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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I had my first surgery yesterday and I literally haven't been able to eat anything since. It's been like 36 hours so far. Right after a fairly awesome workout day too. :(
Was walking with someone out of work and it was their first week back after a long break. I get the question, "You look bigger, have you been going to the gym?"

Damn it! Why does someone have to say that just as I'm letting my gym membership expire?
Was walking with someone out of work and it was their first week back after a long break. I get the question, "You look bigger, have you been going to the gym?"

Damn it! Why does someone have to say that just as I'm letting my gym membership expire?

it was a sign from the fitnessgods
Waterparks really drive home the obesity epidemic in the United States. Wow

I guess it depends on where you live too, cause with the waterparks I've been to in SoCal you would think everyone is some sort of fitness model or something. Maybe it was just those 2 times. I don't doubt it that what you saw is more of the norm than an outlier


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I guess it depends on where you live too, cause with the waterparks I've been to in SoCal you would think everyone is some sort of fitness model or something. Maybe it was just those 2 times. I don't doubt it that what you saw is more of the norm than an outlier
Southern Cal is the definition of an outlier. Ha
This will sound like a cheap shot but after leaving there 20 minutes ago I feel justified. Wal Mart has the same effect.

one of my lifting buddies say that if you ever feel like shit about the way you look, just go to a Walmart for 10 minutes. You will love yourself after that.

Nelo Ice

Now you guys are making me miss living in Socal. It sucks not being there now that I'm all grown up and swole haha.

one of my lifting buddies say that if you ever feel like shit about the way you look, just go to a Walmart for 10 minutes. You will love yourself after that.

Lol and there's a walmart down the street from 2 of the gyms I usually go to.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Waterpark is done. Now back to the house for pizza, cake, and ice cream. I added Cain's fried chicken to the menu just so I wouldn't go crazy. Fried chicken is another one of life's cheat codes! So good you'll be convinced it's a cheat day.

EDIT: As I drive home I discovered fried chicken and good pizza when combined might be the greatest smell on earth.


A friend of mine is starting to do some at home exercises and gave me what he plans on doing. But since most in here are far more knowledgeable on the matter, I'm curious for your thoughts so that I can relay any additional info to him to better the routine for results.

Hip Thrust - 20
Walking Lunge - 20
Crunches - 25
Pullups - 25
Push-ups - 20 (this is his limit)
Weighted Curls - 25 each arm

He hasn't figured out a set for them yet, but thinks maybe 3-4 and will do them every other day. He told me it is basically just to get back into shape a bit, and tone up some. Nothing too extreme.


Sup fitGAF

So I've had a lot of down time lately due to the whole lack of a job thing, and have been thinking about getting a gym membership for a month to try it out.

I'm not out of shape or anything, but I could benefit from some bigger arms / possibly toning my stomach a little. I can have a bit of a gut from day to day.

My question is: I've never used any gym equipment before, apart from the treadmill we've had in our basement for years (I'm 21, btw). I don't want to pay for a personal trainer / coach or whatever, so what's the best way to make sure I'm using proper form / which machines I should be using / how to achieve the look I want? I'm new to this sort of thing, and probably won't be going mid-day like most people. Hell, I've been considering a 24hour gym, cause I'm usually up until 4am for no damn reason anyways. So there probably won't be a lot of people there to teach me anything.

I only plan on going for a month or 2 (which I'm sure is blasphemous to say around here). I did some manual labour for a month earlier this summer building decks and all that, and got somewhat into shape doing that. My eating habits are fine, so I don't think it's too much a case of staying in shape as it is just getting into shape. I should be good at maintaining it after that. Unless I'm an idiot, which I probably sound like by saying that :p.

Also, not sure about the whole weightlifting thing. Deadlifts and bench presses and all that. I was thinking more of curls, and those machines where you sit with a bar on either side, which you push together in front of you? I really don't know what I'm talking about. Deadlifts and bench presses intimidate me because of how badly you can fuck yourself up using the wrong form / the fact that you'll need a spotter, which I don't plan on having or paying for. Are there methods for getting bigger biceps at all, other than deadlifts / bench presses, or am I going to have to suck it up?


Went on a beach day trip with my wife. I feel like I'm in this in between stage right now, if thst makes sense. Like, I had a lot to lose, but I'm no where near happy with my results. I feel soft and doughy. I'm addicted to chasing the weight loss/aesthetics now. I wanna keep pushing forward.


Went on a beach day trip with my wife. I feel like I'm in this in between stage right now, if thst makes sense. Like, I had a lot to lose, but I'm no where near happy with my results. I feel soft and doughy. I'm addicted to chasing the weight loss/aesthetics now. I wanna keep pushing forward.

Yep, i've come to terms that all the big numbers at the gym are great, but its not what i really want. Aesthetics is my #1 goal, i get to push and pull heavy stuff trying to get there.


So, I am a relative noob...between 2010 and 2012 I made great gains with Starting Strength, then had to stop for 2 years due to illness and now I'm back with SL 5x5 since about 9 months.

(I'm 5'11, 70 kg / 154 lbs)

One thing that keeps giving me problems and always has are squats. My squats are pathetically weak. I saw on the "strength standards" websites going around that the average untrained (!!!) person is supposed to be able to do 60 kg / 135 lbs.

Well, it took me 9 months of struggling to even get to 60 / 135 and now trying to go beyond that is a crapshoot. After the initial gains of the first few weeks I had to switch from 5x5 three times a week to Monday 3x5, Wednesday 3x8 (with lighter weight), Friday 3x5. Otherwise I keep having to reset the weight, fail the last 2 sets often and in general the 5x5 just kills me mentally - I simply gave up too often. I know that I really should do a routine "as written", but it just doesn't seem possible...

As my form has been checked by multiple trainers and veterans independently, I wonder if my squat problems are due to the fact that I have flat feet and/or a flat back. When squatting, I notice that on the upwards movement I have to expend a lot of energy keeping my knees pointed outward. Otherwise my legs would simply collapse inwards.

Since I never had non-flat feet, I don't know how much of this is "normal" or really because of my conditions. I just had shoe inserts made that I'm now waiting for, which are supposed to support my feet. Maybe that will help. In the meantime I appreciate any other advice. Anyone ever had similar issues?

For reference, my bench is 65 kg / 143 lbs. My OHP is 45 kg / 100 lbs. So there really seems to be a quite significant strength discrepancy.


Jason and Cooter talking smack in the full body thread reminds me of the old fitness threads days.

Very entertaining. Shit talk is fun sometimes.

Come back, Jason!
So I had my first surgery yesterday and I literally haven't been able to eat anything since. It's been like 36 hours so far. Right after a fairly awesome workout day too. :(

What was the surgery?

Went on a beach day trip with my wife. I feel like I'm in this in between stage right now, if thst makes sense. Like, I had a lot to lose, but I'm no where near happy with my results. I feel soft and doughy. I'm addicted to chasing the weight loss/aesthetics now. I wanna keep pushing forward.

Yup. I call it the unswollen valley. I might have gotten it from here. Basically you aren't big but you aren't shredded either. You just are kinda there. It is the part of your body where if you drop 15-20 lbs, you still look the same. Just have to push and grind past it. Really calls for a different training routine and style imo. Train for aesthetics. Do some cardio. Hit core as an actual workout. Arm day baybay.

Jason and Cooter talking smack in the full body thread reminds me of the old fitness threads days.

Very entertaining. Shit talk is fun sometimes.

Come back, Jason!

dood is a clown, no thanks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Jason and Cooter talking smack in the full body thread reminds me of the old fitness threads days.

Very entertaining. Shit talk is fun sometimes.

Come back, Jason!
Haha. He can be entertaining but the guy is probably the most arrogant person around. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes it gets old quick.


What was the surgery?

Yup. I call it the unswollen valley. I might have gotten it from here. Basically you aren't big but you aren't shredded either. You just are kinda there. It is the part of your body where if you drop 15-20 lbs, you still look the same. Just have to push and grind past it. Really calls for a different training routine and style imo. Train for aesthetics. Do some cardio. Hit core as an actual workout. Arm day baybay.

dood is a clown, no thanks.

That's exactly it lol. Definitely going to start incorporating more BB style movements after my big lifts. More curls. More cable rows. More tricep push downs 🙌


My Fat Gripz arrived yesterday so I figured I'd take them for a spin today on DL day.

Ummm...holy shit. I knew id have to drop the weight so I figured 225 would be a great place to start and I'd work my way up. 3x5 @ 225 was fucking HARD.


My Fat Gripz arrived yesterday so I figured I'd take them for a spin today on DL day.

Ummm...holy shit. I knew id have to drop the weight so I figured 225 would be a great place to start and I'd work my way up. 3x5 @ 225 was fucking HARD.

What's cool is to use them on something like barbell curls and then take them off and the same weight feels like baby weight. I like to alternate them on and off.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's exactly it lol. Definitely going to start incorporating more BB style movements after my big lifts. More curls. More cable rows. More tricep push downs 🙌
You do fall into a body image purgatory of sorts. It sucks but one thing it does do is kick your motivation into high gear. Your progression is one I went through as well. You can focus on strength and aesthetics. It is possible. Looking forward to see where you take things the upcoming year.


You do fall into a body image purgatory of sorts. It sucks but one thing it does do is kick your motivation into high gear. Your progression is one I went through as well. You can focus on strength and aesthetics. It is possible. Looking forward to see where you take things the upcoming year.

Yeah it definitely kicked me into high gear. 15-20 more pounds is in the bag



That's what I thought, but of course the people who go with me, the uninformed family members I complained about earlier, insist that they've never seen anyone do it standing and that I and everyone else should do it sitting, even though it's awkward and uncomfortable.


That's what I thought, but of course the people who go with me, the uninformed family members I complained about earlier, insist that they've never seen anyone do it standing and that I and everyone else should do it sitting, even though it's awkward and uncomfortable.

To be fair, seated OHP is fine as well.


Front squatted heavy today. 260 went up but it was shakey as fuck. Gotta front squat more to work on keeping a tight upper back. That goes way before your leg strength!


What's cool is to use them on something like barbell curls and then take them off and the same weight feels like baby weight. I like to alternate them on and off.

I'll give it a shot! I finished my workout with two sets of BB only curls with the gripz on to failure. The high rep volume (40+ both sets) after doing DL, power cleans, DB curls, bent over rows and pull ups has my forearms barking...


Can you or someone else explain the difference between them if there is one?

Standing involves more muscles since you have to balance your whole body standing up. Works your abs/back and legs more. With seated you can usually lift more as far as I've understood since you are in a more stable position and supported by the bench.

Standing = More "functional" but harder.
Seated = Move more weight but not as good of an exercise in some regards.

I personally sometimes felt pain in my lower back while doing standing barbell OHP, caused by leaning back too much apparently (though I was trying to avoid it). Been doing seated dumbbell OHP for a while now just for varietys sake.

puts a lot of pressure on your lower back. strict heavy bb ohp as part of a strength program is done standing up.

How does it put more pressure on your lower back if you are seated? If you are standing, there's a chance you accidentally lean back too much as well. Anyway the fact is that you can OHP standing or seated and both have their benefits and weaknesses, with standing being the one to choose if you have to.

J. Bravo

Standing involves more muscles since you have to balance your whole body standing up. Works your abs/back and legs more. With seated you can usually lift more as far as I've understood since you are in a more stable position and supported by the bench.

Standing = More "functional" but harder.
Seated = Move more weight but not as good of an exercise in some regards.

I personally sometimes felt pain in my lower back while doing standing barbell OHP, caused by leaning back too much apparently (though I was trying to avoid it). Been doing seated dumbbell OHP for a while now just for varietys sake.

How does it put more pressure on your lower back if you are seated? If you are standing, there's a chance you accidentally lean back too much as well. Anyway the fact is that you can OHP standing or seated and both have their benefits and weaknesses, with standing being the one to choose if you have to.
I thought because all the weight is pushing on your tailbone instead of your feet the pressure is concentrated in your tailbone and lower back rather than your entire posterior chain. you can't exactly squeeze the glutes and thighs when you're sitting down.
Yes, do the beginner programs. They're very effective since barbells just put on slabs of muscle when done consistently and on a calorie surplus.

Another good beginner is Ice Cream Fitness 5x5.

Your sessions are super long, but it's one of the best programs I've tried.


Can I use dumbbells in place of the barbell for these exercises?

There are no gyms where I live (good ol' Bronx, NY...there is shit here) but I do have a pair of dumbbells (adjustable from 10 to 50lbs), a plain ol' flat bench and resistance bands.

Early next year I will be moving to Manhattan (West Village) for a new job and there are a lot of gyms there so I'll have plenty of places to choose from. When I do move and pick a gym I'll probably do the "Starting Strength" stuff in the OP and will be active here but until then I'd like to use what I currently have.

I'm admittedly not strong at all and would be called "skinny fat" by many. I'm currently 162lbs which is down from 190lbs three years ago. The weight loss was mostly diet related as I stopped eating most of the garbage I used to munch on. I also run 2 or 3 times a week but thats because I enjoy it and it helps to clear my mind of any negativity and anxiety I may have. Whatever health benefit I get from that is gravy.

Any suggestions for a simple home dumbbell, flat bench and resistance band routine would be greatly appreciated. I'll turn 39 in October so I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore but I gotta start somewhere! Sorry if I'm rambling.. :)


I thought because all the weight is pushing on your tailbone instead of your feet the pressure is concentrated in your tailbone and lower back rather than your entire posterior chain. you can't exactly squeeze the glutes and thighs when you're sitting down.

Hmm, good point. Can someone verify this?


Sup fit bros. Been a while. Still doing 5/3/1 but I've finally done what I needed to do a couple years ago and am tracking everything I eat now via the My Macros+ app. I found myfitnesspal to be good but I saw this app recommended as being better for macros and it seems to be better so far.

Doing 40%p/30%c30/30%f right now, trying to lose weight. So far feeling pretty great and I'm seeing a decent difference. It's crazy to think how many calories I was eating before when I was deluding myself into thinking I was eating healthy, but wasn't tracking anything.

Will probably move into reverse dieting and increase carbs gradually once weight loss stops or I'm satisfied with my weight.


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Help me fitgaf.

Age: 50

Height: 6ft 5inches

Weight: 240 lb

Goal: 200 lb

Current Training Schedule:
1 full body workout once a week. Training to failure.
My typical workout would be:-
Leg press
Bench press
Pull ups
Overhead press
Tricep extensions
Bicep curls
Calf press machine
Seated leg curl

I also run around with my kids at the weekend and go on the occasional bike ride.

Current Training Equipment Available:
A reasonable quality gym.

I'm decided to step it up to 3 days a week but don't train to failure as I won't be able to recover enough.

What's the thinking on using a leg press vs real squats?
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