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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I know FitGAF already knows this but this post is for lurkers / newbies:

The more shitty food you eat, the more shitty food you crave. When doing IF and eating clean, I was less bloated and way less hungry than I usually am. After a rough week of working late, eating out, BBQs over the weekend, etc. my brain is yelling at me to eat sweets, carbs, fried food, etc.

mm. bbq candy.

gotta meal prep tonight

ACE 1991

Man, been really loving making my own shakes for bulking. Here is what I've been drinking for breakfast every morning:

2 servings of 1% milk
2 servings of natural peanut butter
1 scoop of chocolate whey powder
1 serving of uncooked rolled oats

Throw that shit in a blender for 30 seconds and you're good to go. It's delicious, too.
910 cal/61g protein/43g fat/74g carb


Man, been really loving making my own shakes for bulking. Here is what I've been drinking for breakfast every morning:

2 servings of 1% milk
2 servings of natural peanut butter
1 scoop of chocolate whey powder
1 serving of uncooked rolled oats

Throw that shit in a blender for 30 seconds and you're good to go. It's delicious, too.
910 cal/61g protein/43g fat/74g carb

If you're feeling particularly adventurous, throw a banana and a tablespoon of olive oil in there. You'll add 120 calories and 15 grams of good fats from the oil alone.

ACE 1991

That's one hell of a breakfast. :)

I'm ravenous in the mornings. I eater smaller lunches and dinners.

Random question: blending food doesn't have any appreciable effect on nutritional value, right? I'm specifically talking about the oats I've been blending.

Sometimes I throw in a banana :) haven't tried the olive oil, good tip.


Down another pound this morning, 227.2. Feeling terrific. All this low carb and fasting talk making me feel good lol.

I don't remember craving for anything the last several months ever since switching to my low-carb meal plan and I look at food pictures all the time. Something must be wrong with me lol.

I do the same thing, i look of all types of food to see if i have a craving for it, and more importantly, if i can make a low carb version of it. It helps me to not let food take control over me anymore, food does not dictate my life in anyway anymore like it used to.

Question time. I've done Eat Stop Eat for a while now so full day of fasting is nothing new to me. I was just wondering if I should try a 48hr fast for fun this week (Tue evening -> Thur evening). My schedule is such that I could squeeze it in because I can't get to the gym before friday anyway due to some back problems. But the last time I was at a gym was over a week ago due to being on a holiday and having said back problems since friday. My back is almost as good as new but I was just wondering if my absence from training would cause more muscle loss during those 48hr. I know normally training will prevent muscle loss but it's been a while so I thought maybe my body has "forgotten".. Although I would probably be taking EAA/BCAA during this time. Dunno why I'm entertaining this thought but it could be fun to try at least.


I see no reason not to, but i did not bother with anything other then creatine. Training fasted is still something im getting used to, although i have a theory that the stevia i was using in my coffee before working out was lowering my blood pressure, thus keeping my heart rate lower at the gym. I'm going to experiment next week by having some before the gym.

Speaking of keto my sister had these little strips to test your levels. So I peed on it and it looks like I am just one notch into the keto scale if that makes any sense lol.
So by doing low carb im assuming it does put you into a degree of ketosis. The more hard-core you get with limiting your carbs the more you can expect to be into a more fat burning ketosis state.....right?

The strips are worthless, strait up. You can be out of keto and test positive. You can be fully adapted and show negative. Really nothing more then a party favor and waste of funds.

Yes, there are varying levels of keto, and the only way to really know is blood tests. You really need to be under supervision to get into the deep versions to see what your intake levels need to be to hit it. Every body is different.

I know FitGAF already knows this but this post is for lurkers / newbies:

The more shitty food you eat, the more shitty food you crave. When doing IF and eating clean, I was less bloated and way less hungry than I usually am. After a rough week of working late, eating out, BBQs over the weekend, etc. my brain is yelling at me to eat sweets, carbs, fried food, etc.

Cleaner you eat, easier life is. Its all in your hands.


...i have a theory that the stevia i was using in my coffee before working out was lowering my blood pressure, thus keeping my heart rate lower at the gym. I'm going to experiment next week by having some before the gym.
Apparently you aren't the only one. When I was researching the effects of Stevia on blood sugar, this came up several times.
I ended up dropping sweetener from my coffee (all sorts)... now THAT I had trouble with. I'm still not convinced that Stevia is a wonder substance.


I ended up dropping sweetener from my coffee (all sorts)... now THAT I had trouble with. I'm still not convinced that Stevia is a wonder substance.
I'm on the fence about it. Seems too good to be true, but I currently use it in coffee and plain Greek yogurt.

At the same time, to go along with this and my questions about sodium yesterday, I wonder if all of these concerns are just small potatoes that affect very little so long as you've taken care of the bigger picture with a good diet.


Get some good coffee, and make french press or aeropress, something that maintains the natural oils in coffee.

You won't need cream or sugar in the coffee, because it's not the acidic mess that drip (or even worse - Keurig-type) coffee is. Keep it black as midnight on a moonless night.
At the same time, to go along with this and my questions about sodium yesterday, I wonder if all of these concerns are just small potatoes that affect very little so long as you've taken care of the bigger picture with a good diet.

Depends on your needs really. For me I was concerned about it offsetting the affects of IF (sort of pointless fasting if you risk insulin response from sweetener), but that was more about other sweeteners (I've never really been much of a fan of Stevia in coffee).

But yeah, on the whole you're likely down to marginal gains at that point.

Get some good coffee, and make french press or aeropress, something that maintains the natural oils in coffee.

Yeah, I wish I had time to make that sort of stuff in the day but alas I don't. Closest I can come to it is cold brew, but I prefer that with cream (so drinking that in the day is out anyway).


Week 3 with Fat Gripz, highly recommended for anybody with weak foreams. They really are the weakest link on your body, my pull ups are getting better.

I can do 3 plates on dead lift overhand grip for 7-8 reps now(no straps or belt)

Before I was maybe getting one or two before my hands would give out and I would have to switched to a mixed grip for 7-8 reps


French press is easy. It's maybe an additional 4-5 minutes in my morning routine that I take care of between getting ready.

Grind coffee, put the kettle on for boiling water. Walk away, continue getting ready (shower, whatever). Put grinds in press, pour water over grinds, stir. Go continue doing stuff for 3-5 minutes. Come back, press coffee. Done deal.


Been sick with a flare up of my Ulcerative Colitis over the weekend and still today. Didn't go to the gym Monday morning. Felt good to recover but feel bad for missing a day.


Dammit. Trying 1750 cal per day this week and I do not have the headroom for a quest bar unless I want to give up a good portion of dinner. So sad...

The mint chocolate bars really are just too good. Damn you quest. Damn you.


French press is easy. It's maybe an additional 4-5 minutes in my morning routine that I take care of between getting ready.

Grind coffee, put the kettle on for boiling water. Walk away, continue getting ready (shower, whatever). Put grinds in press, pour water over grinds, stir. Go continue doing stuff for 3-5 minutes. Come back, press coffee. Done deal.

The current lack of caffeine in my system made me think the French press was a fancy smancy version of a bench press.


I ended up dropping sweetener from my coffee (all sorts)... now THAT I had trouble with. I'm still not convinced that Stevia is a wonder substance.


The Chef

The strips are worthless, strait up. You can be out of keto and test positive. You can be fully adapted and show negative. Really nothing more then a party favor and waste of funds.

Yes, there are varying levels of keto, and the only way to really know is blood tests. You really need to be under supervision to get into the deep versions to see what your intake levels need to be to hit it. Every body is different.

Good to know, thanks Bish.

Dammit. Trying 1750 cal per day this week and I do not have the headroom for a quest bar unless I want to give up a good portion of dinner. So sad...

The mint chocolate bars really are just too good. Damn you quest. Damn you.

I went down from 3500kcal to 2000kcal now to 1800. Talk about not being able to eat 75% of what I used to. The things I miss the most are peanut butter and oats ;_;

Side note: Got a sample pack of Pre-Workout in my Optimum Gold Whey. Tried it out. Why do these always have to be this nasty fruit punch flavor? I can never really tell if its actually doing anything since I usually am pretty high energy at the gym anyway. My face did tingle a bit though.


Week 3 with Fat Gripz, highly recommended for anybody with weak foreams. They really are the weakest link on your body, my pull ups are getting better.

I can do 3 plates on dead lift overhand grip for 7-8 reps now(no straps or belt)

Before I was maybe getting one or two before my hands would give out and I would have to switched to a mixed grip for 7-8 reps

Thanks, man...I've been meaning to take a look. Where'd you get them from, I'll grab a set?


For this time of year Cold Brewed coffee is da bomb. I use this one.

Hit 275 x 3 on Back Squat today.
In hindsight jumping up 40lbs from my previous 3rep max was batshit crazy and by hindsight I mean at the bottom of the first rep. Just light weight tho.

My front squat still sucks because of wrist strain, need to figure something out about that.

The current lack of caffeine in my system made me think the French press was a fancy smancy version of a bench press.

French Press is another name for seated overhead tricep extension.
Plus and minus points of hypermobility. No problems doing pretty much any exercise which a lot of people struggle with mobility for...

...but I dislocate joints all the time, including my wrists. Also massively prone to joint injuries. Yay!

Possibly related, my OHP was shit today. I think I've got a niggle of some sort in my left shoulder. Not massively painful, but seems much weaker than the other one at the mo.


Possibly related, my OHP was shit today. I think I've got a niggle of some sort in my left shoulder. Not massively painful, but seems much weaker than the other one at the mo.

I'm actually in the middle of a deload for OHP to refine my form (Brolic's videos made me realize mine wasn't as perfect as I thought).

So far, I'll do 5 reps of a certain weight one session, 8 of the same the following. Increase weight by 5 lbs the next session, doing 5 reps, then do 8...etc. It's going really well and I can feel it / see it working more.


Week 1: Session 1: 125 lbs 3X5
Week 1: Session 2: 125 lbs 3X8
Week 2: Session 1: 130 lbs 3X5
Week 2: Session 2: 130 lbs 3X8
Week 3: Session 1: 135 lbs 3X5
Week 3: Session 2: 135 lbs 3X8
On the subject of weight modifications, I've changed to ~2.5lbs increases (1.25kg) as I've realised that for me the increases have been too big and I'm struggling to progress.


I had to deload my OHP on my 6th 5/3/1 cycle...couldn't hit any of the prescribed reps on my 5th cycle (got 3 reps on 5s week, 1 on 3s week, none on 1s week). Feels bad man :( At least I've been going strong with Bench/Squat/Deadlift though.


I had to deload my OHP on my 6th 5/3/1 cycle...couldn't hit any of the prescribed reps on my 5th cycle (got 3 reps on 5s week, 1 on 3s week, none on 1s week). Feels bad man :( At least I've been going strong with Bench/Squat/Deadlift though.

Feels bad, until you compare your 6th 5/3/1 cycle to where you 1st started. What was THAT growth like?


What is it about OHP? I can't progress as quickly on that as I have on any other lift. Seems this is a recurring thing with a lot of folks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
What is it about OHP? I can't progress as quickly on that as I have on any other lift. Seems this is a recurring thing with a lot of folks.
Think about the position it puts you in. You are standing up pushing something over your head using mainly your shoulders and tris while trusting your core and all other muscles involved to keep you straight and tight. It's a brutal lift. It's not like bench press where you have the support of the bench to push against. Squats and DLs benefit from recruiting every muscle in your body basically but mainly using the largest ones. Patience my friend.


I went down from 3500kcal to 2000kcal now to 1800. Talk about not being able to eat 75% of what I used to. The things I miss the most are peanut butter and oats ;_;
Damn. Whenever I think I've cut enough, someone is cutting way more calories. My maintenance with little activity is 2000. Currently eating 1750 and working off a minimum of 600 calories 6 days a week.


Yeah, I'm not too worried about my slow progress in it. I'm not trying to win any races. Was just a curiosity of mine, since I've seen a lot of people in the same boat.


What is it about OHP? I can't progress as quickly on that as I have on any other lift. Seems this is a recurring thing with a lot of folks.

In addition to what Cooter said, you need to work for every single pound increase in the OHP, you can't just gain weight and it'll magically go up like for the bench press.

Doesn't exactly answer your question now that I think about it lol.

Bro thats a blessing. At 25g of carbs per day I feel pretty great. Dont really feel like I am lacking in much. However, last night I had the CRAZIEST craving for a big ass peanut butter and jelly sandwich on cheap white bread with milk....oh goooood. Have to take a mental note and save that for the refeed.
I think I'm just lucky that I've been eating home-cooked meals throughout my whole life. We rarely go out to eat and ever since I was in high school, there weren't any junk food in the house except for the occasional cake or pie from birthdays or our tenant.

I do the same thing, i look of all types of food to see if i have a craving for it, and more importantly, if i can make a low carb version of it. It helps me to not let food take control over me anymore, food does not dictate my life in anyway anymore like it used to.
Being able to make a low-carb version is so good. Have you found any recipes recently (besides the chocolate mousse) that you would try?
Damn. Whenever I think I've cut enough, someone is cutting way more calories. My maintenance with little activity is 2000. Currently eating 1750 and working off a minimum of 600 calories 6 days a week.

Roughly how much weight a week are you losing on that?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
See, i love hearing this. I loved the tone of GotG more than any Marvel movie to date and I've heard this has a similar comedy to action ratio. Kids loved it?
Oh yeah. My 12yo down to my 5yo. We sound like we have similar taste so I'm sure you'll really like it!
Damn. Whenever I think I've cut enough, someone is cutting way more calories. My maintenance with little activity is 2000. Currently eating 1750 and working off a minimum of 600 calories 6 days a week.

I'm actually doing 1000-1200 calories on rest days. 3 weeks in and there are no negative effects. Eating at maintenence (sometimes a tad more) on workout days, and somewhere in between when I visit my mom on weekends.

On weeks that my friends ask me to go for all you can eat food, it definitely minimizes the damage. Trying to refuse that crap as much as possible.


I'm actually doing 1000-1200 calories on rest days. 3 weeks in and there are no negative effects. Eating at maintenence (sometimes a tad more) on workout days, and somewhere in between when I visit my mom on weekends.

On weeks that my friends ask me to go for all you can eat food, it definitely minimizes the damage. Trying to refuse that crap as much as possible.

Yeah I would go crazy that low. Would rather eat more and have to work it off, which I know makes little sense.


Yeah I would go crazy that low. Would rather easy more and have to work it off, which I know makes little sense.

Doesn't make little sense if you actually enjoy the process of working out. I'm not the biggest fan of cardio, but there are times when I enjoy just getting a good sweat in. And it doesn't mean having to starve myself either lol.
finally hitting (relatively) big numbers after about 6 months of taking the SS program seriously.

back squats 3x5 @ 325lbs
DLs 1x5 @ 320lbs
BP 3x5 @ 140lbs
OHP 3x5 @ 115lbs

idk why i suck so bad at benching, it's pretty disappointing :(

i recently started learning how to C&J as well which should be fun once i get the form down...


Today felt kinda like a break through at the gym. I felt like my old self, strong and plenty of energy. I may be adapting now.

Hit 3x130, 3x145, 3x165 on overhead press easy. Felt like I had a ton more in the tank, went even further past the last belt hole too. My goodness what a great day.

Being able to make a low-carb version is so good. Have you found any recipes recently (besides the chocolate mousse) that you would try?

Uh my recipes bookmarks folder is insane lol. It's quite extensive.
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