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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The Chef

I'm no bodybuilder or model but I believe the idea is it brings your veins out more and "fills" out your muscles. You will most definitely weigh more so I'm not sure it's fair to say you will come out looking more cut the following day but I could be completely wrong about that.


Oh, and TMONSTER, you look huge in the 220 pic and huge in the 175 pic! Jesus! I never looked that big at 220 and don't look that big at 175! Good shit man! FitGaf adds yet another beast! Unbelievable.

Look up contest/competition prep refeeding on google. Most of the discussion is going to lead to articles like this http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/layne36.htm

Its normally attributed to maintaining metabolism esp lowering leptin hormone levels(which inhbit fat loss). The carb dose specifically deals with refilling muscle glycogen. Whenever your body is depleted of something in a feedback cycle,like a diabetic going on keto becoming normal range insulin sensitive, your body can give a bigger response. So you get pretty filled up on that refeed and the muscle tissue gets bigger.

ELI5: If you are losing weight its to keep you losing weight, if you are about to show off dem gunz its to puff up the gunz.

Insulin spike from carbs can lead to a pump, but it is short lived. You can do it with protein too, but eating bad carbs makes it easier. There are many protocols for CKD, but it depends what your goals are. If it's pure fat loss and no muscle loss, strict SKD is the most effective way. But if you're a walking 300 movie extra like cooter, then refeed days can be beneficial in many ways since the insulin spike can be huge and controlled for muscle growth.

Bodies are weird and wonderful.

This is all super fascinating. Thanks for the info guys! Note to self: before going to the beach on Sunday eat a big ass pizza and frozen yogurt on Saturday 👍

J. Bravo

I never ever remove the garlic from what I'm cooking.
i don't either....i just don't eat the cloves. seems gross.
Sort of related, in Vegas I looked ripped as fuck... mostly due to just living off alcohol and being utterly dehydrated. lol

this morning, the day after a hungover day spent in bed not eating or drinking anything, i looked pretty lean honestly. it's gone now but damn i looked good haha.


Someone mentioned a while pack that some of the Quest chips are quite alright. What flavour is the best one of those? A friend of mine from US is sending me a graduating/birthday gift and asked me to give him a list of things I would want so besides make ups I thought to ask those. :p

Also what would you recommend from Ms. Dash? I mainly eat chicken with salads and it could be a nice salt free extra.

Some progress pics from when I started intermittent fasting in 2012. Cut down from 220lbs to 175. Lost a ton of strength from my bench press but manged to keep most of my strength in my other lifts. Goal now is to get my bench back while staying around 185.



You are ridiculously ripped
and damn good looking ;)

May I ask how tall are you, since you look huge?

Sadetar, soon...
I will be waiting. :p

Oh and please, don't go nuts with the fasting. I am slightly afraid that you will just change from one extreme to another.

We'll see. Definitely not shirtless though :p

I've been doing similar. Eat carbs afterwards.
Hahah, oh you better post at least something to please the crowd. :p

I try to keep my carbs quite low currently, but I eat my main meal straight after the gym.

can you guys touch your toes without bending your knees? Apparently this is a test to see if you are flexible or not.
Well, before my herniated disk problems I was able to put my whole palm to the ground easily without bending the knees. At the moment I could most likely touch my knees. :p Hopefully it will get better when times goes on and I can start to stretch again properly.

this morning, the day after a hungover day spent in bed not eating or drinking anything, i looked pretty lean honestly. it's gone now but damn i looked good haha.
Umm, you didn't happen to accidentally take a pic of yourself to share with us? :p
Hey FitnessGAF, I'm trying to get a little extra protein and since I've given up dairy milk a couple of years back been considering a vegan protein. Although most whey proteins seem to be low in lactose, I really don't like that "heavy" feeling from drinking milk, and expect they'd be the same? I've looked at the Earth Protein from Bulk Nutrients and it seems alright, does anyone have any opinions of it?

Edit: I'll add this to a fruit smoothie, so the graininess probably won't bother me - if I prepare it a day or two ahead will there be any drawbacks?

Also, I was asked to spot for someone last night at the gym for the first time. I've never done it or even know how to so I had to turn him down. That was a bit embarrassing.


Hey FitnessGAF, I'm trying to get a little extra protein and since I've given up dairy milk a couple of years back been considering a vegan protein. Although most whey proteins seem to be low in lactose, I really don't like that "heavy" feeling from drinking milk, and expect they'd be the same? I've looked at the Earth Protein from Bulk Nutrients and it seems alright, does anyone have any opinions of it?

Edit: I'll add this to a fruit smoothie, so the graininess probably won't bother me - if I prepare it a day or two ahead will there be any drawbacks?

Also, I was asked to spot for someone last night at the gym for the first time. I've never done it or even know how to so I had to turn him down. That was a bit embarrassing.
I don't know about the one you linked, but If you are looking for vegan protein, I would recommend you to check hemp protein as an option as well.

You can check the hemp protein products at least from iHerb.
I use iHerb myself maybe a bit too much, so if you haven't used it before and you need a discount code 5/10 dollars off, I gladly will give you mine since it will give me a little discount as well. :p

Also Team Jones in here is vegan and totally ripped, so maybe he has more insight on this matter. :)
Thanks for the tip, but according to iHerb, "Due to regulations, this product is not allowed to be shipped to the country you selected.". The country being Australia. I guess that's why I've not seen it around much!


Someone give me one good reason not to throw soy sauce on my bland ass lunch for tomorrow or forever hold your peace

Nelo Ice

So I need to work on my conditioning. I'm getting strong and finally starting to look like it. But just tried to play bball with my friend after my workout and I was gassed after a few mins lol. It was first to 11 and the final score was 11-2 in my friends favor. I basically had no energy to play D after I scored my first bucket.


If you don't overdo it, it's really okay to splurge every once in a while. What's for lunch, maybe you could throw something else on it?
Brown rice, grilled chicken, green beans. Only thing I added really was a little garlic powder. Any ideas? I don't have any of the recommended MsDash
Concern about salt intake depends on your blood pressure / other conditions. Thankfully not a concern for me.

I wouldn't use much table salt though.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
First time using wrist wraps on my lifts and wow, the stability is very nice. Only problem is I think I maay I have wrapped my left wrist a bit too tight causing my forearm to get a little numb.
From a dehydration perspective, though funnily enough the more water you drink, the more important it is to have decent salt / mineral levels (achievable through food as well as directly).

Edit - Talking of wrist wraps, mine are crap. Really should look into getting some better ones.


Brown rice, grilled chicken, green beans. Only thing I added really was a little garlic powder. Any ideas? I don't have any of the recommended MsDash

Do you have olive oil? Lemon? Fresh herbs? Cayenne pepper? All of those are excellent ways to spice up bland foods.

But seriously, with your health and the fact that you hydrate, have the soy if you like it!


Well gorgeous, I do hope I will catch you some day then! <3

How about we just leave all that fugly talk on the doorstep and don't bring it here? :) We know we can't really change your perspective of yourself - only you can do it so it is rather pointless to go it over all the time.

What comes to the photo I can totally see the difference and I am so excited that only 9 pounds and you are on your goal weight! I am far from mine, but then again I am in no hurry.

Even though I am really curious about your current diet. Can you write me some general measures of your daily diet? I mean what do you generally eat in a day? :D

I hope I'll see you on PS4 someday! :)

I will be quiet
for now :p

I'm glad the difference is apparent now! It wasn't for the longest time lol. Or I didn't see it. We will both get to our goal weight in time <3

My daily diet is pretty much just veggies and protein! They give you a list of things you can eat and I just have at it haha. But I eat butt loads of veggies haha. I can only have three servings of protein a day, so I fill the rest with veggies galore. :D

Veggies are expensive... Lol


It really is, I still struggle with binge eating on pizza/pasta. Even have a small cheat meal has a chance of spiraling me into a binge.

Man i feel you there. Even a little bit of peanut butter can set me off. It is why i have to be so strict. But being so strict has lead to many great lifestyle changes, hunger control, and understanding of when to listen to my body and what it wants. For pizza, i ate a pizza casserole for the longest time since i was a pizza addict. huge mash up of every pizza ingredient with choose and pasta sauce binding it all together. I literally ate that for like 3+ months strait, till i was able to give it up willingly. Now i no longer crave pizza.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
It really is, I still struggle with binge eating on pizza/pasta. Even have a small cheat meal has a chance of spiraling me into a binge.

That's my problem to. I need to stay 100% disciplined, because one deviation instantly spirals me into binge eating whatever I have in front of me. For instance, I am completely unable to eat half a bag of chips, close it, and put it back into the kitchen. I just can't do it. I'd open it one hour later and finish it. So I just almost never buy these things in the first place.


That's my problem to. I need to stay 100% disciplined, because one deviation instantly spirals me into binge eating whatever I have in front of me. For instance, I am completely unable to eat half a bag of chips, close it, and put it back into the kitchen. I just can't do it. I'd open it one hour later and finish it. So I just almost never buy these things in the first place.

Stop buying chips. You're welcome.


That's my problem to. I need to stay 100% disciplined, because one deviation instantly spirals me into binge eating whatever I have in front of me. For instance, I am completely unable to eat half a bag of chips, close it, and put it back into the kitchen. I just can't do it. I'd open it one hour later and finish it. So I just almost never buy these things in the first place.

Nah, some cheat days on weekends are allowed. #YOLO

Am i reading these 2 back to back posts properly? Just want to make sure. One says that you have a problem with discipline, and you deviate easily, the other is justifying cheating cause YOLO. Just want to make sure.


Can't live without cheating because my life is basically a countdown to when I can next step on the gas and go to Wendy's


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Am i reading these 2 back to back posts properly? Just want to make sure. One says that you have a problem with discipline, and you deviate easily, the other is justifying cheating cause YOLO. Just want to make sure.

That's why I only buy stuff like that for some weekends. To contain the threat. Eating some trash 1-2 times a month is not gonna kill me.

But I never ever buy it as part of my regular groceries shopping routine.

Nelo Ice

So on 5/3/1 week and broke a OHP rep PR and did 105 lbs x3. Though I can already feel my OHP beginning to stall again for the next cycle. Anyone have any assistance exercises to recommend or something I can do so I can continue to progress in my OHP?. Feels like that's the only lift right now that's still going to give me issues at heavy weights.
Went somewhat different with my eating yesterday. Did a shitload of exercise so I thought "fuck it" and had a pizza and before bed, about 100g of cheese. Was on target for my intake, and managed to lose a pretty decent chunk of weight overnight. Can't be that bad.



Ugh... Kids man. Im on very little sleep, under the squat bar before 6am. C4 isn't even helping but I'll be dammed of I don't hit this 5x5


Went somewhat different with my eating yesterday. Did a shitload of exercise so I thought "fuck it" and had a pizza and before bed, about 100g of cheese. Was on target for my intake, and managed to lose a pretty decent chunk of weight overnight. Can't be that bad.

Is that how this works?
I think burning upwards of 1,500 kcal is probably how it works. ;)

Edit - If you believe the calculations, obviously. I don't generally tend to.


I don't remember craving for anything the last several months ever since switching to my low-carb meal plan and I look at food pictures all the time. Something must be wrong with me lol.


Question time. I've done Eat Stop Eat for a while now so full day of fasting is nothing new to me. I was just wondering if I should try a 48hr fast for fun this week (Tue evening -> Thur evening). My schedule is such that I could squeeze it in because I can't get to the gym before friday anyway due to some back problems. But the last time I was at a gym was over a week ago due to being on a holiday and having said back problems since friday. My back is almost as good as new but I was just wondering if my absence from training would cause more muscle loss during those 48hr. I know normally training will prevent muscle loss but it's been a while so I thought maybe my body has "forgotten".. Although I would probably be taking EAA/BCAA during this time. Dunno why I'm entertaining this thought but it could be fun to try at least.


The Chef

I don't remember craving for anything the last several months ever since switching to my low-carb meal plan and I look at food pictures all the time. Something must be wrong with me lol.

Bro thats a blessing. At 25g of carbs per day I feel pretty great. Dont really feel like I am lacking in much. However, last night I had the CRAZIEST craving for a big ass peanut butter and jelly sandwich on cheap white bread with milk....oh goooood. Have to take a mental note and save that for the refeed.

5x5 squats, 1x5 deadlifts, 40 minutes running, 20 minutes cycling. My legs... are jello.

My god running after squats and deads...


I know FitGAF already knows this but this post is for lurkers / newbies:

The more shitty food you eat, the more shitty food you crave. When doing IF and eating clean, I was less bloated and way less hungry than I usually am. After a rough week of working late, eating out, BBQs over the weekend, etc. my brain is yelling at me to eat sweets, carbs, fried food, etc.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I know FitGAF already knows this but this post is for lurkers / newbies:

The more shitty food you eat, the more shitty food you crave. When doing IF and eating clean, I was less bloated and way less hungry than I usually am. After a rough week of working late, eating out, BBQs over the weekend, etc. my brain is yelling at me to eat sweets, carbs, fried food, etc.

Real talk. When I was doing keto just looking at carb heavy junk food made me feel ill. Now my body craves it hard.

5x5 squats, 1x5 deadlifts, 40 minutes running, 20 minutes cycling. My legs... are jello.

Add leg curls for extra torment :D.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The more shitty food you eat, the more shitty food you crave. When doing IF and eating clean, I was less bloated and way less hungry than I usually am. After a rough week of working late, eating out, BBQs over the weekend, etc. my brain is yelling at me to eat sweets, carbs, fried food, etc.

I hate it when I am on business travels, not working out, and constantly eating trash with colleagues. You always need some days to get off this crap again.
I'm so glad I don't have any problems controlling my carb cravings. Enjoy it all too much to give it up, and don't have any problems managing my weight whilst eating delicious carby goodness. ;)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Exactly. Foods high in carbs and fat are extremely addicting.

haha...get back on Keto, brother!

I will, I will. I didn't bulk hard enough before I started so while I got pretty lean I looked pretty skinny. Gonna try to gain an additional 10-20 pounds this bulk and get back on keto in a few months.

The Chef

Speaking of keto my sister had these little strips to test your levels. So I peed on it and it looks like I am just one notch into the keto scale if that makes any sense lol.
So by doing low carb im assuming it does put you into a degree of ketosis. The more hard-core you get with limiting your carbs the more you can expect to be into a more fat burning ketosis state.....right?
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