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Fitness |OT9|...You looked better before


Work and the heat have been killing me. Still maintaining at 215lbs but dehydration is making it difficult to keep my strength.

Bodyfat around 100%.

Lighting can make a huge difference...

Heh, the first one looks like a horror movie shot.

MTP is like Jason, but with a camera instead of a machete.
Love summertime, the sunshine motivates me to go outside every day.

No more gym membership, but I did get an Iron Gym bar. Time for a lot of bodyweight exercises and jogs.

Nelo Ice

So adipowers were so worth it. Tried high bar squats on Friday and it was almost too easy. I noticed the difference with chucks immediately. I was firmly planted to the ground and it felt like I barely had to do any work to keep my form straight.

Now I'm kinda excited to add a belt to my gym bag as soon as I have a reason to justify one.


Haven't checked in in a couple months.

I've maintained my cut over the past couple months pretty easily, even with 1-2 cheat meals a week.

Still doing more of a BB style workout program. I was pretty happy I pulled 315x10 on deads yesterday at 166lbs.


I definitely prefer being weaker and more defined than bigger and stronger.


My squat progress is coming along nicely. I'm going to aim for 5x5 for 115 today. Last time I did 110 5x5, which is 1.05x my bodyweight!

If only my overhead press could improve...


Haven't checked in in a couple months.

I've maintained my cut over the past couple months pretty easily, even with 1-2 cheat meals a week.

Still doing more of a BB style workout program. I was pretty happy I pulled 315x10 on deads yesterday at 166lbs.

I definitely prefer being weaker and more defined than bigger and stronger.

Great job, Sean. Can I be as "weak" as you?


Brian Burke punched my mom
Got my Legacy Lifters.


Tried them out for a few reps and they're lighter than my Romaleo 2s. Can't notice much of a difference yet but they feel very solid. The angle is different because the heel height is a little higher than 3/4".

FitGaf! Had my first outing in a bikini this season. A friend had a field day party for her birthday. Wore some cut off jean shorts, bikini and an open linen shirt over it. Got compliments on my "ripped stomach." Not even close, yall...but closer than I've ever been. I got to run around and throw waterballoons with my nephews without getting winded, the team I was on won and I didn't go over cal for the day. Definitely carrying this in the memory banks for next couple weeks of workouts. Days like yesterday make the early mornings and meal prep and stuff worth it.
FitGaf! Had my first outing in a bikini this season. A friend had a field day party for her birthday. Wore some cut off jean shorts, bikini and an open linen shirt over it. Got compliments on my "ripped stomach." Not even close, yall...but closer than I've ever been. I got to run around and throw waterballoons with my nephews without getting winded, the team I was on won and I didn't go over cal for the day. Definitely carrying this in the memory banks for next couple weeks of workouts. Days like yesterday make the early mornings and meal prep and stuff worth it.

There ya go, keep it up!


Question to fitgaf, how are the weightlifting shoes such as reebok legacy or Adidas adipowers for deadlifting?

I know they're great for squats but I haven't come across anything regarding deadlifting.


Question to fitgaf, how are the weightlifting shoes such as reebok legacy or Adidas adipowers for deadlifting?

I know they're great for squats but I haven't come across anything regarding deadlifting.
I can only comment on the adipowers.

Terrible. Because of the heel it feels like a weird deficit deadlift. I just wear chucks when I deadlift
^You wouldn't really want those for deadlifting, as you want your feet to be as close to the floor as possible. It'd be better to wear a flat shoe with little padding, like Converse.


Hey everyone!

I want to go to the gym this summer since it's been literally years since I last went, but I won't be able to continue going come september.

Is it worth joining for the next two months only? I fear running and exercising at home during the weekends won't be enough to keep me fit after I stop going to the gym.

I'm not overweight right now, since I have been eating moderately well, I just want to build some muscle and burn some excess fat.


Hey everyone!

I want to go to the gym this summer since it's been literally years since I last went, but I won't be able to continue going come september.

Is it worth joining for the next two months only? I fear running and exercising at home during the weekends won't be enough to keep me fit after I stop going to the gym.

I'm not overweight right now, since I have been eating moderately well, I just want to build some muscle and burn some excess fat.

Yeah lol why wouldn't it? Any gym is better than no gym.


Hey everyone!

I want to go to the gym this summer since it's been literally years since I last went, but I won't be able to continue going come september.

Is it worth joining for the next two months only? I fear running and exercising at home during the weekends won't be enough to keep me fit after I stop going to the gym.

I'm not overweight right now, since I have been eating moderately well, I just want to build some muscle and burn some excess fat.

Sign up then cancel when you're done.. But check with the gym if there's a notice period, one gym i've cancelled with said it needed a one month written notice - my current gym only needs the direct debit cancelled and that's it done end of month.


Actually, it's a promotion: You pay 2 months upfront and that's it, but you need to pay an initiation fee of sorts on top of the monthly fee if you want to keep attending after that period.

I just don't want to find myself unable to keep a certain level of fitness later. It should be easier to maintain muscle than to build it though, so I'll take the dip.

Thank you both!


That feel when every rep of every set of a 5 x 3 is rpe 9.5 but you keep busting reps and sacrifi e your soul for 5 reps on the final set.
If you can do five reps on your final set when you're just about doing 3 on all the rest, you're not using enough weight for the 3 reps. The body isn't magic, unless you're taking a quick shot of cocaine in your final rest period. :D


All sets were the same weight for all 5 sets. Each of the 5 sets was brutally hard, but I wound myself up for the amrap and hit a nice Rep PR in the process. So now I can maybe do a little more on this rep set scheme, but I am shifting into a higher volume block soon so I won't be using the 5 x 3 scheme for Strict Press for a couple months. So next time I am here with this lift I better be able to do more :D
So my gains have started slowing down. I started lifting weights about 20 months ago, i was steadily improving my max bench press by 10 lbs every 3 months, in april i had gotten up to 255lbs, but today i failed to do 265 lbs.

What is a realistic goal to aim for now as far as progress every 3 months? I'm 27, 6ft tall, 187 lbs. I workout 6 days a week. (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, Quads, Arms, Shoulders). I eat around 2750-3000 calories a day.

My chest workout is usually 3 sets of bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench (all superset with cable flys).


Gold Member
So my gains have started slowing down. I started lifting weights about 20 months ago, i was steadily improving my max bench press by 10 lbs every 3 months, in april i had gotten up to 255lbs, but today i failed to do 265 lbs.

What is a realistic goal to aim for now as far as progress every 3 months? I'm 27, 6ft tall, 187 lbs. I workout 6 days a week. (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, Quads, Arms, Shoulders). I eat around 2750-3000 calories a day.

My chest workout is usually 3 sets of bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench (all superset with cable flys).

My two cents: You posted your schedule by body part, but what major lifts do you do each day? "Shoulder day" can mean overhead presses or lateral raises, but the former will do a hell of a lot more for you than the latter.

Maybe I'm wrong, but my first guess is that you're doing too much isolation work and not enough compound heavy lifts.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Did 315 5x10 paused squats after working in the heat this evening. Felt like puking and could have just collapsed and took a nap after the fourth set. Didn't bother doing anything else lol.


So my gains have started slowing down. I started lifting weights about 20 months ago, i was steadily improving my max bench press by 10 lbs every 3 months, in april i had gotten up to 255lbs, but today i failed to do 265 lbs.

What is a realistic goal to aim for now as far as progress every 3 months? I'm 27, 6ft tall, 187 lbs. I workout 6 days a week. (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, Quads, Arms, Shoulders). I eat around 2750-3000 calories a day.

My chest workout is usually 3 sets of bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench (all superset with cable flys).

What's your routine for each day and have you been doing it for 20 months?

Like VenomousCoffee says, you could be focusing more on the isolation exercises than the big lifts.

Though tbh after the initial beginner gains at the start - progressing lifts will slow down the heavier you go up so to an extent - it's to be expected to slow down at points.


So my gains have started slowing down. I started lifting weights about 20 months ago, i was steadily improving my max bench press by 10 lbs every 3 months, in april i had gotten up to 255lbs, but today i failed to do 265 lbs.

What is a realistic goal to aim for now as far as progress every 3 months? I'm 27, 6ft tall, 187 lbs. I workout 6 days a week. (Hamstrings, Chest, Back, Quads, Arms, Shoulders). I eat around 2750-3000 calories a day.

My chest workout is usually 3 sets of bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench (all superset with cable flys).

Law of Diminishing returns. The more you do something the more you adapt to it, the better you get at something the harder it is to get better. You might just need to change your approach somewhere in order to keep making progress.


After a two week break from legs to heal my pulled hamstring, I hit squats again.

I turned out a decent effort. I was able to hit 315 2x5. I dropped to 275 for the last set. I felt fine, but I was still in safe mode.
so i am trying to get into reasonable shape by the time summer ends. I have been running for the past couple weeks, but I recently have been having issues with groin/testicle pain (an issue that has surfaced before..) so I'm trying to lay off the running until I get to see a doctor about it. Anyways, I have been wanting to incorporate strength training into my routine, but I have little money and can't afford a gym membership, so therefore I can't actually lift weights. Can anyone recommend me a good bodyweight exercise routine that would help me reach my goals? I am also weak af, and can't do multiple push ups (lol), or a pull up/chin up, but I am looking to change that!!

Any help would be appreciated!! (Also I don't think the groin pain would affect other exercise, it has only ever happened to me after running or doing elliptical or something, never any other exercise, but I am getting to the doctor, so yeah)
Haven't checked in in a couple months.

I've maintained my cut over the past couple months pretty easily, even with 1-2 cheat meals a week.

Still doing more of a BB style workout program. I was pretty happy I pulled 315x10 on deads yesterday at 166lbs.

I definitely prefer being weaker and more defined than bigger and stronger.

I prefer aesthetics as well and am still kicking myself for all those binge "bulking" sessions where I really was just putting on fat. Oh well, lesson learned.

Work and the heat have been killing me. Still maintaining at 215lbs but dehydration is making it difficult to keep my strength.

Bodyfat around 100%.

Lighting can make a huge difference...

For real. I always strategically plan my pics I post on IG. Gotta look good 24/7 lmao.
Been doing intermittent fasting this week in an effort to cut... not very fun :<

Best of luck, never tried any form of fasting and don't plan on it... Fasting sounds brutal and I've always had great success eating at the same times as when i bulk, just a lot less calories of course.


Can someone list what they eat on a normal day? Looking to lean bulk
Is this the right thread to ask?

No idea if i'm doing it right but I'll throw it out there

NuGo Vegan Protein Bar
Shake (Spinach + Cucumber + Banana + Pineapple + Orgain Vegan Protein Powder)

Almonds, Kale, Carrots (all raw)

Rice (Brown Rice, Green Beans, Broccoli, Peas, Brussel Sprouts)
Oatmeal if I'm still hungry

All that is consumed between 10am and 4pm. Dried Cranberries and Kind Granola are my weaknesses that work their way in there sometimes.
Can someone list what they eat on a normal day? Looking to lean bulk
Is this the right thread to ask?

Pancakes made of oats, eggs, low fat yogurt, berries, blended together and covered in peanut butter and cinnamon.

Apple and a protein bar for snack

Post workout protein shake, rice, chicken, vegetables.

Peanuts and dark chocolate almonds for snack

Vegetables and tuna for dinner
Can someone list what they eat on a normal day? Looking to lean bulk
Is this the right thread to ask?

1. breakfast: I whole grain toast, 1 egg and 3 egg whites, 2 slices of sliced turkey, coffee

2. lunch: broccoli, or another veggie (not a big fan), plus 1 can of tunna or chicken breast, or steak, some carbs like rice or pasta

3. before workout around 3pm: protein bar, some almonds, nuts

4.after work out (usually 6pm): a protein shake, sometimes I double scoop

5. dinner: usually 7-8pm: steak, fish, or chicke breast. I can eat rice, or past, or veggies.

before bed: sometimes I am hungry and I will eat some Halo top ice cream (awesome), or some nuts, or another protein bar

during weekends: I usually drink a bottle of wine with my wife saturday night, with steak, shrimp, cheese, chips, etc.. I don't regulate anything when I am drinking
Sundays I usually grill steaks and brats, with beer (sometimes a lot).


the piano man
No idea if i'm doing it right but I'll throw it out there

NuGo Vegan Protein Bar
Shake (Spinach + Cucumber + Banana + Pineapple + Orgain Vegan Protein Powder)

Almonds, Kale, Carrots (all raw)

Rice (Brown Rice, Green Beans, Broccoli, Peas, Brussel Sprouts)
Oatmeal if I'm still hungry

All that is consumed between 10am and 4pm. Dried Cranberries and Kind Granola are my weaknesses that work their way in there sometimes.

all this seems a bit too low-caloric for a bulk diet, is it possible to grow mass eating this exclusively?

Nelo Ice

Damn its either a placebo effect or adipowers are just amazing. I was struggling during the first 2 weeks of this 5/3/1 cycle to hit the min reps on bench for the 1s set. So I was expecting to to fail my sets on 5/3/1 week today. Instead I managed to hit all the minimums on all my sets.


Neo Member
No idea if i'm doing it right but I'll throw it out there

NuGo Vegan Protein Bar
Shake (Spinach + Cucumber + Banana + Pineapple + Orgain Vegan Protein Powder)

Almonds, Kale, Carrots (all raw)

Rice (Brown Rice, Green Beans, Broccoli, Peas, Brussel Sprouts)
Oatmeal if I'm still hungry

All that is consumed between 10am and 4pm. Dried Cranberries and Kind Granola are my weaknesses that work their way in there sometimes.
I would highly recommend adding in lentils and beans to your diet if you don't already eat them, as it looks like your diet lacks some protein


MINI Member
So I needed to do something about my fitness. I had really let myself go the last few years and the only exercise I've been doing was soccer training and a game once a week. Diet was also shocking.

Signed up to f45 about 4 months ago and it has been awesome. Good crew and it just works for my life (5:15am class and I am home by 5 past 6, showered and at work by 7am for my long ass day).

Anyway, I recently won the 8 week challenge (at my local gym) dropping 7.9 kg, 6% of body fat and have dramatically improved my fitness.

See below link to my 8 week challenge results which I am pretty happy with. Overall for the 16 or so weeks I have been working on myself, I have lost over 10 kg.


I really want to gain some more muscle. I stopped doing one of the cardio classes (classes are generally a mix of resistance and cardio but the focus is more to one or the other on alternate days). I've also upped the weights anytime they are involved.

Does anyone have any tips. I don;t want to be much larger but just lose the last bit of belly fat and increase overall size slightly. I don;t want to look puffy though, just lean and toned.

Any tips are appreciated!


Fun side story.

My son is a whirlwind of energy. He was running around playing with his toys. I told me to go slow.

Somehow, he switched the letters in the word. So, now he's running around screaming swole.
Can someone list what they eat on a normal day? Looking to lean bulk
Is this the right thread to ask?

Shake (vegan protein/nutrition mix, coffee, whole milk)

Mid-morning snack:
Oatmega Lemon Chia Bar

This week prep is ~520 cals of hash (ground turkey, peppers, onions, green chili's, sweet potatoes)

Afternoon snack:
Peanut butter packet, Avocado with a little lemon, boiled egg, Salmon/Turkey jerky or Nuts

Usually seafood or chicken, some sort of rice or pasta and brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli or spinach

Evening snack:
If I have the cals for it I have a protein cookie, some halo top or a couple spoonfuls of cream cheese ice cream

Hope that is helpful. Dunno how "lean/bulk" it is.

I am trying to gain and have done okay so far, but it's been slow because I still really like running.


Brian Burke punched my mom
The 50 paused reps gave me serious doms and I decided to go squat a 5x5 today...Should have taken the day off until the soreness went away. I got all my reps but it was way too hard. Felt like I was at half power and every 4-5th rep was a grinder. &#128563;


Quarter squatting should be abolished. Seen a guy in the gym with 455 on the bar. That's pretty big weight for a commercial gym. This dude even had on knee wraps. Such a disappointment when he stopped a quarter of the way down. I should have known better cause he had on a Valeo belt and sneakers.
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