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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Yeah I know a few guys with torn labrum that can't press for shit. If surgery is the only option, I'd opt for the surgery and take the long road to recovery instead of staying broken. That's just me though. Also, take the opportunity to work legs like a champ. Hopefully you have access to a SSB for squats.

Can you do neutral grip OHp? Can you do neutral grip db bench?

I'd absolutely take surgery. I'd much rather have a small bump then turn my shoulder into garbage.

And no SSB :/. I'll try neutral grip out see how it feels.

Sean, take it easy. Hoping for the best, man.

Appreciate it. Here's hoping for the best and it's minor :)


Junior Member
Looking great as always man. How'd you get juniored?

I started a dumb thread that I thought was funny at the time. (It was)

Sorry to hear about your shoulder Sean. But look on the bright side--at least it's not your back or your knees! Still plenty of shit you can do with a bum shoulder. Think positive.


I started a dumb thread that I thought was funny at the time. (It was)

Sorry to hear about your shoulder Sean. But look on the bright side--at least it's not your back or your knees! Still plenty of shit you can do with a bum shoulder. Think positive.

Very true. Another positive is even in the worst case scenario, surgery for this is minimally invasive.

PSN: Massy-Boy (long story)

Adding you
I started a dumb thread that I thought was funny at the time. (It was)

Sorry to hear about your shoulder Sean. But look on the bright side--at least it's not your back or your knees! Still plenty of shit you can do with a bum shoulder. Think positive.

worth it

for the PS4 crowd you guys can add me at Ohhthegore, play a decent amount of Rocket Leauge


Shoulders are so essential.

I remember having some flareups from a previous injury and I couldn't do anything upper body wise for a while.

Best of luck, Sean.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'd absolutely take surgery. I'd much rather have a small bump then turn my shoulder into garbage.

And no SSB :/. I'll try neutral grip out see how it feels.

Appreciate it. Here's hoping for the best and it's minor :)

Also, try benching with a fat bar.

My left shoulder still gives me issues, but benching with an axel or with DBs (neutral grip with dbs) takes strain off of my left shoulder. This is the injury I'm still dealing with from that 120lb DB press misgrooving and popping something in my left shoulder. Gonna begin implementing stretching mobility work next week and see if that helps.


I've never gotten this, but i wipe down every bench and bar before i touch it at the gym. Some nasty people out there.

For sure. I was banging my head on the desk for all the responses he got on FB telling him to use a pad.

Anyway, posting again in case anybody else might have any insight:

So the past few weeks, bf has gotten these somewhat itchy lumps from the barbell after doing (high bar) squats. They don't hurt and I can push them around. They'll fade after a few days. He wears running shirts and wipes down the bar with the gym disinfectant.

Anybody ever get this? Anything he could do?

Not that he'll be lifting again for a few days... he rolled his ankle when a group of 5 wouldn't make space on the sidewalk during our run last night.
Been doing SL 5x5 for about six months now. I've had some good results, but life dictates that I won't be going to a gym anymore. Can I keep my new mass by keeping up with free weights or will it all wilt away with in a month?
Hey FitGAF,
So I am in a bit of a fitness rut and I stumbled upon this OT and need some advice on where I should pick up.

Age: 29
Height/Weight: 6’1” and 170 lbs
Build: Slightly lean/muscular. Strong back and arms, little fat on the belly. Chicken legs.
Goal: Bulk up muscle mass; improve strength full-body
Diet: Very controlled M-Th, little splurgy F-Sun. Very balanced M-Th with fruits, proteins, and all meals cooked at home.

As of right now, I usually workout 3-4 times a week, mostly lifting but may put in a run on one of those days. When I lift, I do mostly isolated exercises (bicep curls, seated row, etc.), mix of free weights and machines, and I usually do chest/tricep one day, bicep/back another, and legs/shoulders the 3rd. Typically do rep progressions of 12x light, 10x medium, 8x heavy, and 6x really heavy.

I’ve basically been doing the same types of lifting and exercise for the past 1-2 years with a little variety, and I am finally sick of the plateau I’ve hit. I am wondering whether I should start with the beginner programs that were recommended in the OP to realign my routines, or if there is a more intermediate one I can pick up since I have some muscle foundation and full access to a gym. I work for 9+ hours at a desk and usually set aside an hour to exercise afterwards, so hopefully there is an efficient fitness plan I can slot in during that time.

Couple of notes: I wrongfully neglected doing squats for the longest time, and only really started trying to incorporate them into my workout over the past month or two (very light weight right now, focusing on form). I am also terrible at deadlifts….At the end of the day, not trying to get huge, just have better core and full body strength and mass.

I’d love to clarify any other aspects of my health or current fitness plan to determine the best course of action. I’ll keep reading up on the OP materials and see if anything makes sense. Thanks for any input!


Hey FitGAF,
So I am in a bit of a fitness rut and I stumbled upon this OT and need some advice on where I should pick up.

Age: 29
Height/Weight: 6’1” and 170 lbs
Build: Slightly lean/muscular. Strong back and arms, little fat on the belly. Chicken legs.
Goal: Bulk up muscle mass; improve strength full-body
Diet: Very controlled M-Th, little splurgy F-Sun. Very balanced M-Th with fruits, proteins, and all meals cooked at home.

As of right now, I usually workout 3-4 times a week, mostly lifting but may put in a run on one of those days. When I lift, I do mostly isolated exercises (bicep curls, seated row, etc.), mix of free weights and machines, and I usually do chest/tricep one day, bicep/back another, and legs/shoulders the 3rd. Typically do rep progressions of 12x light, 10x medium, 8x heavy, and 6x really heavy.

I’ve basically been doing the same types of lifting and exercise for the past 1-2 years with a little variety, and I am finally sick of the plateau I’ve hit. I am wondering whether I should start with the beginner programs that were recommended in the OP to realign my routines, or if there is a more intermediate one I can pick up since I have some muscle foundation and full access to a gym. I work for 9+ hours at a desk and usually set aside an hour to exercise afterwards, so hopefully there is an efficient fitness plan I can slot in during that time.

Couple of notes: I wrongfully neglected doing squats for the longest time, and only really started trying to incorporate them into my workout over the past month or two (very light weight right now, focusing on form). I am also terrible at deadlifts….At the end of the day, not trying to get huge, just have better core and full body strength and mass.

I’d love to clarify any other aspects of my health or current fitness plan to determine the best course of action. I’ll keep reading up on the OP materials and see if anything makes sense. Thanks for any input!

Yes, do the beginner programs. They're very effective since barbells just put on slabs of muscle when done consistently and on a calorie surplus.

Another good beginner is Ice Cream Fitness 5x5.

Your sessions are super long, but it's one of the best programs I've tried.


I prefer it over the Rippetoe's and StrongLifts because it has accessories and ab work. It's also more conducive to aesthetics.

Or you could just add arm work to the above programs.

Calorie surplus is the most important, so track that.

Most people who have trouble putting on muscle undereat.

You will gain some fat. That's expected. Just cut later.

The guys here have great advice for cutting.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Shitty night for me personally, but I did make it to the gym and set a couple PR's.

2x5x220, 1x6x220(PR) squats, last rep of last set paused
2x5x75s, 1x6x75s paused dumbbell bench
5x1x150 power cleans(PR)

Wanted to get more power cleans, obviously,


After work, had a 1/4 avocado, 2 slices of turkey breast, and 7 wings deep fried. I'm really missing fasting so i'm going to go through my gym schedule and better plan my eating habits to be more in tune with how i want them. I'm thinking 3 weeks strait solid cutting, then 4 days of maintenance calories (3k or so), then a 72 hour fast, then back to 3 weeks cutting. I really feel like i'm meant to fast more. I'll sleep on it. I hope i can get solid rest today, no work tomorrow, but i have a family get together around 2 till who knows when.
After work, had a 1/4 avocado, 2 slices of turkey breast, and 7 wings deep fried. I'm really missing fasting so i'm going to go through my gym schedule and better plan my eating habits to be more in tune with how i want them. I'm thinking 3 weeks strait solid cutting, then 4 days of maintenance calories (3k or so), then a 72 hour fast, then back to 3 weeks cutting. I really feel like i'm meant to fast more. I'll sleep on it. I hope i can get solid rest today, no work tomorrow, but i have a family get together around 2 till who knows when.

So you IF only for 4 days of the week? 23-1 right?


Do you lads supplement free weights routines with machines at the end of a workout?

Yeah, the BodyBuilding forums seem to universally hate them, citing that they don't work the stabiliser muscles and are too artificial.

I'm not too keen on using the barbell without a spotter so have been using dumbbells for the bench presses and supplementing with machines.

I think limiting yourself to free weights only is a god way to hinder yourself. Sometimes a machine can be a great supplemental to free weight movements.

On my MyoReps day (http://borgefagerli.com/myo-reps-in-english/) I tend to do a lot of machines because i want to isolate a particular muscle. And for some muscles there are no decent free weight movement that will do that.

Also there are biomechanics to take into consideration. Maybe you arent flexible enough in your hip and ankles to do a deep squat without putting pressure on your lower back so you cant go heavy. While you are working on you mobility you can go heavy on Hack squat or v-squat.

So I say dont rule out one or the other. See what benefits you in your training and do what you need to do to progress.


Junior Member
109 heat index. like 95% humidity. I'm dying even just being inside at work all day. I'll deadlift tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm in Florida and it's been fucking brutal the past few weeks.

I know CrossFit isn't really highly regarded around here but me and my buddy were closing up the gym last night and watching some of the CrossFit games on my laptop and we decided to set up the Speed Snatch Ladder event that was going on last night. We used the girls weights for the first two rounds and tried to beat the girls. Didn't happen lol. I made a video of it that's pretty funny.



Yeah, I'm in Florida and it's been fucking brutal the past few weeks.

I know CrossFit isn't really highly regarded around here but me and my buddy were closing up the gym last night and watching some of the CrossFit games on my laptop and we decided to set up the Speed Snatch Ladder event that was going on last night. We used the girls weights for the first two rounds and tried to beat the girls. Didn't happen lol. I made a video of it that's pretty funny.


Jesus, jobz. It's working for you, so keep doing what you're doing but crossfit looks even more unsafe than I thought lol
My doctor found i had low vitamin D levels and I started taking supplement to boost it. I actually wake up feeling energized to get my fitness on. My mood has definitely improved. Apparently studies show low vitamin D can lead to cognitive failure and the bodys ability to maintain bones so he wanted me to get this corrected. I also take a calcium supplement which is metabolized in conjunction with vitamin D, I am a bit fuzzy on that but I think I already get enough of that in my diet.

Anyways, if you havent had labwork on your blood be sure to. You might find something you need to fix!


So here I am on vacation again. This time I'm trying to keep my usual diet and actually make progress as opposed to last time. Starting of today by fasting until lunch to reserve some calories for later in the day.

Going to be tough around all of the grilled burgers, dogs, baked goods, alcohol, etc. F*ck...
So here I am on vacation again. This time I'm trying to keep my usual diet and actually make progress as opposed to last time. Starting of today by fasting until lunch to reserve some calories for later in the day.

Going to be tough around all of the grilled burgers, dogs, baked goods, alcohol, etc. F*ck...



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Waterpark today for the kids birthday party. Time to represent the FitGaf Dad Bod Avengers and show these people getting married and having children doesn't mean you have to give up and stop trying.


Waterpark today for the kids birthday party. Time to represent the FitGaf Dad Bod Avengers and show these people getting married and having children doesn't mean you have to give up and stop trying.

Sun's out, guns out.

Dad Bods Assemble.


Yeah, I'm in Florida and it's been fucking brutal the past few weeks.

I know CrossFit isn't really highly regarded around here but me and my buddy were closing up the gym last night and watching some of the CrossFit games on my laptop and we decided to set up the Speed Snatch Ladder event that was going on last night. We used the girls weights for the first two rounds and tried to beat the girls. Didn't happen lol. I made a video of it that's pretty funny.


Yeah, I was on the channel too. It was impressive, but it felt strange to me at the same time.

Kinda like when I got introduced to Indian male pole dancing.


Still nice job,...jobz. I also liked how you went with the "let's avoid a nut shot" transition approach.


Guess I'm going to slowly join Fit-GAF. I probably have a couple weeks left in my cut. I'm down to the lowest weight I've been in over a decade. I have to say, I can't weight to start my bulk. I'm going to keep it relatively slow and clean, but it'll be nice to be able to cheat a little bit more regularly without remorse.

I'm curious, how many days per week do you all workout, and how is it split between weighlifting/cardio/recreational exercise?


Got plenty of sleep and down .8, an even 230.0lbs today. Have family get together where there will be kebob and other middle eastern foods, so i may hit up some baba ganoush and other goodies. Still going to keep it low carb.


3x per week full body training beats bro splits for hypertrophy according to this study.


Makes sense based on the research and also on the stuff the Russians figured out decades ago.

Bro splits became popular with the Weider era and the rise of PEDs. PEDs lengthen muscle protein synthesis, so splits can be used without much detriment.

Obviously anything works if you're consistent and committed. Also many people get bored with full body routines.
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