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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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53 hours in, feeling great. Will likely stay awake till the 72 hour mark since i just took a nice nap, then eat, then sleep. We'll see. If marvel semis bore me to tears, im just going to mess around with retroarch since it's raining here in so cal.

Play rocket league. It's addicting as fuck.


Thanks Cooter and Sadetar! Don't worry, this is not going to be a weekly thing, i just love pushing myself.

Play rocket league. It's addicting as fuck.

I sold my PS4 or i'd be playing it. Right now just sticking to pc gaming, but everyone IRL plays on ps4, so if price drop happens this year, might bite during black friday. I would buy it on pc, but truthfully, its so rare i find time to play anything lol.


Thanks Cooter and Sadetar! Don't worry, this is not going to be a weekly thing, i just love pushing myself.

I sold my PS4 or i'd be playing it. Right now just sticking to pc gaming, but everyone IRL plays on ps4, so if price drop happens this year, might bite during black friday. I would buy it on pc, but truthfully, its so rare i find time to play anything lol.
You are very welcome. I have noticed you are really trying to find your limits, just make sure to stay healthy. :) I have myself accidentally had 23 hours fasting time couple times and they have been totally fine. I still couldn't imagine doing what you are doing though. :p

On a sidenote everyone seems to be loving Rocket League. I might need to try it out some of these days. Also like I said on the last page, if you have PS4 and you need company (especially on Battlefield) feel free to add me!
Gamertag: Taistelumurmeli


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Glad you're doing better, Sadetar. Hopefully whatever discomfort you're still feeling goes away and you get back to 100% soon. :)

So I just got back from the gym, and sometimes it gets a little depressing and distracting when you see people around you who are monsters (sorta like in this thread, haha). I've made some decent progress sure, but it's a little discouraging to see how much further I still have to go.

On the plus side, I did a new personal best today. Deadlifted 235 lbs. Woo! :D


Completed my first almost-week of SS. 95 bench and squat, 115 deadlift. I never had any clue lifting could be so fun and satisfying, and I regret spending years being intimidated by the barbell. I look forward to being consistent, eating right, and getting strong.



At the beach after the rain walking pier to pier while 60 or so hours into the 72 hour fast. Feeling so good.

Completed my first almost-week of SS. 95 bench and squat, 115 deadlift. I never had any clue lifting could be so fun and satisfying, and I regret spending years being intimidated by the barbell. I look forward to being consistent, eating right, and getting strong.


It gets very addicting chasing numbers at the gym.


You are very welcome. I have noticed you are really trying to find your limits, just make sure to stay healthy. :) I have myself accidentally had 23 hours fasting time couple times and they have been totally fine. I still couldn't imagine doing what you are doing though. :p

On a sidenote everyone seems to be loving Rocket League. I might need to try it out some of these days. Also like I said on the last page, if you have PS4 and you need company (especially on Battlefield) feel free to add me!
Gamertag: Taistelumurmeli

I'll add you even though I don't really play online if it's ok.

I'm also interested in trying a 72hr fast at some point just for fun. I know there are supposed benefits as it's supposed to "reboot" your immunosystem (according to real science that is, not some new age shit) and it's used in cancer therapy before treatment in some hospitals.


Completed my first almost-week of SS. 95 bench and squat, 115 deadlift. I never had any clue lifting could be so fun and satisfying, and I regret spending years being intimidated by the barbell. I look forward to being consistent, eating right, and getting strong.


I hope it continues to be like that for you. Keep it up!

Nelo Ice

Completed my first almost-week of SS. 95 bench and squat, 115 deadlift. I never had any clue lifting could be so fun and satisfying, and I regret spending years being intimidated by the barbell. I look forward to being consistent, eating right, and getting strong.


Nice, glad to hear you're enjoying lifting!. Keep at it and get swole :D.


Grizz, great to hear man. It gets more and more fun as you make progress too.

Oblivion, try not to get discouraged by others. You're doing great and if you continue, you'll achieve what you want to achieve.


Junior Member
Anyone have a good source (or remember) on what's the current best advice for adequate protein intake for lifters? Numbers backed by science (not bro) ;)

I had the numbers but have forgotten and can't find any good source.

Also anyone here have a Instagram account? In addition to Sean that is.

I post a lot of lifting related stuff on my insta.


Just met my first cross fitter. He's small.

Apparently competes though.

Second. But I'm not small ;)


Hey, so I thought I'll post something.

This is me at 295 pounds on June 28,


This is me today 278 pounds.

I don't think I notice that much of a difference, but I am feeling fitter than before though.

The Chef

Refeed day today. Had an enormous breakfast of pancakes. I think my greed for carbs was a bit excessive.

...I've made a terrible mistake.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Refeed day today. Had an enormous breakfast of pancakes. I think my greed for carbs was a bit excessive.

...I've made a terrible mistake.

I have been craving pancakes for the past month. I really need to make some time for a stack or two.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Another successful workout is in the books! Adding a paused rep after getting 3x5 on squats has been a revelation. If I eat right I'll have a date with 225 in a week.


226.4 this morning. 3 hours away from the 72 hour mark. No hunger in sight. Going to have to force myself to eat.

Refeed day today. Had an enormous breakfast of pancakes. I think my greed for carbs was a bit excessive.

...I've made a terrible mistake.

You can make low carb pancakes that are ridiculously good. You can have them everyday and fit them into your macros.


I just was never a pancake person.


Nice job man . Between the two of us we might have got bulking right!

Awesome progress Sean!

Thanks sadetar! Glad you're making progress!!

Also, incredible transformation in the second pic, Sean.

Brolic...it's funny reading that a massage hurts you after you DL and Squat the insane volume you do but I know the feeling and - at the time - it's hell on earth.

That sounds like a plan. Also awesome that you are covered with a good insurance.

You have come a long way! :D

Yes! Come down to the 180s and join team LeanMeanFightingMachine!

sean ur thick as fuck.

Thanks guys :) I'm taking my first week off in over 30 weeks to just recover/heal, and then its full force for the next weight loss goal from now until November.


In the last post I kinda forgot to mention that I haven't been around since I got myself PS4. It has quite effectively eaten all my free time. :p
If some of you fine people use PS4, feel free to add me (I play mainly Battlefield though, but company is always nice, especially when nearly all my friends are on Xbox). My gamertag is Taistelumurmeli. (If you are awesome enough to add me, just add message FitGAF on the friendrequest.)

I'm so adding you, even though we're in drastically different time zones and I'll probably never be able to play anything with you lol. <3

Oh you are certainly getting there! 10 pounds is seriously nothing!
So I keep telling to myself since I am around 10 pounds heavier than before the injury.
I also saw the sultry photo of you in the pic thread. Really nice. ;) You should just start to see yourself like the rest of us do.

Also I am sure you can accomplish any goal you want after you just set your mind in it. :)

9 more! :) 25 down, 9 to go. I feel like I'm actually starting to see it a bit now. I haven't really seen any change but now I actually look like I've lost a bit of weight.


So...feeling good about that at least
even though I'm still fugly haha

Boo, booooo at your injury. I'm happy you are able to get back into it (slowly), though! You'll re-lose the weight super quickly, I know it :)


YESSS! Small victory today.

The JJ Gargantuan is one of my favorite sandwiches to order, but due to the calorie count (1000+) I never allow myself to eat more than half at a sitting since I would overshoot my daily goal.

Solution: Unwich, no mayo, no cheese, extra peppers = 505 calories. WOOT!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Go Bish! Damn, and I thought I had excellent willpower. You seriously will be shredded with size in a year or two. It's not if but when.


Go Bish! Damn, and I thought I had excellent willpower. You seriously will be shredded with size in a year or two. It's not if but when.

Since i last broke my fast at 1pm on thursday, i mean technically its been 72 hours (in 15 min), but i finished eating at 2pm, so just to make sure i'm waiting till 2. I need to read up on the rules of how it works, if its when you break fast, or when finished eating. But yah, my goal is to be shredded, its just a matter of time. Team lean and mean.


Have any of you guys tried bodywhat.com? They use some image algorithm to calculate your body fat and other stats. It put me at 10% bf, my bathroom scale says I am 12%. I know bathroom scales aren't very accurate. They claim a ±3.0% margin of error, if you know your true bf% can you chime in on how close it is?


Junior Member
I'm on week 5 of a 6 week block of the "Squat Strong" program (the program was written by Lucas Parker and his coach) and I'm really loving it. My sticking point is disappearing very quickly and my legs are feeling very strong. If anyone wants a copy of the PDF or the excel spreadsheet I made, just send me a PM.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Pancakes suck. #teamwaffles #teamknope
Waffles only belong paired with fried chicken!

Have any of you guys tried bodywhat.com? They use some image algorithm to calculate your body fat and other stats. It put me at 10% bf, my bathroom scale says I am 12%. I know bathroom scales aren't very accurate. They claim a ±3.0% margin of error, if you know your true bf% can you chime in on how close it is?

Shit, I can get within 3% for 95%+ of the people I see in pictures . That's nothing to brag about.

One of the coolest things about lifting for years and getting results is the strangers graciously approaching you for advice. It feels pretty damn good.


Ok i need help as I had a run that freaked me out a bit.

I ran my usual "long" run for the week today as usual with a target of 8 miles. It wasn't TOO hot being only 80°F, although humidity was high. For some reason, after mile 4, I hit a huge wall. I can't even put my finger on it. My legs were fatigued but still going strong, my breathing and heart-rate was stable, albeit a bit high at 170+ for the moderate pace I was running at, but I just felt weak. Almost as if someone sucked the energy out of me. It was the strangest thing and for the first time ever I had to walk occasionally to take breaks. Such a bummer :(

The only thing I can think of is that I, for some reason, took my preworkout before running. I usually only take this on lifting days. I didn't think it would have a negative impact on endurance, but maybe I'm wrong?


MD, it is probably a combination of the humidity and the preworkout. When I would take it, a 15 min HIIT session would leave me feeling uncomfortable so an 8 mile run was probably too much.

Congrats Bish. Please don't do that again for a while!


Ok i need help as I had a run that freaked me out a bit.

I ran my usual "long" run for the week today as usual with a target of 8 miles. It wasn't TOO hot being only 80°F, although humidity was high. For some reason, after mile 4, I hit a huge wall. I can't even put my finger on it. My legs were fatigued but still going strong, my breathing and heart-rate was stable, albeit a bit high at 170+ for the moderate pace I was running at, but I just felt weak. Almost as if someone sucked the energy out of me. It was the strangest thing and for the first time ever I had to walk occasionally to take breaks. Such a bummer :(

The only thing I can think of is that I, for some reason, took my preworkout before running. I usually only take this on lifting days. I didn't think it would have a negative impact on endurance, but maybe I'm wrong?

Are you eating enough?

I remember you were cutting for a body building show, right?

Seems a lot to put your body through at the same time--cutting, long runs, etc.

I'm like you. I lift and run, so I see your activity in both threads ;P

Do not neglect recovery, my dude ;)


Are you eating enough?

I remember you were cutting for a body building show, right?

Seems a lot to put your body through at the same time--cutting, long runs, etc.

I'm like you. I lift and run, so I see your activity in both threads ;P

Do neglect recovery, my dude ;)

Eating 2000 calories per day with 5 days of 500+calorie workouts, then my long run on day 6. Been alternating cycling and running on different days for some joint/tendon recovery. I do my cycling on lifting days after my sets. I take one day per week completely off.

Never tried a show bc I've never had the physique for it. I was just cutting for my own goals. Cutting to get back to pre vacation condition, then I'm bulking.


Eating 2000 calories per day with 5 days of 500+calorie workouts, then my long run on day 6. Been alternating cycling and running on different days for some joint/tendon recovery. I do my cycling on lifting days after my sets. I take one day per week completely off.

Never tried a show bc I've never had the physique for it. I was just cutting for my own goals. Cutting to get back to pre vacation condition, then I'm bulking.


My guess is just the heat. Heat is brutal.

The body isn't a machine and sometimes it just acts up--shitty runs, shitty workouts.

How's your sleep?
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