 min. I just always felt the reason my abs are so invisible is because of my bf%. My sides by my hips are like a handful of soft dough when you feel them.

Give it time and if you need to drop down to 1800 do it. I'm more interested how you hit those macros?? 2,000 calories and fitting in 250p and 100f? That sounds damn near impossible to me.

Thanks Cooter,
Those macros are indeed a bit tricky.

Calories 2000
Carbohydrates 25 g 5 %
Fat 100 g 45 %
Protein 250 g 50 %

Here was yesterdays:

3.8oz pork sausage
1 large egg
200g egg whites

kcal: 637 46p 5c 47f

Optimum Whey
1/4 cup whole milk

kcal: 253 40p 10c 5f

Albacore Tuna (2 cans)
1 tbsp mayo

kcal: 560 65p 0c 30f

Optimum Whey
1/4 cup whole milk

kcal: 253 40p 10c 5f

Brussels sprouts
Chicken breast 5.3oz

kcals: 187 37p 6c 2f

Evening snack:
5oz turkey breast slices

kcals: 142 23p 3c 3f

Grand total:
Kcal: 2031 250p 31c 92f

Its a bitch.
Haha you're never going to live down those Supergirl sweats, bud.

I'm going to be running for Mayor of Estonia and that crap is going to come back and haunt me. I just know it.

So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Looking crazy good to me bro.
Im getting a bit of greek god from your aesthetic.



Thanks man.
Honestly, my ab workouts are sorry as hell. I basically squeeze a quick 5-10 min 3set routine in after legs or shoulders but thats it. Today was the first day I did a full ab/core workout for 35 min. I just always felt the reason my abs are so invisible is because of my bf%. My sides by my hips are like a handful of soft dough when you feel them.

Recommendation...throw abs at the end of every workout, don't waste a full day on them.

Also, given your current physique, I'd suggest leg raises on a dip bar, weighted sit ups on a decline bench (hold a 45 and do sit ups) and medicine ball twists. Lastly, I have a feeling you aren't fully engaging your core on your other lifts. Cooter's big on this too but when you squat, DL, Power Clean, etc. always keep your abs tight. It's a hard concept at first but when you get used to it it'll do wonders for you.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Recommendation...throw abs at the end of every workout, don't waste a full day on them.

Also, given your current physique, I'd suggest leg raises on a dip bar, weighted sit ups on a decline bench (hold a 45 and do sit ups) and medicine ball twists. Lastly, I have a feeling you aren't fully engaging your core on your other lifts. Cooter's big on this too but when you squat, DL, Power Clean, etc. always keep your abs tight. It's a hard concept at first but when you get used to it it'll do wonders for you.
Once you start DLing & squatting heavy and really pushing yourself your core has no choice but to get strong. You wouldn't be able to execute the lifts otherwise. I bet Brolic has mountains under there and you'd see them quite easily if he ever decided to lean out.


Once you start DLing & squatting heavy and really pushing yourself your core has no choice but to get strong. You wouldn't be able to execute the lifts otherwise. I bet Brolic has mountains under there and you'd see them quite easily if he ever decided to lean out.

I agree. When i power clean heavy or clean and press, I feel like I did abs that day, regardless what else I've done

The Chef

Looking crazy good to me bro.
Im getting a bit of greek god from your aesthetic.

Haha yeah right Bruce. Maybe in 2 years.

Recommendation...throw abs at the end of every workout, don't waste a full day on them.

Also, given your current physique, I'd suggest leg raises on a dip bar, weighted sit ups on a decline bench (hold a 45 and do sit ups) and medicine ball twists. Lastly, I have a feeling you aren't fully engaging your core on your other lifts. Cooter's big on this too but when you squat, DL, Power Clean, etc. always keep your abs tight. It's a hard concept at first but when you get used to it it'll do wonders for you.

Yeah I think that is a more realistic option for me to do it every day.
Thanks for the tips!

I think Cooter that I am going to drop down to 1800cal a day. Do my ratios seem out of wack?


So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

I would be happy if I could look like this in the next month. O_O


Haha yeah right Bruce. Maybe in 2 years.

Yeah I think that is a more realistic option for me to do it every day.
Thanks for the tips!

Don't do a full ab workout each time. I usually end each of my workouts with 3-4 sets of a core exercise or superset it with one of my compounds (I always SS OHP with situps). Try it for a few weeks and see if you make any progress with it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Haha yeah right Bruce. Maybe in 2 years.

Yeah I think that is a more realistic option for me to do it every day.
Thanks for the tips!

I think Cooter that I am going to drop down to 1800cal a day. Do my ratios seem out of wack?
You don't need that much protein but other than that they look solid. One pound per body weight is plenty on a cut. Really disciplined menu you posted above. Nice work.

The Chef

Don't do a full ab workout each time. I usually end each of my workouts with 3-4 sets of a core exercise or superset it with one of my compounds (I always SS OHP with situps). Try it for a few weeks and see if you make any progress with it.

Nice, I like the idea of the OHP SS. I'll give that a shot.

You don't need that much protein but other than that they look solid. One pound per body weight is plenty on a cut. Really disciplined menu you posted above. Nice work.

Oh excellent!
I was nervous to drop my protein down from 1.4 x bodyweight while cutting for fear of losing muscle during the cut. If 1g per lbs is adequate then I can start getting more fat which I have been craving. Bring on the peanut butter!!!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nice, I like the idea of the OHP SS. I'll give that a shot.

Oh excellent!
I was nervous to drop my protein down from 1.4 x bodyweight while cutting for fear of losing muscle during the cut. If 1g per lbs is adequate then I can start getting more fat which I have been craving. Bring on the peanut butter!!!
Have at it! A quick follow up to your post regarding protein; on a bulk (calorie surplus) you need even less protein. Consuming 1.4x is massive overkill. You would have the same results at 0.8x bw. :)

As Brolic posted earlier, many of the numbers that you hear tossed around are meant for lifters on gear and do not apply to nattys. Old broscience that has become the standard go to in many gyms.

The Chef

Have at it! A quick follow up to your post regarding protein; on a bulk (calorie surplus) you need even less protein. Consuming 1.4x is massive overkill. You would have the same results at 0.8x bw. :)

As Brolic posted earlier, many of the numbers that you hear tossed around are meant for lifters on gear and do not apply to nattys. Old broscience that has become the standard go to in many gyms.

Bro your shattering my whole universe. I've been putting back 250g+- of protein each day for the past 4 months. The amount of planning that goes into that is exhausting. If I get to go down to 1g per lb then I basically wont even have to think about my diet anymore.
I should have posted in here days ago. Thanks Cooter!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bro your shattering my whole universe. I've been putting back 250g+- of protein each day for the past 4 months. The amount of planning that goes into that is exhausting. If I get to go down to 1g per lb then I basically wont even have to think about my diet anymore.
I should have posted in here days ago. Thanks Cooter!
Learned your lesson! You're welcome. No trouble at all. Good luck.


As Brolic posted earlier, many of the numbers that you hear tossed around are meant for lifters on gear and do not apply to nattys. Old broscience that has become the standard go to in many gyms.

Yeah...I meant to respond to Brolic's (aka the mountain's) post earlier but got caught up. Really helpful post to remember.


230.2. 220s have no choice anymore. I'll see you soon brah. In one hour, the first 24 hours of the 72 hour fast will have gone by. Feeling terrific. Might even hit the beach tonight for a stroll.

Luckily lifting and nutrition discussions at work haven't happened too frequently. Although there is more nutrition talk because I'm their go-to guy for nutrition information. I don't make much out of it, I'm just sharing information.

Vince and ILoveBish would be happy to hear that one of my co-workers is on keto right now after talking to me lol.

All aboard! I'm known as the nutritionist at work, people hide their sodas and ice cream when I'm walking through.

All aboard the keto train

Also Bish, my god I want those Neo-Geo sticks, but I don't have a Neo-Geo. Always wanted one. Best arcade system in the world! Next to the Dreamcast...

I have a deep love for both of those. Neo geo in particular tho, man what a system. My ukyo vs any of you chumps in samurai shodown 2.

So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Way too much protein. I eat 150g a day, so does brolic, and we're at 230ish. Reduce protein, add fat.

The Chef

Way too much protein. I eat 150g a day, so does brolic, and we're at 230ish. Reduce protein, add fat.

Spot on, and this is an issue many novice readers will run across. Many things that are fed around the Internet as universal fact are actually advice that applies to those on gear. As they kept getting repeated people accepted it as universal fact. For example. I weigh 230-240lbs probably around 20% body fat and I only take in 140-180 grams of protein a day. I'm doing just fine. Now if I was "chemically assisted" I'd honestly probably almost double that.

Had to go back and find the post everyone was referring to. This is seriously mind blowing to me but I am definitely going to give it a shot. Adjusted my macros to:
Calories 1800
Carbohydrates 23g 5 %
Fat 110g 55 %
Protein 180g 40 %

I'll do this for the rest of the month with some HIIT and some more ab work. Thanks everyone for the help!


Brian Burke punched my mom
So I've been pretty happy with my results thus far but am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to cut properly and get some god damn abs to show.
During my bulk I was at 3500cal 230p 143c 240f. For my cut I went to 200cal 250p 25c 100f. After 2 weeks of this I see virtually no difference what so ever. My waist size has remained the same as well as my weight. Confession: I only did one core/ab workout each week. And did HIT only once the past 2 weeks. What should I change?

Genetics, you're already pretty low bf.

Front squats, decline weighted situps


Finally found FitGaf lol.

Currently cutting myself. Just 4 weeks (currently 5 days in) and assess from there. Would like to get to about 200 this cut. Sitting at 211 right now. I'm happy to see this thread exists.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know how you need 8 hours of sleep to help your muscles repair and grow properly? Does that have to be 8 continuous hours? What if you slept like 5, woke up, then went back to sleep for the other 3?


You know how you need 8 hours of sleep to help your muscles repair and grow properly? Does that have to be 8 continuous hours? What if you slept like 5, woke up, then went back to sleep for the other 3?

I think it's supposed to be continuous as supposedly after you reach a certain state of sleep, your body begins releasing human growth hormone (HGH):

Using intermittent fasting (IF), HGH is supposed to be released during the fasting phase when your body isn't producing insulin (from having eaten).

Mr. X

Well, you wanna fast for an extended period of time to maximize fat loss. If you eat breakfast, skip lunch, and eat dinner yea you ate less calories but I wouldn't say it's as good as fasting. When you fast your body gets used to hunger and starts using stored fat instead of waiting on you to ingest more food to satiate it.


This page explains it a whole lot better than I can.

Been doing it for a while with these:


I don't feel anything in my knees but my calves get a massive workout from it.
I can do this on my off days but I'm confused on how I can do this on days I gym since I would eat post workout.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I can do this on my off days but I'm confused on how I can do this on days I gym since I would eat post workout.

Don't eat anything after 10:00PM, skip breakfast, assuming you workout in the afternoon and would eat around 2:00PM the next day that's a 16 hr fast right there.


You know how you need 8 hours of sleep to help your muscles repair and grow properly? Does that have to be 8 continuous hours? What if you slept like 5, woke up, then went back to sleep for the other 3?

It's the amount of deep sleep. So you're fine.

Sleep amounts are highly personal, though. Some people need 8 others get by on 5.


So what's the consensus on BCAAs? In order to qualify for the 25$ GC from Amazon, I added a bottle of BCAA and Creatine. I searched the thread there doesn't seem to be much discussion about it other than it may or may not be broscience.

If it's beneficial, when should I be taking it? Just before I end my fast or first thing morning? I take casein protein at night to ensure I have slowly metabolized protein running through my system while fasting; is BCAA pointless if I'm using casein?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Brolic whats your FB name? I don't want to miss these lifts

It's my real name, same with YouTube. Wayne Forsythe. Although I think YouTube address is YouTube.com/alienshogun

If you think about it, there's over 700 lbs on that platform and you're dropping 500+ of it down with great force. It looks SUPER solid dude...nice work and great investment.

Thanks bud I appreciate it.

This is for science!

First 72 hour fast.

Last time when I went 35 hours, I was in a terrific mood. I don't get hungry, so I'm never bothered. Plus its evo weekend baby. Stream monster time.

I'm gonna be straight up, and don't take this as an attack, it's concern, not maliciousness.

I think you're developing an eating disorder. It started with super low calorie intake, now you're going days without eating. Don't let numbers in a scale take over for rational thought.

I've never been one to be a cheerleader, so when I see so much "support" for what you're doing I feel the need to speak up.

I don't think what you're doing is healthy and I think you're spiraling downward and getting worse.


I'm gonna be straight up, and don't take this as an attack, it's concern, not maliciousness.

I think you're developing an eating disorder. It started with super low calorie intake, now you're going days without eating. Don't let numbers in a scale take over for rational thought.

I've never been one to be a cheerleader, so when I see so much "support" for what you're doing I feel the need to speak up.

I don't think what you're doing is healthy and I think you're spiraling downward and getting worse.

I don't think that's the case, I'm just trying things out and fasting isn't some new concept, it goes back thousands of years.

And I did have a real problem with food, that's how I got so obese. Just pushing myself, that's all.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I don't think that's the case, I'm just trying things out and fasting isn't some new concept, it goes back thousands of years.

And I did have a real problem with food, that's how I got so obese. Just pushing myself, that's all.

Fasting isn't new, no, and yes, people do it all the time, true. That doesn't mean going days (several) is good. I'd also be concerned that not only are you fasting like this, but you're also maintaining the low calorie intake.

You say you HAD a problem with food. My concern is you still do, you just went the other way with it.


Fasting isn't new, no, and yes, people do it all the time, true. That doesn't mean going days (several) is good. I'd also be concerned that not only are you fasting like this, but you're also maintaining the low calorie intake.

You say you HAD a problem with food. My concern is you still do, you just went the other way with it.

Well, I'm doing it to see how it goes. I don't intend to be doing 72 hour fasts all the time, but my last test of 35 hours actually got results I was hoping for (skin tightened up around belly), so now I want to try for more.

I also intend on going to a bulk as soon as I'm ready looks wise.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, I'm doing it to see how it goes. I don't intend to be doing 72 hour fasts all the time, but my last test of 35 hours actually got results I was hoping for (skin tightened up around belly), so now I want to try for more.

I also intend on going to a bulk as soon as I'm ready looks wise.

Alright man, just be safe and don't "get lost in the numbers."


Alright man, just be safe and don't "get lost in the numbers."

Absolutely. And I understand there concern, I hear it all the time. But my plans are to get lean enough where I'll be content then bulk up from there. After I'm done losing fat, my next goal is strength gains, and I obviously will be eating plenty for that.

Always a work in progress.


10% off everything at EliteFTS with code 'getsome'

Probably going to order a couple t shirts and a tank top. I really like the fit of the American apparel shirts.


Yeeesh... I get so much flack from my wife about not eating everything she puts on the table. She knows what I'm doing and I try to keep it balanced by trying everything she makes, but if I ate the meal tonight it would have been 1200 calories, 500 calories over my target. Not. Gonna. Happen.


Yeeesh... I get so much flack from my wife about not eating everything she puts on the table. She knows what I'm doing and I try to keep it balanced by trying everything she makes, but if I ate the meal tonight it would have been 1200 calories, 500 calories over my target. Not. Gonna. Happen.

Get her on the fitness train ;)

It makes choosing the right foods a breeze!
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