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Fitness |OT8| Dad Bods, Bulge Swelfies, and Wait...Do you even lift bro?

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I finally got confirmation that what I'm seeing are my abs already. I honestly did not expect them out so soon. I've likely been underestimating my progress because who is ever happy with how they look.

I really think the 20X range is going to be where things become more obvious to me. Right now I'm eating 1-300 calories more in the evenings and not fasting on purpose because I don't want my body getting used to the fasting and negating the effects.

Thing is adapting really quick nowadays. Need a really solid monthly plan to follow, and it looks like I'll be busy all week again.
So it's still sort of right... but useless because you there's no way of working out what your metabolism is actually doing. This doesn't really come as a surprise. I'm actually surprised that people genuinely thought that cutting 3,500kcal a week would equal 1lb of fat... man I'd love it to be that simple!

Short version. There's still 3500kcal in 1lb of fat, but it's meaningless because there's no way to work out what your body is actually burning (sans medical equipment).

Vaguely related, I put on about 2.5lb when I was away, which I'm not that unhappy about as I still look pretty good, and fasting aside I wasn't being obsessive about my eating / alcohol.


Hi FitGAF, i have a problem. I'm extremely inflexible and always have been. I'm very tall and a bit overweight, and it feels like I've been sitting in a chair for the last 30 years (I didn't do much or any exercise when I was younger)

I can't bend forward 90 degrees with a straight back. When lying on my back I can't put my leg straight up without it hurting (I had a psychical therapist who was flabbergasted by this). I can't bend my foot upwards towards my shin more than like 10-20 degrees. When I stretch by "squatting", lying on my back with my feet flat on the wall, I can't touch my ass to the wall. I can't sit down in a squat without standing on tiptoes. Trying yoga was a disaster.

Obviously this means I have problems with my lifts. I can't squat even down to 90 degrees. I can't deadlift at all because I can't hold on to the bar on the floor with my back straight (if the bar was 4-5 inches higher I probably could though). Obviously many other exercises also suffer. What do I do? I'm currently in a 3day split with deadlifts, squats, and bench respectively on each day, plus appropriate auxiliaries. On deadlift day I try to do them with low weights to practice but it's pretty much impossible. I have a stretch routine I do before I start lifting and it helps a little, but not enough.

So what do I do? Is there a good routine for inflexible people that helps me work towards being able to do things like deadlifts?
So what do I do? Is there a good routine for inflexible people that helps me work towards being able to do things like deadlifts?

Given how inflexible you are I'd say sticking with yoga is likely to be the best option, but finding a specific version that suits people like. I'm imagining there must be a lot of options out there aimed at older people. For specific exercises, there's a ton out there, and some stuff in the OP. You just usually need to google "improve X mobility" (ie, improve squat mobility).

Oh, and if your therapist was astonished by you not being able to straighten your leg (I assume you mean to 90 degrees) then they've worked with hardly anyone. I've met a number of people that have that problem on one, and sometimes I have that issue on my left leg when my foot is flexed (my hamstring stops me).

Is the Gym a good place to be if you are mad? Do you guys feel you can do your workouts better if you are angry?

Testosterone.... good for explosive power, bad for form.


Sounds like hip, hamstring and ankle tightness. Probably glute inactivation too due to sitting.

Glute inactivation you can work on with specific motions using just your legs to reteach yourself how to use them. Look for that Limber 11 video on youtube.

Ankles stretching is just standing x inches away from a wall and trying to touch it with your knee.

Hamstring stretching is lying on your back and pulling your leg to 90. I just roll up a bedsheet and hold that for 90-120 seconds per leg a few times. If you find you cant do that without the other leg leaving the ground then thats another muscle(psoas).

You should be able to squat down when you are holding onto something to keep you from falling back. Do that for a minute or so at a time to get yourself used to the position. You might have to figure out your knees too like I did with weak glutes, they should be pointing in the direction of your toes(slightly outward) for the entire movement, otherwise they are pulled inward by the stronger leg muscles; could be impinging your hip joint and that is holding your ROM/depth back.

Squatting progression could be box squats starting with nothing or just the bar.

DL you might want to do Romanian DL instead of conventional just to feel the hamstrings and glutes better. Stay light so your back is straight. My DL goes up pretty linearly with my squat so I never actually work on it specifically. They both have similar ROM requirements.


As I'm on a bit of a health kick and going to the gym regularly I thought I'd give protein shakes a try. Bought myself a blender and a tub of whey protein (nutrabolics hyperwhey choc) and enjoyed it once or twice, but the lactose is now really starting to bother my insides. I've always been somewhat lactose intolerant but this protein really makes me feel ill. Are there any other alternative protein powders without milk product that you would recommend?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Ran a 5:07 Mile today. Thats been a lifetime feat for me.

I can't figure out how to get into running without hating it (or getting injured).

I never actually ran any considerable amount until two years ago when I decided to train several months in advance of an obstacle course race.

I noticed that I would get fatigued quickly, so I had lots of trouble with any runs longer than 5 or 6 miles, and uphills especially kicked my ass.

Strangely, after only a few months I was able to run a 5:57 mile. And you're right, it felt like I was running through my skin to get that.
Hi FitGAF, i have a problem. I'm extremely inflexible and always have been. I'm very tall and a bit overweight, and it feels like I've been sitting in a chair for the last 30 years (I didn't do much or any exercise when I was younger)

I can't bend forward 90 degrees with a straight back. When lying on my back I can't put my leg straight up without it hurting (I had a psychical therapist who was flabbergasted by this). I can't bend my foot upwards towards my shin more than like 10-20 degrees. When I stretch by "squatting", lying on my back with my feet flat on the wall, I can't touch my ass to the wall. I can't sit down in a squat without standing on tiptoes. Trying yoga was a disaster.

Obviously this means I have problems with my lifts. I can't squat even down to 90 degrees. I can't deadlift at all because I can't hold on to the bar on the floor with my back straight (if the bar was 4-5 inches higher I probably could though). Obviously many other exercises also suffer. What do I do? I'm currently in a 3day split with deadlifts, squats, and bench respectively on each day, plus appropriate auxiliaries. On deadlift day I try to do them with low weights to practice but it's pretty much impossible. I have a stretch routine I do before I start lifting and it helps a little, but not enough.

So what do I do? Is there a good routine for inflexible people that helps me work towards being able to do things like deadlifts?

maybe this can help http://antranik.org/toe-touching-routine/ stumbled upon it when I was looking for piriformis stretches a while ago

Good lord I hate videos where the person can't keep the phone still. I would have to be in a windstorm to shake that much.

I can't figure out how to get into running without hating it (or getting injured).

I never actually ran any considerable amount until two years ago when I decided to train several months in advance of an obstacle course race.

I noticed that I would get fatigued quickly, so I had lots of trouble with any runs longer than 5 or 6 miles, and uphills especially kicked my ass.

Strangely, after only a few months I was able to run a 5:57 mile. And you're right, it felt like I was running through my skin to get that.

Bro you got to stick with it. If you were already able to hit a 5:57 mile after that little time training you have some amazing potential.


That chicken looks really good. Woke up early this morning so I actually got to make breakfast. Peanut butter + chocolate whey + hot oatmeal. Crack an egg into it.

Gonna start incorporating OHP into the routine today. Time to learn!
That chicken looks really good. Woke up early this morning so I actually got to make breakfast. Peanut butter + chocolate whey + hot oatmeal. Crack an egg into it.

Gonna start incorporating OHP into the routine today. Time to learn!

that it is, plan to make this later


I mean I know I can make it in the oven but the pressure cooker will be so much easier lol.


I'm so hopped up on iced coffee this morning that I feel like hitting the weights right now.

This must be what it feels like to use Craze minus the heart attack sensation.

Mr. X

I have chicken, broccoli, carrots and a sweet potato. Wish I knew how to cook better, I always end up doing the same: chop and microwave the broccoli and carrots then season and bake the chicken :[

The Chef

Try stir-frying. Just as easy and quick.

Definitely the easiest. Pour soy sauce and sriracha all over it while frying it up.

grill up the chicken
Steam the broccoli and add some cheese, mayo or hot sauce (whatever your macros allow)
Bake the sweet potato in the microwave and mash it up.
Pretty quick too and super tasty.


I just might hit 300 strict overhead this year. Hit 260 for a single after a ton of volume. On video 260x1 and 215lbs x 6.

Overhead press: 95x5, 115x5, 135x3, 170x5, 190x3, 215x6. (Joker sets) 225, 235, 250, 260.

DB incline bench: 65lbs x 15, 13, 10.

Swiss bar bench 135x10, 185x8,8

Dips/curls 10,12/20,12


Damn dude, ridiculously impressive how you hold great form at that weight. With the path you're on I can see you hitting 300 this year.

Basic, but good option for your sweet potato:


Easy, not all that quick, but worth it for my 800g of post workout sweet potatoes. Confirmed to be tasty. =)

May have to try this. I'm a huge fan of sweet potatoes.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Hey guys, can you take a look at my squat form?

That hip-hinge is actually a new adjustment I made today, based on this video.

I've had a notoriously difficult time sitting back and down in the squat. I just could never figure out the initial movement. So today I exaggerated the hip-hinge slightly in the beginning and just focused on sitting straight down, and for the first time in a long while my squats felt "strong." Like, I was actually using my legs to move the weight.

Up until now I always felt weak at the bottom, but I think this exaggerated movement may have ironed out my issue a bit. I'm hoping it looks alright. I'd appreciate any and all advice!

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Whelp I suddenly have the urge to just continue trying to increase my deadlift past my 405 lb goal in hopes of deadlifting the rear end of a car lol.

Sweet I have the same goal! Currently at 385 though and only managed 5 reps today.

I did bulgarian split squats instead of normal squat for the first time. I can not do anything for the rest of the day. Ass hurts


My GF's lifting progress has stagnated for long enough and I'm putting her on a different type of program. Wanted to try something aimed at aesthetics (the womanly kind) and more lower body focus (dat ass). So I bought the book Strong Curves by Bret Contreras. Considering the man has made himself famous mostly with specialising in glute training and women's physique, I'd guess he knows what he's talking about.

Anyway the routines itself aren't anything revolutionary but tried and true full body workouts with focus on the posterior chain especially. Compound lifts mostly as you would imagine. Looks good.

And we're getting married July next year. Yay! :)


Junior Member
Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I don't use protein powder, as I get enough from milk and meat.

What's wrong with processed food, though? As long as you're counting calories and keeping to your macros, is there another issue? I know Trans Fats are dangerous, but anything else?
As I'm on a bit of a health kick and going to the gym regularly I thought I'd give protein shakes a try. Bought myself a blender and a tub of whey protein (nutrabolics hyperwhey choc) and enjoyed it once or twice, but the lactose is now really starting to bother my insides. I've always been somewhat lactose intolerant but this protein really makes me feel ill. Are there any other alternative protein powders without milk product that you would recommend?

So, most protein powders are usually milk products (Whey/Casein anyways). There's no reason to be afraid of it if you're lactose intolerant, you just have to pay attention to the ingredients. The one you listed is missing lactase, the enzyme that allows you to process lactose if you're intolerant. Most of the bigger companies will include it in their mix so that people like you and I can actually use their product without ill effects. ON, and Dymatize as far as I know include lactase in their protein powders. Keep an eye out and you'll avoid the digestive discomfort.

May have to try this. I'm a huge fan of sweet potatoes.

It's pretty good for how simple it is.

Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I generally only use it to make desserts, and I don't even make them that often. Definitely good to kick the reliance of powders to get a decent amount of protein in though.


Back up to 229 this morning. Feel great tho. Looking lean as heck. Excited for deadlift today.

Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I eat no processed foods or protein powders, also dairy free. Easy and I feel better.

I don't use protein powder, as I get enough from milk and meat.

What's wrong with processed food, though? As long as you're counting calories and keeping to your macros, is there another issue? I know Trans Fats are dangerous, but anything else?

Processed food is filled with horrible chemicals and garbage fats. Avoid if you have any concern about health. If you just want the cheap macros tho, then it's all your decision.


Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I got myself down to about 1/2 a scoop per day. Might swap over to morning cottage cheese or something else to get early protein dose(breakfast is my post workout meal).

I still take a vitamin stack daily so I don't consider myself holier than thou or anything.
Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I use none. I actually think I've gotten bigger and leaner since going off of it all. My body can just process it better. Anecdotal though


Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I only use whey to cook now. I stopped taking creatine, vitamins, fish oil, etc. I have a very healthy diet, it all felt like overkill.

Couple of the BB guys at my gym commented I'm looking leaner. Always nice to get compliments from people who aren't family.

Was also talking to them about the scale and they both said they rarely weigh themselves and just go by look.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I only use whey to cook now. I stopped taking creatine, vitamins, fish oil, etc. I have a very healthy diet, it all felt like overkill.

Couple of the BB guys at my gym commented I'm looking leaner. Always nice to get compliments from people who aren't family.

Was also talking to them about the scale and they both said they rarely weigh themselves and just go by look.

Some jokers broke our super nice sliding scale at the gym so now I'm stuck doing the same thing.

How do you even break one of those...


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Anybody here not use protein powder? I'm going to try to stick to real foods and ditch the supps for the next month. I'm still going to eat like a horse but just try and get rid of all the processed nonsense.

I do. I eat vegetarian, and while that is not an intrinsic issue, sometimes I feel like eating something that doesn't have enough protein in itself. A shake comes in handy then.


Is splitting your workout a bad thing?

For example: Going to the gym at 2:00 PM and working on Chest and triceps. Leave the gym and come back at around 9:00 PM and work on Abs on the same day.
Well that is just an example. Usually abs and then some running on the treadmill.

Ah ok. I don't like going multiple times but if it works for you then go for it. I hurt myself a few years ago doing 2-a-days but I would go in do a compound movement in the morning and after work. Just listen to your body and if its too tired then skip the evening workout.


Great workout again today. Deadlift with 5x315, 3x360 and 1x400, with a cooldown set of 4x315. Abs are out in force today after the deadlifts, becoming rather fond of the shape they're. Hit every rep on accessories easy as well. I'm really feeling more and more confident as time goes on. Like I'm nearly there.
I only use whey to cook now. I stopped taking creatine, vitamins, fish oil, etc. I have a very healthy diet, it all felt like overkill.

Couple of the BB guys at my gym commented I'm looking leaner. Always nice to get compliments from people who aren't family.

Was also talking to them about the scale and they both said they rarely weigh themselves and just go by look.

"You actually looked ripped now"

Wait are you saying I was fat?
Is splitting your workout a bad thing?

For example: Going to the gym at 2:00 PM and working on Chest and triceps. Leave the gym and come back at around 9:00 PM and work on Abs on the same day.

BB is typically a split training schedule so there is no harm in it. You have to ask yourself why you want to go twice though. If its to get results in a shorter time frame or because you don't have a full week or your on an anabolic cocktail of goodies and no longer get enough of a workout in the time you get per session than sure. That said though its not necessary but there is nothing wrong with it.

J. Bravo

buying some decent running shoes next wednesday aka paaaaaay day! then i can start the cardio. might also consider running in some old ones, but that's probably a really bad idea.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
buying some decent running shoes next wednesday aka paaaaaay day! then i can start the cardio. might also consider running in some old ones, but that's probably a really bad idea.

It is. Go to a professional store and let them chose a suitable shoe for your foot. I went to a store that did a full analysis with me, and the resulting pair of shoes are the best I ever had. Avoid injuring your knees.


So I only managed a double at 375 on deadlifts today, and that's my last lift for three weeks or so, but that's beside the point:

I am absolutely fed up with my college gym. I get people telling me to lift more quietly. I am forced to use mats while deadlifting, which are an inch thick and don't allow me to pull from the floor, because they are afraid these weights from the mid 1990s will crack. I am told that I'm not allowed to drop my deadlift from the top of the lift, even when there's 350+ on the bar, and instead I have to lower the bar all the way to the ground, putting me at risk for injury, despite multiple PL federations being fine with dropping from the top. And now, today, IN BETWEEN REPS OF MY 375 set, I am told that I am not allowed to deadlift in socks only. I have been deadlifting this way for the better part of a year, in front of staff and other gyms, and never had a problem with it. It is proven that being closer to the floor is biomechanically better for your back, where I have a history of injuries. But now it's suddenly not okay? I am more experienced than just about anybody that walks through that door, and I am pound-for-pound one of the strongest people in the gym; I pose no injury risk to myself nor others by deadlifting barefoot. There is no chance I will slip because I lift in high-grip socks. There is no way I drop the weight on my foot because IT'S A FUCKING BARBELL. There's no way I slip and swing the weight at anyone because IT'S 350+ POUNDS AND IT'LL FALL STRAIGHT DOWN.

But what's worst of all is that they have NO policy against wearing 5 Fingers. So while I cannot deadlift barefoot, people are allowed to swing fucking dumbbells around with minimal protection to their feet. What's more dangerous?

I pay a shitton in student fees to go to this gym. I can't afford to go to another gym, and I'll be wasting $50+ a month if I do, so I don't know what to do. I asked the staff about deadlift socks and they maintained their dogma of "athletic shoes only". I don't know what to do at this point. I follow every one of their stupid rules from lifting quietly to signing up to use cardio machines (lol cardio), I don't bother anyone in the gym and keep to myself -- the least I should be allowed to do is deadlift in what is the safest fashion for me.

Any advice?


Hi FitGAF, i have a problem. I'm extremely inflexible and always have been. I'm very tall and a bit overweight, and it feels like I've been sitting in a chair for the last 30 years (I didn't do much or any exercise when I was younger)

I can't bend forward 90 degrees with a straight back. When lying on my back I can't put my leg straight up without it hurting (I had a psychical therapist who was flabbergasted by this). I can't bend my foot upwards towards my shin more than like 10-20 degrees. When I stretch by "squatting", lying on my back with my feet flat on the wall, I can't touch my ass to the wall. I can't sit down in a squat without standing on tiptoes. Trying yoga was a disaster.

Obviously this means I have problems with my lifts. I can't squat even down to 90 degrees. I can't deadlift at all because I can't hold on to the bar on the floor with my back straight (if the bar was 4-5 inches higher I probably could though). Obviously many other exercises also suffer. What do I do? I'm currently in a 3day split with deadlifts, squats, and bench respectively on each day, plus appropriate auxiliaries. On deadlift day I try to do them with low weights to practice but it's pretty much impossible. I have a stretch routine I do before I start lifting and it helps a little, but not enough.

So what do I do? Is there a good routine for inflexible people that helps me work towards being able to do things like deadlifts?

Continue with the squats and the exercise will stretch you out quickly. If you can't get into position for a deadlift (Knees are not straight) then do a Romanian deadlift until you can do a full one. Do occasional yoga as well. Standard stretching will not help much.
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