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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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The Chef

Macros be damned this weekend.
Heading out on a 2 day backpacking trip tonight. Bringing a huge steak, bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, bag of peanut butter M&Ms, and smores stuff. We'll just call it a 2 day "refeed/binge"


Macros be damned this weekend.
Heading out on a 2 day backpacking trip tonight. Bringing a huge steak, bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, bag of peanut butter M&Ms, and smores stuff. We'll just call it a 2 day "refeed/binge"

If you're backpacking for two days, you'll need the cals so it's YOLO time. Eat up bruh!


All I ate yesterday in addition to my usual was 12oz of deli meat. 400 calories ontop of my 1750 usual. And I gained 2.1lbs overnight lol. Talk about disheartening.

I know it's just water and I actually look lean as heck right now, so whatever. Only got 6 hours of sleep also. Hopefully sleep in this weekend.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Macros be damned this weekend.
Heading out on a 2 day backpacking trip tonight. Bringing a huge steak, bacon, eggs, cinnamon rolls, bag of peanut butter M&Ms, and smores stuff. We'll just call it a 2 day "refeed/binge"
Best thing about eating strict is being able to semi justify complete pig out days. Enjoy it!

We went out to our favorite steakhouse last night for my son's 10th birthday and I unleashed holy hell on the place! It was a step beyond delicious whatever that is. Ha

The Chef

Best thing about eating strict is being able to semi justify complete pig out days. Enjoy it!

We went out to our favorite steakhouse last night for my son's 10th birthday and I unleashed holy hell on the place! It was a step beyond delicious whatever that is. Ha
Dude that is awesome.

If you're backpacking for two days, you'll need the cals so it's YOLO time. Eat up bruh!

Yeah buddy!

Came up with my own dessert.

2 tablespoons of peanutbutter
4 packets of artificial sweetener
1 scoop quest all purpose protein powder
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt.

Duude. I mixed my Optimum Whey with greek yogurt and stuck it in the fridge for a bit. My god it like chocolate mousse!


So the Ortho was a super nice guy.

My x rays looked good. He said my acromion is type 1 which is excellent and rare for someone who frequently lifts.

The issue might be with my labrum. I'm scheduling an MRI next week where they'll inject my shoulder and check it out.

I'm clear to lift as long as it doesn't agitate anything. So deads and front squats it is for now.
So the Ortho was a super nice guy.

My x rays looked good. He said my acromion is type 1 which is excellent and rare for someone who frequently lifts.

The issue might be with my labrum. I'm scheduling an MRI next week where they'll inject my shoulder and check it out.

I'm clear to lift as long as it doesn't agitate anything. So deads and front squats it is for now.

You get the pain from any pressing motion over your head?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
One thing I learned while away from everyone I know at training this week in Texas. Apparently I look a lot bigger than I think. I kept getting comments about how strong I was, how strong I look and asking what my training is. It was near daily and didn't stop.

Funny what happens when you get away from those that know you.

Back home now and looking forward to utilizing my garage gym again.


Feel like I am going to have to refocus on eating more. I've been maintaining for 4 weeks(+/- 1 lbs) but seems like my day is pretty lethargic and I have a feeling of physical burnout. I do sleep plenty(8hrs weekday/9 hours weekend) so it must be food.

My lifts have been going up but I'm guessing that this is CNS adaptation and me figuring out the form. I think the issue is partially physical: I can eat for a few days above maintenance but then I rebound and spend a few days eating below, and mental: former fat boy syndrome.

Finally completed 3x5 225 squats yesterday. Legs feel like curly fries. Feels good getting closer to my goals, though :D


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah, tons of cable pulls, band pull aparts and setting the cable up half way and pulling towards myself and away from myself. Makes my shoulder feel mushy :/

When, did the pain start? Anything specific precede it?

It should also be noted I don't do all of those every day. I do them when I feel they need to be done, or haven't been done in a while. I DO always do face pulls and lateral and rear raises every week though.

Might simply be an overuse injury.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That along with...

Skull crushers
Reverse curls
Pulling my elbows back to squat.
Man that is disappointing to hear Sean. Sounds like you are being smart about things though. Hey, look on the bright side, you can still deadlift and do the most important exercise, curl!


Since finishing 5x5 I've been completely lost in the gym. Have no idea what I should be doing. I liked structure and following a program, and I'd like to find a BB program I enjoy doing, but the progression in weights was a big reason why I enjoyed 5x5 so much, you can't really do that on a BB style program right?
Since finishing 5x5 I've been completely lost in the gym. Have no idea what I should be doing. I liked structure and following a program, and I'd like to find a BB program I enjoy doing, but the progression in weights was a big reason why I enjoyed 5x5 so much, you can't really do that on a BB style program right?

How did you finish 5x5?

J. Bravo

Since finishing 5x5 I've been completely lost in the gym. Have no idea what I should be doing. I liked structure and following a program, and I'd like to find a BB program I enjoy doing, but the progression in weights was a big reason why I enjoyed 5x5 so much, you can't really do that on a BB style program right?
If you are truly done with 5x5, pick a different program. You can progress with a bodybuilding program, but you have to track the weights of all the exercises you do and I don't care for that. What I did is set up a 531 variation where I do my strength stuff and then hella volume. Chest/arms on ohp and bench days, back/shoulders on ohp and deadlift days, and legs on squat and Saturdays. Rest Sunday every week, and Wednesday if I need it. Haven't added cardio in yet, but when I do, it will be either 10x200m sprints or 1-2x1600m sprints 3-4x a week.


Increased weight on everything to the point where I dropped my sets from 5x5->3x5->3x3->1x3->1x1 and could not continue.

It's a strength program, there is a definite "end" to them.

After a deload week maybe move over to a higher rep program(8-12)?


One thing I learned while away from everyone I know at training this week in Texas. Apparently I look a lot bigger than I think. I kept getting comments about how strong I was, how strong I look and asking what my training is. It was near daily and didn't stop.

Funny what happens when you get away from those that know you.

Back home now and looking forward to utilizing my garage gym again.

We always tell you you're a beast...did you think we were lying to you!?


any of ya'll play rocket league on ps4? if so add me TheHaighter!! game is dope af

Yes but I'm a disaster at it (i'm not that bad but holy shit at some people playing that game)


Flex pic after arm day at my gym with one of the other coaches. Amazing how a little tan makes you look way more defined.

Looking great as always man. How'd you get juniored?

So the Ortho was a super nice guy.

My x rays looked good. He said my acromion is type 1 which is excellent and rare for someone who frequently lifts.

The issue might be with my labrum. I'm scheduling an MRI next week where they'll inject my shoulder and check it out.

I'm clear to lift as long as it doesn't agitate anything. So deads and front squats it is for now.

Sean, did the doctor mention anything about your AC joint? Sounds like it could be the culprit.


I kept getting comments about how strong I was, how strong I look and asking what my training is. It was near daily and didn't stop.

Funny what happens when you get away from those that know you.

I guess most of us don't technically "know" you, but I think we make pretty much the same comments and questions. :p

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
We always tell you you're a beast...did you think we were lying to you!?

I guess most of us don't technically "know" you, but I think we make pretty much the same comments and questions. :p

You guys flatter me, but I also know this community can be overly complimentary. Not that that's a huge problem or even a problem at all.

Just interesting to see it from complete strangers.

The funny thing is I took a fellow PPS (procurement and property specialist) I was down there training with to the gym with me (me and him were the biggest guys in class) and he was surprised at the weight I moved and how I trained. He even went on about it in class about how much weight I was moving. I didn't wanna tell him I actually went light because I didn't bring my belt, wraps or any of my equipment with me. Lol.


When, did the pain start? Anything specific precede it?

It should also be noted I don't do all of those every day. I do them when I feel they need to be done, or haven't been done in a while. I DO always do face pulls and lateral and rear raises every week though.

Might simply be an overuse injury.

Discomfort started around January and that's when I upped my rehab work. Stopped ohping in March or so and its just gotten progressively worse and I keep cutting exercises our.

I'm anxious for the MRI but it will be nice to get an answer and have a doctor who wants to get you back to lifting.
Man that is disappointing to hear Sean. Sounds like you are being smart about things though. Hey, look on the bright side, you can still deadlift and do the most important exercise, curl!

Curls for days!!!

Yes but I'm a disaster at it (i'm not that bad but holy shit at some people playing that game)

Looking great as always man. How'd you get juniored?

Sean, did the doctor mention anything about your AC joint? Sounds like it could be the culprit.

From the X-rays the ac joint looked good. Since it hurts the most when I go into pec fly position he said it really hints at the labrum. But we'll see what the MRI shows.

Thankful for my wife's awesome insurance. All of this is 100% covered.


Hopefully it's just a strained labrum.

Agreed because then he said I'd be back and ready for the old lifts by the fall after an injection and rehab. If it's worse....maybe surgery :/. It's a different type of cartiledge and it doesn't regenerate like other areas in your body b


Down 30lbs on my cut.

Counting calories is really cheat mode.

It finally clicked once I started using a scale. Volume measurements (cups, liters) are horrendously inaccurate.

Also, by design, it makes me eat out less and cook more, since I know exactly how much oil and fat I use in the cooking.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Agreed because then he said I'd be back and ready for the old lifts by the fall after an injection and rehab. If it's worse....maybe surgery :/. It's a different type of cartiledge and it doesn't regenerate like other areas in your body b

Yeah I know a few guys with torn labrum that can't press for shit. If surgery is the only option, I'd opt for the surgery and take the long road to recovery instead of staying broken. That's just me though. Also, take the opportunity to work legs like a champ. Hopefully you have access to a SSB for squats.

Can you do neutral grip OHp? Can you do neutral grip db bench?

The Chef

Down 30lbs on my cut.

Counting calories is really cheat mode.

It finally clicked once I started using a scale. Volume measurements (cups, liters) are horrendously inaccurate.

Also, by design, it makes me eat out less and cook more, since I know exactly how much oil and fat I use in the cooking.

Absolutely. Weigh everything.


Do you lads supplement free weights routines with machines at the end of a workout?


Machines get a bad rap on the internet. Barbells and such are superior for a host of reasons, but machines are great for bringing up weak points.

Also, if someone is a rank beginner and they're afraid of barbells due to perceived safety issues, I tell them to use machines.

Working out at all is better than not working out. It also helps them build the habit of training.

Machines get a bad rap on the internet. Barbells and such are superior for a host of reasons, but machines are great for bringing up weak points.

Also, if someone is a rank beginner and they're afraid of barbells due to perceived safety issues, I tell them to use machines.

Working out at all is better than not working out. It also helps them build the habit of training.

Yeah, the BodyBuilding forums seem to universally hate them, citing that they don't work the stabiliser muscles and are too artificial.

I'm not too keen on using the barbell without a spotter so have been using dumbbells for the bench presses and supplementing with machines.


Do you lads supplement free weights routines with machines at the end of a workout?

Yes they are great for accessory work, and if they are selectorized they are great for drop sets. As long as you are within the normal range of body dimensions that the machine can adjust to accomodate, they have a purpose.


Yeah, the BodyBuilding forums seem to universally hate them, citing that they don't work the stabiliser muscles and are too artificial.

I'm not too keen on using the barbell without a spotter so have been using dumbbells for the bench presses and supplementing with machines.

Perfect is the enemy of the good.

To really build strength, barbells are extremely effective, since they're easier to progressively overload reliably.

The issue with machines is that they vary in tensile strength, materials, and such. So it's not an objective measure.

If I bench 300lbs for 5 reps on a bench press, I can reliably measure that against previous efforts.


Do you lads supplement free weights routines with machines at the end of a workout?

I usually do body weight exercises like pull ups, dips, and planks, but sometimes I cycle or hit the elliptical to burn off any energy I've got left. I read that machines can be supplemental after a certain point has been reached, but I dunno if I'm there yet.

J. Bravo

Yes but I'm a disaster at it (i'm not that bad but holy shit at some people playing that game)

Looking great as always man. How'd you get juniored?

Sean, did the doctor mention anything about your AC joint? Sounds like it could be the culprit.

bruh hmu with your psn. I'm about to go to work but always looking for new peeps. I'm not too great either haha.
tyvm for all the kind words, friends. It can't be stated enough that I genuinely appreciate everything and helps keep me going.

Damn! How do you train those forearms, or are you natural? I have the problem of big biceps/triceps, but puny forearms.

I've done a lot of deadlifts in my lifting career so that helps. Haven't been DL lately, but I do all sorts of wrists curls and reverse curls as well. Really focus on feeling it in the forearm and not so much about the amount of weight. High reps as well. Talking 4x20.


Tricep pulldown machine with rope attachment is probably the only machine I use.

I use it for tris and cable crunches--full stack
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