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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Nelo Ice

Same here, been replacing a lot of T-shirts with tanks, and even bought some designed tanks ( got a sweet batman one). Will start looking for some other cool ones the more swole I get.

Awesome, rocking a tank while swole is one of the greatest feelings. I'm probably gonna pick up some Broscience tanks whenever they're on sale again.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Another pretty good workout, though I missed my OHP targets.

2x5x215, 1x6x215 squats (last rep paused: this one felt goood, got stuck here on my last reset. Did these on a step-up, because I do low-bar and squat racks suck.

1x4x60s, 1x3x60s, 1x4x60s DB OHP. Need to build the rhythm better to capture the full rebound and break through this milestone. This is close to PR territory.

1x5x275 deadlifts. PR and I took a video. It turned out upside-down though. Every attempt from here on out will be the most I've tried to lift off the ground.

Body weight 181 lbs. Feeling pretty good.


I wear tanks 99.9% of the time. Which reminds me, i need to try out the size medium i got from old navy. Still rockin the large which is getting kinda loose.


Your diet sounds quite much same as mine, but I eat also quark and berries. :D Can you be more specific about the amount of protein and what all the things were on the list. :p I am really curious since you have had awesome results.

I can send you the list through PM this weekend if you want! It's a pretty basic low carb and low fat diet though. I actually changed mine a bit because they had fruit and bread servings on there and they weren't doing me any favours, so I took those away and added an extra protein and extra veggie serving :) But basically I have three servings of protein (ends up around 75-80g a day, chicken, white fish or shrimp, protein powders or Quest bars normally), and three servings (230g a serving) of veggies. There are some multi vitamins and potassium pills thrown in there as well. I also have some coffee, milk, Splenda, some condiments like soy sauce, and sometimes shirataki noodles in stir fries. I got a new blender so I've been having protein smoothies as well. It's decently low calorie and obviously not sustainable forever, but once I go on maintenance, I'll probably just add another protein (and PEANUT BUTTER lawd Jesus I miss peanut butter right now) and another veggie in there for 1000 or so calories a day (I gain at 1200, so... I know that's supposed to be the fewest you should eat but it just doesn't work for me) and be good. I'm rarely hungry because I eat so many veggies. :D

Then I will maintain on 1000 or so, try not to slip back into bad habits by having a cheat day every week or so, and hopefully keep it off this time! That first-office-job-weight-gain... I had kept off what I lost last time for almost two years but the office job got me lol.

Also, I have discovered the joys of Quest bars. Thank you for being delicious and getting my calories up, Quest bars. Omnomnom.

143.6 now... I've had to readjust my goal though. 13 more pounds now. ...My sister is losing weight too and said she was going to 130, so... <_< Obviously I have to as well. Lol.


I mention this because a PT at the gym told me at my last weigh in (at 58kg) that I need to way "way more". I'm skeptical of the advice personally, and she never gave me a particular caloric goal (and didn't ask how much I eat), but seems convinced (and has convinced the wife) that I should eat a ton more.

What do you think, FitnessGAF? I think simply eating a better balanced diet will be more effective than inhaling entire chickens (which yes, was suggested to me). I've been trying to up my protein to at least 30-40%, which I've struggled with, but am making inroads on that.

I've never really had trouble maintaining my weight when not tracking it, but the pudginess was bugging me.

Seeing a picture might help, but your stats are almost identical to mine, except you're a guy, no? I have decent lean mass for a female, but I think I'd be a pretty scrawny guy and would be looking to add lean mass. Actually, I want to add muscle mass to my body anyway. :p. The fact that your weight is fairly low, but you still feel pudgy, suggests that gaining muscle probably isn't a bad idea.

What has your body done since tracking with MFP? Any changes in body weight or strength?
Seeing a picture might help, but your stats are almost identical to mine, except you're a guy, no? I have decent lean mass for a female, but I think I'd be a pretty scrawny guy and would be looking to add lean mass. Actually, I want to add muscle mass to my body anyway. :p. The fact that your weight is fairly low, but you still feel pudgy, suggests that gaining muscle probably isn't a bad idea.

What has your body done since tracking with MFP? Any changes in body weight or strength?
Not ready for pictures, heh. Yes I'm a guy, my family is all very short and mostly very slim.

When I say pudgy it's mostly a small potbelly deal which is on its way out now I've begun to put in some effort. I guess the way I'm trending is more toward a Bruce Lee style wiriness as opposed to a skinny mesomorph with big muscles. I've never particularly wanted to be big/muscly but now I've seen a little gain in build I suppose a little more couldn't hurt.

Just trying to figure out what a reasonable caloric intake would be for a guy my size trying to maintain his weight, a perhaps build a little muscle while still staying slim. If I had to guess I'd say I have around 15% body fat, but not a lot of muscle with it.

The MFP tracking I don't think has done much - perhaps lost a little weight (which is either due to the tracking or due to exercise). The point for me of tracking initially was to reduce my salt, fat, sugar intakes and try to increase nutrients, as opposed to any weight loss/gain regimen.

That or I'm being naive and should perhaps expect an increase in weight, and higher food intake along with it. Being in any way fit (and I don't pretend I'm fit) is pretty new to me, as being thin has always come easy and required no effort on my part. It's just being healthy and having strength that's the new part.


I swear talking to these armenian chicks is going to give me a heart attack. I think i'll just avoid them all and stay single till i die and enjoy my 9% body fat goal once its achieved.

Just woke up. It's been 37 hr since I last ate and I'm not even hungry in the slightest. Easy peasy :)



Is hundredpushups.com any good? I'm a pretty scrawny guy (177cm, 65kg) and didn't really care about doing any kind of exercises for basically my entire life, but a few weeks ago I found the website and though "why not" since it's a really small time investment for supposedly pretty good results. I'm currently in week 3 and so far I always managed to hit the target amount of repetitions (column 3), but looking ahead the differences after each day seem to get pretty huge o_O


I will, thanks!

Would tucking the elbows more during bench presses help if this is the issue?

Sure, a non-exaggerated elbow tuck is good (don't overdo it or his bench will suffer) and if his elbow flare is extremely noticeable it might be a good cue for him.

You mentioned DB press though, where elbow flare is probably less of an issue than a). Too much weight, b) going too far past parallel or c) improper handling of the weight (i.e. lifting them up and putting them down)


I swear talking to these armenian chicks is going to give me a heart attack. I think i'll just avoid them all and stay single till i die and enjoy my 9% body fat goal once its achieved.

Lol I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

Is hundredpushups.com any good? I'm a pretty scrawny guy (177cm, 65kg) and didn't really care about doing any kind of exercises for basically my entire life, but a few weeks ago I found the website and though "why not" since it's a really small time investment for supposedly pretty good results. I'm currently in week 3 and so far I always managed to hit the target amount of repetitions (column 3), but looking ahead the differences after each day seem to get pretty huge o_O

When you say "any good', what is your goal? If your sole goal is to say you can do 100 pushups, yes it's pretty good. It's not going to turn you into cooter or bruceleeroy overnight though. It doesn't take the place of a planned and varied gym regimen.

Dance is certainly a passion and its a blast. Plus I love all the perks of the beautiful women that surround me in it.

That's great! Keep it up! You interested in also doing some lifting or aread you content with the workout you get from dance?


When you say "any good', what is your goal? If your sole goal is to say you can do 100 pushups, yes it's pretty good. It's not going to turn you into cooter or bruceleeroy overnight though. It doesn't take the place of a planned and varied gym regimen.

Nah for now my goal is really just those 100 pushups. Thanks :D
Sure, a non-exaggerated elbow tuck is good (don't overdo it or his bench will suffer) and if his elbow flare is extremely noticeable it might be a good cue for him.

You mentioned DB press though, where elbow flare is probably less of an issue than a). Too much weight, b) going too far past parallel or c) improper handling of the weight (i.e. lifting them up and putting them down)

I don't think a) is an issue.

What is the proper way for b) and c)? Thanks!


I don't think a) is an issue.

What is the proper way for b) and c)? Thanks!

Well for b, going too far below parallel puts undue stress on the joint and tendons that connect the chest to the shoulder.

For c, if he's trying to go heavy and picking up the weight himself from a laying down position that's a recipe for an injury. Have a friend (you) hand him the weight or tell him to start with the weight in front of him or on the bench. Also, if you're at a planet fitness this won't fly, but dropping them will put you at less risk for injury than gently placing them down while laying down.
Well for b, going too far below parallel puts undue stress on the joint and tendons that connect the chest to the shoulder.

For c, if he's trying to go heavy and picking up the weight himself from a laying down position that's a recipe for an injury. Have a friend (you) hand him the weight or tell him to start with the weight in front of him or on the bench. Also, if you're at a planet fitness this won't fly, but dropping them will put you at less risk for injury than gently placing them down while laying down.

Thanks! We tend to go quite a bit below parallel, he more so than me I think, so that may indeed be the issue.

I have been thinking about the best way to get the weights up. What I usually do is that I place the weights on my lap, while sitting down at the front of the bench. Then I push back and land on my back with with the weights on my chest. After the set, I usually do the opposite. That feels better on my shoulders than dropping them. But I guess I might put my back at slight risk, because it's like a weighted situp, which I usually avoid for the sake of my back.


Thanks! We tend to go quite a bit below parallel, he more so than me I think, so that may indeed be the issue.

I have been thinking about the best way to get the weights up. What I usually do is that I place the weights on my lap, while sitting down at the front of the bench. Then I push back and land on my back with with the weights on my chest. After the set, I usually do the opposite. That feels better on my shoulders than dropping them. But I guess I might put my back attached slight risk, because it's like a weighted situp, which I usually avoid for the sake of my back.

I do the same, but I very rarely go super heavy on DB bench any more. If you're doing a weight where you can do 5-8 reps, that's an okay method to use for sure.

The Chef

Holy crap guys. Thanks so much for telling me to keep up with the diet. I have been adding abs and HIIT since last Sunday along with an adjusted caloric intake of 1800kcals with 25g of carbs per day. Weighed myself expecting to be at around 185 but was floored to see 181lbs...! Craaaap. Its like after the first 2 weeks my body was adjusting to the new diet but now its like full blown fat burning mode it seems.


Thanks! We tend to go quite a bit below parallel, he more so than me I think, so that may indeed be the issue.

No problem at all. When you go too far below parallel, the pressure comes off your pecs and onto the joints and tendons connecting your clavicle bone which is much smaller and weaker.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Holy crap guys. Thanks so much for telling me to keep up with the diet. I have been adding abs and HIIT since last Sunday along with an adjusted caloric intake of 1800kcals with 25g of carbs per day. Weighed myself expecting to be at around 185 but was floored to see 181lbs...! Craaaap. Its like after the first 2 weeks my body was adjusting to the new diet but now its like full blown fat burning mode it seems.
Yeah buddy! Sometimes all it takes is a couple hundred calorie reduction.

No problem at all. When you go too far below parallel, the pressure comes off your pecs and onto the joints and tendons connecting your clavicle bone which is much smaller and weaker.
I go super deep and have been for many years now. Usually touch the DBs to the inside of my pecs. I'll probably have to dial it back as I age.
Yeah buddy! Sometimes all it takes is a couple hundred calorie reduction.

I go super deep and have been for many years now. Usually touch the DBs to the inside of my pecs. I'll probably have to dial it back as I age.

How long are your arms? A lot of the parallel rule has to do with arm length. If you have really long arms you have to go much deeper than someone with shorter arms in order to hit your peck or do a full dip, ect.


I hear people say all the time that arnold always went past parallel but even at 19 Arnolds chest was so big and his arms short enough that along with his arch he was at parallel when he hit his chest.

The Chef

Yeah buddy! Sometimes all it takes is a couple hundred calorie reduction.

Yeah bro thanks to your suggestion! I started an Evernote to track all these details so next year when I start my cut I'll be able to know exactly what to do. So satisfying to get your macros properly dialed in.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How long are your arms? A lot of the parallel rule has to do with arm length. If you have really long arms you have to go much deeper than someone with shorter arms in order to hit your peck or do a full dip, ect.
Just average. I'm fairly limber and have never experienced any pain or even slight discomfort.

I don't do flat bench DB press anymore however. I stick to BB flat and DB incline.
Just average. I'm fairly limber and have never experienced any pain or even slight discomfort.

I never did either till just this year. Now I know its from going past parallel because the second I start doing it again over the course of several weeks my shoulder starts giving me signals. I have a 6ft 5in wingspan though so I have to go pretty deep on my joint to hit my chest. Its a huge bummer for sure but if you have no weakness with it go to town I say.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I never did either till just this year. Now I know its from going past parallel because the second I start doing it again over the course of several weeks my shoulder starts giving me signals. I have a 6ft 5in wingspan though so I have to go pretty deep on my joint to hit parallel. Its a huge bummer for sure but if you have no weakness with it go to town I say.
That's my mindset as well. I'll deal with issues as they arise. Thanks for the input Bruce.


That's great! Keep it up! You interested in also doing some lifting or aread you content with the workout you get from dance?

I have been steady at the gym since the end of February. The changes are so real and I get compliments just about everyday as to how much my hard work has been paying off. I still got a ways to go before I have the "beach body" but I am probably about 60% there from where I was before.


I go super deep and have been for many years now. Usually touch the DBs to the inside of my pecs. I'll probably have to dial it back as I age.

You're a pro though! Since the friend in question isn't and he's experiencing shoulder pain from DB bench, it almost HAS to be that he's going too deep. I go below parallel if I'm using 50s and doing pause press sets of 10, but if I'm doing 3X5 @ 90s I'm going parallel for days
You're a pro though! Since the friend in question isn't and he's experiencing shoulder pain from DB bench, it almost HAS to be that he's going too deep. I go below parallel if I'm using 50s and doing pause press sets of 10, but if I'm doing 3X5 @ 90s I'm going parallel for days

Yeah good rule of thumb.

That's my mindset as well. I'll deal with issues as they arise. Thanks for the input Bruce.

Yeah I am totally with you on that. My favorite thing to go really deep on was flys. Man I miss that stretch.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're a pro though! Since the friend in question isn't and he's experiencing shoulder pain from DB bench, it almost HAS to be that he's going too deep. I go below parallel if I'm using 50s and doing pause press sets of 10, but if I'm doing 3X5 @ 90s I'm going parallel for days
Hey wait a minute! I haven't ever seen a check from lifting. My wife must be pocketing them! Or maybe I'm not registered. Where do I go to become a professional lifter?! ;)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Noooo, my workout buddy got a surgery and is gonna be out of commission for a few weeks. Gonna have to fly solo for a bit T_T.


No, you WILL be shredded so it will look funny.

Hah! We'll see. Gotta get to 200 first ;)

Been bouncing up and down while my diet is on point. Dunno if this heat is having an effect on my water weight.

It also sucks I haven't worked out since Saturday. Kinda nervous to see the ortho tomorrow but it's about time I did something about my shoulder.


Up .2lbs from the stress and lack of sleep lately. Thankfully as of now, things are back to normal. Today is bench 3s week and done lifting for the week.
You'd probably love incline cable flys with the cables all the way at the bottom. So much tension...so much stretch! mmmmmmmmmm!

My favorite circuit ever on the cable machine is taking an adjustable bench and doing this:

1. Bent over cable fly crossovers - Pully Max Height - reps 30
2. Standing cable fly crossovers - Pully Center Height - reps 30
3. Standing Incline cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 30

Next Circuit using Adjustable Bench

1. Incline Bench cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 10
2. Flat Bench crossovers - Pully Bench Height - reps 20
3. Decline Bench cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 30


My favorite circuit ever on the cable machine is taking an adjustable bench and doing this:

1. Bent over cable fly crossovers - Pully Max Height - reps 30
2. Standing cable fly crossovers - Pully Center Height - reps 30
3. Standing Incline cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 30

Next Circuit using Adjustable Bench

1. Incline Bench cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 10
2. Flat Bench crossovers - Pully Bench Height - reps 20
3. Decline Bench cable fly crossovers - Pully Floor Height - reps 30



I feel like a jerk taking up an adjustable bench and the crossovers for too long during peak hours.

Thats why I go before the worms wake up


I feel like a jerk taking up an adjustable bench and the crossovers for too long during peak hours.

Thats why I go before the worms wake up

Many gyms have 2-3 sets of cables so it becomes a lot less of an issue to take up the cables for 10-15 minutes...but yeah I feel you. I loved going at 5:30 AM for this exact reason.
I feel like a jerk taking up an adjustable bench and the crossovers for too long during peak hours.

Thats why I go before the worms wake up

Yeah I always go off peak time for chest. Way to crowded


Its so terrible. There is always a moment during the second circuit where it actually feels like my chest is tearing it gets so flushed with blood and when your not used to that feeling it can be really unnerving.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You guys and your crazy volume blow me away. My hi rep days are around the 10-12 range. lol Also the sheer number of exercises you do. Insane! Makes me feel like I'm hardly working.
You guys and your crazy volume blow me away. My hi rep days are around the 10-12 range. lol Also the sheer number of exercises you do. Insane! Makes me feel like I'm hardly working.

I haaaaaattte them.
The pain is so much more sustained and deep when you go for that kind of fatigue. My body responds really well to it though unfortunately :/

This is terrible :/
My chucks are the only shoes I play basketball in that my ankle won't roll.

Podiatrists don't know anything


I just got accused of having great genetics because a chick thought I was 23, not 37. I had to show my Id as proof lol. Slowly getting into cooter territory....
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