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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


You'll loose the most weight by dieting.

Add Inca little cardio too.
That's essentially how I've started. Healthy eating + 30 minutes a day on the bike. But I'd like to start using the p90 DVDs at some point and incorporate some resistance training.


Not sure if there are any swimmers in here, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I've been trying to find some sort of exercise to do on a daily basis. Running is hell on my knees, and I can't stand stationary biking. I swam competitively in high school and I was in the best shape of my life, so I figured I would give doing laps a shot.

I forgot how hard this shit is. I only swam ~20 laps but I am absolutely exhausted (I know, I'm in terrible shape). However, being in the pool felt wonderful, and I think this is the exercise I want to do. But I need some help.

- My left arm is killing me. Are there any good stretches for arms?

- How many laps (in a 25m pool) should I be aiming for daily? I think 20 is about my upper limit for now, but obviously after a couple weeks I should aim to raise that.

- What stroke should I do? I alternated free/back today. I doubt I could handle butterfly at this point as my core isn't strong enough. Thoughts?

Thanks for any help y'all can give.

ACE 1991

Oof did something weird to my lower back somehow. Gonna swap BB rows for the seated row machine for the rest of the week. I think I'm tweaking it with heavy SLDL, should probably deload a bit.


Nice night lifting, 370x4 on deadlift, felt really good. I've changed my diet to be cleaner, so no more deli meat. Tonight we made taco meat cooked in bacon fat, topped with sour cream, guac, veggies and habanero pepperjack cheese. Good solid keto meal.


Deadlifting and I don't know if something got trapped between the belt and my rib, or my rib moved, or a muscle tore... but something around my rib hurt all of a sudden and I couldn't continue without feeling it. Checked my form on the vid, nothing obviously wrong... Now I'm sat here panicking just hoping it's nothing.

Why? :(

I'm sorry man, I'm wondering if your age is perhaps catching up to you. I know it has started for me. If I don't sleep well I'm basically a train wreck. What can you do tho...
It's possibly related that wearing the belt at the moment is a nightmare. I just have no fat on me right now so it's on the last hole and sort of sitting under my ribs. Obviously not a good place for it.

I'm moving around very gingerly today. Managed to sleep on my back in one position to hopefully not make it worse and I'm crossing my fingers that I don't feel it all seizing up today. It's usually the day after an injury that I really feel it coming on.


505 Games Ltd
Drop the weight and go deeper, IMO. You are barely touching parallel. I'm no pro but that's not deep enough, IMO. It's probably also more dangerous for your knees to stop at parallel, too. Go deep.

I'm 6'3" and go as deep as physically possible. Quads are on my chest and hams are on my calves. Basically I look like an accordion at the bottom, despite taking a closer stance than most at my height. That's with a bad back and hip issues, too. Knees feel great, tho.

This is me at the bottom, high bar:

Also, I like pausing, myself. Not long but just enough to try to get rid of the insta-up. If i don't pause and just reverse direction my back says NO and I drop the weight.



Super late reply but better late than never. I used to go deep like that and actually pause down there for like 1-2 seconds before coming up. Why I choose not to do so anymore is basically explained here:


P.S. : Is Jacksinthe banned? What happened?
Looking a bit fat. Tried out a jacket I ordered. Everything was slim fit or athletic cut. Got a bit to go.

W2D1. got me doing squats MR10 @ a little over 80% of 1MR. MR10 - do as many reps up to 10. then do back off squats if i did at least 7-10.
Yup... the pain I'm starting to feel, I know it well.

I'm 95% certain I cracked a rib. Stupid fucking body. Not really sure what to do about deadlifting going forward, unless I just stop using the belt, but I don't really like the idea of that on my heaviest set.


Yup... the pain I'm starting to feel, I know it well.

I'm 95% certain I cracked a rib. Stupid fucking body. Not really sure what to do about deadlifting going forward, unless I just stop using the belt, but I don't really like the idea of that on my heaviest set.
Oh man sorry. That's a bummer. My shoulders gave way to all my swimming (and imperfect form) so I'm also having to make some changes :/
Ok, help me out bros. Tomorrow was supposed to be another weights day but if I do my normal compound stuff I'm almost certainly going to screw myself up longer term.

Soo.... anyone got an arms / shoulders / chest / upper back workout they can suggest? I need pretty much isolation only though (I appreciate the core is going to be involved a bit, but I can't be bracing massively like on OHP / Squat etc).
Looking a bit fat. Tried out a jacket I ordered. Everything was slim fit or athletic cut. Got a bit to go.

W2D1. got me doing squats MR10 @ a little over 80% of 1MR. MR10 - do as many reps up to 10. then do back off squats if i did at least 7-10.
Oops got weeks mixed up. It's volume day lmao


For the next few months I'll have to make do with a gym that has no barbells, just smith machines, so my bench press / squats / etc. will have to be done using them instead.

How much am I missing out on by using those machines instead? Is it just the added benefit of using stabiliser muscles?


215x4 on bench today. Felt really good. Of all my lifts, bench is improving the most right now. Which is great since it is my worst lift by a mile.

Also finally tried out my GHD machine. Just messed around with it, but feels good on the glutes. Might have to adjust it a bit more and watch some GHD machine videos just to make sure I'm doing it right.
Soo.... anyone got an arms / shoulders / chest / upper back workout they can suggest? I need pretty much isolation only though (I appreciate the core is going to be involved a bit, but I can't be bracing massively like on OHP / Squat etc).

Bah, you all suck. I think I'll just do one of the old P90X / Body Beast sessions.


Ok, help me out bros. Tomorrow was supposed to be another weights day but if I do my normal compound stuff I'm almost certainly going to screw myself up longer term.

Soo.... anyone got an arms / shoulders / chest / upper back workout they can suggest? I need pretty much isolation only though (I appreciate the core is going to be involved a bit, but I can't be bracing massively like on OHP / Squat etc).
I like Plate Presses for chest. I use a 25lb plate and go into the 20 rep range.

Deficit curls are my fave for biceps.


Do you guys think it's better to have a few rest days or just take a full week off?

On the rest days, should I do absolutely no intense exercises or should I do some cardio?

I think I really need to take some time off, but I'm scared I will gain weight if I do.


Junior Member
First post in awhile but I've been eating a vegetarian diet for the past two months and I feel amazing. I got a vitamix and I make two veggie smoothies with hemp protein powder and a ton of healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, and flax) and one or two rice and bean meals a day. Nothing processed, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy. I feel fucking amazing. And I'm beginning to rethink whether or not meat is really necessary for strength or size.


First post in awhile but I've been eating a vegetarian diet for the past two months and I feel amazing. I got a vitamix and I make two veggie smoothies with hemp protein powder and a ton of healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, and flax) and one or two rice and bean meals a day. Nothing processed, no sugar, no gluten, no dairy. I feel fucking amazing. And I'm beginning to rethink whether or not meat is really necessary for strength or size.

Good to hear from you dude! Also, vitamix is life. I love mine so much.
How much of a different will it make if I eat a banana right before I workout vs if I eat it about 25 min before? It may sound weird but I am wondering if it makes that much of a different in terms of fueling you for a workout.


Do you guys think it's better to have a few rest days or just take a full week off?

On the rest days, should I do absolutely no intense exercises or should I do some cardio?

I think I really need to take some time off, but I'm scared I will gain weight if I do.
Just take a week off if you feel tou need it., a week is inconsequential in the grand scheme. Do some light cardio if you feel like you need to do something. Having scheduled rest periods is important as that is when you actually build muscle/burn fat. Is during rest.


Junior Member
How much of a different will it make if I eat a banana right before I workout vs if I eat it about 25 min before? It may sound weird but I am wondering if it makes that much of a different in terms of fueling you for a workout.

Probably not much. But if you feel better one way or the other, do it.


Just had my first indoor compu-trainer time trial. What a fuckin blast! It was a 10-mile rolling course. I averaged 21.4mph/215 watts which leaves a lot of room for improvement, but I'll get there. Hit 442 watts on the climb to the finish. I'm hooked!
Nice one. Those aren't exactly bad numbers either!

(Remember, the lighter you are, the less outright power you have, but the more it'll actually count when you're out in the real world.)


Nice one. Those aren't exactly bad numbers either!

(Remember, the lighter you are, the less outright power you have, but the more it'll actually count when you're out in the real world.)

I know 215 isn't impressive, but I'm still getting used to that burn. My buddy averaged around 250/260 :0 Interestingly they asked us for our weight before the race and entered that into the software. I didn't realize how much tech went into all of this. It was amazing and I loved being able to see the course displayed on the screen. It also helped so that I knew when there was a grade change.

Side note: still feel like my bike posture isn't quite there. Swapped my 110 stem for a 90 and it helped, but still feel like I'm slightly leaning forward.

You look a little cramped there. I wouldn't be surprised if you wouldn't be better with your seat back a bit.

Did you have a proper fit yet?


You look a little cramped there. I wouldn't be surprised if you wouldn't be better with your seat back a bit.

Did you have a proper fit yet?

I have not been fitted properly, no. It's costly around here. I've been making adjustments here and there as I do more reading up on it. Today during the ride I felt that i had too much pressure on my bars. I'll mess with the saddle position more today (it is pretty far forward!).

Edit: yep that certainly helped! And my weight center moved back with it. Feels better! Thank you


Need some advice guys! I've been working out for quite some years now. Though not in it for the massive gains at all, it's motivating to see progression in your workouts and the weights you lift. I haven't seen any massive progression in the last year or so, mostly because of my weak wrists. Injured both my wrists several years ago pretty badly, and though it healed nicely they sure are weaker than they should be I think. And right now it feels like I've hit the limit of my wrists. If I go to the heavier weights my wrists start to hurt quite quickly. I've bought straps to strengthen my wrists while lifting weights and while they work, it isn't enough for my wrists to stop hurting.

So that has been the situation for quite some months now and it's really hurting my motivation to the point I'm not getting any energy out of it. Any tips for staying motivated?
Man, the whole gym crowd seems like such a joke sometimes.

I've been training in my gym almost non-stop the past 5 years and therefore know most of the regulars. So there is this guy who was always pretty buff and I know him very well. I always suspected him to juice a little as neither his training represents his look nor he eats/lives appropriately from what I heard (drinks hardcore every weekend).

He always denied to juice when I asked him about it and at some point I was just like, well, yeah, maybe he really doesn't take anything and I'm probably just jelly or something.

Yesterday evening every shred of doubt was lifted for me. This guy was barely lifting end of last year because apparently he worked a lot (or so he told me) and you could really tell as to how he shrinked. Lost huge amount of muscles and also a lot of his definition.

So fast forward 4-5 weeks yesterday I see him again and that guy literally blew up to his old top form again. I didn't say anything, I just laughed my ass off. It was so fucking funny.

That was really the last drop. For years I thought that at least this guy was natty as he is quite a regular. I will NEVER again believe a buff ectomorph to be natty. Fuck that bullshit about genetics.

If you can't gain fat easily, you'll have huge troubles gaining muscle as well. It's fucking biology.

So remember guys. You ever see some buff, shredded dude in the gym who is like: "Well, yeah, I don't really watch my nutrition because I don't get fat." it just means "I got a needle up my ass.". Don't take any advise of them seriously.
I've bought straps to strengthen my wrists while lifting weights and while they work, it isn't enough for my wrists to stop hurting.

Get better straps. The ones I originally used ended up being a lot like yours (shit for the job). The ones I have now are much thicker and longer so there's absolutely no movement / pressure on my wrists when doing OHP / Bench etc.


Speaking of getting old, I barely survived last week. My son has started practicing his new signature flying double knee drop on me.

If it wasn't for this extra layer of fat from the winter bulk, I think he would have broken me in half.

To all the future dads, make sure you work on your core.

ACE 1991

So like, what's the deal with recomps, and is it simply a matter at eating a bit over maintenance on lifting days and a bit under on rest days? Are they a real thing actually works (burn fat/put on muscle but both at a significantly slower pace than a traditional bulk/cut cycle)? I'm probably a few pounds away from wanting to cut, but the idea of stopping putting on size and really progressing depresses the shit out of me.


So like, what's the deal with recomps, and is it simply a matter at eating a bit over maintenance on lifting days and a bit under on rest days? Are they a real thing actually works (burn fat/put on muscle but both at a significantly slower pace than a traditional bulk/cut cycle)? I'm probably a few pounds away from wanting to cut, but the idea of stopping putting on size and really progressing depresses the shit out of me.

Basically yeah. There are some people like Johnie Candito that swear by recomping.
I have tried Vanilla Icecream and Chocolate Mint, both are really good imo. Prefer it mixed with milk rather than water. I usually use whole milk.

I just get Nature Made for Fish Oil. There may be a better one but I don't care enough for that level of minutia.

I'm not sure I understand the questions.

My weights sessions are fasted, my cardio not... but that's because there's not a human on earth that could do my trainer sessions without fuel. Heart rate gets up to 90%+ of max.

As for eating in my feeding period... yes? When else am I supposed to be eating? :p

Pick one of these... ideally one that says it's formulated to avoid fishy burps.


Ha! Disregard my question--I completely misread your post. :)

+1 for chocolate mint Gold Standard.

As for fish oil, there are some really weak pills out there in terms of EPA/DHA content. Check out how many milligrams of each you get per serving and check how many pills are in each serving. I eventually ended up using Dr.Tobias due to the value (mg per dollar). Not sure about mercury content. Edit: this is #17 on Psycho's list above.

Thanks for the responses, everyone.

I ended up getting the fish oil pills ranked #2 on that list, and I haven't had a single fish burp. A good sign, I think.


Reading through posts in this thread has me missing compound lifts so, so much. The gym situation in Oakland/Berkeley is pretty annoying. The campus gym is pretty fantastic, but it's expensive. And if it's anything like it was when I was a student, it's also very crowded.

There's a new City Sports Club opening nearby, but it's like 6 months behind schedule. Agh.

Guess I'll stick with the home workouts for now...


Sick as a dog with some chest cold/flu thing. Skipped lifting but sill ran today, but just 5 miles, nice an easy. Might have to cycle more and give swimmingming a break until things turn around.

Fake edit: indoor triathlon this weekend. Fuuuuu....


Pretty unlikely you'll still be ill by the weekend. Unless you're dying, and then you'll have a good excuse. :p
I'm doing it either way unless things get seriously bad. I've been looking forward to conquering my swimming anxiety during a race. I'll just show up in a Hazmat suit.


What is a good upper body/arm training regimen?

I'm just doing whatever right now with barbells, but I don't feel stronger even though I have better definition.
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