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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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It has a lot more volume and workout takes twice as long. And as a beginner you might not need that. Depends on your goals though, either one works i guess. I'd personally use the ones in the OP first.

Yeah the time it takes seemed a bit much just starting out. Might give the one in the OP a go and see how that goes for a month or so. Cheers.


Help me fitgaf.

Age: 50

Height: 6ft 5inches

Weight: 240 lb

Goal: 200 lb

Current Training Schedule:
1 full body workout once a week. Training to failure.
My typical workout would be:-
Leg press
Bench press
Pull ups
Overhead press
Tricep extensions
Bicep curls
Calf press machine
Seated leg curl

I also run around with my kids at the weekend and go on the occasional bike ride.

Current Training Equipment Available:
A reasonable quality gym.

I'm decided to step it up to 3 days a week but don't train to failure as I won't be able to recover enough.

What's the thinking on using a leg press vs real squats?

A few things

- read the OP
- what are your goals besides weight loss? The main thing to lose those 40lbs is what you eat
- if you're moving to 3 days a week you need a plan and what you do in the gym should revolve around that plan
- in your current training what's your progression like
- leg press will never replace squats.


Impressive sir.

Thanks boss. My hip problems have reemerged a bit but I think part of it is due to letting my knees collapse on the concentric phase, so I've been working at that. Also I think I may be shooting my hips out of the hole a little too fast but I think it's passable as I'm not getting anywhere close to squatmorning it.
Can I use dumbbells in place of the barbell for these exercises?

It is not enough weight, sorry. Even if you don't start at 100 lbs., you will be there and completely adapted within a matter of weeks and you won't get anything out of it. It just takes way more than dummbells to actually work leg muscles, unfortunately. You might be able to make some upper body progress.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I'm at a conference center for work, and they have a decent fitness center. No barbells, so I tried to get creative on squats. I was supposed to go for 225 today, screwed that up.

5x65s front db squats. My wrist started hurting from an injury I never got surgery for and I had to stop.

3x5x60s standing db press (PR)

3x5x90s DB pendlay rows

Threw in some reverse curls to try and strengthen my wrist. It'll never be the same though.


Watch other videos of him squatting. It's more like a hybrid. Bar isn't high like a weightlifter but it isn't as low like many powerlifters.


That looks like high bar to me, he is standing nearly straight up, First video looked more like a lowbar.


In the end it doesn't matter too much as long as your placement is consistent. Low bar changes the length of the lever arm(your back) and because of that you can lift more weight than high bar. It is the most advantageous position for lifting the maximum amount of weight while still being a strict squat.


That looks like high bar to me, he is standing nearly straight up.

In the end it doesn't matter too much as long as your placement is consistent. Low bar changes the length of the lever arm(your back) and because of that you can lift more weight than high bar. Powerlifters like the Low Bar because its the lowest you can put the bar while it is still a strict squatting position, and it lets you add more weight because of the mechanics.

Either or, just not low-bar.


Can I use dumbbells in place of the barbell for these exercises?

There are no gyms where I live (good ol' Bronx, NY...there is shit here) but I do have a pair of dumbbells (adjustable from 10 to 50lbs), a plain ol' flat bench and resistance bands.

Early next year I will be moving to Manhattan (West Village) for a new job and there are a lot of gyms there so I'll have plenty of places to choose from. When I do move and pick a gym I'll probably do the "Starting Strength" stuff in the OP and will be active here but until then I'd like to use what I currently have.

I'm admittedly not strong at all and would be called "skinny fat" by many. I'm currently 162lbs which is down from 190lbs three years ago. The weight loss was mostly diet related as I stopped eating most of the garbage I used to munch on. I also run 2 or 3 times a week but thats because I enjoy it and it helps to clear my mind of any negativity and anxiety I may have. Whatever health benefit I get from that is gravy.

Any suggestions for a simple home dumbbell, flat bench and resistance band routine would be greatly appreciated. I'll turn 39 in October so I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore but I gotta start somewhere! Sorry if I'm rambling.. :)

You can, but you'll be limited by weight of the dumbbells. I'd change the rep scheme from 5x5 to 3x10.
Put together a resistance band routine for whist I'm away... Man did I forget how much of a pump you can get from the bands, especially if you're pausing at the hardest part of the rep.

I tend to use much higher reps than with normal weights though. They're not very well suited for replicating extremely heavy weights.


Put together a resistance band routine for whist I'm away... Man did I forget how much of a pump you can get from the bands, especially if you're pausing at the hardest part of the rep.

I tend to use much higher reps than with normal weights though. They're not very well suited for replicating extremely heavy weights.

Agreed, but it's better than nothing. I use tubes, not bands as I get a "feel" closer to weights.


My brother competed in a USAPL meet in Orlando on Saturday and I went up with him as his coach/handler. He took 5th in the 83kg open. It was a lot of fun and there were a ton of cool people there. The emcee that dresses like a pirate and does all the USAPL meets in the northeast was there and Leanna Carr was one of the judges.

Jon Gruden was also there watching his son compete. His son took 1st in everything 83kg and I think broke every florida state record for the junior division if not also the open.


Slept like 18 hours strait, I really needed it. Back down to 229.0 also. Not sure anymore what my plan is, I'm really considering a hybrid setup like the apex predator diet, but a variation on it.


500 for 5? I can barely do 430 for two. ;_;

when I woke up this morning I didn't expect to be inspired by john cena, yet here we are.
Been a while since I've posted. Glad to see you are all keeping this thread active. I still read it often but find my time to post is more limited these days; getting closer and closer to wrapping up my PhD, so that keeps me busy.

Still hurting the weights about 3 times a week and biking a few hours weekly. Been feeling good until lately as I've had a sort of sharp pain in my right hip when I am descending for squats - doesn't hurt on the way back up, just going down. Taking 10 days off from the gym for vacation next week, so I'm hoping I'll recover in that time. Thankfully, no pain walking, sitting, standing, or lying down.

Keep up the hard work, ladies and gents.


I'm trying and failing to become more flexible. Ever since my lower back injury being aggregated some months back I've lost a lot of flexibility. Touching my toes is pretty difficult. I hope I can pass this and be able to palm the floor. My ability to squat and deadlift probably depends on this.


I got one of those from Amazon during the Amazon Prime sale and just finally got around to using it and it is fantastic. Made rice then made some chicken. Very simple, very easy. I love it.

Seriously, go out and buy one of these. One of the best things I have ever gotten for my kitchen.

Is it significantly better than a basic slow cooker? I use my slow cooker constantly for chicken and rice dishes and it seems to work well.


I think you misunderstand. He's currently 229# at 15+ % BF. He wants to get to whatever BW that's necessary to have 9% BF.

Exactly this. No particular body weight in mind, just the 9% body fat goal. Whatever bw # that is, is my goal.

I looked really lean this morning, 19% might have been a good estimate but I don't know for sure. Have all new shoulder definition going on too. Exciting times.
Is it significantly better than a basic slow cooker? I use my slow cooker constantly for chicken and rice dishes and it seems to work well.

Yes and it isn't even close. It has a slow cooker option but the pressure cooker is great. Can make delicious chicken in 13 minutes.


I need some opinions or advice. I've been doing Phraks Greyskull LP (with Day 3 being front squat instead of back squat and weighted back extensions at the end of each session) and I absolutely hate benching because it consistently messes up one or more lift.

Week A:
For Day 2, BP --> DL. the arch from benching fatigues my lower back so my DL, pendlay rows, and back extension goes to shit.​

Week B:
For Day 3, BP --> front squat. Benching ruins my front rack position because my triceps get tight. Even after loosening it up with a lax ball it still feels all wrong.​

Is there a way to consistently and objectively get an arch that isn't "excessive"? My current setup always results with a PLing arch. I haven't recorded my current setup because there's not enough room to record anything in this gym.
A strongman/powerlifter at the gym I go to said that his friend (also has the same problem as me being very flexible) would put wooden board(s) under his lower back to consistently get the desired arch, however he can't recommend it because he doesn't know how that went for his friend.

No idea how to solve the problem with benching and my front squat rack position.


Switch the order of the lifts.

Yes, however that defeats one of the purposes of GSLP.

Let’s note a couple of things. For one, the upperbody is trained first each day. I am a fan of this approach. You will almost never have an upperbody workout that is so hard it messes up your squats. Virtually EVERY hard squat workout will mess up your benching or pressing. There is only one set of five deadlifts per week. However, the deadlift is still prioritized at least somewhat because you don’t also have to squat that day unlike so many other LP programs.


Gym went great today. This is the first 1s week lifting fasted. Today I had stevia with my coffee before hitting the gym and saw heart rate much lower then without. Will continue with it for further testing.

Today was squats, got 5x260, 3x295 and 1x330, with a AMRAP cool down set of 4x260. Everything went up easily, tons of strength and I'm already passed the 10th belt hole. If there was an 11th I'd be halfway there. It's nearly time to invest in a belt, maybe a inzer.

After the gym, getting changed and under the right lighting, sphynx style, I can now see 4 of my abs when tightened up. The loose skin below it all makes me look way more overweight then I am. Oh well, we keep on trucking.


Completely stalled on bench, only managed a single ar 295 but probably could've gotten a single at 300 because the single was like butter. Maybe this 3 week break will do some good, and I'll put in some better work on paused bench because I keep getting stuck in the dead zone.
Age: 21

Height: 6ft2

Weight: 176 pounds

Goal: Lean with Abs

Current Training Schedule: Mainly just cardio: running, football (soccer in US) and tennis

Current Training Equipment Available:

Two 10KG dumbells that are my brothers, no gym until Uni in late September. Have some Protein Powder in the house too :p

What is the best way I can go? I'm thinking maybe alternating between HIIT and exercises such as press-ups, but what do I know... There's simply too much BS out there on the internet, could do with some friendly pointers in the right direction.

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