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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Check out this delicious dinner.

14oz chicken breast
350g yams
1 cup of couscous
250g asparagus
100g BBQ sauce

1250 calories, 90p and who cares grams of carbs and fats.

EDIT: I forgot the most important part of the post. God bless IF!

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
100g BBQ sauce lol shit is drowning in it.

Quick question: Joined a boxing gym again. Doing weights M/W/F and boxing workouts in the afternoon T/Th/Sat. I also need to do roadwork again since I lost a lot of my conditioning. I was thinking about starting out light and doing 3 miles on my boxing days in the morning. In order to maintain my diet and not go into too much of a deficit I was thinking about having a protein bar on these days. Would this be enough?

The protein bar I will be eating is Premier Protein
Total Fat: 8g - Protein: 30g - Carb: 25g
Calories 290


I don't drink a drop of water at the gym, stopped a year or so ago and will never do that again. Makes me feel bloated and slows me down.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
100g BBQ sauce lol shit is drowning in it.

Quick question: Joined a boxing gym again. Doing weights M/W/F and boxing workouts in the afternoon T/Th/Sat. I also need to do roadwork again since I lost a lot of my conditioning. I was thinking about starting out light and doing 3 miles on my boxing days in the morning. In order to maintain my diet and not go into too much of a deficit I was thinking about having a protein bar on these days. Would this be enough?

The protein bar I will be eating is Premier Protein
Total Fat: 8g - Protein: 30g - Carb: 25g
Calories 290
Haha. I meant 68gs but its 100 calories. Mixed up the two. Nice catch


Ok, i think i've decided on my set schedule for this year. 5-6 weeks strait cutting, strict as possible. Then take 5-7 days off, eat low carb but at maintenance or a bit more levels (about 3k a day or so), then do a 72 hour fast, then go right back to strict SKD for 5-6 weeks, rinse/repeat.

Goal: Shredded. Once that happens, i will start the mini bulks (2-3 weeks @ 1-2lbs a week), then immediately cut back down to shredded, rinse/repeat. And hit the gym hard.
Skip legs



Dont let it bring you down. Once you get over the initial faze of adjustment its kinda apiece of cake. How many carbs are you trying to stay under per day?
I was gonna answer until...
Bro thats a blessing. At 25g of carbs per day I feel pretty great. Dont really feel like I am lacking in much. However, last night I had the CRAZIEST craving for a big ass peanut butter and jelly sandwich on cheap white bread with milk....oh goooood. Have to take a mental note and save that for the refeed.

My god running after squats and deads...
If 25g is a good idea, it puts my number to shame.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ok, i think i've decided on my set schedule for this year. 5-6 weeks strait cutting, strict as possible. Then take 5-7 days off, eat low carb but at maintenance or a bit more levels (about 3k a day or so), then do a 72 hour fast, then go right back to strict SKD for 5-6 weeks, rinse/repeat.

Goal: Shredded. Once that happens, i will start the mini bulks (2-3 weeks @ 1-2lbs a week), then immediately cut back down to shredded, rinse/repeat. And hit the gym hard.

Mad respect Bish.

Realistic expectations-check
Goal achieved-soon to be check


Persecution Complex
I switched back to my old workout regiment of back/arm day, leg day and chest/shoulder day about two weeks ago. I did the full body bench press, squats (+one more leg exercise) and two back exercises but I just wasn't liking the results. I did include deadlifts in that workout but I felt I was spending to much time off taking a day rest between each day I was at the gym.

That and I felt like I wasn't focusing on my legs enough. At this stage in my development I think I should have at least one a week minimum (preferably two) focusing only on my legs. And with this current regiment I'm at the gym 5 days a week as opposed to 4.

In about a month or two I think I should be ready for the full body workout routine of squats, deadlifts and bench press.


This got me confused:


So it would be better do Squat/Bench/Deadlift every time I go to the gym IF its only 3 times a week and if I get enough rest?
(and with lower percentages of course)

Well those are two polar opposites. One is high frequency and the other is low frequency. We know that once a week brosplits are not optimal for natural trainees so it's not surprising they found full body 3x week better. Though there are options in between also, like upper/lower split which is perhaps the best if you are not a beginner anymore.


Ok, i think i've decided on my set schedule for this year. 5-6 weeks strait cutting, strict as possible. Then take 5-7 days off, eat low carb but at maintenance or a bit more levels (about 3k a day or so), then do a 72 hour fast, then go right back to strict SKD for 5-6 weeks, rinse/repeat.

Goal: Shredded. Once that happens, i will start the mini bulks (2-3 weeks @ 1-2lbs a week), then immediately cut back down to shredded, rinse/repeat. And hit the gym hard.

You're incredibly focused dude. It really is motivating. I wish you wouldn't do the 72 hour fasts, but you're getting results and being careful so keep doing your thing.

Do you have a tangible result for shredded? A certain weight? % BF?


I switched back to my old workout regiment of back/arm day, leg day and chest/shoulder day about two weeks ago. I did the full body bench press, squats (+one more leg exercise) and two back exercises but I just wasn't liking the results. I did include deadlifts in that workout but I felt I was spending to much time off taking a day rest between each day I was at the gym.

That and I felt like I wasn't focusing on my legs enough. At this stage in my development I think I should have at least one a week minimum (preferably two) focusing only on my legs. And with this current regiment I'm at the gym 5 days a week as opposed to 4.

In about a month or two I think I should be ready for the full body workout routine of squats, deadlifts and bench press.

Hey man, your post is sort of confusing...what exercises are you doing on what days?
Just finished packing my resistance bands and some other bits ready for going away for a week. First time I've ever done it... though it means I'll be a bit short of outfits!



The past 5 or so days I've not been able to sleep more then 5 hours a night. It's really bothering me. Up .8lbs, usually fluctuations.

Mad respect Bish.

Realistic expectations-check
Goal achieved-soon to be check

You forgot the most important one!

Join team lean and mean-soonish lol.

But thanks. I have a goal and I'm going to hit it.

You're incredibly focused dude. It really is motivating. I wish you wouldn't do the 72 hour fasts, but you're getting results and being careful so keep doing your thing.

Do you have a tangible result for shredded? A certain weight? % BF?

I honestly will go by looks, although if I had to throw a number out, I'd like to get to 9% and stay there till life is over. Weight wise, once i get to the 20x range, that will be goal 1 right now. Then the 19x range. I should be incredibly lean by then. But I don't want to tie it all to a number, it's how I look that is what I'm concerned about.
Check out this delicious dinner.

14oz chicken breast
350g yams
1 cup of couscous
250g asparagus
100g BBQ sauce

1250 calories, 90p and who cares grams of carbs and fats.

EDIT: I forgot the most important part of the post. God bless IF!

Where does couscous fall in terms of macros, calories, general healthiness and all that? I enjoy it, but I'm on a fat loss diet right now and I don't really know if I can have it.



Where does couscous fall in terms of macros, calories, general healthiness and all that? I enjoy it, but I'm on a fat loss diet right now and I don't really know if I can have it.


Couscous is high calories. Think of it like pasta or rice.
Couscous, chicken and crannberries.....so good.


Bish, what's your estimated BF% now? Just curious.

If i had to guess, it would be 20%. Its hard to calculate because my shoulders, arms, calves, etc are lean, but most of the fat is concentrated on my thighs and stomach. There is also loose skin which makes it look much worse then it should.


Couscous is high calories. Think of it like pasta or rice.
Couscous, chicken and crannberries.....so good.
But it contains almost no fat. How is it high in calories being mostly carbohydrates? 1 cup cooked is 175 calories.

Edit: Maybe you are comparing to greens/veggies?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You forgot the most important one!

Join team lean and mean-soonish lol.

But thanks. I have a goal and I'm going to hit
That is a given and goes hand-in-hand with goal achieved!

Where does couscous fall in terms of macros, calories, general healthiness and all that? I enjoy it, but I'm on a fat loss diet right now and I don't really know if I can have it.

They've covered pretty much everything but I will add it's not something I would waste calories or carbs on if I was trying to drop weight although it's entirely possible to eat a small amount on a cut. One cup is around 175 calories with 40gs of carbs and 8gs of protein. Nothing terrible and which will set you back.

I start adding in reasonable carbs once I hit my goal bf% and yams and couscous fall into that catagory.


I've mentioned getting DEXA scans done from a local company (BodySpec). They're looking to expand their services, so I volunteered to try their VO2 max test setup.


I was curious how I'd do, since I perform very minimal endurance training. I got a 34.6, which apparently isn't too bad for a female my age, though it could almost certainly be raised. The staff member was most impressed by my resting heart rate, which was usually low 60s, with an occasional dip into the 50s.

Anyone else do any sorts of performance measurements? I think having the data is fun, and it's gratifying to see improvements over time in multiple forms.
Anyone else do any sorts of performance measurements? I think having the data is fun, and it's gratifying to see improvements over time in multiple forms.

Pretty regular FTP tests (cycling)... and yeah, it's good to see the numbers going up. Endurance seems to be much harder to quantify than weights.

Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is becoming widely used in the cycling world as an increasing number of cyclists are using power to guide and monitor their training and their performance-related capacities. When correctly measured FTP is an intensity that is similar to a blood lactate threshold, which in turn has been found to be highly predictive of performance in a range of endurance events and distances (Faude et al., 2009).

On the subject of macros, mine would be roughly 120g protein, 160g carbs and 60g fat. On a workout day anyway.
Divorce her.

Girlfriends always make me fat. "Uuuh, can you get a big pint of Ben & Jerry's when you come home?" - *eats three spoons of ice cream* - "That's enough, the rest is for you."
you just gotta be proactive.

" I'm craving a tub of Ben & Jerry's. What flavour should we get?"

GF: "Get what ever you want, I'm not in the mood for ice cream."

* eat three spoonfuls*

GF: "that looks good. Can I try some?"

*hands girlfriend tub of ice cream. never gets it back.*
They've covered pretty much everything but I will add it's not something I would waste calories or carbs on if I was trying to drop weight although it's entirely possible to eat a small amount on a cut. One cup is around 175 calories with 40gs of carbs and 8gs of protein. Nothing terrible and which will set you back.

I start adding in reasonable carbs once I hit my goal bf% and yams and couscous fall into that catagory.

Cool, thanks, I'm at 18% trying to cut down to 12 or lower via IF/Leangains and Stronglifts5x5. Going to steer clear for the time being.

The Chef

I was gonna answer until...

If 25g is a good idea, it puts my number to shame.

Haha, no dude its not so bad. Honestly I feel like 25g is the ABSOLUTE minimum I could do. Keeping it at that range is pretty simple every day with veggies and a tiny bit in my protein shakes. If I had to go below that I dont know how the hell I'd do it.

I remember feeling this same way as you with carbs when I was aiming for huge amount of protein which meant I could only have like 60g of fat. That SUCKED. I felt like I was screwed no matter what I ate.

I'll take her off your hands buddy. For the good of your gainz.

Divorce her.

Thankfully last night I have passed the test. I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain with my gainz.


Pretty regular FTP tests (cycling)... and yeah, it's good to see the numbers going up. Endurance seems to be much harder to quantify than weights.

Very cool. Yeah, one thing that I really enjoy about strength training is how measurable it is. I think having a metric for the endurance side, like VO2 max or whatnot, could help me plan better workouts and stick with them. Otherwise, I have a hard time knowing if I'm really getting any long-term results from the exercises.


Anyone eat Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (brown)? It tastes good, but seems too good to be true...

I see it has some oils, but not much. A little high in sodium.

Calories per cup 220
Sodium 560mg
Carbs 38
Fat 3
Protein 5


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Anyone eat Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (brown)? It tastes good, but seems too good to be true...

I see it has some oils, but not much. A little high in sodium.

Calories per cup 220
Sodium 560mg
Carbs 38
Fat 3
Protein 5
That's inline with what I expected. What seems too good to be true?


Check out this delicious dinner.

14oz chicken breast
350g yams
1 cup of couscous
250g asparagus
100g BBQ sauce

1250 calories, 90p and who cares grams of carbs and fats.

EDIT: I forgot the most important part of the post. God bless IF!

BBQ is ok to eat on non cheat days?!
Ok, i think i've decided on my set schedule for this year. 5-6 weeks strait cutting, strict as possible. Then take 5-7 days off, eat low carb but at maintenance or a bit more levels (about 3k a day or so), then do a 72 hour fast, then go right back to strict SKD for 5-6 weeks, rinse/repeat.

Goal: Shredded. Once that happens, i will start the mini bulks (2-3 weeks @ 1-2lbs a week), then immediately cut back down to shredded, rinse/repeat. And hit the gym hard.

This is going to lead to massive vascularity. Can't wait

I don't drink a drop of water at the gym, stopped a year or so ago and will never do that again. Makes me feel bloated and slows me down.

I don't either. If your hydrating yourself enough through the day its completely pointless.
GYM PET PEEVE - Dudes walking around at the gym with their gallon of water jug.

BBQ is ok to eat on non cheat days?!

Absolutely. Especially if you make your own sauce. Mustard / Worcestershire / Apple / Whiskey / Vinegar - will set you free


Anyone eat Uncle Ben's Ready Rice (brown)? It tastes good, but seems too good to be true...

I see it has some oils, but not much. A little high in sodium.

Calories per cup 220
Sodium 560mg
Carbs 38
Fat 3
Protein 5

Sounds about right. Every once in a while I'll have some of that. I wouldn't worry about the sodium either lol you're fine man. You drink a lot of water.


Also amazing DL Coot, I try to watch myself so I don't spend too much time resting but I try to keep my rests between 3-5min if I'm going heavy.

The Chef

BBQ is ok to eat on non cheat days?!

I usually make my own BBQ sauce and pretty much every recipe includes a boat load of brown sugar...so no I cant touch it.

Currently drinking 1.5 gallons a day. I can't handle 2+. That's just crazy.

There is just so much hoopla on this.
Just do what I do and drink some water when your thirsty.

You don't need to bring it that low if you see results with a higher amount. 200g per day is a good start for moderate carbs

Where I do agree that its not always necessary to go very low, I do think its very important to know what someones goals/current size are before recommending a default # of carbs to take.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sounds about right. Every once in a while I'll have some of that. I wouldn't worry about the sodium either lol you're fine man. You drink a lot of water.


Also amazing DL Coot, I try to watch myself so I don't spend too much time resting but I try to keep my rests between 3-5min if I'm going heavy.
Thanks man. I watch the clock to make sure but if someone comes over and starts talking to me I don't sweat it much. I really don't care about rest times when I'm lifting near 90% of my 1RM for reps.
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