I have thick ass legs and I don't want to do squats anymore. Any advice for a plan that focuses on just upper body? I know it isn't balanced but I'm tired of my meaty thighs and I want to get that big ole chest.
Most if not all good plans that you find will have both.
You could use a template/progression schematic like the Texas Method, Juggernaut Method, 5/3/1 and use a few upperbody barbell lifts and fill in with accessory work.
So an example would be.
Overhead Press 5/3/1
Pause Bench 5 x 3
Shrugs 3 x 10
Row Variation 3 x 10 & 1 x 20+
Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 x 10 & 1 x 3+
Incline Plate Press 3 x 20+
Bicep Curl Variations 80 reps total
Bench Press 5/3/1
Overhead Press 3 x Amrap
Shrugs 3 x 10
Row Variation 3 x 10 & 1 x 20+
Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 x 10 & 1 x 3+
Plate Press 3 x 20+
Tricep Extension Variations 80 reps total
Incline Bench Press 5/3/1
Pause Bench 5 x 3
Shrugs 3 x 10
Row Variation 3 x 10 & 1 x 20+
Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 3 x 10 & 1 x 3+
Incline Plate Press 3 x 20+
Bicep Curl Variations 80 reps total
Pause Bench, Pause in the bottom but don't rest it, support it with your muscles. This increase time under tension and forces your muscles to fire harder instead of relying on stretch reflex.
Don't be afraid to get a LITTLE sloppy with shrugs but don't go overboard with it. Also go heavy. Traps respond well to heavy weight and a good stretch.
For Plate Presses make sure to squeeze really hard. I use 25 lb plates atm for 25 - 30 reps per set. Anything lighter is a waste of time imo.
The 4th set on the 3 Dumbbell Presses is as many reps as possible. You choose the weight based on your goals or if you want to try for a pr. I rotate between using that set as a heavy set or a really light set to push for a pump/hypertrophy. The minimum is 3 reps to allow for a variety of rep ranges to be used.
4th set on Row variation is a minimum of 20 reps for the pump.
For the arm work pick 2 exercises and just get 80 total reps between them. Record your weights and try to beat your total poundage each week (reps x weight). I have been using Deficit curls and Preacher curls for this.
Overhead press 3 x amrap, just do 3 sets with a given weight. All 3 sets should be just short of failure. No set reps to hit just make it 3 hard sets. I aim for sets of 5, you could aim for sets 8 if you want. When I did this on Thursday I went 1st set 7 reps, 2nd set 5 reps, and 3rd set 4 reps. Each set was super close to failure but didn't actually hit failure.
This is similar (condensed) to what I am doing right now and this is the most upperbody gains I have seen in a while. I use a different scheme for the barbell lifts but I would have insane time putting it into words and making it understandable.