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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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Thanks for reply, yeah that doesnt make sense to me either which is why im going to do 3x12 for 2 weeks then 4x8 for 2 weeks then finally 5x5. Deadlifts will indeed kill me so im going to do them once a week.

I dont know what u mean by progression scheme

So first and foremost, just know that your 5X5 weeks will take you hours in the gym. 5 sets of DL with 5 reps will take you 20-30 minutes alone, and you have 5 other exercises to do that day.

What I mean by progression scheme is this: typical programs have both the rep scheme (4X8, 3X12, etc.) and a weight progression scheme (start with the bar, increase by X% each time, deload, increase, etc.). Having a rep scheme is great, but what will you be doing with the weight? How much weight on 3X12 week? 5X5? What happens when your 6 week cycle is done. This is probably the area where most homemade programs fail.

If you're dead set on doing this program, let me know what you plan to do and I'll try to help.
So first and foremost, just know that your 5X5 weeks will take you hours in the gym. 5 sets of DL with 5 reps will take you 20-30 minutes alone, and you have 5 other exercises to do that day.

What I mean by progression scheme is this: typical programs have both the rep scheme (4X8, 3X12, etc.) and a weight progression scheme (start with the bar, increase by X% each time, deload, increase, etc.). Having a rep scheme is great, but what will you be doing with the weight? How much weight on 3X12 week? 5X5? What happens when your 6 week cycle is done. This is probably the area where most homemade programs fail.

If you're dead set on doing this program, let me know what you plan to do and I'll try to help.

ah i see what you mean. typically when i used to do split routine i would do 3x8 for 4 weeks then switch to 3x5 for 4 weeks, i saw great strength and muscle gains. ive never had a weight progression scheme really, all i do is try to lift more the next week but im a amateur so never really thought about a proper plan.

if u know of a better full body workout plan please share because i have never done these so i dont know which will work best.

currently this is what my workout plan looks like, im going to stick to it for probably 4-6 months

DAY 1 & 3

bench press
bent over rows
dumbell shoulder press
seated calve raises
cable crunches


decline bench press
lat pull downs
lateral raises
hammer curls
tricep extensions


HateGames, the workouts in the OP are proven and some can be done 3 days per week.

I'd highly recommend considering them if you're serious about lifting and have access to a good gym. I've been lifting hard for 6+ years now after just fucking around at the gym with no plan before that and I can say that Starting Strength really works.

With that being said, at this stage, I do my own thing.

I have two workouts that I alternate 4X per week. I'm using a rep scheme of Warmup/8/5/3/3 for compounds and 3X12 for most assistance lifts (although I'll mix it up occasionally).

Workout looks like this:

Day 1: Pull/Lower Body
DL - Warmup/8/5/3
Squat - Warmup/8/5/3/3 (super set with DB curls 3X12)
Power Clean - Warmup/8/5/3/3
Row (varies) - 3X12
Pull Ups - 3 sets to failure

Day 2: Push
OHP - Warmup/8/5/3/3
Bench - Warmup/8/5/3/3 (super set with DB shrugs 3X12)
Shoulders (Varies) 3X12
DB Chest Press (Varies) - 3X12
Triceps (Varies) 3X12
Tried Sumo deadlifts today for the first time. Just went up to 245 for sets of five after my main conventional deadlifts. They felt pretty natural for me. My arm length seems to help me more here than on conventional.


Tried Sumo deadlifts today for the first time. Just went up to 245 for sets of five after my main conventional deadlifts. They felt pretty natural for me. My arm length seems to help me more here than on conventional.

I think I am going to start doing these or using the hex bar. T-Rex arms make conventional difficult if I want to keep a straight back.


ah i see what you mean. typically when i used to do split routine i would do 3x8 for 4 weeks then switch to 3x5 for 4 weeks, i saw great strength and muscle gains. ive never had a weight progression scheme really, all i do is try to lift more the next week but im a amateur so never really thought about a proper plan.

if u know of a better full body workout plan please share because i have never done these so i dont know which will work best.

currently this is what my workout plan looks like, im going to stick to it for probably 4-6 months

DAY 1 & 3

bench press
bent over rows
dumbell shoulder press
seated calve raises
cable crunches


decline bench press
lat pull downs
lateral raises
hammer curls
tricep extensions

Read the OP and see the routines there.

Also that plan has you benching heavy every day, which may not work. I'd probably replace the decline bench with something else since it's almost the same as normal flat bench. Or do decline instead of flat. Incline or barbell press would probably work better as an alternate. Then alternate the assistance press so it would be BB flat/decline bench + DB press and BB press/incline + DB flat/decline bench or something..
currently this is what my workout plan looks like, im going to stick to it for probably 4-6 months

DAY 1 & 3

bench press
bent over rows
dumbell shoulder press
seated calve raises
cable crunches


decline bench press
lat pull downs
lateral raises
hammer curls
tricep extensions

Man, that upper body focus. You really want a buff chest more than anything huh?
Read the OP and see the routines there.

Also that plan has you benching heavy every day, which may not work. I'd probably replace the decline bench with something else since it's almost the same as normal flat bench. Or do decline instead of flat. Incline or barbell press would probably work better as an alternate. Then alternate the assistance press so it would be BB flat/decline bench + DB press and BB press/incline + DB flat/decline bench or something..
is dumbbell press pretty much the same as standard bench press? i prefer doing chest with dumbells, i just feel it more
HateGames, the workouts in the OP are proven and some can be done 3 days per week.

I'd highly recommend considering them if you're serious about lifting and have access to a good gym. I've been lifting hard for 6+ years now after just fucking around at the gym with no plan before that and I can say that Starting Strength really works.

With that being said, at this stage, I do my own thing.

I have two workouts that I alternate 4X per week. I'm using a rep scheme of Warmup/8/5/3/3 for compounds and 3X12 for most assistance lifts (although I'll mix it up occasionally).

Workout looks like this:

Day 1: Pull/Lower Body
DL - Warmup/8/5/3
Squat - Warmup/8/5/3/3 (super set with DB curls 3X12)
Power Clean - Warmup/8/5/3/3
Row (varies) - 3X12
Pull Ups - 3 sets to failure

Day 2: Push
OHP - Warmup/8/5/3/3
Bench - Warmup/8/5/3/3 (super set with DB shrugs 3X12)
Shoulders (Varies) 3X12
DB Chest Press (Varies) - 3X12
Triceps (Varies) 3X12
ok thanks, starting strength sounds good, if a little bare. i will do it for a month so i can get back in the grove before i start adding on more exercises. i will stick to 3 sets though just vary the rep range from 10,8, 5 every 2 weeks.

Man, that upper body focus. You really want a buff chest more than anything huh?
honestly no, my chest has always lagged behind everything else though so i want to focus on it more.


is dumbbell press pretty much the same as standard bench press? i prefer doing chest with dumbells, i just feel it more

ok thanks, starting strength sounds good, if a little bare. i will do it for a month so i can get back in the grove before i start adding on more exercises. i will stick to 3 sets though just vary the rep range from 10,8, 5 every 2 weeks.

If you're going to do a program, follow it. Don't do starting strength and vary the rep range.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Think I got mild golfers elbow from my last workout. Anyone ever use icyhot for muscle soreness and tightness?
Baller. Sub 5:00 soon?

Man it basically felt like I was running through my skin today to get to the 5:15. A sub 5 would be incredible. I remember one time I was running a half marathon at Big Sur and about 1 hour in the elite runners were already on their way back to finish the race and passed us going the opposite direction. The speed they were maintaining and how comfortable their bodies were at this insane pace was one of the most impressive human feats I have ever witnessed. When I checked out the standings they were averaging a 4:56 mile....For a marathon 0_o

On a side note I think IF has had a substantial impact on my run times. I just feel so light.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Incredible Bruce!


Unrelated completely but on Sunday I nearly put myself into a coma with a spur of the moment cheat night. I think my body needed a boost of fat maybe and boy did I comply to its request!

Three pints of ice cream. It was going to be 2 but they had a 3 for $9.99 special. I mean, I had to, right?

Then I ended the night with a couple PB&Js. Woke up the next day and my veins were popping out what looked like a quarter of an inch! Followed it up yesterday with a strict low carb 2,000 day and now I'm good to go for the week. :) Love putting the work in on a cut to get to a livable bf% that is fairly easy to maintain.
Incredible Bruce!


Unrelated completely but on Sunday I nearly put myself into a coma with a spur of the moment cheat night. I think my body needed a boost of fat maybe and boy did I comply to its request!

Three pints of ice cream. It was going to be 2 but they had a 3 for $9.99 special. I mean, I had to, right?

Then I ended the night with a couple PB&Js. Woke up the next day and my veins were popping out what looked like a quarter of an inch! Followed it up yesterday with a strict low carb 2,000 day and now I'm good to go for the week. :) Love putting the work in on a cut to get to a livable bf% that is fairly easy to maintain.

The eating aspect to all the hard work is the single best lifestyle thing about it to me. To be able to look good and still have days like that is when you realize its all worth it.


Is their a go to place u guys use for recipes? My diet is holding me back I think

No but what kinda budget and kitchen do you have? Do you care about making food in bulk or not?

Most of my meals have really simple recipes like coat with spice mixture, apply fire, flip occasionally.
No but what kinda budget and kitchen do you have? Do you care about making food in bulk or not?

Most of my meals have really simple recipes like coat with spice mixture, apply fire, flip occasionally.
Budget is flexible, got all kinds of shit in the kitchen, and bulk is no issue

Only big no is eggs. Hate eggs man...
Hey FitnessGAF, I'm looking to lose weight through eating a low carbohydrate diet, but I just adore shakes during these hot summer days. I've went to Smoothie King and gotten their Gladiator, which has 1g carbs, and I find it highly enjoyable for what it is. Of course, the drink is extremely expensive, so I can't sustain drinking those too often.

What low-carb shake mixes are good options? The Gladiator mix was $50 for 20 servings, which seemed a bit high to me, but I don't have any frame of reference. I am looking to be educated on this matter. Thanks in advance!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The eating aspect to all the hard work is the single best lifestyle thing about it to me. To be able to look good and still have days like that is when you realize its all worth it.
It's surely near the top. It's nice eating unhealthy food occasionally and having zero worries or guilt that it will have a negative impact on your health. It's also a fact that all your favorite food tastes better if you have it infrequently.

Waking up with abs after a night like that is a nice little perk too. Ha

The Chef

To say that my last weekend of backpacking was a "carb-load" would be a gross understatement. Must have put back 3 bags of peanut butter M&Ms, hash browns, marshmallows oh lord i could just keep going.

The eating aspect to all the hard work is the single best lifestyle thing about it to me. To be able to look good and still have days like that is when you realize its all worth it.
Absolutely. Tracking exactly what I eat has become extremely rewarding and actually quite enjoyable.


I'm actually laughing at Cooter's fat boost post and MTP's smiley face...lol

3 pints of ice cream and 2 pb&js would give me diabetes...

p.s. Coot, I started doing your "bowl of PB and J" snack and HOLY SHIIIIT, it's my new go-to. 20 oz. whole milk, 4 tablespoons of PB, garnish with strawberry jelly. Delish.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm actually laughing at Cooter's fat boost post and MTP's smiley face...lol

3 pints of ice cream and 2 pb&js would give me diabetes...

p.s. Coot, I started doing your "bowl of PB and J" snack and HOLY SHIIIIT, it's my new go-to. 20 oz. whole milk, 4 tablespoons of PB, garnish with strawberry jelly. Delish.

Details? Shoving down 4 tablespoons of PB no J and washing down with milk is getting tiresome for me.
What low-carb shake mixes are good options? The Gladiator mix was $50 for 20 servings, which seemed a bit high to me, but I don't have any frame of reference. I am looking to be educated on this matter. Thanks in advance!

Generally drinking calories isn't a beneficial way to lose weight, but I do like tasty drinks myself. Here's a few to consider:

Kaizen (If you can obtain it, it's easyish to get in Canada): http://www.kaizenprotein.com/nutrition.html
Dymatize ISO-100 (Please don't buy it from their site at that price wtf): http://www.dymatize.com/protein/iso-100/5lb
ISOPure (Two varieties to suit your needs):http://www.theisopurecompany.com/product/isopurecoffee.html
(edit)I forgot this one:

Generally all these shake mixes aren't cheap, and most of the calories probably come from fat if anything (although not always). Also, you may want to consider how much "1 serving" is. Some products list 2 scoops as the serving amount, and 21-22 servings per container. If you feel like you can get away with just having 1 scoop, then suddenly your serving amount just went way up. You may want to consider messing around with adding milk or low cal frozen yogurt to get the shake to the consistency that you'd like.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm actually laughing at Cooter's fat boost post and MTP's smiley face...lol

3 pints of ice cream and 2 pb&js would give me diabetes...

p.s. Coot, I started doing your "bowl of PB and J" snack and HOLY SHIIIIT, it's my new go-to. 20 oz. whole milk, 4 tablespoons of PB, garnish with strawberry jelly. Delish.
Anytime I get a MTP appoved food post I know I did something right.

PB&J bowls are the shit. I don't mix mine so I can control the ratios that go into my mouth. Ha


Anytime I get a MTP appoved food post I know I did something right.

PB&J bowls are the shit. I don't mix mine so I can control the ratios that go into my mouth. Ha

MTP congratulated me on the lobster bake I had, but I think the same night he ate a KFC family of 6 combo so it was mostly bittersweet.
3x12 @ 100 lbs db bench
1x10 @ 110 lbs db bench

felt good, real good. bb bench still shit, oh well

Anytime I get a MTP appoved food post I know I did something right.

PB&J bowls are the shit. I don't mix mine so I can control the ratios that go into my mouth. Ha

don't have the patience for that, I would just want to eat it in a sammich
Problem is that the hotels I stay at usually don't have one, and if they have, they usually just have cardio machines and some shitty multi-exercise stations. Fitness rooms are not as common here in Europe, unless the hotel is a wellness/recreation hotel at the end of the world.

Also in Europe, and also have the same problem. I used to try to go for only the places with gyms, but then it's hard enough working out which hotels have gyms in many places... let alone what gear they have.

So I take a full set of these with me now: http://bodylastics.com/

They're not a perfect replacement, but with the right routine you can get a really good pump out of them. At the moment I'm trying to find a collapsible pull up bar so I can take one of those with me too. I tried to fit my current one in my luggage but sadly it's too large.


Great day at the gym once again. My strength is back in full force. I'm pretty sure the stevia did the trick, plus becoming adapted to fasted working out.

Today was OHP, with 5x135, 3x155, 1x175 with a cooldown AMRAP set of 6x135. Everything went up easy as heck. Really feeling it right now. Finished up all my accessories and hit every rep on those as well.

Still eating 1750 a day but I had 100 calories of frozen strawberries last night as ice cream in the vitamix.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Also in Europe, and also have the same problem. I used to try to go for only the places with gyms, but then it's hard enough working out which hotels have gyms in many places... let alone what gear they have.

So I take a full set of these with me now: http://bodylastics.com/

They're not a perfect replacement, but with the right routine you can get a really good pump out of them. At the moment I'm trying to find a collapsible pull up bar so I can take one of those with me too. I tried to fit my current one in my luggage but sadly it's too large.

I have bodylastics too. Problem is that often times the hotel room is not really suitable for using them. For instance, if your only door is the main door, attaching and reattaching them is kinda annoying.
Sure, but when I'm away I tend to avoid doing the moves with the anchors anyway, relying more on the ones where you stand on the band. Can still get a good full body workout (as long as you add in some standard bodyweight stuff like press ups and one legged squats etc).
Also, 5X5 deadlifts might kill you.
Well, your 5RM is going to be much higher than what you can do 5x5, but kill you?

I've moved to the Boring But Big accessory scheme for 5/3/1, been on it for about a month and a half now, and have been doing 5x10 deadlifts at 70%/60%/60%/50%/50% of my training max on my squat day. It's tough but it's a good tough.
Jesus. Do you live at the top of a snowy mountain on a remote island?
Second part, yes. Australia. A general rule with most US-based companies is that if it's international (often even for Canada) the shipping is prohibitively expensive. I don't know if it's because they're trying to bilk their customers, or just don't want the hassle, or are genuinely naive, but it's pretty damned annoying.

Nelo Ice

So just noticed one of the 24 super sports I go to has tires and a a sledgehammer in a small outdoor area. Starting to like what they're doing with adding more lifting oriented stuff since they've also added prowlers and bumper plates in the past year. Of course I have no clue if I'll ever need to use anything but the bumper plates. Also another 24 I've been to has a farmers walk thing.

Of course this is all gravy since I only pay $16/month.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I just might hit 300 strict overhead this year. Hit 260 for a single after a ton of volume. On video 260x1 and 215lbs x 6.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 170x5, 190x3, 215x6. (Joker sets) 225, 235, 250, 260.

DB incline bench: 65lbs x 15, 13, 10.

Swiss bar bench 135x10, 185x8,8

Dips/curls 10,12/20,12



I just might hit 300 strict overhead this year. Hit 260 for a single after a ton of volume. On video 260x1 and 215lbs x 6.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 170x5, 190x3, 215x6. (Joker sets) 225, 235, 250, 260.

DB incline bench: 65lbs x 15, 13, 10.

Swiss bar bench 135x10, 185x8,8

Dips/curls 10,12/20,12


If commenting everytime you OHP makes me a brolic groupie, fuck it, I guess I'm a brolic groupie. 260 lbs like a hot knife through butter.

300 by YE would be amazing

Nelo Ice

That doesn't help me at all lol. Lucky you tho.
Lol sorry. That's how I got my rate. It's usually the best deal whenever 24 offers one of those pay upfront for x amt of years. Otherwise yeah Costco is the cheapest afaik otherwise. Also if you think that's cheap my sis pays $28/yr total. *She never goes to the gym.
pressure cooker stuff

onions and mushrooms

chicken breast

throw em in the pressure cooker, saute with olive oil

browning chicken

after 13 minutes in pressure cooker



Brian Burke punched my mom
I'm at full mast after seeing your post FE..

I just might hit 300 strict overhead this year. Hit 260 for a single after a ton of volume. On video 260x1 and 215lbs x 6.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 170x5, 190x3, 215x6. (Joker sets) 225, 235, 250, 260.

DB incline bench: 65lbs x 15, 13, 10.

Swiss bar bench 135x10, 185x8,8

Dips/curls 10,12/20,12



Yes, do the beginner programs. They're very effective since barbells just put on slabs of muscle when done consistently and on a calorie surplus.

Another good beginner is Ice Cream Fitness 5x5.........

Thanks for the prompt feedback. To kick off some training reformation, I've gotten the MyFitness Pal app and am trying to track my calories and protein intake. Having a pretty fixed diet during the week should make it fairly easy to see where I am landing after a week or two, but just judging from the past few days I think I am probably currently at about 0.8 g protein / pound, so I will probably be throwing in a second protein shake in (and/or some milk+eggs) into my daily diet to get that number up to +1.0 g/lb. Just doing back of envelope calculations I can probably stand to consume 20-25% more caloric intake than what I will probably average on a day-to-day basis.

The program you suggested looks like it will probably be a good longer-term implementation. For the immediate future (maybe 2-4 weeks), I am going to implement the recommended full-body workout in the OP, since I really need to work out my form and gain some confidence on some of the exercises I've long neglected (squat, deadlift, standing row). I think when I feel more confident with those I will expand to the more comprehensive 5x5 you recommended. On the off days I will focus on stretching and probably some light cardio.

I already have a pretty decent muscle foundation from the isolated splits I was doing before, but frankly I feel now that I've squandered a lot of time and potential just being content with where I was. It finally just hit me that I felt like I was wasting time at the gym. Most importantly, after already incorporating more full body exercises, I realize how much a) a desk job has basically screwed my support muscles sitting on my butt all day, and b) an isolated workout split, with too much emphasis on sitting exercises and machine exercises also weakened my support muscles. I gotta regain some ground and get the rest of my body up to par with where my biceps, lats, etc. are at.

I'll probably be dropping in from time to time with more questions or updates on progress. Thanks!
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