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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I weigh 228 this morning and eat 1750 a day. I'm going to have to assume you are very active to need 3500 just to maintain.

Could be Ectomorph.

I feel you...I would just get so bored if I took 5 min between each set.

I feel you. In the winter I switch to more of a ST program and the rest time absolutely drives me batty. I can never maintain that schedule for longer than a couple weeks.


Persecution Complex
Hey man, your post is sort of confusing...what exercises are you doing on what days?

I went back and re-read my post and it should've said "I did not include deadlifts in my workouts". For some reason I said I was doing deadlifts.

I was trying to do the workout that's essentially in the OP, full body workout, but instead of deadlifts would do pulls up and back over rows to substitute for deadlifts.

I can do deadlifts, but I haven't since high school, and I want to build a little more foundation before I go into deadlifts and essentially the full body workout.

So last night I did chest/shoulders, tonight I'll be doing legs, Thursday back/arms and then potentially a one day rest depending on how sore I am.


lol! Yeah I'm currently doing 60 second rests between assistance lifts and 90 between compounds and even THAT sometimes feels like too long.


I went back and re-read my post and it should've said "I did not include deadlifts in my workouts". For some reason I said I was doing deadlifts.

I was trying to do the workout that's essentially in the OP, full body workout, but instead of deadlifts would do pulls up and back over rows to substitute for deadlifts.

I can do deadlifts, but I haven't since high school, and I want to build a little more foundation before I go into deadlifts and essentially the full body workout.

So last night I did chest/shoulders, tonight I'll be doing legs, Thursday back/arms and then potentially a one day rest depending on how sore I am.

Got it. Yeah, DL uses a very different part of your body than rows though. They can be intimidating but it's a phenomenal workout (easily one of the best for you) so you should try it. Start small.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
lol! Yeah I'm currently doing 60 second rests between assistance lifts and 90 between compounds and even THAT sometimes feels like too long.
I would lift substantially less if I only took 90 seconds. I'm closer to 90 sec on most everything else I superset however. It's only the heavy compound days where I take my time.

The Chef

All that macro talk. I just eat what I want. Maybe I should start tracking it

I have been lifting for years and never tracked a thing until this year. Now there is no way I will ever stop. Its so rewarding to be able to know what your body needs exactly and to be able to give it just that and then ultimately you see some amazing results.
Do it Bravo!


I love my strength days, it just feels so damn good lifting heavy. Those rest times can be killer but definitely needed


I would lift substantially less if I only took 90 seconds. I'm closer to 90 sec on most everything else I superset however. It's only the heavy compound days where I take my time.

Yeah, I figured you were doing less and that makes complete sense. Gives you a chance to be a little social during heavy days, lol.


Over 25hr since I last ate. Normally I would've eaten an hour or two ago but I'm trying the 48hr fast. Not really even hungry atm. I've drank a gallon of water today and took some BCAA at the 24hr mark. Gonna take BCAA a few times tomorrow as well.

Interested to see how I feel tomorrow morning..


Oh man, i passed out yesterday because I was a moron and didn't consume enough food before my workout and smoked some hookah/shisha right after my workout without consuming food. Good thing I didn't hit my head on the way down!

So yeah, eat some food or have some water next to you if you plan on smoking. lesson learned
Over 25hr since I last ate. Normally I would've eaten an hour or two ago but I'm trying the 48hr fast. Not really even hungry atm. I've drank a gallon of water today and took some BCAA at the 24hr mark. Gonna take BCAA a few times tomorrow as well.

Interested to see how I feel tomorrow morning..

it'd be too hot to not eat right now lol.


Famed strength coach Charles Poliquin just did a podcast with Tim Ferriss recently

Really great insight for those interested.


So I'm about 4 months into my whole exercise and eating right kick and I love what I'm seeing. So much so that I've decided to finally post a progress pick. Now, I'm nowhere near the level of most of you guys are, especially since my 5X5 program is only about 6 weeks or so in, but I thought it'd be good to post anyway. I do wish I had a before picture though.

That's impressive then. You're dad is a severe outlier lol.

That would make him 64, right?

65 actually. Yeah its crazy

So I'm about 4 months into my whole exercise and eating right kick and I love what I'm seeing. So much so that I've decided to finally post a progress pick. Now, I'm nowhere near the level of most of you guys are, especially since my 5X5 program is only about 6 weeks or so in, but I thought it'd be good to post anyway. I do wish I had a before picture though.

I see some great foundation there man especially in your shoulders. Your going to be beasting in no time

Goddamn, really, Bruce? That's amazing.


Also, SilentSoldier, looking good man. Arms looking defined (although nothing to compare to). Keep it up!

Dude is Highlander I swear. Its mostly his chest he has a great big ole chest. Ill try and find a pic of him.


^ Great stuff thanks. Its nuts my dad is 10 years older than that guy and has a better body.

Goddamn, really, Bruce? That's amazing.


Also, SilentSoldier, looking good man. Arms looking defined (although nothing to compare to). Keep it up!
A couple of questions for you experts. My gym friend is starting to experience light shoulder pain from pressing exercises. I should advice him to keep the elbows from flaring completely right? Would a neutral grip help with this for dumbbell presses.

Also, I asked my friend to record me doing deadlifts. I noticed that towards the back of heavier sets, my lower back starts to round slightly. Especially as my grip starts to fail. This is pretty bad right? (Sorry, this isn't really a question.)


Great day at the gym again. Got 3x295, 3x335,3x380 on deadlift. Felt really strong, got all reps clean and did a AMRAP of 5x295 after. Followed that up with supersets of pendlay rows and dips, did 170-185 on the rows and got 10/8/9/7/6 dips. Feels like I'm getting used to fasted lifting finally.

I hit the gym late today also due to work business, and when I got back, I hadn't ate in 25+ hours. I'll be honest, I was tempted to go for another 72 hour fast. I wasn't hungry at all. But I forced myself to eat. Soon.

Still on the 1750 calorie train BTW. Choo choo.

Could be Ectomorph.

You're wise beyond your years Bruce.

Over 25hr since I last ate. Normally I would've eaten an hour or two ago but I'm trying the 48hr fast. Not really even hungry atm. I've drank a gallon of water today and took some BCAA at the 24hr mark. Gonna take BCAA a few times tomorrow as well.

Interested to see how I feel tomorrow morning..

Jealousy rising..... Enjoy it. The focus is incredible.

Currently in the strength phase of a 6days/wk 3 month weightlifting program

Understood. Must be quite a bit of volume. Respect.


Dude is Highlander I swear. Its mostly his chest he has a great big ole chest. Ill try and find a pic of him.
Hahah, please do.

Also I need to say that this is very promising for your own future as well. :p

So I'm about 4 months into my whole exercise and eating right kick and I love what I'm seeing. So much so that I've decided to finally post a progress pick. Now, I'm nowhere near the level of most of you guys are, especially since my 5X5 program is only about 6 weeks or so in, but I thought it'd be good to post anyway. I do wish I had a before picture though.

Very nice! Can't wait to see your future photo comparisons. :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You're wise beyond your years Bruce.
Funny this gets brought up because I had a guy tell me I was a mesomorph just the other day. I hadn't heard of it so I went and looked it up. It was actually pretty accurate.

And I'm glad you used your better judgement and decided not to go another 72 Bish. Smart.

Nelo Ice

My "not shredded, not concerned" elitefts tank top came in. It's PERFECT.

Hmm just looked it up. That's an awesome tank and cheap too. I do need more tanks...

edit:Damn shipping's expensive. Trying to figure out a filler. Guess I could get the only other tank.


So I'm about 4 months into my whole exercise and eating right kick and I love what I'm seeing. So much so that I've decided to finally post a progress pick. Now, I'm nowhere near the level of most of you guys are, especially since my 5X5 program is only about 6 weeks or so in, but I thought it'd be good to post anyway. I do wish I had a before picture though.

Looking good man. I can see some shoulder/arm definition. Keep up the work.


now I know this thread is mostly about lifting, running, and nutrition but I figure I would bring my other passion into this. I am a dance instructor and I constantly go out dancing. However, I do not treat it as if its a replacement for a workout but it certainly is some nice cardio especially when the songs are faster. I wanted to share this picture from last night dancing that I think is awesome.

It's interesting to see you guys talk about your caloric goals. I usually waver from 58-61kg (127-134lb), am around 167cm (5'6 ish) and have always been pretty slim. Turned 37 last month. Since starting going to the gym 4-5 days most weeks since the start of the year (never really been at all, but had been running for a couple of years prior) I've lost a little roundness on my stomach (1.5-2 belt notches) and see a little visible muscle now, which is nice.

A couple of months back I started using MyFitnessPal, mostly to understand what I eat. My target is around 1850 calories per day, but my big problem is the diet's poorer than I'd like (more fat, sugar, salt than I'm happy with, though it's probably not bad - or perhaps I'm in denial), which is the main reason for using MFP. It's getting better though.

I mention this because a PT at the gym told me at my last weigh in (at 58kg) that I need to way "way more". I'm skeptical of the advice personally, and she never gave me a particular caloric goal (and didn't ask how much I eat), but seems convinced (and has convinced the wife) that I should eat a ton more.

What do you think, FitnessGAF? I think simply eating a better balanced diet will be more effective than inhaling entire chickens (which yes, was suggested to me). I've been trying to up my protein to at least 30-40%, which I've struggled with, but am making inroads on that.

I've never really had trouble maintaining my weight when not tracking it, but the pudginess was bugging me.


A couple of questions for you experts. My gym friend is starting to experience light shoulder pain from pressing exercises. I should advice him to keep the elbows from flaring completely right? Would a neutral grip help with this for drmbb presses.

Honestly, this might be weird advice but show your friend Brolics OHP videos and say "do this". Dude has perfect form.

Unfortunately it may not be related to OHP but may be related to bench. I sprained my AC joint a few years back and needed to rest it for 6-8 weeks.


now I know this thread is mostly about lifting, running, and nutrition but I figure I would bring my other passion into this. I am a dance instructor and I constantly go out dancing. However, I do not treat it as if its a replacement for a workout but it certainly is some nice cardio especially when the songs are faster. I wanted to share this picture from last night dancing that I think is awesome.


Awesome dude (I'm assuming you're the guy in the pic but your username has me a bit confused). Being passionate about anything is cool...extra bonus if it's a workout.
Honestly, this might be weird advice but show your friend Brolics OHP videos and say "do this". Dude has perfect form.

Unfortunately it may not be related to OHP but may be related to bench. I sprained my AC joint a few years back and needed to rest it for 6-8 weeks.

Sorry, yeah I meant dumbbell bench press. I think it's the bench press rather than the shoulder presses that are causing the issues.


Hmm just looked it up. That's an awesome tank and cheap too. I do need more tanks...

edit:Damn shipping's expensive. Trying to figure out a filler. Guess I could get the only other tank.

Yeah grab a couple and you get free shipping. It's fast too. I ordered this on Saturday and it came in today.

Nelo Ice

Yeah grab a couple and you get free shipping. It's fast too. I ordered this on Saturday and it came in today.

And just ordered the Work tank to go along with it for free shipping. Now I have a grand total of 4 tanks for my 4 workout days. Just started wearing tanks recently too since now I'm confident and swole enough to rock them at the gym lol.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Ahh, back to my pre-cut numbers on all my lifts. Now to ride the bulk train to infinity and beyond.
And just ordered the Work tank to go along with it for free shipping. Now I have a grand total of 4 tanks for my 4 workout days. Just started wearing tanks recently too since now I'm confident and swole enough to rock them at the gym lol.

Same here, been replacing a lot of T-shirts with tanks, and even bought some designed tanks ( got a sweet batman one). Will start looking for some other cool ones the more swole I get.


That's a nice dress you have.

Awesome dude (I'm assuming you're the guy in the pic but your username has me a bit confused). Being passionate about anything is cool...extra bonus if it's a workout.

ha yeah, I am definitely the guy. Don't worry about the name. It is something I jokingly used from the end of an episode of sayonara zetsubou sensei that was a suggestion from one of the characters. Thought it was funny :D

Dance is certainly a passion and its a blast. Plus I love all the perks of the beautiful women that surround me in it.
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